Nice site, looks like the place that can help explain an experience with the LOA.

Two years ago (when I was still in school an lots ore time) I learned about the LOA, in my quest to make myself more well rounded, attract a mate, good friends and more positive experiences in general.

So for 7 months, I decided to really up my efforts. I started by going to bed early and rising early. Starting the day off with a long run outside or working out. Eating very healthy natural foods. Meditating every day for 30 minutes. Practicing visualization methods. Working on making others feel good inside. Being more positive and jovial and working hard in school.

I noticed that many people in my life who were more negative or not really "full of light" effortlessly dropped away. I didn't have to avoid them, worry about them or anything! Their path just no longer crossed mine because I was vibrating in such a different positive way.

Also, negative uncomfortable experiences become much less and there was more clarity and light in my everyday experiences.

Now, the part that I do not understand, is that I really was radiating to my greatest ability, the same as the people (mate/friends/experiences) I did want to attract. This was to be in line with "you attract what you are".

However, this was NOT my experience. I noticed that I had more positive experiences with people in passing but not at the level I desired. The attraction part of positive people and desired positive experiences I felt was still missing.

My question is, how is that in that great effort, I did experienced one part of it (negative people/situations effortlessly dropping away) but not the addition of the desired positive at the same level?

Thank You!

asked 02 Aug '14, 13:08

_T_P_'s gravatar image


edited 03 Aug '14, 02:21

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦


@t_p you ask: My question is, how is that in that great effort, I did experienced one part of it (negative people/situations effortlessly dropping away) but not the addition of the desired positive at the same level? you are not alone in this world many are on the wide gate and very fee on the narrow path. clean the inside of the cup at least you will know that your cup is clean. if you wash only the outside of the cup and your cup is full of poison and darkness what kind of water will you-

(02 Aug '14, 15:28) white tiger

drink? as for desire they often become the cause of all your trouble in this world. so that is probably the level that you now have to work on. look at it this way in this world people always want more. more power more money etc. they make war, kill each other and steel each other for that desire and to achieve that desire. desire are often selfish and do not serve you or other.

(02 Aug '14, 15:35) white tiger

drink? as for desire they often become the cause of all your trouble in this world. so that is probably the level that you now have to work on. look at it this way in this world people always want more. more power more money etc. they make war, kill each other and steel each other for that desire and to achieve that desire. desire are often selfish and do not serve you or other.

(02 Aug '14, 15:35) white tiger

@white tiger: thanks for the comment. I am interested to know, what is it that makes me on the narrow path? How did that come to your mind for this? I am always working on cleaning the inside of my cup, yes I do see desire as a natural human trait that is very unhelpful... and have worked to be aware of it.

(03 Aug '14, 16:09) _T_P_

@t_p there is nothing wrong with desire as long as they are good for you and other. you see in this world people do the same to you as it as been done to them so if you place your desire before you and other it does not serve you and other. you can see it in this world they kill for money and power they slave them self to get money. they try to set them self up over other so they can praise them self and receive praise from other. the wide gate is extremely large and many go through it.-

(04 Aug '14, 08:57) white tiger

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. do not blind your self to this: Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. you see it all start from the inside going out. and you are affected from the outside to the in to make your choice.-

(04 Aug '14, 09:03) white tiger

Carefully walk a straight path, and all your ways will be secure. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

(04 Aug '14, 09:03) white tiger

Do not be surprise when people try to show them self better then you. when you use the same word they use so they understand you and they try to teach you morale on why that word is not good to show them self superior to you. have mercy and remain does not give you any thing to engage in that futility, since what ever you say it does not matter to them, they only seek their own praise.

(04 Aug '14, 09:42) white tiger
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The negative people didn't actually go away. They're still there only in a different reality, a different level, a different spectrum of light. By doing your exercising, eating right, and living a health consciousness lifestyle you raised your internal vibration which, in turn, changed your reality to a new one. In other words you now live in a different world than you did with the negative people. Now you are meeting and talking with the people who came with your new reality/world. The old reality and the people/situations in it are still there, you just can't see them anymore. But if you were to lower your internal vibration by thinking negative thoughts, those people would start showing up in your life again.

This should give you some insight as to why you're not seeing the people/situations you desire to see....they are not part of this new reality you are in. But that doesn't mean you stop here, we are all constantly shifting from reality to reality. Try to place yourself around/nearby positive people you actually know, and see if you can see/pickup their vibration. Try to copy it and your vibration will change again.


answered 02 Aug '14, 17:15

Eldavo's gravatar image


@eldavo: so my highest and best state is too "pure" or what? and no one else is in it? I wasn't copying anyone then, I was being my best all around, why do I need to copy. Why do I have to dumb down or change my state? Please explain.

(03 Aug '14, 15:55) _T_P_

You only see "that" which you are a vibrational match too, in the reality you're in. If you don't see it/them then you're not a vibrational match. For example; you go to a car dealor and buy a car which you know you've never seen anyone else drive, you have a one of a kind car, but as soon as you drive the car off the lot....all of a sudden you see the car everywhere. You were focused on the car so much that your vibration changed and now you see the car everywhere

(09 Aug '14, 12:44) Eldavo

Dumbing down and having to change your state? I don't understand that?.....What I'm saying is that being around positive people (which is what you stated wanted more of) is so you can pick up the vibe! Just like you would pickup the "English Accent" if you were to stay in England for 6 months. People would notice "you've developed an English accent." You didn't purposely do it, you just picked it up. If you're around anything long enough "you will unconsciously pick it up" it's a natural law!

(09 Aug '14, 12:57) Eldavo
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I want to draw your attention to this:

However, this was NOT my experience. I noticed that I had more positive experiences with people in passing but not at the level I desired. The attraction part of positive people and desired positive experiences I felt was still missing.

My question is, how is that in that great effort, I did experience one part of it (negative people/situations effortlessly dropping away) but not the addition of the desired positive at the same level?

This "noticed" and the whole quote give out the feeling you have/had. When you're having this feeling, this is, in a sense, "who you are" at that time.

I mean, this is also an experience, and you can align in it, too, and you attract with/in it, too.

"I really was radiating to my greatest ability" means you weren't really "being" what you wanted to be, you were trying to change the situation, to change yourself - and that always means the feeling that life isn't working out now the way you want it to, so this is what gets reflected.

When you really live this experience, that you're happy and having kindred spirits as your friends, this feeling takes all of you, it doesn't leave space to notice as you did - or if it leaves, that space feels irrelevant, insignificant in relation to what you're feeling already.

Where is that "void" you feel as "absence" of those positive friends? Is it hard for you to be "alone"? Do you love yourself? Are you the best loving friend to yourself? You must first have the feeling that you're having all those positive friends, in abundance, for two reasons:

  1. they will come only then
  2. most important - you can feel so NOW, you can BE IT now, LIVE IT unconditionally NOW, you need no one else for it.

The feeling you want to have - you must first have it inside. You don't have to wait for it to happen outside to "prove it" to you and "allow you" to now feel it - you have the power to feel that joy NOW, then you can also get these things reflected, as a bonus. :)

To your "why" I'd say - this is no ending situation, there is no ending situation, it is the development of the stream, in which you can continue to align. Maybe you stopped being a match to the experience of being with those who you defined as "negative", but haven't become a match yet to the experience of being with those who you define as "positive", who knows. Or maybe your life gave you the time to stop depending on your environment and crystallize first Who You Are inside, so that your experience of being with those who you'd see as "positive", would be richer and more satisfying. Who knows :) Choose whatever serves you better - meaning, "feel for it", as AH say, feel for what answer would feel better to you, that will be the best serving answer for you.

Good day :)


answered 03 Aug '14, 07:53

Olga%20Farber's gravatar image

Olga Farber

edited 03 Aug '14, 12:20

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IQ Moderator ♦♦

@olga farber: thanks for the help. Re: "I really was radiating to my greatest ability" means you weren't really "being" what you wanted to be - I don't (and at the time of the great effort) know how to really be it, that was the best I could do...what else could I have done? ....The void was based on nothing else but the lack of the goals in the physical. So how do I BE IT NOW, in this moment?

(03 Aug '14, 16:03) _T_P_

You're at the 'efforting' stage which is ok. It won't bring change until it's habitual within you. You're deliberately changing something and that is a process. In time it will chrystalize and it will be an expectation, a thought and feeling so practiced that you don't know you're doing it and you won't be able to stop doing it without deliberate effort again. It will become automatic like driving a car, you don't need to radiate 'I'm driving a car' and wait for others to notice you just do it.

(11 Aug '14, 07:34) Yes

You will always match up with people who people who are vibrationally similar i.e. are in a similar state of consciousness. Even though these people may appear "positive" to you on some or the other aspect, you may not be aware (: nor should you bother :) of their overall state of consciousness. There may be some specific aspect which you are very focused on that is too different from their view for you to be attracted. I would let this go with the flow. One of the important things to practice is allowing or non-resistance or detachment from desire, by clinging to the old we get in the way of the new and get stuck and then it seems like the world's going wrong, but what's really happening is that our world changes to reflect ourselves and by attempting to alter a course that we have deliberately charted and then counter it is to fight against oneself which will lead to negative circumstances outside. Just stay focused on creating your inner state and maintaining it in a state of generally high vibration, let the circumstances take care of themselves - they always do.

The "passing" nature of such circumstances reflects the fact that EVERYTHING IS CHANGING and not everything is so fixed although at every instant it reflects our state of mind with absolute vibrational accuracy. In your case, it could be that you're at a very high level of vibration that is a bit too different for others who you know (: because only those who consciously keep an emphasis on being positive will be this way :) and that's why they only show up at times that they are in the vicinity of your vibe; it could be that you've got some "attachment" that is making you constantly try to make things happen or look for evidence i.e. doubt; you could have some other lurking belief that's causing it; or the people you speak of may not be as positive as you think. Either way, just focus on you and being happy independent of others as best you can and just flow with it. Truly, your life is the flow of who you are, i.e. it is always flowing according to who you are and if it's something less than satisfactory, then it's you doing it on some level but not being fully aware of it. I'm pretty sure (: a good guess :) that you're trying too hard to make it happen and constantly looking for evidence. AVOID THAT. "Reality" is just reflecting what's inside you, so when you see it realize that it's something inside that is causing the temporary circumstance and you can change it by maintaining your focus on a positive state of mind. YOU WILL HAVE TO USE THE IMAGINATION VERY OFTEN BECAUSE THAT IS THE PRECURSOR TO REALITY. Imagine yourself with wonderful people (: associative visualization only :), a wonderful partner, imagine what life would be like if you were in that state etc. Do this is often as you can but only if you feel good NEVER FORCE (: you can be mechanical if need be but not forceful i.e. if you push hard you'll push the opposite of what you want inside too :) yourself to do visualizations because they are best used when relaxed, peaceful and happy etc.

I'd like to point out that although you're talking about the right vibe and positivity etc. (: that's great and I'm happy you're feeling good :) I notice it's still heavily OUTSIDE-IN with all the eating healthy, exercising, going to bed and getting up early etc. Actions are a consequence (: just after emotion :) of state of mind, and they can alter a state of mind ONLY if you believe they can and they (: action to improve inner state :) are not required. You just need to focus on feeling as good as you can and let that direct your actions. If all this activity is stuff you like doing in and of itself, then please keep at it. If you're doing all of this so that you can be happy, I got news for you: happiness is the result of choice of perspective. I notice you mention visualizations as part of your L.O.A. work, but have included Gratitude/ Appreciation on as much as is feasible (: don't make it a chore :)? Appreciation is a vital key in opening the door to abundance and authentic positivity. MEDITATION IS GREAT AND WILL HELP A LOT IN THE LONG RUN for most people, although if you hate it just find something you like instead. Being happy is important.

I'm tying this up with your goal of being "well rounded" (: what made you think you're not good enough as it is? what is well-rounded and who set the standards and why are keen on being this way?:), attracting good relationships (: mate or otherwise :) etc. They suggest a strong dependency on others' acceptance for your happiness. Desiring it is fine, but depending on it - NO. For all your other relationships to blossom, YOU NEED TO TEND TO THE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. Forget trying to make others feel good, being a "good friend" and all that s**t - make sure you're doing what you're authentically comfortable with and happy about.

Finally, you CHILL OUT AND RELAX while doing the best (: thinking is also doing :) you can to feel as good as you can as much as you can without making it a chore or contest. Just try to focus on things that make you feel good, whether it's imagining something wonderful or engaging in some physical activity that you enjoy in and of itself, and meditate. FOCUS ON ENJOYING YOURSELF. LOVE YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE WILL. You cannot earn it. YOU ARE ALREADY WORTHY. No amount of effort will get you there unless you have a strong conviction that it will. It's the conviction, the state of mind and vibration that gets you there and that's all mental and it's all within not without. STOP looking to circumstances except to notice that it reflects exactly what you're inner state of vibration is and things that you sown.


answered 03 Aug '14, 15:20

harsha's gravatar image


edited 03 Aug '14, 18:00

@harsha: that's about what I did/do....

(03 Aug '14, 16:05) _T_P_

I've updated (: a lot :) my reply. Let me know if you need more info or clarification. You can even write to me personally if you'd like me to guide you a bit more specifically since you may be keeping so vital info private.

(03 Aug '14, 18:06) harsha
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