Here goes another crazy experience that through me for a loop ...

I was just chilling by the nearby power dam and I was just taking a time out from my busy life and I found a spot on the dam to relax away from civilization. I soon started feeling one with all of the elements, the birds, the wild animals and even the insects surrounding me and tried my hand at meditation and to my left there is a small island which is nicknamed seagull island appropriately named. An individual was biking on the dam which spooked all of the birds on the dam which in turn spooked some of the birds from the tiny island and they all started flying towards me. There must have been hundreds of birds coming my way and I had nowhere to go and knew that it was about to get real messy if you know what I mean lol. So I just stayed there in my spot in the here and now and didn't panic and continued to meditate. Then as the birds were flying above me I looked up and noticed that they were flying around me not over me. I never had witnessed anything like that ever before. It was like there was a force field all around me and extended beyond the height of where the birds was flying.

And then suddenly with the sun facing me in the west I saw an old gentlemen larger than life with long greyish white wavy hair and a long greyish white wavy beard appear right in front of me. He looked really old and I believe he said that he was thousands of years old and he kind of appeared from the sun in i guess, spiritual form and I only could see him from the waist up. He was a serious and stern individual as he never smiled the whole time we were conversing. He revealed himself to me as Nathaniel or Nathael, I'm not too sure which it was as I was a little overwhelmed by what I was seeing and experiencing. So I'll call him Nathaniel.

We spoke for a bit then he pulled this mostly orange reddish ball of light out from the sun and he shrunk it down to the size of a soccer ball which was hovering just in front of me. Then it approached me and entered into my body through the front of my head as some would call the 3rd eye. I couldn't believe what was going on or why. Nathaniel calmed me down and I heard one word ... HEALING ...

Without missing a beat, I tried redirecting it to my right forearm as I had a ripped tendon which just wouldn't heal as I kept aggravating it at work and it had been going on for 6 months since I originally injured myself. He showed me how to center this wild energetic orange ball of light which was going up and down throughout my body inside of me and once I centered this ball I redirected it to my ripped tendon and instantly felt a warmth and the pain disappeared.

Then he disappeared without telling me what to do next. I use it on myself when I hurt myself as I can be quite a klutz by nature lol.

Deep down when I see people injured or when I see people in pain or when I walk by a hospital I seem to have a tendency to want to heal others with this Orange reddish ball of light but I feel like a fool just thinking about doing it. I'm not really too sure how to get it out of my body to make any attempts to heal others and with all the laws and stuff I truly am not going to put my hands on anyone whatsoever otherwise I could be locked up in an institution or worst yet in a prison for inappropriate touching lol.

I apologize for writing such a long introduction to this question but I wanted to set up the whole scenario which led to the meeting of this wonderful individual or elder named Nathaniel and I sure could use some guidance or suggestions on how to use this orange reddish ball of light which resides within me. Nathaniel did mention that if I didn't use this light that it could slowly deteriorate my body which terrifies me because I never asked for it. He chose me.

Well when I do think about it ... maybe I did ask for it on a subconscious level because I've always had this need to help others in need and when I see people in pain my heart goes out to them and I can feel their pains and I guess I do wish that I could heal their pains and discomforts away. But now my life is so complicated with this thing inside of me and I truly can't help anyone if I don't know how to truly use it.

If anyone has any suggestions or has knowledge of this particular phenomenon ... your help would be greatly appreciated and respected. I tried going back to that spot on the dam to contact Nathaniel but I've been unsuccessful. I only know how to center this ball of energy inside of me and to guide it to where I hurt myself. By the way what makes this whole experience truly unbelievable is the fact that I am Atheist. Meeting Nathaniel did in fact change my perspective of things within my belief system and it did indeed open my eyes to a world of new possibilities.

By the way the ripped tendon in my right forearm was healed instantly that day and I never had any problems with that tendon ever again. I'm obviously, by the response to my other questions, on some kind of spiritual quest which is much larger than I am and what I may or may not believe in doesn't seem to have any revelance anymore. I just can't seem to fight it anymore and I have billions of questions. Maybe that is why ... I am here ... to find answers.

Thank You so much for taking the time out to read this.

UPDATE July 29th

Well I did it as I finally tried out this Healing Orange Ball of Light on another person. I finally got the courage to try it on a friend as she had a pulled muscle in her upper back.

I didn't say anything to her about this ball of light thingy and just proceeded to massage her back normally until I found the inflamed area in her upper back just above of the scapula and sure enough she had a pulled muscle in that area and it was very sensitive to the touch, so I guided this ball of light within me to my right hand and onto her injured area and according to her ... she felt this soothing heat surrounding the pulled muscle and after a few moments the knot and pain was gone.

She wanted to know what I did and I told her that I learnt this massage technique which obviously isn't true I'm just a regular dude when it comes to massaging lol but I was to say the least extremely excited by what had just happened and I stayed silent about the whole Orange Ball of Light thingy and finished the massage as I didn't want her to make a big deal of it.

When she awakened the following day there was absolutely no pain in her back and the knot had actually disappeared and she called me to thank me and invited me to breakfast as a form of thank you. lol

I really really did not want to write this experience down on Inward Quest for fear of attracting attention but nobody knows me as I didn't leave any info about myself. But i did promise Januaryfeelings that I would give him an update should I ever find out more about this Healing Orange Ball of Light thingy.

I am totally new to all of this Healing stuff and I truly don't know what this ball of energy can truly do. I haven't had the chance yet to explore all of its capabilities from one extreme to the other as I had just recently slowly re-awakened two years ago and it's been quite a Journey to say the least. Lately I have been going through some major shifts in consciousness and I found a Guide through meditation from the Higher Realms to assist me in my re-awakening.

Thanks to all of you for helping me out by answering my silly questions through these trying times. Peace and Love

P.S. I am no longer an atheist ... as I cannot deny who I AM anymore.

asked 22 Jul '18, 06:24

Moonbeam's gravatar image


edited 29 Jul '18, 17:46

well this went from 0 to 100 in 1 second...i have no idea what this healing orange ball of light is but if you do find out more please share as it sounds hella exiting

(26 Jul '18, 05:21) Januaryfeelings

Yeah sorry about that and yes I will let you know when I do find out more about it. I tried meditation to communicate with Nathaniel and no response he simply vanished. I just thought that maybe somebody knew something about this orange ball of light that is inside of me. I tried releasing it into an inanimate object but it doesn't want to leave my body. I'll just have to figure it all out. I know that it heals my body instantly when I'm injured, I just feel weird trying it on somebody else.

(27 Jul '18, 03:39) Moonbeam

@Januaryfeelings - Well I left an update about the Healing Orange Ball of Light which I posted today if you are interested in what I learnt about it so far. I was my first experience trying it on another person. Check it out I was all excited about it. Has anyone ever ...

(29 Jul '18, 18:33) Moonbeam

He was one of Arch Angels gifted your healing abilities.Try your new skills to heal others

(31 Jul '18, 03:07) Zee
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If an orange ball of light is what will bring you contentment, then that is what is relevant for you. I do not meet Nathaniel or heard of him; I do not need him in my life to gain inner peace or have fun. I am saying this because you asked if other people have had this experience. I have not and nor do I crave for it.

An orange ball of light- for you- is a permission slip. A permission slip is a symbolic physical tool that humans can use to access particular states of beings or let ideas go. The symbolic ritual does not in itself possess any magical powers- it is the person who infuses the ritual with their intention that fuels the ritual for its affect.

Here are a list of permission slips I know of:

  • reading a spiritual book
  • meditation
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Counselling
  • Hypnosis
  • Exercise
  • Eating a certain food
  • A funeral
  • Patting a cat
  • Prayer
  • Listening to music
  • Spinning in a circle 10 times
  • Putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth
  • Crossing your arms and then breathing slowly in your nose and out your mouth
  • Writing an answer on Inward Quest
  • Hugging a friend after they said something significant

These are all permission slips when they are performed with an intention to produce something. Intention is not the same as expectation or insistency or demanding an outcome needs to fruition. It is Step #1- Focus, and the permission slip is step #2 = allowance.

If your ball of orange energy and speaking with Nathaniel has done something for you, then this permission slip is relevant for you right now. I encourage you to pursue it more and see Nathaniel as often as you want to.


answered 26 Jul '18, 20:50

Nikulas's gravatar image


edited 26 Jul '18, 20:52

I just figured that maybe someone may have experienced or has knowledge of this orange ball of light that is now inside of my body. I tried communicating with Nathaniel through meditation on numerous occasions and nothing. He's simply not around.

(27 Jul '18, 03:24) Moonbeam
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