I've been studying LOA for some years now, and I am at the point where it's really paying off for me. But even though I am living many of my dreams, I'm struggling with one issue. Since I am self-employed and work when I want, I don't have a routine or much structure in my life. I keep trying to start routines, but they just don't stick. I planned a morning routine which I know would put me in a good vibration for the rest of the day, and have tried to implement it a few times, but usually something happens to prevent me being able to do it that day, and then I forget about it until a few weeks later, when I repeat the cycle. I really love the idea of 30-day challenges and I've tried to do them several times, with embarrassing results. Even simple things like taking a few minutes each day to write a short gratitude list are quickly forgotten about.

Knowing what I know about the Law of Attraction, I think it would be really beneficial for me to consistently spend around 30 minutes each day doing exercises to improve my vibration (eg. 20 minutes of Focus Blocks and 10 minutes writing a gratitude list).

As it is now, I usually coast along with my positive manifestations until a negative manifestation happens, and then I spend hours every day desperately applying practices until manage to soothe the issue. Usually things wok themselves out, but I'm sick of using the Cattle Prod method of growth. I know that if I just put in a daily effort to manage my vibration, my journey would be much smoother.

But it's as if I'm allergic to routines of any kind. This extends to my work as well, and it decreases my productivity. Exercise and regular meals too. I'd just like my life to have more structure in general, and the fact that none of my efforts stick suggests to me that there's a deeper issue behind this. It's like there's a small rebellion that goes on inside me every time I try to start a routine. I've always been a bit of a free spirit, but too much freedom (i.e. no structure) isn't good for me either.

Any thoughts?

asked 15 Sep '14, 15:20

cassiopeia's gravatar image


edited 15 Sep '14, 15:21

I feel as though I've written this question... thank you :)

(02 Aug '16, 15:00) einsof
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I've discovered that there are Three Big Secrets to achieving these regular self-empowering routines.

Here are the Three Big Secrets...

  1. Habit
  2. Habit
  3. Habit


For more information, read the thread Why am I in the Vortex only a very few times? especially the two posts detailing the power of habit and the sometimes-significant effort involved (initially) in setting them up.

After they are set up, you are on cruise control and wondering why it was ever so difficult in the first place. Let your habitual nature do the hard work in your life and free yourself up to (consciously) focus on the fun stuff :)

alt text

I have a daily "vibrational" routine that extends from 1.5 to 2 hours daily (which I've been doing for many months) and it's become so habitual and effortless that sometimes, at the end of the day, I wonder if I forgot to do it that day :) In fact, I'm planning to push it out to 2.5 hours daily in the near future because there's more I want to do on a daily basis.

The best educational program I've come across for understanding how to set up these daily habits/routines is one called Wake Up Productive by Eben Pagan...easily beats everything else on the subject of habits I've come across. Great program, if you can find it.

I also use some habit tracking software on my Android smartphone called Habit Streak to help me keep track of how my habits are progressing during the initial 30-day period of crystallizing them.

I think if you're like most people setting up a new empowering habit, you will encounter some significant resistance to keeping it going, often sometime around 7-14 days. I think of this period as equivalent to Bashar's Test where you are pushing out the boundaries of a limiting vibrational area in your life.

You'll find absolutely legitimate reasons (from your perspective) not to continue with the habit creation. In fact, it will often seem stupid to continue carrying on with the habit. Don't buy into these seductive distractions! :)

I find this is the crucial period in which to be aware of what is happening and keep pushing on with the habit. Once you've broken through this vibrational boundary, things will change fast.

Hope that helps a bit :)


answered 15 Sep '14, 16:04

Stingray's gravatar image


@Stingray - I actually downloaded Habit Streak but got out of the habit of using it, haha... You're right about what you say, although I did post this secretly hoping for a "magic wand" answer, I guess I know that it really is about using willpower to get a habit started. As hard as that is. I think another problem I have is that I try to take on too much in the beginning, instead of going for a few actions at a time. Time to fire up Habit Streak again ;)

(15 Sep '14, 16:15) cassiopeia

@cassiopeia - "hoping for a 'magic wand' answer" - The magic wand answer will probably be based around Bashar's Instant Habit Change ideas. The theory sounds good but I haven't yet figured out a way to make it work simply and consistently as regards habit change. That's not to say that someone else around these parts hasn't come up with a way, or that I might not wake up tonight with a great epiphany about it...just not yet :)

(15 Sep '14, 18:02) Stingray

Hi Singray, please could you elaborate on the contents of your daily vibrational routine, and how you constructed it? Thanks.

(16 Sep '14, 13:46) cod2

@cod2 - The specifics mostly relate to Chi Energy Training. They are private techniques taught by that school and I can't really discuss/disclose them in this public arena. Sorry

(17 Sep '14, 05:40) Stingray

No problem Stingray. Would it be possible for you to describe why you chose this particular school? Thanks.

(18 Sep '14, 08:14) cod2

@cod2 - When you've been messing about with "traditional" spiritual schools/philosophies/methods for as long as I have, it tends to catch your attention when something different comes along :)

(19 Sep '14, 09:56) Stingray

@Stingray I hope you don't mind me asking but roughly what is the time investment in the Chi Energy training per day to do this chi energy training using the exercises from this school?

(19 Sep '14, 14:39) Catherine

@Catherine - Unless you are fanatical about it, the first year ("Open System") maxes out about 45 minutes per day, not all in one lump. If you are interested/committed enough to continue into the "Closed System", it's a bit more (not much) but you won't care :)

(19 Sep '14, 15:35) Stingray

@Stingray It sounds really interesting - I'm on with some commitments at the moment in a similar area but I really feel like this could enhance what I'm already doing. Have made a note to revisit it once I'm freer. Thanks for the info

(20 Sep '14, 14:33) Catherine

@Catherine - "this could enhance what I'm already doing" - To be honest, you'll likely have to give up what you're already doing if it is energy related. The energy builds to such extreme levels that any deviation from their precise instructions is going to get you hurt by it. I speak from experience :) Listen to The Danger of Mixing Energy Methods. I've given up years of other trainings but haven't regretted it

(20 Sep '14, 15:25) Stingray
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I was about to post something along the lines of what @Stingray said (Thanks to @Stingray for the recommendations btw).

From experience on habit creation on other topics (exercising, waking up early, etc) I would say that one of the biggest things is to start small and build up from there. It may take a bit longer to reach the point you want, but it will definitely be easier to sustain the routine.

If possible try to have a consistent time, set up reminders (alarms, post it notes, everything you can use) and use those reminders!. It's easy to shut down an alarm an keep on doing what you were doing. Take advantage of your flexible schedule and whenever the time comes for your routine, set everything aside and start doing it.

And finally, reward yourself when you finish a session to positively reinforce the behavior. This can be done just by congratulating yourself mentally, eating a treat you like, playing loud music, or whatever you choose.

Best of luck!


answered 16 Sep '14, 14:18

Kriegerd's gravatar image



@Kriegerd, thanks for this, some good points that perfectly complement @Stingray's answer. I like the part about rewarding myself, I'll have to think of something good.

I've now whittled down my morning routine to something which can be done in as little as 15 minutes, or up to an hour if I wish. I think this will help, at least on days when I'm busy or really lazy I can tell myself that at least I can do 15 minutes (and hopefully once I'm started I'll feel like doing it longer)

(17 Sep '14, 04:03) cassiopeia

Hi, Hope you are well.

If you know that what you want to do is going to help and be good for you then you are going to have to make the effort. If you woke up tomorrow morning starving would you bother to go and look for food? Make the effort and you will win. I know people who reckon they want to do stuff in life but tell me they don't have the time. If they really wanted to do it, they would find the time. Stay with it! take care Chris


answered 07 Sep '16, 14:22

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Chris Fowler

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