How can the sense of humor be cultivated?

I remember I was able to make people laugh in a very spontaneous way, without even knowing from where the joke came... until I was around 25. After that I experienced a very difficult period and I somehow lost my ability to make spontaneous jokes and also laugh.

Being able to make people laugh in usual situations and difficult ones is great and helps everyone not to focus on problems and be lighter in difficult times.

I also remember my parents generation would find the sense of humor very important (I am not sure if my generation didn't find it important or I was not in those circles :))

Would the answer be just "Go Into the Vortex" or is it another secret to it ?

Would having a great sense of humor keep you longer into the Vortex and also help the people around you get there more often ? I know a family where even in hard times people make jokes and everything becomes easier and lighter. I never felt the bad vibration moments in that family and I have been with them through many difficult periods.

asked 26 Jul '18, 10:53

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White Elf

Here are the 15 funniest jokes of 2017 from the Edinburgh Fringe (an annual comedy festival in Scotland) - as voted for by the public.

Not all of these jokes will make sense to those not from the UK but, if you read through them, they all have one thing in common which I'll mention after the list of jokes...

  1. “I’m not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change.”

  2. “Trump’s nothing like Hitler. There’s no way he could write a book.”

  3. “I’ve given up asking rhetorical questions. What’s the point?”

  4. “I’m looking for the girl next door type. I’m just gonna keep moving house till I find her.”

  5. “I like to imagine the guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the ‘brella’. But he hesitated.”

  6. “Combine Harvesters. And you’ll have a really big restaurant.”

  7. “I’m rubbish with names. It’s not my fault, it’s a condition. There’s a name for it...”

  8. “I have two boys, 5 and 6. We’re no good at naming things in our house.”

  9. “I wasn’t particularly close to my dad before he died... which was lucky, because he trod on a land mine.”

  10. “Whenever someone says, ‘I don’t believe in coincidences.’ I say, ‘Oh my God, me neither!”’

  11. “A friend tricked me into going to Wimbledon by telling me it was a men’s singles event.”

  12. “As a vegan, I think people who sell meat are disgusting; but apparently people who sell fruit and veg are grocer.”

  13. “For me dying is a lot like going camping. I don’t want to do it.”

  14. “I wonder how many chameleons snuck onto the Ark.”

  15. “I went to a Pretenders gig. It was a tribute act.”

What makes these jokes funny is the element of Surprise...a statement that is seemingly heading in a certain direction leads to something Unexpected...often you have to think for a few moments about what you've just read - and then the laughter follows.

It's the unexpectedness/surprisingness that causes us to find them funny. And the sudden shift in energy flow as a result of that "funny" perspective expresses itself naturally as laughter.

So, in my view, if you want to cultivate a sense of humor, start looking at things in different ways to most people...develop a bit of a "quirky" outlook on things.

How would you do that?

One easy way is that you could start watching/listening to a lot of stand-up comedy and, after a while, it might start rubbing off on you. Stand-up comedy, by the nature of the artform, tends to have to "deliver the goods" thick and fast, otherwise the audience may start throwing things, so you can see the patterns of humor more quickly.

Quirky oddball comedians seem to be the best for this sort of "humor through osmosis" effect, someone like Steven Wright perhaps.


answered 26 Jul '18, 12:36

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edited 26 Jul '18, 12:41

Sacha Baran Cohen new series coming out!

(26 Jul '18, 19:21) Nikulas

In a Bashar talk The Formulae, a questioner asked something in respect to Jesus' life on Earth. The questioner was asking question from a highly serious, straight, intense frame of mind (resistance)

Surprisingly, Bashar told a joke to the audience. "What did Jesus say on his final day on Earth once he was nailed to the cross?"...... "Nailed it."

The questioner then laughed slightly, but retorted right back to asking more questions. It was as if the joke went right over his head.

And of course, Bashar, being an expert at surprises, twists and his own sense of humour continued on...

"Before we proceed, we must ask. Do you want to know who told that joke? We said it, but it didn't come from us......The person who told the joke....was Jesus himself." (audience big applause).

The questioner was asking something along the lines of "what processes did Jesus utilise to gain enlightenment" and Bashar was saying that Jesus' personal state-of-being was the most important element of his life.

His state of being, apparently, was one of a clown. He laughed all day, every day, and told jokes all day long. He was loose, carefree, light, easy, unburdened, and a practical joker. He was not the serious guru many people project onto him.

If you lighten up and get loose and playful, then I believe your personalised sense of humour will follow. Also, I would beckon, tell jokes or do funny things that you find funny and abandon all efforts to impress other people.

As Willy Wonka would say, "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


answered 26 Jul '18, 19:17

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edited 26 Jul '18, 19:28

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