Can you believe in God and still believe in The Law of Attraction or does it create controversies?

Some say God, Universal Consciousness, and many other names but I say God/Jesus Christ. So literally can believing in one make you contradict the other. For I believe in both differently God and the Law of Attraction as well.

But the Law of Attraction says that we create our own reality but doesn't that contradict the principles of God. Good, evil, demons, angels, influences you to do good or do evil while the law of Attractions say you set up and create your own reality regardless of what negativity or evil influence is trying to change your mind.

You see I believe there is a God who gave us a son named Jesus Christ to come to this world to save us from ourselves and evil influences that would influence our choices which we would make with our free will. I believe in praying and giving thanks to God and Jesus and yes I do believe that God created us in such a way that once we discover how to create our own reality we can do this with his help of influence and positive vibrations frequencies of love and protection from him and his holy angels.

You see there is so much out there trying to make you believe that there is No god and down the road it will be telling us that We are god and in my opinion all that is totally wrong for there is a God and he created this physical world for us humans which he also created and they want to make us think that down the road maybe that we created ourselves.

So, we must stay prayed up and ask the Lord to come into our lives and hearts and strengthen our faith and guide us as we use our free will to raise our vibrational frequencies to create the reality that we want. For Jesus said that we can do the things he has done and greater than he has done.

For a long time that statement confused me and I could not understand how we could do the things Jesus did and then it went on to say things greater than he had done that just blew my spiritual mind but later on I realize it was telling us that each one of his children to create their reality through the power of the spoken word and our thoughts.

You see that is why Jesus said he is going to have to come back before his very elect gets deceived! For many are out there to deceive you. So stay spiritually awakened to what is going on in the physical world around you and within you and stay connected to God and Jesus Christ.

asked 08 Feb '10, 11:12

flowingwater's gravatar image


edited 09 Feb '10, 17:18

Vesuvius's gravatar image


Perhaps you could elaborate on how you see the two contradicting each other?

(08 Oct '10, 01:24) Liam

How do the two ideas contradict each other?

(08 Oct '10, 03:54) Vesuvius

I can. lol. (should I elaborate?).

(08 Oct '10, 14:24) BridgetJones09
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You say that you believe Jesus Christ and God are two different things. But didn't Jesus say, "I am the Father?" And doesn't the Bible teach that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are but three different aspects of the same thing? Aren't they essentially the same thing, viewed from different perspectives?

When we were born to this earth, we chose to separate ourselves from God and experience life as a separate being. In doing this, we accepted the idea that we are somehow different; we separated ourselves from each other and from God. But that separation, in reality, doesn't actually exist; it is only a mental construct. This is what we mean when we say, "You create your own reality." When we die, we return to God; we give up the mental conceit that we are somehow separate from Him.

But what if you came to this world, knowing that you are not separate? This is what Jesus did. Jesus knew the true nature of reality creation, which is that, if we are not separate from everything else, then everything else by definition is part of us. And so, reality-creation just becomes an extension of our consciousness. To someone who sees their self as separate, a miracle just occurred. But to the reality-creater, it is as if he simply moves a part of himself, like one might move their arm.

If you read Genesis, you will see that this is all clearly laid out in the Bible. When Adam and Eve first existed in the garden of Eden, they were not separate from God. They were at one with God and all of the creatures of the garden. There was no good or evil, there was only being. But then Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and suddenly they began to experience separation. They began to see themselves as different, separate from God and the plants and animals. They began discerning differences, separating things into categories by judging them as good or evil. By doing so, they cast themselves out of the Garden of Eden, just as we cast ourselves (temporarily) out of Heaven when we choose to come here.

The Garden of Eden is not a place; it is a state of mind, the state of being completely open and receptive, of being at one with the Lord and all of His creations. So it is with those who understand the nature of who they are and how they are connected with everything and everyone else, and how the illusion of separation is just that.

This does not mean, "I am God," because to say this would imply difference or separation, that you are somehow superior. Rather, it means, "I am one with God."


answered 08 Feb '10, 16:05

Vesuvius's gravatar image



You have some how mis-understood me I did not say they were different. I believee in God the Father and Jesus Christ the son which is really Jesus is the world of God manifest into human form as Jesus When God breath the breath of life into man than is when man became a living human being. That is when the soul which came from God and entered into man. We are spiritual beings who came from God and are a part of him whether we believe in him or not. But I do believe in God and we enter heaven through Jesus Christ our savior who died on the cross so that all of us will have a chance to go heaven

(09 Feb '10, 07:11) flowingwater

What did I said that lead you to believe that I think Jesus Christ are two different things? I even put God/Jesus Christ. I only ask this question because so many on this site are trying to get thier spiritual journey right. They are learning about the Law of Atraction but I do not want them to forget about that their is a all powerful and loving God who created them but gave them free will to choose. Also to let them know yes there are evil entities here on this earthly plane and good entities on this earth plane such as angels and demons and others. There seems to be a controversy in this.

(09 Feb '10, 07:15) flowingwater

What did I said that lead you to believe that I think Jesus Christ and God are two different things? I even put God/Jesus Christ. I only ask this question because so many on this site are trying to get thier spiritual journey right. They are learning about the Law of Atraction but I do not want them to forget about that their is loving God who created them but gave them free will to choose. Also to let them know yes there are evil entities here on this earthly plane and good entities on this earth plane such as angels and demons and others.

(09 Feb '10, 07:20) flowingwater

All four of my comments are directed to Vusuvius. I don't believe that the Garden of Eden is a state of mind because Heaven is not a state of mind and God is not a state of mind even though as a human so much is existed in the mind thoughts are reveiled in the mind. Now The garden of Eden does not exist on this plane anymore because the tree of life does not need to get into the wrong hands and than they will live for ever. But each to their own opinion. We communication with God, Jesus, the angels through our spiritual connection or link this allows our thoughts to travel to him.

(09 Feb '10, 07:37) flowingwater

Sorry, Vesuvius I got a little long winded there. Have a great day Vesuvius. I appreciate your honest answers and comments have a nice day.

(09 Feb '10, 07:40) flowingwater
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

I think you can believe in both. God gave us free will and it is this free will that we use to make our choices and attract what comes into our life experience. I think the miracles Jesus created were reality creation or the law of attraction at it's finest. God, Universe,Source gives us exactly what we ask for and we don't even have to use words.


answered 08 Feb '10, 18:41

Michaela's gravatar image


Prior to learning that we create our own reality or the portion of reality that we wish or choose to experience, I did not believe in God. Now I do, only I don't see God as male or female.

IMHO the problem with all versions of the bible is they were written and edited by humans, who may or may not have understood true meaning.

The most helpful people regarding explaining religion to me are Neville Goddard and Neal Donald Walsh. Awakened Imagination and The Power of Awareness by Neville explain many passages from the bible in terms of reality creation. The Conversations with God series by NDW is a must-read in furthering one's understanding of religion and spirituality...

I hope this helps... 8-)


answered 09 Feb '10, 09:27

Eddie's gravatar image



Thanks for your answer. If I may say if you would like ask God to come into your life and reveal himself to you so that you can feel his connection to you and somehow and somewhere you will receive your answer either directly form God, reading something somewhere, seeing soemthing on tv, a bill board or even an e-mail or a phone call and than you will know that this answer came straight from God. Your spiritual being inside of you came from God with love. We humans have to open our spiritual eyes to see spiritual things and we have to ask Jesus to open it for us. Just talk to him.

(11 Feb '10, 07:34) flowingwater

You know Eddie I think this post and comment got me into Nevilles teaching in 2010. Im eternally grateful I did. His teaching has lifted the veil for me as regards the meaning of scripture. If anyone in another 4 years reads this I hope and pray you study Nevilles teaching, and discover who you really are and always have been. Many thanks Eddie.

(02 Dec '13, 11:16) Monty Riviera

Not at all, God has set in motion certain laws such as gravity. It is just that most of the people don't give God the credit, that is where I think most people miss an opportunity to give Him credit.


answered 07 Oct '10, 23:22

TPReusch's gravatar image


Regardless of the different semantics, interpretations, religions, Christ, principles, concepts, perspectives, etc.... The Truth never changes, only our consciousness, perspective, or limiting ideas of it change. If you percieve God and Law of attraction as contradictory, then so be it. It still doesn't change the truth of the matter. That possibly God and Law of attraction are one and the same and that Christ and the Father are one and the same, and Christ and the HOly Spirit are one and tha same, and Christ and us are one and the same. Therefore, law of attraction and us are one and the same.

Could it be, that Christ uses the Law of attraction and created the many miracles he performed, and passed this knowledge to his disciples who inturn passed it onto us? It's all about passing on the knowledge and using the language that will convey the closest to the Truth. This is limiting in itself. Language changes, therefore, interpretations change.

Relatively, then we are all coming into the Truth regardless of how we describe it, how we manifest it, how we learn it, how we teach it.

Therefore, a resounding YES, you can believe in God and the Law of attraction. (If you want)


answered 08 Feb '10, 17:35

RPuls's gravatar image


edited 08 Feb '10, 17:52

The question was asked by me because somtimes it seems that there seem to be a controversy between the fact of believing in you create your own reality and if you do so than there is no demon or evil out there that is trying to influence you to go another way because you did not create that in your reality. But God talks about it in the bible. The tree of knowledge whom Adam and Eve ate of consisted of knowledge of both good and evil. I don't want people to dwell on it but I want people to be aware of it trying to influence your free will. Thank you for your answer RPuls.

(09 Feb '10, 09:15) flowingwater

You see there is so much out there trying to make you believe that there is No god and down the road it will be telling us that We are god and in my opinion all that is totally wrong for there is a God and he created this physical world for us humans which he also created and they want to make us think that down the road maybe that we created ourselves

I think both you and them are right. What would you think if I told you that there is a personal God and we are a part of Him? He created us and we live in the illusion that we are divided from Him. In fact, we never became separated. We are together but we perceive at the lower level of existence. We cannot see the truth. (Faith is needed!) Therefore our goal is to rise up and became aware of our true spiritual nature. Then the glass of illusion is broken down and we realize that God is Us.

Everything lives in God but He does not live in everything. Now I do not mean that we do not have God part within us, because we do. Think about this: Everything lives in God but He does not live in everything.


answered 08 Feb '10, 17:46

Asklepios's gravatar image



God is always within us he is a part of us when he breathe the breathe of air into man and man became a living soul. We are God's chidlren and we are heirs to the Kingdom of God which is within us for we are connected to God through our spiritual being.

(09 Feb '10, 09:26) flowingwater

Thanks for your answer Asklepios.

(09 Feb '10, 09:26) flowingwater

You are welcome.

(09 Feb '10, 15:30) Asklepios
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"telling us that each one of his children to create their reality through the power of the spoken word and our thoughts."

What about deeds? Thought, Work and Deed. What good is it to have two hands and never use them. It is easy to speak nice words, it is easy to think good thoughts, it is not so easy to go out and do what you are thinking and saying!

"someone should feed the hungry" "someone should clean up this city" "someone should tell the Govt to... " "someone should .... that someone is YOU.

If you notice it - God has bought it to your attention. Maybe this is the Law of Attraction in operation. GOD HAS ATTRACTED YOUR ATTENTION to something that needs doing. Praying does not feed people or clean up messes. Hands do.

This popular notion of the Law of Attraction might be more affective is we use it to gain the time, the means, the courage to do that which He has attracted us to.


answered 08 Feb '10, 23:04

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦


lorraine it is not easy to speak nice words and think good thoughts because enough people are not doing it! The first thing people do when they see you whether they know you are not is to try and tear you down emotionally and bring down your vibrational frequency. Not all but a lot of people want people to feel bad and have low self esteem. We who still believe in God and Jesus we are his embassodors. If we say that we love God than we will feed his sheep or flock, we will cloths them, comfort them, help them in what ever way that we can and through doing that we are showing love.

(09 Feb '10, 09:40) flowingwater

In the bible it tells up about the tongue how speaking with it can cause life or death but what we forget is you can also speak life, love, prosperity, happiness, kindness, good health and so much more we he was letting us know to be careful what we speak and think for it can literally speak life and death. A kind goes a long way to putting a smile on someone face just like a mean word does to putting a frown or a tear on someface. He wants us to care about one another and our selves as well as him. WE humans have this earth to grow and learn of the spiritual being within us.Lorraine

(09 Feb '10, 09:46) flowingwater

We all have our Ideas as to "what" or "who" God is (or isn't). Sacred source, all powerful, "The Force" I decided to spell it God but pronounce it Jod (the G is like in gerry and genuine)

Any way this "God" is the Truth, And one of the Laws of the Truth is the Law of Attraction. In my humble opinion, God and LOA are one in the same.

There isn't any separateness in the Universe.


You can't have one without the other.

Bottom line is yes.

Much Love.


answered 08 Oct '10, 00:44

jim%2010's gravatar image

jim 10

How do you compare the LOA to God? And why would you want to compare God to the LOA? This is indeed a mystery, since it was God that created this Universe, and everything in it. Here are some things to consider: when was the Bible first published, and for what purpose, and when was the Book on the LOA first published, and for what purpose? It you can answer these questions, then perhaps, you will know the truth, and you will understand that there is no contradiction in one believing in God, and using the LOA to manifest their daily needs; because you cannot compare God to the things he has created for man to use spiritually, and scientifically, such as the LOA.

We use the LOA to manifest our desire, or we pray to God and ask him, which is the same LOA to manifest our desire. The LOA is not a God, so to speak, but is one of the spiritual and scientific Law of the Universe which is used to attract and to manifest our desire. So believing in God is a Christian thing to do, and using the LOA is a very natural thing that all humans do in their every day life, both Christians, and Non-Christians; otherwise, how would we be able, any of us, to attract want we want to manifest daily. Think about!

The LOA is God’s way for providing for our daily needs, so he gave us the ability to use the LOA to attract, and manifest what we desire daily. Without the LOA, how else would you be able to attract, and meet your soul mate? So, God has given man the ability to use the tools in the universe that he has provided for us to manifest what we desire!

Therefore, one thing does not have anything to do with the other. There are completely, two different things, since of course we cannot serve two masters faithfully.


answered 10 Oct '10, 01:15

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Honestly, law of attraction might have you believe in god in the end.. (did for me) :P

Bashar's 2nd law for all realities "the one are all, the all are one"

also a lot of people pray and get stuff.. ohh wait.. prayer = law of attraction.. makes perfect sense

"But the Law of Attraction says that we create our own reality but doesn't that contradict the principles of God. Good, evil, demons, angels, influences you to do good or do evil"

This is not a contradiction.. why because all that stuff.. is human made up BS.. you want to know the truth about reality..? ask god.. go to the source.. stop reading a book written by humans who are full of contradictions themselves :)

"You see I believe there is a God who gave us a son named Jesus Christ to come to this world to save us from ourselves and evil influences that would influence our choices which we would make with our free will."

Once again you create a distortion/contradiction.. god does not see evil.. god exists in that "Unconditional Love" vibration.. when you are there.. you do not judge the world and you LOVE everyone UNNNCONDITIONALLYY.. and I do mean everyone!

There was a person named yeshua.. and yah, the rest is "sorta" correct :)

alt text


answered 02 Dec '13, 15:15

themaster's gravatar image


edited 03 Feb '14, 03:43

jaz's gravatar image


In the begining God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. God has the power to speak things into being. All of creation was created by God through the Law Of Attraction. Then Jesus told his disciples that they had seen him do great things, but they would do greater things. He told them to preach that The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and I interpret it-The Power of God is present. (These are alternate words in the concordance, not my own interpretation, just my selection of words from the concordance.) He said that if we tell the mountain to go jump in a lake, it will get up and move into the lake (Sea, but I made a joke). Jesus also said that his followers are joint heirs with him in His Father's Kingdom. So, if we believe in the God of the Bible, we must also believe in the Law of Atraction.


answered 13 Mar '11, 23:10

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

Law of attraction, universe or subconsciousness or similar to these are several of laws that are owned by God. Those are several of any possible laws that are owned by God.

Each of these laws are acts specifically. LOA is not the one and only law that rules all things, in the sense that LOA is not the source of most powerful higher than the power of God, since it's just a tiny part of God's laws (abilities). LOA is not the one and only way to provide most powerful abilities.

"Can you believe in God and still believe in The Law of Attraction?" I can believe in LOA just as a way to fulfill our responsibilities while at the same time i must believe that this LOA must be addressed to God by praying to God to make this LOA succeed.

It's like when we need to drink, then our hands are the quick way to support our needs to drink, but somehow we need assurance that we can apply our hands properly.

So, rather than comparing in between LOA and God, i prefer pray to God to make LOA or to make any possible ways could be applied properly.

Last but not least: "But the Law of Attraction says that we create our own reality ..." . No!, We didn't (and never) create our own reality, but we arrange the way we perceive reality with permission from God! Without getting help from God, there is no way for us to apply LOA properly.

EDITED (Added)

Probably, we thought, it contradicted each other, it's because when we were dealing with LOA, we did it intelligently, in the sense it's like we were communicating with something other than God, thus made us just like trying to ignore God, or trying to put God on a second order, or trying to show there is another competitor other than God, it's like we were underestimating God.

But in essence if we maintain our beliefs that nothing could work properly without God's help, there is nothing to be worry about it. In this case, we still worship God without underestimating God. And it's like we were getting help from someone else, but in this case, we just got even better, it's through LOA which to be considered better than human, but, yes, still it's just LOA compared to God.


answered 02 Dec '13, 10:03

Seremonia's gravatar image


edited 04 Dec '13, 03:05


Yes it seems a lot are blinded by the gift that they forget the giver. I know there are those that say "the universe is another name for God." But think on this have you ever heard people praying to the universe, offering worship to the universe, getting saved by the universe, casting out evil through the authority of the universe, healing people through laying on of hands and prayer to the universe? I haven't.

(03 Feb '14, 01:05) Wade Casaldi
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