I've read somewhere (but I don't remember where) that you could also meditate with the eyes open, fixed on some spot.

I have several things that I consider beautiful, such as certain paintings (on art books, I cannot afford real art!), certain crystal ornaments, ornaments of different kinds, beautiful illustrations... and I can get really absorbed when contemplating these.

I was thinking if it could be used as some form of meditation? I can empty my mind of any thoughts when I contemplate beauty.

What's your opinion on this? Could it be useful as meditation or rather as practicing appreciation?

I will thank any input :)


asked 11 Aug '10, 13:42

BridgetJones09's gravatar image


Anything that helps you quiet your mind can be used as a form of meditation...what you use to achieve that state is really up to you.

Yes, art that you find beautiful can absorb your attention and can help you reach that place of allowing of a meditative state.

Or, to achieve your meditative state, you can use the hum of a cooling fan, or the sound of water dripping from a faucet, the ticking of a clock, or the ambling-along of a quiet stroll or even, perhaps surprisingly, the moments of quiet during a night-time mountain bike ride through dark isolated areas. (The last two are what I do and, though I feel in that meditative state, I definitely have my eyes open!)

Something to bear in mind is that appreciation is a much more powerful state than meditation because there is pure, uncontradicted energy flow along with the allowing.

But the reason that meditation is taught more widely than appreciation as a form of alignment is that it is easier to teach people to have no thoughts than to only have appreciative thoughts.

If you have the choice, however (and you are able to do it), always choose pure appreciation over meditation.

I've heard Abraham say on a number of occasions that they would prefer people to only spend 10-15 minutes meditating daily and the rest of the time in appreciation.

So, with your art, appreciating it will probably be of more value to you (in bringing you into alignment i.e. into The Vortex) than using it as a subject for meditation.


answered 11 Aug '10, 20:27

Stingray's gravatar image


I like your answer. I was thinking along these lines (correct me if I'm wrong): If I contemplate (staring fixedly) to a beautiful object or painting, I could 'empty' my mind of thoughts and worries, and enter a meditative state. If, intead of contemplating one single painting, I start browsing an art book, I'd be in an appreciative state, admiring one painting after another. What would you think of that? Am I correct?

(12 Aug '10, 15:26) BridgetJones09

Sure it could work. There's no correct answer really - it's about what brings forth those feelings of appreciation from within you and that's a personal thing. For some people, looking at a single painting at once might do it, while for others a series of paintings from an art book might do it. It's difficult to generalize but your emotions will make it clear to you what is or is not working for you.

(12 Aug '10, 20:44) Stingray

meditation job is to clean the temple though link to emotion only when you understand the meaning you can put though and emotion at rest!

(04 May '11, 00:25) white tiger

meditation is inner!

(04 May '11, 00:26) white tiger
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

Even though it may only be for a few moments, I think it is, yes.


answered 11 Aug '10, 14:06

LeeAnn%201's gravatar image

LeeAnn 1

This definitely gets your mind in a more meditative state. I would correlate staring at the art as sort of a mantra, like when saying the word love over and over again during meditation. Perhaps staring at the painting and a mantra are one in the same - as far as effects on the brain.

Anyway, complete meditation is when there is no mantra, no art, nothing. Complete oneness and connection. Very hard to do, I have probably only got near it once in the 5 years I have been meditating.

So my answer is yes, it is getting your brain in a much more meditative state than a lot of other techniques.

Perhaps after you stare at it, you can close your eyes and look at it in your mind? Imagine that your eyes are open....another interesting meditation technique.


answered 11 Aug '10, 18:16

Back2Basics's gravatar image


edited 11 Aug '10, 18:22

I never thought of staring at art as a sort of mantra. You just gave me food for thought...And that of closing my eyes aferwards and try and see the painting again...hhmmm...sounds like a cool meditation technique! Thank you so much!

(12 Aug '10, 15:29) BridgetJones09

@BridgetJones09: no prob, good luck, please post how it goes.

(12 Aug '10, 18:34) Back2Basics

Yes Bridget,anything of real beauty must come from the Creator.What artist would mind if someone contemplated one of His works. I imagine they would be rather flattered.



answered 06 Sep '10, 15:19

Monty%20Riviera's gravatar image

Monty Riviera

well i do this with nature to talk with god!(observe beautifull things the sun animal the wind the water the tree etc.)with a clear mind and hearth!just reflect! as for meditation i observe 1 point in front of me that is not there!(focus) then master the body! and master the mind! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodhidharma Bodhidharma's termed "wall-gazing" (壁觀 bìguān). Both Tanlin[33] and Daoxuan[34] associate this "wall-gazing" with "quieting [the] mind. Those who turn from delusion back to reality, who meditate on walls, the absence of self and other, the oneness of mortal and sage, and who remain unmoved even by scriptures are in complete and unspoken agreement with reason.


answered 04 May '11, 00:21

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 04 May '11, 00:55

Why did you pick the name white tiger?

(04 May '11, 01:49) you

because i am tiger in the chinese and i have 2 big white tiger on the other side that came to meet me and share some time with me! and i also always try to stay in balence! http://wolfs_moon.tripod.com/TigerTotem.html

(04 May '11, 07:52) white tiger
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