This is an example using race, however, it could be substituted with many situations (family, friends, work, etc):

Let's take a black man and plant in him a predominantly white area. This is his home.

How should this change/effect the decisions in his everyday life?

To what degree will this situation/others decide the fate he "chooses"?

If his choices were relative to a situation, then to what degree does he have a choice?

How aware should he be of all this?

What helps him create his own reality vs. the reality others may make for him?

The idea here is how external situations direct us internally and how we are to respond (or not) to them...


asked 19 Apr '11, 21:21

Back2Basics's gravatar image


edited 21 Apr '11, 03:45

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Our life should only ever be directed by our own internal guidance system... no matter the situation/environment or others in our life.

Let's take a black man and plant him in a predominantly white area. This is his home. How should this change/effect the decisions in his everyday life?

The words "do unto others as you will have them do unto you" spring to mind. We're all equal and should treat each other as such. If someone starts making decisions based on the color of their skin ( irregardless of who is in the minority), they are ostracizing themselves and are attracting what they expect.

To what degree will this situation/others decide the fate he "chooses"?

Others can only decide our fate if we allow them to. When we are the captain of our own ship, no-one else can navigate.

If his choices were relative to a situation, then to what degree does he have a choice?

Our choices are always made relative to something... we get to make the choices and decide what they are relative to.

How aware should he be of all this?

Until we become consciously aware of our choices and the power to execute them as we want, it will always appear that our life experience happens to us and we are subject to what others decide. However, once we do become aware, we begin to realize that we have the power and capability to direct our life exactly as we want.Instead of life happening to us, it begins to happen through us.

What helps him create his own reality vs. the reality others make for him?

Others do not make our reality. We are always creating what is happening to us... albeit at times unconsciously. The choice is always ours as to whether we react automatically or expand our awareness and instead respond from a place of empowerment.

( I like the thought you put into this B2B )


answered 19 Apr '11, 22:30

Michaela's gravatar image


very insightful answers, I will meditate on them. Thank you for your empowering message.

(19 Apr '11, 23:05) Back2Basics

You're very welcome B2B :)

(19 Apr '11, 23:56) Michaela

We create our reality. But at the same time, other people are creating their reality. I made a flow chart to show how we affect other people, the environment, how the environment and other people affect us. We cannot control what other people do, but we can control our response. Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown how the words that we say and the thoughts that we think affect water crystals. Since most things have water, most things would be affected by our thoughts and words, including our own body.

Now your question is about a black man being placed into a white community. There are many factors here that could vary. What is your black man like? Is he from a gang run area, or was he raised more civilized? The white people can either be prejudice and hate him because he is black, be reserved and cautious, but give him the benefit of the doubt, or welcome him with open arms to the neighborhood, based on their past experiences with black men or the lack of experience. So this black man can respond in kind, or differently. Maybe if you set up the picture a little more. Tell us about the white people and the black man. If the black man is nice and the people treat him badly, he could turn mean, move, or stay nice. He has to choose his response.


answered 20 Apr '11, 12:29

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

edited 20 Apr '11, 22:49

good points, thanks. That water crystal experiment sounds interesting, have more info?

(20 Apr '11, 20:47) Back2Basics

I put in the link I meant to put in to begin with. Sorry about that.

(21 Apr '11, 03:25) Fairy Princess

you make the choice to come here in the first place what ever the outcome it is the journey that is important experiance enjoy learn and grow from it! what is the problem for him being black in a white area he is human like the rest! maybe the problem is the fact that he does not see this that way! and yes there will always be ignorant! do not turn in ignorant but bring the light and remove ignorance! the thing that will affect you are the thing that you let affect you! you reap what you sow!


answered 27 May '11, 03:54

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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