There have been a few questions asked on the site with regards to meditation and it has been mentioned a number of times that meditation is the absence of thought.

However, it seems that when we are meditating, we are still focusing on something, whether it is meditation music or silence. So, we never really stop thinking, do we? It seems the real purpose of mediation is to think or focus on something Neutral, and not the absence of thought altogether.

The reason I am asking this question is because I take kung fu lessons in my spare time and whenever I train, I am so focused on practicing the different moves, techniques etc that I feel completely detached from the world, from my other day to day activities, work, personal life etc, and I experience the lack of emotion entirely.

From my point of view, this is a form of meditation.

What are your thoughts?

asked 25 Aug '11, 12:42

Pink%20Diamond's gravatar image

Pink Diamond

edited 25 Aug '11, 13:43

interesting change of avatar and nic "pink"

(25 Aug '11, 14:47) ursixx

yes dhyana is no more though at all everything is solve. in that state you sit with open eye and someone seing you would think that you are observing something or sleeping open eye. once that state is reached to see the light and leave the body and go in the light is very close indeed. experience and enjoy.

(25 Aug '11, 18:32) white tiger
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Yes, a common definition of meditation is the focus on the absence of thought.

But I'm not convinced that definition is entirely accurate.

If you think about it, you can't really not focus on anything because our physical selves are built to focus.

Try to deliberately focus on the "gaps" between thoughts and see what's pretty impossible actually, because as soon as you notice you are doing it, you are not doing it :)

But we do have a choice about the level of activation of the thoughts we focus on.

The meditative state comes about because one is focusing on less-activated thoughts (like breathing, or natural sounds) and less-activated thoughts have less energy flowing to them through us - and so, less-activated thoughts trigger less resistance within us.

If a cork that is being held underwater is suddenly released, it will shoot back to its natural state of bobbing on top of the water.

In a similar way, less-activated thoughts (meditative states) allow an internal release within our resistance-laden selves that shoot us straight back to our own natural states.

One final thing to consider: Appreciation is more powerful than Meditation


answered 25 Aug '11, 15:04

Stingray's gravatar image


Hi Stingray!. I thank you for this wonderful answer, especially because of your links to your previous answers that are truly amazing. I have put down my comments over there (where the credit deserves to be given). I know that I am the one that always mentions the "find the gap between the thoughts" approach, but that has nothing to do with my appreciation of your answer here. I like the whole "get rid of the resistance" angle and your ability to awaken the understanding of it, especially because the "thing" that you are trying to explain is so so subtle and hard to grasp.

(26 Aug '11, 05:30) The Traveller

I learned some important things about myself from your first link ( and I am glad that I finally got a chance to read it. I missed it the first time. I hope that the rest get a chance to read that answer.

(26 Aug '11, 05:38) The Traveller

Thank you for the nice comments, Traveller, both here and to the other answer. I'm happy you've gained some value from them. Abraham have been saying it forever, and I've found it to be absolutely true in my own life, that it's only ever resistance that gets in the way of anything we ever want. People focus so much on the actual things they want (and don't have yet) without realizing that if they just took their attention off them and "got out of the way of themselves" instead, it would naturally flow to them.

(26 Aug '11, 09:52) Stingray
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In my view, meditation means being consciously aware of the present moment. Thus, any mental action
or inaction that brings one back to the present moment or what is, is meditation.

Through awareness of consciousness one realizes that one is both the thinker of the thought and the observer of the thinker; there’s no real separation, there’s only the idea of separation. Without the YOU identified as the thinker at the center, there’s only consciousness observing itself.

In that state the movement of thought still occurs, although at a slower rate. However, the thinker exists absent the artificial: judgment, criticism and labeling etcetera, the accompanying noise. So meditation can
be seen as the absence of mental abstraction or noise.

True meditation simply means being who you really are; consciousness (at large) observing itself
(as a universal point of view) in the real time of the present moment.


answered 26 Aug '11, 05:26

Eddie's gravatar image


well eddy when there is no more though or emotion to solve because you have found the meaning and everything is solve then your focus and awareness are with out hindrence you experience dhyana.

(26 Aug '11, 18:31) white tiger

i will also add eddy that though cannot be completely stop until they are solve. you can slow them down to observe them until you can get the meaning and get them solve. you will say or think you cannot solve something completely. well when you get the meaning it is solve. example: 2 + 2 = 4 do you need to have the 2 + 2 still going in your though? now lets go for 4 = 2 + 2 = 3 + 1= 1 + 3 = 1+ 1 + 1 + 1= 2x2 etc. once you have seen 4 under all possible permutation you will understand what 4 means. do you still need to have 4 going in your mind?

(26 Aug '11, 18:58) white tiger

I feel like I'm meditating when I contemplate a beautiful painting, with no particular thought crossing my ming and no tagging, like 'what beautiful trees/sunset/flowers/girl' etc. Just looking at it, as if I didn't know the names of the things represented in the painting, just enjoing the colours...

To me, that's meditation, so I understand your point perfectly.



answered 26 Aug '11, 13:11

BridgetJones09's gravatar image


Yes, meditation is focussed attention. Sometimes that focussed attention is on emptiness, sometimes it is on a word, or a thought, sometimes it is on an activity such as a sport or the creation/expression of art. There are guided meditations, meditation techniques, etc... depending on one's goal. Being deep in thought is meditating. So, yest, meditation is thinking/focussing on something, or nothing.


answered 25 Aug '11, 13:29

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

yes deep meditation is solving all though and emotion until there is no more though then you reach dhyana. after if you continue you reach samadhi. if you continue and see god and he tell and show you in truth that you came to this world to experience this world and that you have free will to come and go from this world it is mahasamadhi. experience and enjoy.


answered 25 Aug '11, 18:41

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

focused attention is focused attention. awareness is awareness. concentration is concntration. and meditation is meditation.

it is impossible to meditate. we never meditate. just like we never sleep. here im talking abt our conscious power to do both the things, ie sleeping or meditation. we cnt sleep willingly. we cn just prepare the conditions favourable, ie, lights off, quiet room, etc etc, and wait for sleep to engulf us. similarly, we cn only wait for meditation to engulf us. concentration n attention is necessary, bt they r prerequisites. they cn b practised by will. n must b practised. originally mind is full of thots. one thot leads to another. n we cnt control out thots, more we fight, more they come. so here we practise we try to improve our concentration. this is like n exercise for the mind (nt brain). this gives strength to the mind just like gymmimg gives strenth to the body. initially, the best way to practose n improve our concentration n our ability to focus is by doing tratak. as the mind goes wherever the eyes go, so here the mind will gt limited scope to wander. still it will wander. bt the wandering reduces with practice. after a long time, and observing the other discipplines of yoga, one starts gaining one-pointedness of the mind. now the person cn fix the mind on only one thot/image etc. now here the real thing starts. wen u go on doing this, initially it will b n effort, n u will have to actively do it. later it will start becoming subconscious. it will become automatic/. it will happen itself. here meditation starts and it engulfs u. the period of meditation will go on increasing wid time. this is meditation, n how it is different (rather beyond) from concentration/ focus/ attenti0n etc..


answered 28 Aug '11, 16:29

abhishek%20mishra's gravatar image

abhishek mishra

Welcome to Inward Quest. Please write in normal English instead of "textspeak". You will find that people here will be more receptive to what you have to say if they can read it easily

(28 Aug '11, 16:33) Barry Allen ♦♦

m sorry, bt what is text speak... i really dnt know.. i know that ive nt writtn the answer quite formally, bt if u cud elaborate a little, i will be thankful.. thnxx

(28 Aug '11, 17:51) abhishek mishra

ths iz txt spk 4 u. cn u c wot i men? If you take a little more care with your answers, it will make it easier for others to read. Just a friendly suggestion

(28 Aug '11, 18:23) Barry Allen ♦♦

thank you barry.

(28 Aug '11, 18:34) abhishek mishra
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Well I look at meditation as a training means which leads to a particular state of mind. In this state one has abandoned the struggle with ones thoughts, i.e. one no longer engages what one thinks but just observes from a distance. Thoughts have the nature of dragging along their kind. So, one thought leads to the next and so on and soon one is caught up in a inner discussion and or excitement. Since the mind's function is to think it will go on thinking but through meditation one can learn to withdraw inner attachment to thoughts whatever they are about.


answered 06 Sep '11, 17:06

Musa%20D's gravatar image

Musa D

Your exactly right on the focusing. I believe the true purpose of Meditation is for cultivating Present Moment Awareness. So its not really about how long you can stop thoughts etc.

Our Awareness OF, thoughts, no thoughts, our breathing or whatever else is happening in the present moment is what's important.


answered 13 Sep '12, 19:15

Satori's gravatar image


There are many types of meditation. I believe clearing of thought after placing intent is best way.... BUT, when i first started, i did a technique called, simple energy perception. It is simply explained by closing ur eyes, thinking about whatever u hear and feel, and closing ur eyes every second u dont have to use them. Do this for 3 weeks, whenever u dont NEED ur eyes, close them, and experience the world through sound and vibration,,,,, wow o wow, man. It helped me allot. But directly answering ur question, no matter how u meditate, if u take time away from ur ego, u are gaining somthing. I help teach when i am not channeling, so whoever needs help, let me know.

love n light



answered 14 Sep '12, 16:39

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

I wouldn't consider Meditation to be the ABSENSE of thought more of a channeling to a though process you have never experienced.

As far as thinking of something Neutral you hit the head of the nail, so to speak... The best experiences in our lives are ones that we can share in some ways with another if not many. Neutral is just that, common ground. An example I can think of is when I used to meditate (I need to meditate more) is I used to focus on the tiny lights you see in our eyelids when you close your eyes. Everyone sees them, just as everyone can focus on their breath.

I also want to add that Appreciation weather receiving it or giving it. Probably is the best feeling in the world, as its pretty much associated with practically everything positive in this world.


answered 15 Sep '12, 02:52

Stephen%20Cordova's gravatar image

Stephen Cordova

edited 15 Sep '12, 02:54

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