How long should we meditate for? A lot of people I have come across seem to meditate for different lengths of time. How does one know the optimum meditation time? Does it vary from person to person?

Also, I personally struggle to practice meditation on a daily basis. Is it important to practice meditation on a daily basis for it to have the desired effect?

asked 20 Feb '10, 16:18

Pink%20Diamond's gravatar image

Pink Diamond

edited 05 May '13, 02:39

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

You can also find the following quote in audio form at:

Abraham on Meditation

Guest: Thank you. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here, and I will try not to cry on your mic. Um…so if I asked…if I were trying to meditate and I’m asking, you know, what is my divine purpose?

Abraham: Now why do you say trying to meditate?

Guest: Well, I don’t think I do it well.

Abraham: Well, here is what we would look for. You see, you’ve trained your mind to be very responsive to things, and so, when you ask it to be quiet, you’re asking something that it’s not used to. So it doesn’t shut down easily, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. In other words, it’s nice to have an active, responsive mind.

So what you want to do is pre-pave in advance. It really helps to meditate at approximately the same time every day, because it gets you sort of ready for the idea of it, and earlier in the day the better because earlier in the day, you have less built-up resistance. The earlier in the day, the more tuned into the non-physical that you usually are. So, meditate early in the day, and do it every day, and not for a long period. Fifteen or twenty minutes is really enough, and say to yourself, the purpose of this meditation is not to receive answers to questions. In other words, I’m not going into meditation to script things or to do workshops. I’m not going into meditation to hear the answers to all of my questions. I’m going into meditation for one reason only, and that is to quiet my mind in order to release resistant thought in order to tune my vibration upward, so that it comes closer and closer to that of my source energy.

So then, as you sit in your chair to meditate, find something to focus upon. Don’t go to sleep, because sleeping is very different. Find something to focus upon that requires a little attention, but not much. Counting is a very productive activity. Counting, because it requires some attention, but it doesn’t let your thoughts wander on other things. Listening to something…Esther found a note that she could hold (Abraham humming), and so at first she would hold that note, but then it was hard to hold the note, so then she just would hold the note in her mind. Even though she wasn’t making the auditory sound, she just held the note. Holding a note takes concentration. It takes concentration and doesn’t allow thought on a lot of other things. So holding that note, Esther found to be the way of raising vibration.

Now, when vibration raises, you always feel it in your body. The feeling of the releasing of resistance feels like tingles up your spine. It feels like bubbles up your leg. It feels like goose bumps up your body. The releasing of resistance is always a physical, visceral, pleasurable feeling. So as you’re releasing resistance, feel it in your body, and if you don’t feel it, don’t worry about it. Just look forward to feeling it later. But as you begin to feel that feeling, we describe it as a feeling of detachment. Some describe it as feeling of weightlessness. Esther felt it as almost a feeling of density, in that she was more intimately aware of the aspects of her body, and she could not tell her toe from her nose. In other words, her body felt sort of like one thing. Well once you get to that place, you know that you’ve managed to quiet your mind, and you’ve had a successful meditation.

Now, as you progress day after day, that feeling of meditation, it will move into other things. You’ll get so that you can get right to that place of detachment really easily, and once you reach that place of detachment, as you relax into it, you’ll begin noticing some sort of twitches and itches in your body. Different little things – muscles will move that you know you can’t move. That’s an indication that source is sending signals that you, at unconscious levels, are translating. That’s why we say a yawn is a good indicator. It’s a signal sent from non-physical that you are translating at an unconscious level. So as you get those little twitches and itches, try not to be distracted by them, but instead, embrace them and enjoy them. Because what it means is residual resistance in your apparatus is being sort of shaken loose, and so those twitches and itches are indications of releasing of resistance.

The numbness will be something that you will experience every time you begin. The twitches and itches – in the beginning, more, and then eventually you won’t feel so many twitches and itches because the resistance will be sort of worked out of your body. But then an interesting thing will begin to happen during meditation. You will begin to feel the impulse to move. You will feel the impulse to move. In other words, it will be easy. Often, sometimes you’ll even feel alignment in your body. You’ll feel muscles doing things you’re not accustomed to them doing. In other words, this is source energy giving signals, and you, in your utter state of non-resistance, allowing the parts of your body to receive the conversation from source. It is so delicious you see.

There is no reason for meditation beyond that, because what you’re doing is releasing resistance, releasing resistance, releasing resistance. Now, as you do that, and you’re in that clarity, as you come out of meditation, now if you want, you can receive something fully. In other words, that’s the time. Sometimes people want to write the book during meditation. We think that’s going about it the hard way because in meditation, you’re trying to quiet your mind, and when you’re writing a book, you’re trying to receive. It’s a different thing. Step 1, step 2, step 3. The best description of meditation that we’ve ever given.

So now, what are the advantages of meditation? What would they be? It will tune up your vibration to who you are. And if you do it often - we would encourage it every day. If you do it often, the biggest advantage that it will give you is when you slip from your vibrational alignment place with a thought that doesn’t match it, you’ll recognize at an early, subtle stage. In other words, it will tune you into the frequency of who you really are, so that subtle thoughts that are a little off, you’ll recognize them, and you’ll be able to bring yourself back into alignment.

So now, how would this apply to someone who has been systematically in a pretty uncomfortable place on the emotional scale? In other words, what we just described to you is a process that would really benefit anyone who hangs around anywhere from frustration to hope, into belief and knowing. In other words, if that’s where you hang around, that meditation would serve you really well. If you are in a place of despair or frustration, the meditation would serve you very well also. In other words, meditation, we would encourage that no matter where you are along the emotional scale, but if you are in that place where you’re hanging around in more discomfort, then this time of meditation is simply going to be a time of relief for you.

Even if you don’t get to those tingles, even if you don’t get to that place of where you are utterly aware that you are aligned, in every case, an effort at quieting your mind will move you up the emotional scale. It just will. It is the fastest way we know to get you into the state of allowing what you’ve already put into your vibrational escrow. We would rather that you were in a chronic state of appreciation than meditation, because appreciation, there’s no resistance within you either. But frankly, it’s easier to teach nearly every one of our physical friends to meditate than to find pure, positive thought. It’s easier to quiet your mind, to put your brain on pause, than it is to take some subject that’s been bothering you your whole life and clear it. (laughing) Good time for segment of refreshment.

Guest: Thank you.

Abraham-Hicks, Boston, USA - June 2008


answered 20 Feb '10, 21:33

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 18 Jul '12, 04:21


The best description of meditation I've ever heard:-)

(20 Feb '10, 21:52) Michaela

thats it in a nut-shell:)

(18 Jul '12, 12:25) Satori

@Stingray- I've noticed when I meditate, I get little natural twitches in my toes on my right foot. I've been meditating on a daily basis for the longest I've been in my life, and recently these twitches are happening in my toes on my left foot as well. Is this a sign of releasing resistance or just nothing significant at all?

(05 May '13, 06:38) Nikulas

@Nikulas - You'll probably have to carry on and see where it leads. Abraham have said that involuntary body movements are often the precursor to more direct contact from "Source".

(05 May '13, 16:51) Stingray
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

I can't speak for others, but my meditations last about 15-20 minutes. More than that, and I may grow physically restless or I may go the other way and fall asleep. Less than that, and I am not refreshed or feeling I did the desired mental work.

And sure, I miss a day from time-to-time. Most of us have a lot of responsibilities and it's hard to carve the time out of our day. There certainly are days when something will come along that is more important than our meditations or more pressing. If I miss a day, I just let that be all right. No use worrying about it.


answered 20 Feb '10, 16:27

LeeAnn%201's gravatar image

LeeAnn 1

I don't think there is an optimum length of time for meditation. The important thing is to be open to whatever happens during the process and let it be okay. There is no right or wrong way to do it. For me personally I have made a daily meditation practice a priority in my life and definitely feel the benefits of it. As LeeAnn said, the important thing is to be gentle with yourself - if you miss a day ,it's not the end of the world. I would suggest starting with maybe 10 mins a day and going from there. I usually do at least an hour a day;however there are days when my busy mind gets in the way and the practice is much shorter - I just accept it now and take it as it comes,it does get easier with practice. Good luck:-)


answered 20 Feb '10, 17:08

Michaela's gravatar image


LeeAnn and Michaela have done a good job of telling about meditation! I just want to expand on what they have said.

Meditation gets more involved as time goes on, but I find that (for me) an hour is about optimum.

1. I spend about ten minutes getting to an alpha state with relaxtion techniques. I have a particular method for this. The end result is that I do not feel my body hardly at all, and I feel like I am floating in my head.

2. Then I just spend about ten minutes working on thinking of nothing at all. This is hard, because my brain still likes to hop around.

3. At this point, I dive down my hole in the Earth, and travel around a bit. I talk to spirits, and they teach me. When I am done, I find my hole in the Earth, and come back out.

4.Then I arouse myself by awakening my body. That is the end of the meditation.

I recommend a two-CD set called "shamanic meditations" by Sandra Ingerman if you would like to try this style. You can get them from Amazon.

I hope this helps intermediate meditators advance a bit!

Blessings, Jai


answered 20 Feb '10, 17:54

Jaianniah's gravatar image


Didn't the Buddha meditate for 15 years, then all of a sudden the way of the universe was revealed to him?

For meditation, I feel longer is better.


answered 11 Aug '10, 18:26

Back2Basics's gravatar image



actually it was 40 days same as jesus.

(18 Jul '12, 22:34) white tiger
showing 0 of 1 show 1 more comments

There are many meditations there is even a 30 second meditation that is done before the start of a martial arts class called Mokuso. It is a centering meditation in other words bring all of my mind here now in class on my karate and nothing else.

5 minute meditations are good for a start or if you don't have much time. I very simple one is pick an object and stare at it with only the thought of the object on your mind for five minutes.

What this does it trains you to be the master of your brain, not the usual way of your brain being the master of you.

10 to 15 minutes is better and there are many types of meditation as well, maybe a mantra meditation even the rosary is a meditation.

I also like my CDs for meditation those are a half hour but I can get into them so much I put it on repeat and could spend hours in deep meditation. This is akin to sensory deprivation so your mind can be in this entrained thought in the theta state of consciousness.

Another good thing I like using it a mind machine, this flashes red LEDs in the closed eyes creating patterns of light in many colors surprisingly, I don't know where all the other colors come from but you see oranges and yellows and violets and blues maybe it is simply the red is full on the orange is dimming the yellow is dimmer the violet and blue is off with the burned image of yellow still there it combines and seems to be blue or violet.

Then there is something called the God helmet I don't own I only read about.


answered 20 Feb '10, 19:50

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

as long as it takes. would you ask how long should i read a book? or how long should my computer or car work? then why ask how long meditation should take? it is like asking how long should i dream? do you know how much in formation is in that dream? or how aware you are of the dream? or how much you understand of the dream?or at what speed the information of the dream is going compare to linear time? if you could answer all those question you could tell how long you should dream. well it is similar with meditation. that is why i say as long as it takes. experience and enjoy.


answered 18 Jul '12, 22:45

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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