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Happy Valentines Day!!

asked 14 Feb '11, 16:15

all2gethernow's gravatar image


Is there meaning to each of the symbols that I see here? Happy Valentines Day to you as well, all2gethernow.

(15 Feb '11, 04:41) flowingwater

They are different asanas in yoga..

(15 Feb '11, 09:48) AVBhat 1

Beautiful! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

(15 Feb '11, 11:57) daniele
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And a Happy 16th of February too :D

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 16 Feb '11, 12:34

ursixx's gravatar image


Yes, happy every Day!

(16 Feb '11, 13:27) daniele

Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork all2gethernow.

Happy Heart Day everyone!!

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 15 Feb '11, 00:02

Michaela's gravatar image


Your painting is beautiful! is the verse...thanks

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 15 Feb '11, 02:34

Sophi's gravatar image


Thank you and Happy Valentine's day to you as well! :-D

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 15 Feb '11, 05:44

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

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