This question is marked "community wiki".

'm new to i was reading what ppl asked and most seem to ask about seeing an eye. Now...i've had a different experience. After 2hrs and some mins meditating i saw a cricle with a cross within it and within the same min. I then saw 3 eyes...each within a triangle. I'm sorry but it has me spooked and i havent meditated. Can someone plz give me advice on this i miss meditating................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

asked 25 Feb '16, 21:18

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Van hellsing

@Van hellsing, I'm sorry but I am going to have to close your question because you tried to bypass the 1,000 character minimum limit. The limit exists to prevent abuse and we enforce it strictly. If we allow any exceptions, people will find ways to bypass the limit. There was a clear warning on the "Ask Question" page that questions that don't reach the limit will be closed. Every question can have more genuine detail added so I suggest you re-ask your question with more information. Thanks.

(26 Feb '16, 00:43) IQ Moderator ♦♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Vague question / Question does not contain enough detail" by IQ Moderator 26 Feb '16, 00:43

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