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We in America have what is called "The American Dream". Grow up a happy kid, go to college, get married, buy a house, drive a nice car, have two kids, and so on....A lot of people seem to aspire to nothing more.

But there is much, much more to life than having the best Jeep Grand Cherokee on the block. We at IQ talk a lot of lofty stuff, but in reality, I have no idea if you actually "practice what you preach".

Are you leaders in your private life? Do you share your faith in whatever you believe with other people? This is really something that takes a lot of courage. Do you struggle with this? I know I do sometimes. It sometimes seems easier to just be a sheep. With the Presidential Election coming up, I often wonder if people just vote like lemmings, or if they take the time to really study the people nominated to run for office. This is just an example, and not meant to start a political don't!

I know I have asked a lot of questions here, but what I guess I really am asking is if you put your spiritual beliefs into practice...or not. It is easier to just go along with the people around us. It is much harder to be a leader. Sometimes, we are followers, even if it leads us off a cliff. It is easier to see your friends and family walk off that cliff than to try to turn them around to a better path.

God has given us the responsibility to be good Shepherds, rather than watch the sheep fall off a cliff...For example, you know of someone who is depressed, and you do nothing.

This actually happened to me in a convenience store. A man who occasionally comes to my church was there, ranting and raving about getting even with his ex-wife, perhaps by robbing the store. I went to him, and simply asked him if he was going to be at Bible Study this week. He was taken aback, grew quieter, and left the store. The easy path would have been to get my purchases and leave, but I didn't. I was actually scared of him- he was blasted high on some sort of drug or other- but it seemed that just simply treating him normally and reminding him about Church seemed to calm him.

When you do nothing about a problem, you are actually contributing to it.

What do you all say?

In True Peace,

Jai (with help from Wade)

asked 12 Aug '12, 13:11

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wikified 12 Aug '12, 14:00

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Barry Allen ♦♦


I don't think we should look at ourselves in duality, we're all sheep, just some of us find the shepherd within. But still we shall lead ourselves only. An awaken sheep shall only help to awaken others, but not lead them. For sheep leading a sheep defies the concept of awakening.

(13 Aug '12, 13:07) CalonLan

The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

(13 Aug '12, 20:11) white tiger
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we all are both. people consider me a teacher. But when it comes down to it, it is really a learning experience about myself. when i have accomplished helping someone one of two things happen, i learn hat all my esteem issues are revealed, and i remind myself i am truly helping or i learn somthing from that person that has so much importance in my life. So either way we all are teachers and students. NO matter what.

love n light



answered 14 Aug '12, 22:04

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TReb Bor yit-NE

@Treb Bor yit-NE Nice answer Rob - that's my feeling as well.

(15 Aug '12, 13:26) Catherine

Excellent point. We are all both.

(15 Aug '12, 15:18) Grace

For example, you know of someone who is depressed, and you do nothing.

I know a lot of people like that, and I leave them be that way.

I can be light of inspiration that shines, but I cannot go and force to open their eyes to see it. If they want to have them shut, I let them.

If my own life is not strong enough example to inspire people to change their ways and see they can live much fuller and happier life, then there's nothing else I shall do.

I seek to control nobody, but myself.


answered 13 Aug '12, 11:13

CalonLan's gravatar image


edited 13 Aug '12, 11:16

It is not about controlling, just revealing, the choice is always theirs to make in the end. If a mother didn't care to tell her child that to walk into the street is dangerous, the child would not have that information to make an informed decisioned. If she didn't say fire hurts don't touch, the child could not make an informed decision. When you see people are miserable and know you can help but refuse to help even if just praying for them, letting them know you are there for them, why not?

(13 Aug '12, 11:27) Wade Casaldi

Yes, but I had the notion we're talking about adults, not children where it makes sense to guide them.

As for adults, I'm already helping by being my best. And again, I can only show them one of many ways, they must go the distance themselves. I can tell someone not to touch hot stove, but I can't keep guard over them.

(13 Aug '12, 13:04) CalonLan

That is a metaphor when you are in a happy place and someone your care about is in a miserable place it is very much like you are the adult and that person the child. Or to put it another way, you are the one that sees and that person is the one lost in the darkness of despair. I agree about being the example and wrote that above. We can not nor should we force someone. As it says in the movie "A Perfect Stranger" God will not force anyone to love him so he will not make everything perfect.

(13 Aug '12, 13:18) Wade Casaldi

wade the choice should be made in the beguinning not in thy end. but yes it is never to late to make the right choice. some time you stomble but you get back on your feet and start walking again.

(13 Aug '12, 21:06) white tiger
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While in church God blessed me with a spiritual vision of a giant plank like on a ship. Millions of people were in a line on this plank all walking forward with their heads downcast so they could not see where they were walking. All of them were walking right off that plank falling for miles into this deep fiery pit.

As I was watching this I felt like that I was standing there watching them go by. I was wondering what this was about. Why I was seeing this, and why wasn't anyone doing anything about it?!? Then it hit me like a lead block! This is why I am seeing this! Am I just going to stand idly by and watch my family, friends and even these strangers go shuffling past to their doom? I am there not to be an observer but a beacon of light and a guide to show them there is a better way!

If I stand by and watch them depressed, or taking drugs, or anything that would ruin them, then I am saying this is all right, I approve of this, go right ahead.

If I watch a child walk out into traffic right past me and do nothing it is my fault that child was killed!

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There used to be a video game called Lemmings and these Lemmings would all fallow each other right over a cliff to their death. It was your job to constantly keep them from killing themselves accidentally. As Christians we are the good shepherds God entrust us to be.

We can't save everyone but those we can save it matters to them.

There was a little girl walking along a beach saving jelly fish throwing them back into the sea. Along came a man that said, "It is no use you will never save them all! It doesn't matter there are too many." The little girl kept picking them up and ignored the man and then turned to him and said, "I am sure it mattered to that one I just saved." She kept at it saving them as much as she could and it did matter to the ones she saved!


answered 12 Aug '12, 13:37

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Wade Casaldi

edited 12 Aug '12, 14:02


wade the flesh is flesh and the spirit is spirit, it is not what you put in your mouth that will defile you it is what comes out of it. but of course i agree with you that if you take alcool or drugs and are not responsible enuff then you will cause problem for your self and other and will eventually defile your self. if you would have know the beguinning you would have know they end.let there be light,be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.

(12 Aug '12, 13:47) white tiger

then wade if you are the good sheppard stay in truth and show them the gate. let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.

(13 Aug '12, 20:16) white tiger

I am a questioner, not a follower and that includes religion. My research has found that the bible was never meant to be taken literally. In Galatians 4 Paul gives an excellent example of the true meaning of a story that was written allegorically. The bible often says it is speaking with "dark sayings" (hidden meanings). The bible covers everything from the physical, the spiritual, the intellect, astrology, anatomy, and emotional. Rabbi Moses Maimonides has some sound advice on how to determine whether something was written allegorically, symbolically or otherwise.

“Every time that you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit.” Moses Maimonides - Jewish Theologian, historian, Talmudist, philosopher and physician. 1135-1205 C.E.

"Do not judge others - you do not know their soul contract." Matthew Ward


answered 13 Aug '12, 09:12

crosby's gravatar image


All it is saying is are you a leader or follower? If you choose to be a leader set a good example, be compassionate, because you are responsible for all the others that look to you whether you know they do or not.

Simple logic here not some hidden stuff like you think.

(13 Aug '12, 11:35) Wade Casaldi

I was talking the "Bible" not what Jai posted.I only mentioned the bible because Jai mentioned "Bible Study" and "Church."If you're going to study the bible it would be best to be as well informed as to how the bible was meant to be interpreted, wouldn't you agree? And no, the question was not whether you are a leader or follower.It asked- Are you a sheep or a shepherd? A shepherd is not necessarily a leader. It can also mean "a keeper or herder of sheep." An ulterior motive could be involved.

(13 Aug '12, 14:31) crosby

well crosby, the bible give guidance, for the carnal and the spiritual(eyes that see and ears that hear.) example: where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. do you know that the real word is not tempted but agonize. according from the first scripture. and yes when you agonize you will see your inner darkness. example:you get mad at someone and are piss off you are darkness and not light.

(13 Aug '12, 20:31) white tiger

if you would meditate long enuff you would see that( example: 40 days) then you would see that yes someone did something that piss you off but, staying trap in that darkness only harm your self not the person that you are mad at, it is not because they are trap in darkness that you should also be trap in it, you do not like that darkness in the first place, then why stay in darkness? it does not help people that do those things to you and it will not help you either. why cast stone?

(13 Aug '12, 20:38) white tiger

DO NOT JUDGE OR YOU WILL BE JUDGE WITH THE SAME MESURE. PRETTY SIMPLE TRUTH TO FOLLOW,all is writen, who gave you those rules in the bible? the same one that meditated 40 days in the desert,was born of water and the spirit through that narrow gate,that went above and knee that he came from above before coming to this world. one of the sons of God.God of light spirit and truth, did you accept is testimony?

(13 Aug '12, 20:45) white tiger

Exactly what does this have to do with being either a sheep or a shepherd? Perhaps you need to start a new thread. I said I was a questioner and not a follower. By the way, I should give credit to the one who is known for that quotation. His name is Leonardo Da Vinci. Not being a follower means I am not a "sheep" but that does not automatically make me a shepherd either.

(13 Aug '12, 22:38) crosby

DO NOT JUDGE OR YOU WILL BE JUDGE WITH THE SAME MESURE. PRETTY SIMPLE TRUTH TO FOLLOW,all is writen, who gave you those rules in the bible? the same one that meditated 40 days in the desert,was born of water and the spirit through that narrow gate,that went above and knee that he came from above before coming to this world. one of the sons of God.God of light spirit and truth, did you accept is testimony? white tiger


When you speak of the "one that meditated 40 days in the desert", I assume you are speaking of the biblical character known as Jesus. I see you take everything said about that man LITERALLY and not allegorically as you are told to by the bible. The Proof lies in the book of Revelation.

"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." Revelation 11:8

That verse explains that "Sodom" and "Egypt" are not physical places, but are allegories meaning they are spiritual in nature and it refutes the whole of the Gospel accounts of a physical crucifixion of the man Jesus in Jerusalem. The death and crucifixion was that of divine soul on the cross of the flesh, and in no sense that of fleshly body on a cross of wood. By the way, the word 'Jerusalem' can either mean the physical city here on earth or it can mean a place in the spiritual realm (higher levels of consciousness).

(13 Aug '12, 22:54) crosby

white tiger wrote: if you would meditate long enuff you would see that( example: 40 days) then you would see that yes someone did something that piss you off but, staying trap in that darkness only harm your self not the person that you are mad at, it is not because they are trap in darkness that you should also be trap in it, you do not like that darkness in the first place, then why stay in darkness? it does not help people that do those things to you and it will not help you either. why cast stone?


To meditate means to be without thought; to still the mind; to quiet the mind. There are biblical verses that say just that. "take no thought", "take ye no thought", "**be still"*, and "study to be quiet." So, "no", if one meditates correctly you will not think of someone who has pissed you off; you will not be trapped in darkness. Meditation, if done correctly does exactly the opposite. And, to meditate for 40 days (being without thought) does not appeal to reason and common sense, therefore, it is probably symbolic and not to be taken literally.

(14 Aug '12, 09:56) crosby

@crosby - I have converted your 2 other answers to comments. Please answer only once per question. If you wish to add more, or another point of view, to an existing answer, edit the answer you have already written to include it rather than creating a new one.

Please use the comments feature ("add new comment" link) within the site for making comments.

(14 Aug '12, 12:38) Kathleen Kelly ♦♦

well crosby the way i see it the bible was writen by men for men according to the understanding that they add back then. and many could not accept the truth, even today some people cannot accept the truth. that is why that the bible is two fold. that is why you need eyes to see and ears to hear. is it not said the truth will set you free. but if you do not accept the truth, then you are not free. and yes jesus gave all the truth. i am the way the truth and the life. and yes by jealousy-

(14 Aug '12, 19:32) white tiger

and arrogance (their own darkness) they put him on the cross they did that evil deeds. you cannot close your eyes to this just look in the world right now and you see some people doing the same things,to meditate means to observe and be aware. the water of the mind that is where you need to start. until you make that water pure and holy you will not be born of water and born of spirit. who is the witness in you? is it not you? what would be the perpace to still the mind?

(14 Aug '12, 19:54) white tiger

if that would be the only thing done in meditation that would not serve you. The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. you still have much more to learn and experience crosby. here is a fee key to the kingdom. This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

(14 Aug '12, 20:07) white tiger when you will meditate be born of water and born of spirit and cross the narrow gate and go above, then you will know that it is the truth that i am telling you.

(14 Aug '12, 20:18) white tiger

well crosby the way i see it the bible was writen by men for men according to the understanding that they add back then. and many could not accept the truth, even today some people cannot accept the truth. that is why that the bible is two fold. that is why you need eyes to see and ears to hear. is it not said the truth will set you free. but if you do not accept the truth, then you are not free. and yes jesus gave all the truth. i am the way the truth and the life. and yes by jealousy- white tiger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, but the truth does NOT set you free. It makes you very, very angry. And why do you think the people's understanding "back then" was inferior to ours today? If anything, it was far superior!! I see you still insist that "Jesus" was a physical being in spite of what you're told in Revelation 11:8. I see no point in continuing this debate if you refuse to follow the instructions in your own bible about not taking it literally but allegorically. Examples:


1 - All of Jesus’ words were symbolic. There was nothing to be taken literally.

  • All these things spoke Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spoke he not unto them: Matthew 13:34

2 - Here you are being told as clearly as possible that you should not take the scriptures literally.

  • Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life. 2 Corinthians 3:6

3 - The Bible is telling us that you must begin to understand, not with the brain, but with the heart, or the Spirit. Dark sayings of old are simply words that have Hidden Meanings.

    • I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Psalms 78:2

4 – The text was written almost 2000 years ago and they are talking about dark sayings “of old.”

    • To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. Proverbs 1:6

5 – The Bible tells you right straight to your face that the stories are allegory!!

    • Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. Galatians 4:24 (This is the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar/Agar)

6 - The Bible itself makes it very clear to us that these things are not to be taken literal.

    • But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Romans 2:29

7 – The “Temple” has nothing to do with a physical building.

*- Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Acts 7:48

    • Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

8 - This verse explains that "Sodom" and "Egypt" are not physical places, but are allegories meaning they are spiritual in nature and it refutes the whole of the Gospel accounts of a physical crucifixion of the man Jesus in Jerusalem.

    • "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." Revelation 11:8

9 – We’re told to serve in the Spirit and not in the “letter” (written words).

  • – “We should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter." Romans 7:6

10 - Here it says god ordained the hidden wisdom, even before the world.

    • But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, [even] the hidden [wisdom], which God ordained before the world unto our glory. 1 Corinthians 2:7

11 – God orders riddles.

    • Son of man put forth a riddle and speak a parable unto the house of Israel. Ezek. 17:2

12 - And here its Gods honour to conceal things, and make you figure it out.

    • It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but honour of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:

13 – Jesus says we do not know the scriptures and are in error.

    • "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God." Matthew 22:29
(15 Aug '12, 00:44) crosby

crosby if you do not accept the truth and it makes you angry. then you know where you stand. and it is your choice not mine. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one.

But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me.

(15 Aug '12, 13:12) white tiger
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jai the flesh is flesh and the spirit is spirit, this world is in darkness the children came to this world empty and seek to return empty. they have free will and are responsible of it to the last day. in truth you can help your brother and sister according to your free will. but if they do not want to be help or are not ready to be help then let them be,it is their choice. they cannot say that you did not try. God the father see all of this. do not worry. the best way to help other his by helping are self to be the light that we can be, so let there be light,be the light that you can be,experience and enjoy.


answered 12 Aug '12, 13:28

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white tiger

edited 13 Aug '12, 21:01

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