This question is deeper than the title-LOA says that you are responsible for your life. Every thought you think will give you an outcome. I have injured my foot- my question is, did I attract this via negative and bad thinking? Or rather, is this simply a necessary 'lesson' of some sort so I can become more spiritual? |
Yes, you 100% attracted it into your reality otherwise it could not have manifested. But I know people get upset about broad statements like that - because most people only like taking credit for the good things that happen to them in life :) - so here are some clarifications...
There's a few random thoughts for you. If I've missed any objections, let me know and I'll add them in :) Hopefully, it might be a bit clearer that our lives are truly 100 percent reflections of our dominant thoughts. No exceptions, ever :) Awesome feedback!
(24 Aug '11, 16:26)
awesome randomness
(24 Aug '11, 16:53)
Thanks - glad it was useful for you
(25 Aug '11, 09:22)
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or you may just need to be more careful where and when you step down with that foot, Hopefully an experience learned/felt
(25 Aug '11, 10:10)

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