I have heard that since kids don't have complete concepts of the world yet they are closer to the spiritual world. Is this true? Also, less time has passed since their existence from Source only to the physical...

Also, it is known that young kids can be the worst bullies. How can that be?

If they are closer to Source, how can they be so mean?


asked 16 Sep '10, 23:02

Back2Basics's gravatar image


edited 17 Sep '10, 06:45

Vesuvius's gravatar image


actually adults are the worst bullies.. except it is done in a different way. Young kids bully but they come from a place where they mean no real harm to the person whom is being bullied. With adults, you have wars, office politics and the likes, which can also be termed as 'bullying' if you really think about it

(17 Sep '10, 02:00) kakaboo

this is true...

(18 Sep '10, 22:27) Back2Basics
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Well, children have certainly had less time experiencing the binding, conditioning aspects of the the world that seems to have pulled us all away from a path of naturally progressing spirituality. They live in a more mutable world where not so much is taken for granted as being fixed and true the way adults, even adolescents, see things.

There is some talk relating this kind of notion to the other planes, other dimensions of reality. They are out there, are brains can easily see and make sense of them, we have just been so conditioned by each other that we have filtered them out, like living next to traffic or something. Once you realize that the traffic, which could actually be extremely important to the functioning of the greater world, has no real meaning for you personally, you stop responding to it and eventually stop perceiving it all together.

So, I think something along those lines is what you're getting at in terms of children being closer to the spiritual. But the fact that you are concerned with the question of bullies, unformed morality and the spontaneous (or like Vee says, obviously derivative from trauma) generation of evil acts in children leads me to a point made by Ken Wilbur somewhere along one of his integral theory discourses.

We are very able to idealize the state of children because it seems better, simpler, more complete than the fragmented, chaotic, often depressing world adults live in. Many might argue that the world of a child is trans-rational and pure. But that does not mean we should regress towards being children, a trans-rational mindset and world view that is much more potent can be achieved by using, knowing, and moving beyond the rational in favor of an evolution, not a devolution.

Moving beyond the rational, instead of moving backwards from it, we can reach a place where we are less conditioned and more spiritually attuned like children, but not through mere ignorance. We can empathize with others, and thus do not bully them. Children, however untainted by the world, still lack the development of critical capacities needed for functioning human communities, such as (depending on the age we're talking) being able to distinguish themselves as one and the world as another (possibly a fallacy), knowing the difference between them and another person (again maybe not actually the case), empathy, abstract thinking...and this is where the distinction between pre- and post/trans-rational comes in. I doubt Buddhist monks or Hindu yogis would revel in the enlightened state of a child, because the child fails to make distinctions between self/not self because of ignorance, not because he/she actually knows anything.

But, maybe not.


answered 17 Sep '10, 16:49

Nate's gravatar image


@Nate: thaks for the knowledge.

(18 Sep '10, 22:30) Back2Basics

i agree nate. nate to know the truth is good the problem is ego that we let ourself get control by and create iniquity(judgement,competition ,money ,war, poverty just to name a few). the child is innocent he does not know about this and take example from the world and develop is ego that way. the ego side is for survival. but if we act from ego we complicate our lives. we should know better.

(28 Mar '12, 05:02) white tiger

It is called the emotional out burst for help! The child is acting out his frustration, and anger, and is waiting for someone in authority to come to his aid. None of this is really the child’s fault, it is usually cause by an unpleasant experience in the child’s life, thereby leaving the child defenseless. The child will develop fear, and will build up a wall of self defense to protect his self worth. It becomes a power struggle to protect his rights, and to hide his fears. Who is a bully? A child that is crying out “help me!”


answered 17 Sep '10, 05:01

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