Is it a talent, special ability, or is it a normal writing skill that everyone has?

What do you think?

asked 26 Sep '10, 04:24

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Inactive User ♦♦

edited 26 Sep '10, 05:24

Vesuvius's gravatar image


(26 Sep '10, 05:23) Vesuvius

See also

(26 Sep '10, 05:23) Vesuvius


(26 Sep '10, 05:23) Vesuvius
showing 1 of 3 show 2 more comments

A state of flow is a state where the maximum possible effectiveness and creativity is achieved, a state where you know everything you need to know, at the moment you need to know it, and your achievements seem effortless.

You've undoubtedly had these experiences before; experiences where you went beyond the limits of what you thought you could achieve, and it didn't seem hard.

It is, of course, possible to to this with writing, but it is also possible to do it with any other creative endeavor as well.


answered 26 Sep '10, 05:28

Vesuvius's gravatar image


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