Does free will genuinely exist, or are our lives each self governed by Universal Orchestration, and thus, no matter what we choose to do we will always end up where we need to be at the right time and place?

The free will argument goes as follows: we each have choices. We each have the ability to make decisions; decisions of thought, decisions of processes to apply, decisions of attitudes, decisions of activities and creativity and states to feel. You are fully responsible for your life, you create your reality, you are responsible as the agent who makes everything happen externally to you and everyone around you responds to your vibration. You are in the drivers seat.


Determinism. Also knows as 'fate' or 'destiny' or a go-with-the-flow method. Bashar has stated to questioners sometimes, "Do you trust your timing? Do you trust your life will unfold in the perfect manner exactly as it needs to?" and, "The universe doesn't give you what you want, it gives you what you need." Determinism states your destiny is already pre-paved, so no point trying to change your future or destiny or try too hard to make things happen. If something is meant to happen it will. If it is not meant to be, it wont. No need to fret!

Now whilst these two opposite views exist, there is something else I want to include, which is my genuine question- The Law of Attraction.

If someone operates from a free-will belief, then they will get more beliefs and events that show them or prove to them that free will is the real deal.

Likewise, if someone believes destiny what rules the universe, (Eg: We are destined to die one day and return to nonphysical), then they ought to get more evidence of destiny etc....

Is this largely accurate? Do you believe in free will, determinism, or a combination of the two (compatibilism)?

asked 16 Oct '18, 01:42

Nikulas's gravatar image


There's no such thing as free will.

Everyone must play their part in the Universe. That's the thing with happiness and following(key word) your highest excitement. Universe wants you to do certain things. It lures you with happiness. If you do not follow your excitements you won't be happy and will feel empty.

How is that free will?


answered 18 Oct '18, 16:02

Marin's gravatar image


Yes, its like we prefer and have preference for certain things. If I follow path A (my excitement) then I feel good and happy. If I follow path B (something I don't feel like doing for example) then I end up feeling empty and shallow or mentally drained. Based on those two options, you can say you have free will to choose A or B. But looking deeper, you are motivated to go to pleasure and avoid pain. So yes, it doesn't seem like genuine free-reign or control after all...

(18 Oct '18, 21:08) Nikulas

It seems that if one says "yes we have free will and the ability to choose", then I argue that the choices they have available to them are confined and boxed in. It also appears to be the case that if one has say 10 choices of things they can do, out of those 10 things, maybe only 2 or 3 will feel good or feel logical to pursue. And out of those 2 or 3 choices, one may seem more enjoyable to pursue than the rest. Free-will appears to be just the process of making up ones mind; the process

(18 Oct '18, 21:14) Nikulas

of making up ones mind appears to happen more or less automatically, or if the universe is playing the game as well, the universe will set up coincidences to narrow down choices....Free will definitely seems to be an empty concept to me. Having said that, I don't feel like a victim or disempowered just because there may be no free will. Having no free will allows me to reduce any inner tension of inner conflict by a lot, and lets me decide, "Well, if something is fated to be, then it will."

(18 Oct '18, 21:16) Nikulas

@Marin: can you elaborate more? I am interested to hear your point of view

(18 Oct '18, 21:18) Nikulas

It just seems like a logical consequence of the things that are being preached when it comes to LOA and spirituality. Now, if you look closely, you will see there are rules everywhere. You won't get a thing you want with all of your heart unless you "align" with it. That is the rule. There are no exceptions.

I always wondered, and still wonder, how people decide what will their profession be. Why would someone choose to be a professional badminton player and not a tennis player?

(19 Oct '18, 11:49) Marin

The two sports are basically the same. Judo and wrestling is an even better examle. But still, people choose one of the two. Or do they really? I would say that the choice is not theirs. It is how it's supposed to be. I mean, as far as I know, there are no biological nor cognitive reasons for one to have a preference for one and not the other.

I remember Bashar saying that everyone has a unique vibration and is just a puzzlepiece which is a perfect fit into all that is. You achieve

(19 Oct '18, 11:50) Marin

that vibration by following your excitements. Therefore, if you choose to do something else you will not be yourself, literally. And not being yourself is a bad thig, right? But who exactly decided who that ā€˛yourself" is? It wasn't you, right?

To conclude this sloppy response: everything seems to be structured somehow. I do not see how free will can be a thing in a system like that.

(19 Oct '18, 11:51) Marin
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

free will exists, as choices
consciously made, if you do
without reason it is
forfited to slavery


answered 19 Oct '18, 18:08

fred's gravatar image


As Bashar would say: "Not this or that, but this and that." We are both predetermined and absolutely free.

This question is brought up in Thorwald Dethlefsen's classic, The Challenge of Fate. "Determinism and free will are two poles which condition one another and belong together and are not mutually exclusive as is widely believed. As with every polarity our understanding finds it difficult, if not impossible to grasp how these two poles can exist simultaneously. Yet one cannot live without the other and vice versa. They depend on each other like light and darkness, breathing in and breathing out. Therefore the way to freedom is through the accomplishment of the law of fate.

The paradoxical truth is, only by submitting to law can one be free. Yet the majority try to achieve freedom through arbitrary willfulness, not realizing that this way leads to loss of freedom. Suffering is merely the friction that arises between the human being and the laws of this world. To fulfill the law means to no longer experience friction...Thus Crowley writes: 'Each human being should be like a star and follow his own path.' A star is free so long as it follows its own trajectory. The loss of freedom only begins with departure from the path."

Back to Bashar, he emphasizes that in surrendering, we are firmly in control. Same idea.

"You are completely in control by flowing along the lines of least resistance. Thus, it does not feel like you have to steer. The only time it feels like you have to do the steering is when you fight your own ecstasy. Giving in to your own ecstasy, surrendering, quote/unquote, to the universal flow of things allows you to know that you are squarely in control. Because then it is effortless to create the reality you prefer, because you are drawing everything in parallel lines, and not going against the flow."


answered 30 Dec '18, 13:56

Delphine's gravatar image


edited 30 Dec '18, 14:06

I believe these are the same thing. We like to say hot and cold are opposites. The boiling point of water is 212 degrees, we can say yes that is hot. The freezing point of water is 32 degrees and we can say that is cold. Now compare the boiling point of water to the temperature of the sun, 212 degrees is freezing cold compared to the sun! The same for the freezing point of water, compared to the vacuum of outer space 32 degrees is boiling hot!

They are not opposites but varying degrees of the same thing.

So if we look at free will we see this operates from a level of consciousness mostly in beta awareness. But the other part of the spectrum you have everything is determined. This is not the same level, this is an unaware level, the same as karma.

To see this level is to see not the self but humanity as one so something that seems random could be something affected from our choices or others choices like humanity is a giant machine, we turn a gear, and all other gears are affected, others turn gears and all other gears are affected.

So from this view we need to think of our consciousness as part of the fabric of all consciousness thus all in various ways affecting each other and without this awareness it seems as if we are tossed around wandering here and there and thinking everything is luck or predestined. The kicker here is maybe this is more than that, maybe it's also through all time, now that is a complex brain!


answered 01 Jan '19, 02:37

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 01 Jan '19, 02:43

destiny/ determinism is the context of your existence,
free will, the unlimited capability when reasonably chosen

(16 Jan '19, 17:53) fred

They are not opposites but varying degrees of the same thing." or quoting @jaz, different polarities of the same type of energy.

(19 Jan '19, 00:49) ele

ele, my shoelaces break, perhaps i bind my feet too tightly, awareness after the fact of choice made

(04 Feb '19, 19:02) fred
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

we do not have control even on what happens within us. For example, in one's mind around 60000-80000 ( thoughts are unconsciously created daily, and whatever action one performs (in thinking, speaking and acting) consciously or unconsciously is also recorded so that memory is made possible. Such great activities of creation and recording are automatically done just like blood automatically flows from a cut whether it is caused by a blade by choice or by chance. Mind does that creation of thoughts, and our intellect chooses from them what is beneficial and wasteful.

Everything that happens is a process which has a beginning and end with many factors and forces acting in between. Hence our part is too little to measure, and I am just an instrument. This concept is contained in the Sanskrit word nimith (meaning 'I just happened to be an instrument through which something happened). This attitude would help us not to feel elated over the pleasant and not to grieve over the unpleasant.


answered 19 Oct '18, 03:35

T%20D%20Joseph's gravatar image

T D Joseph

I believe it depends if you consider yourself as being the core being (the inner being) or the physical being... by default I conceive my inner-being as separate if I use my mind to decide this.

If I try to feel an answer to this question, I feel that I am totally free even if my life doesn't show it always.

If there is a destiny... it might have been chosen by us as a way of experiencing lights and shadows. This would still be a free will choice.

I think the work indeed is "to reverse the evidence of our physical senses " as Charles Haannel mentions and to not completely loose oneself in the physical illusion (even if this seems to be the actual reality).


answered 26 Jan '19, 02:39

White%20Elf's gravatar image

White Elf

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