In the exercise of Part 2 of The Master Key System, is it ok for me to keep my eyes open? I find it easier to focus that way. Any responses would be appreciated.
Thanks. I have only made it to chapter 2. I was under the impression of one chapter a week if you've mastered the previous excercise. It was recommended to me to read through the whole book first then reread the book and do the exercises.
(15 Jan '11, 17:05)
jim 10
Yes, you certainly can keep your eyes open. No problem with doing that at all. This exercise is aimed at calming and controlling your thoughts so many people prefer to keep their eyes closed to avoid visual distractions, but eyes open is fine too. In fact, in some of the later visualization exercises, you may find it easier to visualize "inner pictures" with your eyes open also rather than closed. It just seems to work better that way for some people, despite it sounding more difficult to do. |
My suggestion to you would be for you to close your eyes while doing the exercise! Try it, and after doing it for a few times, you will see that it is not that hard to do. Good luck. |

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