
I thought I'd ask this because I am constantly worrying that if I don't clean up something right away that the effect wont be the same.

Let's say I forget about something that happened and I didn't have time to write it down in a statement to deal with it later. I sometimes feel like I have to deal with it soon or i'll forget.

I also can't resist the temptation to clean constantly because of the growth and insight that comes with it. I've become kind of obsessive with these Ho'oponopono cleaning mantras because of it.

I often feel drained and it might be because of the constant cleaning through out my day through my activities. But I'm not sure.

I was wondering if and when it's best to just stop cleaning for a while and enjoy life or if the universe/higher self is guiding me.

I've heard that when you start cleaning more and more stuff comes up for you to clean.

I would like to hear some of your other views on this topic.

Hopefully at least some who have the same experiences can share what they know.

Thank you.

asked 31 May '16, 17:32

TheCreativeOne's gravatar image


edited 01 Jun '16, 03:48

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

I think what your question is getting at is the time investment required for Distraction Methods vs Clearing Methods.

In a nutshell, Distraction Methods are generally easy and quick to apply but you need to keep applying them because they don't create a permanent shift in a vibrational setpoint. So, over the long run, they eat up vast amounts of time to keep providing temporary relief with little long-term benefit.

While you refer to Ho'oponopono as a cleaning/clearing method, I would tend to disagree that it is and instead I would put it in the category of Distraction Method. And I would suggest to you that is why it feels like you are using Ho'oponopono all the time.

In my view, the Ho'oponopono mantras...

  • I love you
  • I'm sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you

...are too "off-the-subject" to prevent reactivation of a painful subject in future, which is basically what genuine clearing methods achieve.

Instead they provide easy temporary relief, which is precisely what a Distraction Method does. But that's not to say there is anything wrong or bad about the approach. Distraction Methods are entirely appropriate on occasion.

For example, say, you've just crashed your car.

alt text

Now your mind is racing about how you can afford the repairs, about all the inconvenience that is going to result to people who rely on your car, about how you are going to get home without a car...and a gazillion other things that are clouding your judgement in that moment.

Those Ho'oponopono mantras will give you that quick and easy temporary relief in the moment to get your mind clear enough to probably think about how to get home at least.

But, once home, as you think about how to get your car repaired, consider the difference that the Ho'oponopono mantras would make compared to some focused belief-shoring statements.

Ho'oponopono statements approach to finding a car repair solution

  • I love you
  • I'm sorry
  • Please forgive me
  • Thank you

Focus Blocks/Wheels statements approach to finding a car repair solution

  • Uncle Joe will be visiting tomorrow. Perhaps he can lend me his car for a while
  • I've got some money put aside for emergencies. I can use that to pay for a repair
  • Actually, the damage doesn't seem that bad. My friend Jimmy is quite good with cars. He might take a look at it and fix it for free
  • Perhaps I can give my insurance company a call and see what they suggest. Since I'm such a long-standing customer, they might be willing to help me with the repairs without it affecting my policy

Hopefully, you can see which approach is more likely to permanently reduce the emotional pain connected with getting the car repaired.

Even if none of the belief-shoring statements (the Focus Blocks/Wheels statements) are valid options for you, the fact that you now directly feel better about the subject opens you up for possibilities to being inspired to a workable solution.

Having said all of this, you probably could use Ho'oponopono in a clearing method way if you tweaked the approach slightly. And that is to strongly elicit the bad-feeling state that, say, your car repair is bringing up within you and then - while deliberately keeping focused on the state - say the Ho'oponopono statements with the deliberate intention of neutralizing the state.

But even then, I'd say that EFT achieves this same result much more reliably and quickly.

As far as my own life is concerned, I rarely spend more than a handful of minutes a day in actual clearing time even when I feel I have lots to clear because I only use clearing to generate enough relief for me to use it as a stepping-stone to an aligned state.

I spend the vast, vast, vast majority of my life in good-feeling states, not trawling through bad-feeling ones looking for things to clean up.

If you stay dominantly focused on clearing/cleaning stuff long enough, the Law of Attraction will start to bring you more stuff to clean up...because that's where your dominant attention is focused.

You wanted some views...so there's my view :)


answered 01 Jun '16, 07:16

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 01 Jun '16, 07:36

Thank You. I think it might also be better to just clean in the morning because this is after resistance has been built up during sleep. Focusing on feeling good should be the number one priority, aside from feeling relief.

(01 Jun '16, 19:16) TheCreativeOne

@TheCreativeOne - "this is after resistance has been built up during sleep" - Resistance comes about from conscious thought. You don't have conscious thought while you sleep so you don't build resistance while you sleep. In fact, because you take a break from thinking thoughts while you sleep, the momentum of them is less at wake-up time which makes it an ideal time to change the direction of them. In other words, doing alignment work shortly after waking up makes feeling good a lot easier

(02 Jun '16, 03:41) Stingray

I have been practicing Ho'oponopono for some years now and I disagree with the above comments that it is a superficial approach, more about distraction than cleaning/clearing.

Ho'oponopono is a subtle practice and thus it can be difficult to "grok" or explain. For years, I dismissed it, myself. It wasn't until I sat down and seriously perused Zero Limits, by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len, that I finally "got it."

Ho'oponopono is not about "trawling through bad-feeling states looking for things to clean up." It is not a short-term "quick fix." It certainly doesn't rule out taking actions, such as the Focus Wheel car repair solutions. Rather, it clears the way for inspiration to come through, which may well include those solutions.

We don't need to say the whole mantra, by the way. Any part of it that you like saying to yourself will work just fine. I prefer "Thank you" and "I love you."

This is a good site, all about Ho'oponopono. And this post explains much. http://www.peacefuldoc.com/2014/04/taking-100-responsibility-in.html

I clean a lot, but sometimes I still forget. I don't worry if I don't do it. I get back with it because I like it. I feel it is working for me in ways I cannot even know. Like I said--a very subtle practice. Yet very effective.

I am happy to pursue this topic further if you would like.


answered 30 Jun '16, 03:50

Delphine's gravatar image


edited 30 Jun '16, 03:51

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