I have been thinking a lot about the structures of our society.

It seems to me, at the moment, that every person I know, has some kind of day job where the person contributes his/her share of work to maintain these structures. Without these people, I would not be able to buy my food at the grocery store or to use the tram in my city. If these people gave up their job, I wouldn't have food and I would have to walk everywhere.

When I observe this (and I observe it daily), I feel like I have to contribute to society as well. So, my question is, is everyone supposed to get a job that contributes to the welfare of the society? Am I expected to have a regular job, five days a week, where I contribute my share of giving back to others, so that they can, technically, take from me as well? What do I owe the society I live in?

Or can I really, like Abraham suggest, do whatever I want to do with my life? Don't I have to give back and contribute my time, energy and talents to others? Right now, my answer to myself would be yes, because in the logic that I live in now, it seems to be unfair to just take and not give back.

But then I think about all the wonderful answers I have read here on IQ, for example @Cory's one to my question How is it possible to create objects without the help of other people?and I'm not so sure of my current opinion any more.

I would love to hear your views about that.

asked 02 Oct '16, 15:47

spacemetalfantasy's gravatar image


edited 02 Oct '16, 15:49

and I'm not so sure of my current opinion any more

When I find myself in that kind of a situation in which I question my current reality and really want to believe that there might be a possibility that something much better could be possible, it's like hitting the jackpot in my view. It's that new ability to consider the possibility which is the jackpot.

Because before, your belief system was so far away from that ability to perceive possibilities that you thought that "it's just how things are" and you didn't even question your situation. It's like a fish suddenly being aware of the water it lives in and questioning sea life as the only life form possible in the universe. The fish doesn't know how specifically it can be possible yet but it definitely feels a sense of possibility now at this stage.

So you feel that things can be different. You just don't know how exactly it can be different.

(Speaking in terms of an Abraham concept, you are "generally positive" on that particular topic.


It means that you are heading in a direction that is what you want generally but it's not what you want specifically yet. So you want the "how" to feel utterly satisfied.

And you are very close to getting the information (and the specific belief change) you want.

Here is a specific process I use at this particular stage. And I quite enjoy it because it's really powerful and it works every time.

Let's call it...


1. Define what it is that you would like to believe in

In your case, it's wanting to believe in something that "contributes to the world" (whatever it means to you) without having to work 9-5, 5 days a week to contribute to others. (You might even want to question the underlying belief first (if you are aware of it) as @kakaboo hinted in his answer.)

2. Intentionally search for exceptions

This means that you want to find role models or manifestations in human form that already have the belief system you want. You want to find exceptions (i.e. people) that represent the specific change you want to be. In your case, you want to find people that don't work "5 days a week" and still contribute to the world in a way that you would find comforting, easy and fascinating)

3. Be creative

Now have fun using your creative abilities to find exceptions. How could you find exceptions in your situation? Are there any exceptions in your life right now? Did you ever hear of exceptions that came close to your idea?

What I personally like to do is to go on youtube.com or google.com and search for keywords related to the idea I'm looking for and see if I can find people that represent that kind of belief system I want to believe in.

The internet is an amazing tool for this process because it's so fast. And you can literally quickly and efficiently find proof for any belief system you want to believe in. It can give you instant, specific manifestations.

4. Be consistent and playful

Sometimes you may not be vibrationally ready (yet close) to finding those exceptions. Even though they exist right here and now in your Vortex, a few mouse clicks away, you may not be able to come up with the right keywords and ideas to get your specific information right away. So be consistent and every now and then, keep intentionally looking for exceptions everywhere. Your intention combined with a playful attitude will force the universe to sooner or later give you what you want. Just have in mind that you know that there are exceptions out there and that you are going to find them. It might be sooner or it might be later.

5. Enjoy an avalanche of proof floating your life

Once you find one or two exceptions/role models, you will quickly see that one idea will lead to another. And at this point, you may find whole communities and movements already living the idea you want to believe in. You may even be surprised how these people existed (sometimes even long before you were born) without you ever hearing about them. Just enjoy an avalanche of specific manifestations and possible action steps coming your way :).


answered 02 Oct '16, 23:03

releaser99's gravatar image


@releaser99 - great answer :) thank you so much for your input and ideas. I will definitely try this process, sounds very good. Concerning my underlying beliefs, I think I have the beliefs that "I need to work for my wellbeing, because others, who contribute to this wellbeing, work as well and if they wouldn't work, I wouldn't have such a good life" and "Most people dread their jobs (especially the very low paid ones) and I take advantage of them". These beliefs seem very, very logic..

(03 Oct '16, 08:55) spacemetalfantasy

@releaser99 - ...and therefore feel very hard to shift. Of course I could think that the people "who do the work almost no one wants to do", like cleaning, e.g. do like their job and it is okay if they work for me, doing something they maybe don't want, but I can't believe this yet. I still haven't given up on solving my dilemma :))

(03 Oct '16, 09:00) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy - In my experience, sometimes it is better to take a belief and just work with it instead of trying to force it to change. The very nature of limiting beliefs is that they use tricks on us to keep us from changing them. Sometimes it can even be so tricky that we can't see a way out of a limiting belief. But there are always two ways to work with it. We can change it or we can simply work with it. Bashar says that a belief can either act as a wall or it can act as a sign...

(09 Oct '16, 08:17) releaser99

...pointing us in a direction that we can learn to enjoy. So maybe you actually could work for your well-being for now. But perhaps you can do so in an easy, comforting and enjoyable way. It doesn't have to be a dread. "You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive or sick enough to help sick people get well" - Abraham Hicks. Also, what they forgot to mention is that you cannot make your work painful enough to help frustrated people enjoy their job :).

(09 Oct '16, 08:18) releaser99

@releaser99 - These beliefs seemed unable to change since two years but two days ago, I began to really listen to my emotional guidance within and they certainly didn't feel good :) what I do now is to find better feeling thoughts and to remind myself that it is not possible for me to deprive anyone of anything - although my logical mind still doesn't agree with that :) - but my emotions do. So, thats my solution for now. I also remind myself that my mind doesn't have the full view of things..

(10 Oct '16, 05:39) spacemetalfantasy

@releaser99 - ...even though it is persistent in its particular view. By deliberately listening to my emotional stance, I just ignore those other voices and make the good feeling thoughts louder. It needs a lot of trust and sometimes feels like I'm jumping out of an airplane, but it feels very good, so that has to be enough for now :) Thank you for your help. :)

(10 Oct '16, 05:43) spacemetalfantasy
showing 2 of 6 show 4 more comments

It seems like you have been fed with the belief since young that "you need to have a job to give back to society". I have seen so many people around me in my life with the same belief, and I have never understood why myself. That particular belief just seems to be an excuse conjured up by people who just want to stay in a job or those who are unable to break free from their jobs.

Why not think about this another way - as long as you continue to remain a human in physical form, you will always be contributing back to society just by living and existing. This is because even if you do not have a job, you still require the basic neccessities in order to survive. Just buying food alone for yourself would be contributing to society. Even a simple meal which costs $3 will have a multiplier effect where these $3 would exchange hands many times and benefit a lot of people.

Also, instead of thinking about contributing to society, why not think of it as contributing to the Universe instead. Just by living, you take in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide, which is what the plants need. Just by living, you excrete waste which can used in many ways such as fertilizer and many more. and so on. Just by living alone, you are already contributing greatly to a lot of things!


answered 02 Oct '16, 20:03

kakaboo's gravatar image


Thank you, @kakaboo - for your answer. It's an entirely different point of view, very refreshing :) So, you wouldn't say, that having no job is selfish towards the other people who do have a job and contribute, groceries e.g., to my life?

(03 Oct '16, 08:49) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy No, I dont think that having no job is selfish towards the other people who do have a job. I think this is just a matter of personal opinion and beliefs. You seem to think that people are stuck in a job because they have to, so you also have to do the same so that its fair for everybody (I may be wrong here though of course). There are also some people who enjoy their jobs so much that it doesn't feel like a job to them.

(03 Oct '16, 19:23) kakaboo

@kakaboo - yes, thank you, you are completely right! This is exactly what I believe. I can see that there are certainly people who enjoy their jobs a lot. What would you say about the people that don't enjoy their jobs and the people who benefit from their work? (For example, a cleaning person)

(08 Oct '16, 15:08) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy--I've worked as a cleaner, it's not so bad. I'd rather do a job where I am moving around a lot rather than sitting at a desk all day. And there is satisfaction in transforming a place to its pristine state. One time a woman walked into the kitchen after I cleaned it and the expression on her face was transcendent. "It looks great!" :) Zen monks love to clean, btw. Mindfulness practice.

(10 Oct '16, 23:42) Delphine

@Delphine - thank you for your perspective :) It's helpful to shift my beliefs in another direction. I've also worked in a hotel as a maid and I didn't like it. I maybe have to look at it differently - that there are people who don't dread this job and who find satisfaction in it.

(12 Oct '16, 13:30) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy - imagine working in a hotel as a maid is a lot more impersonal than working for a family, that may be part of it. I'm not working as a cleaner now but if I was up against it financially, I might. It's at least something to fall back on and I do feel any job can be enjoyable on some level, approached in the right spirit.

(12 Oct '16, 18:21) Delphine
showing 2 of 6 show 4 more comments

Let's say you consider yourself a writer and you spend your time writing books that end up being rejected. Let's say you study to learn music theory, but nobody is really into learning what you have spent so much time researching. Let's say you love grammar and spend some time everyday learning that and that you could be a great grammar teacher, but nobody is interested in learning grammar anymore...

Because people are not interested in those things, you don't have a job, people won't pay you for all the services you could offer to them (and I am not saying that they should be interested or that it is wrong they are not interested :)

Do I have to force myself into being somebody else, somebody who is different of what I really am, to get that paid job? Do I have to force myself to change only because most of humanity is doing that to get those jobs? Does that mean I don't work, or that I am a selfish person?

I don't agree with that and that's not my experience in life, that's not what I understand from researching Bashar's and Abraham's material. On the contrary, they tell me all the time to find out who I really am, align with myself and be cool - everything is going to be all right.

Because I make a point of being who I am and of doing the things I love to do most of the time, the universe has provided me with a good life, love and prosperity. I do believe that, somehow, who I am and what I do contributes to the whole, so that my necessities and desires are provided for by the way of least resistance.

Right now I consider that writing some answers here at IQ is a service to others. I am here spending time thinking, writing, reading and voting because in the same way I've got great insights reading other people's questions and answers - which are helping me a lot - I also believe some of the things I am writing now will help people in places around the world and in ways I cannot even imagine.

So, I agree with others that say our very existance is a contribution to the universe, to life and society.


answered 27 Nov '16, 20:07

VitoriaRegia's gravatar image


edited 28 Nov '16, 05:13

@VitoriaRegia - thank you for your point of view.

(29 Nov '16, 15:44) spacemetalfantasy

answered 02 Oct '16, 17:00

WeRadiateBeauty's gravatar image


Jerry asked Abe if one could have prosperity without working for it.

Abe: If you want prosperity and you believe it requires hard work and you are willing to put in the hard work, there is no contradiction, and you will achieve a level of prosperity.

If you want prosperity and you believe it requires hard work and you are averse to hard work, there is a contradiction in your thinking, and you will not only have a difficult time offering the action, but any action you offer will not be productive.

If you want prosperity and you believe that you deserve it, and you expect it to come to you just because you want it to, there is no contradiction in your thinking--and the prosperity will flow.

...Pay attention to how you are feeling as you are offering your thoughts so you can sort out the contradictory thoughts, and as you eliminate the contradictions regarding anything that you desire, it must come to you. The Law of Attraction must bring it.


answered 03 Oct '16, 23:05

Delphine's gravatar image


edited 03 Oct '16, 23:07


@Delphine - thank you for the quote!

(08 Oct '16, 15:09) spacemetalfantasy

selfcenteredness as the
purpose of life does not go
very far when all partake
in beliefs of entitlement


answered 03 Oct '16, 05:36

fred's gravatar image


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