If being spiritual is just part of being human, then why shouldn't we allow children to explore spirituality as part of their schooling, as naturally as we teach writing or reading? Wouldn't this be the best place for kids to learn about how having a spiritual belief system? Would doing this slow down the suicide rate amoung teens, and help young people understand why we have values? Why do we ignore this important part of human development? Blessings and Love, Jai
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Because to the religious, you can't separate spirituality from religion. They would not allow their children to be taught anything but their religion. I think that teaching EFT in schools would be most effective. It would help the kids to settle down and focus, making for a better day all around. It also would help right now with the hurts that kids get emotionally, the ones they suffer from as adults. If we could have eliminated the negative emotions from our childhood experiences befor they become limiting beliefs, past traumas, etc... how much happier people would be. I just ordered this book, The Wizard's Wish by Brad Yates. (I ordered four because they had a four for three price promotion.) I have not received them yet, but Brad has some awesome videos on EFT tapping. Any way, if we are going to help the most people and affect the kids at school in a positive, life changing way, EFT is the obvious choice. It is religiously neutral, yet can be used spiritually if one so desires. Peace and blessings, |
well untill teh laws change it will not happen because some people no matter WHAT, will say that it is religious, as far as it goes no one will try to add it because it will unteach the children all the brainwashing that the government has started decades ago. i do belive it should be but unfortunatly, untill many things change, it wont :-( love n light, rob i agree with you rob. the current system is making you have ego and programming you with belief that will not serve you. example of belief: only the one that works hard will succed.(when you see most of the one succeding at school are cheating) also only the teacher know all(well each new year they say to the kid to forget everything they have learn because they have the truth.)
(25 Dec '11, 12:04)
white tiger
Science is the accepted tool for modern exploration of existential questions. If the spiritual teachings could be scientifically proven and made into a standardized curriculum that communicates the concepts in a way that is statistically useful to society there might be a chance of getting spirituality into the school system. It would probably need a new subject name. Luckily, true insight comes from within anyways, so whether or not spirituality is ever taught, every child has a direct line to the source :) hu re, agree with your statemenmt on insight. but a good teacher who recognizes your individual talents ought to be important to the novice; unless percieved as threatening
(22 Dec '11, 00:40)
in a world lead by the ego of the carnal. how do you want to teach spirituality? how will they make the 2 in one? would they not have to all pass their ego them self? and leave that duality that do not serve them? and if they do this they would need to change this world to balence it more properly so that the rich give to the poor, because right now it is like a pyramid the poor at the bottom ,the middle class in the middle and the rich at the top.; when the poor and the middle class fall down what will happen to the rich? also all religion will need to unite and stop that none sense (my god is the only god. my god is better then yours. if you do not believe in my god you are damn. etc...) also know this the best way to teach is by example. so is the world being a good example today? or does it have flaws and error to correct? is the world united or is it divided? so you see there is alot of work to do the cup needs to be cleaned in and out. experience and enjoy. |

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Vee, the inspiration for this question was my curiosity. The source of my information was my mind. Blessings,>>>>>>>>>>
@ Jai: Thanks for sharing, actually I believe in self expression, and creativity, and aren’t we all a bunch of curious human beings with a mind of our own! I am just asking for clarification, so that I can be consistent with what the other members are doing on this site in terms of posting the questions!
excellent question Jai - :)