Before you answer yes to the first question, and no to the second...

Is the Law of Attraction absolute? Is whatever you believe truth for you? Can you invalidate the Law of Attraction by believing that it does not exist?

Is free will absolute?

asked 04 May '10, 21:20

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 19 May '10, 07:18

Eddie's gravatar image


Thanks for this question Vesuvius. I love finding out this stuff :-)

(19 May '10, 03:35) Eddie

Are all truths relative?

If, as a child, you were taught that hard work is necessary for you to be financially successful in the world, and you believed it, then your belief makes that truth true for you. And you'll certainly need to work hard in order to be financially successful.

On the other hand:

If, as a child you were taught that working smart rather than hard is the key to being financially successful, and you believed it, then your belief makes that truth true for you. And you certainly won't have to work hard, only smart in order to be financially successful.

In this way, it seems to me that all truths are true, it always depends on our belief as to which truth is true for us.

Are there any truths that are not subject to interpretation?

Some of the most helpful knowledge shaping my current belief system comes through both 'Abraham' and 'Bashar.' From Bashar's perspective or point of view, he provides the following as the only immutable principles:

  1. "You Exist."
  2. "The One is All, the All is One."
  3. "What you put out is what you get back."
  4. "Change is the only constant, except the first three Laws which never change."

Looking at these principles one at a time, here's how I see them:

"You Exist". Yes.

"The One is All, the All is One". Seeing that everything is consciousness and that, all that is, springs forth from consciousness, but still remains a part of consciousness; it makes perfect sense to me.

"What you put out is what you get back." Is just another way of explaining the law of attraction or seeing the Universe as a mirror that reflects our current beliefs back to us as our current reality, etcetera.

"Change is the only constant." Realizing that no two moments can ever be repeated in all of their complexity, helped me to understand the sacredness and power of the now moment and that change is inevitable.

"Except the first three Laws which never change." So it's a continual cycle of consciousness, eternally changing into something new, and adding to, all that is.

Never forget that words and labels are just like place holders or points of reference. Words are not truth in the same way that a menu is not a meal or a signpost is not the destination.

Considering that the likes of Abraham and Bashar are, allegedly (if you believe it), communicating with us from a much broader and wiser perspective, it makes sense to me that they'd have a firmer handle on the nature of reality than we can, from our current, limited, 3D time-space perspective.

Based on how they resonate with me, how I feel, my understanding and my current beliefs, I've decided and hence, now choose to fully believe these 4 principles.

Are these principles true or real per se? I don't think we can expect to get a definitive answer from outside sources. After all, why should we blindly believe any individual about anything. Perhaps the way to find out if what others are saying is true or not, is by inquiring within and receiving answers from our own source. In that way, we'll know the truth or falsness of, whatever.


answered 19 May '10, 03:10

Eddie's gravatar image


Great answer :)

(19 May '10, 11:49) Michaela

Are all truths relative? I would have to say no.

My understanding of a relative truth is that a relative truth is just true for me but not necessarily for anyone else.

If relativism were true, then the world would be full of contradictory conditions. For if something is true for me but false for you, then opposite conditions exist. For if I say "The comb is in the drawer" and you say "the comb is not in the drawer"—and we both are right, then the comb must be and not be in the drawer at the same time and in the same sense. But that is impossible. Either it is or it isn't.

When someone states, "God exists, or source exists" and someone else claims, "God does not exist, or source does not exist" these two statements cannot both be true. If one is true, then the other is false. And since they exhaust the only possibilities, one of them must be true.

If truth is relative, then no one is ever wrong—even when they are. As long as something is true to me, then I’m right even when I’m wrong. The drawback is that I could never learn anything either, think about it, because learning is moving from a false belief to a true one—that is, from an absolutely false belief to an absolutely true one. The truth is that absolutes are inescapable.

We can be absolutely sure of some things, that there are no square circles. And that 3+2=5. Truth, is always exclusive, as in this case. This leads us to the next question.

Are there any truths that are not subject to interpretation? I would have answer yes to this question.

The truth can be absolute no matter what our grounds for believing it. For example, if it is true that Sidney, Australia, is on the Pacific Ocean, then it is absolutely true no matter what my evidence or lack of evidence may be. An absolute truth is absolutely true in itself, no matter what evidence there is. Evidence, or the lack thereof, does not change a fact. And truth is what corresponds to the facts. The truth doesn’t change just because we learn something more about it.

An example of a truth being subject to interpretation, like relative sizes such as shorter and taller. As such they cannot be absolute truths, since they change depending on the object to which they relate.

Is the Law of Attraction absolute? Absolutely!!

A law is an analytic statement, usually with an empirically determined constant. When a law is established it goes through repeated experimentation and observations.

In the case of the LOA, it works perfectly well IF all the requirements are met. As a simple example, when water is subjected to a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it freezes every time. Should the temperature reach ½ a degree above, it would not freeze. All conditions HAVE to be met.

Again if you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius or at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, it boils every time. Should the temperature reach ½ a degree below, it would not boil. All conditions HAVE to be met.

The Law of Attraction is no exception. If there is the least amount of resistance, the absolute least amount of doubt, you short circuit the desire you are after and make the law of none effect. All conditions HAVE to be met in order for it to operate.

Just as an electronic circuit ceases to function if 'one wire be cut'.

Can you invalidate the Law of Attraction by believing that it does not exist? I have never witnessed the unbelief of anything ever eradicating its existence.

No one, no matter how hard they disbelieve, can ever negate whatever they are disbelieving. It does not erase the fact of its existence.

If someone puts the law to the test and it does not work because of some thing he/she failed to do and then states it does not work, it's a hoax, (according to there experience), does that void the law or make it not true? I don't think so. it's like the man who heated water to 211½ degrees and proclaimed, taught, and wrote books that water does not boil when heated.

Is free will absolute?

I believe it is. One maybe swayed with all kinds of outside influences, but ultimately, you have the final say. This is one element that God will never infringe or interfere with.

It was first seen in the garden of Eden. God gave man free will. Satan was the outside influence. Man then made his choice. Satan didn't put the fruit in man's mouth and made him eat it. He just 'suggested' it. Man had the final say.

According to the bible, heaven or hell is a choice, you have the final say. That you believe this statement or not, it will not disannul its fact.


answered 06 May '10, 03:50

Frank%201's gravatar image

Frank 1

edited 06 May '10, 05:37

Vesuvius's gravatar image


Thanks Vesuvius.

(06 May '10, 05:01) Frank 1

Believing that it does not exist is in itself a belief in something. That’s why what you believe is the basis of your reality or it is the filter that filters the unlimited potential into a limited version of "preference" AKA "What you believe in".


answered 04 May '10, 22:02

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

So you're saying that there are no absolute truths, only beliefs? And the Law of Attraction has no reality beyond your belief in it?

(04 May '10, 22:09) Vesuvius

Belief is a word in the English language. The act of believing creates an effect in the consciousness. The effect that is created acts as a filter in reality. This effect resonates with what matches it in the unlimited potential like a sympathetic vibration. And you experience that which vibrates in harmony with what is in your consciousness. This is not just physical but it is everything including what you believe.

(04 May '10, 22:17) The Traveller

What you are describing is absolute truth, is it not? It applies to everyone, and not just you?

(04 May '10, 22:23) Vesuvius

Great discussion Guys - nice to have you back interacting with us Traveller, missed your insights.

(05 May '10, 01:28) Michaela

Every one is you. The "you" that you know is the same "Me" that every one else knows but from a different perspective. It's like the reality that you know is the same reality that everyone else knows, but from a different perspective. Your individuality is a point of reference within a shared reality (physical & non physical) so your absolute truth is a point of reference within consciousness. The same consciousness everyone else is working with. If they resonate in harmony with it they will also see it. But even identical twins have individuality. So nobody else will get exactly what you get

(05 May '10, 15:55) The Traveller

Hi Michaela. I missed hanging out here as well. I found myself wondering if my motivation was driven by accumulating points or the joy of participation. So I decided to walk away from this obsession for a while & see how it affected me. It seems that I enjoy the "Work on your self" part more. However I'm glad that this forum gives everyone the chance to share & learn from each other without censorship. I am the first to admit that I'm not sure if I am "right". But these answers and ideas come from within. The same within from where your ideas are coming. Where is that? Who is that authority?

(05 May '10, 16:21) The Traveller

And who is qualified to judge the rightness of that source? It seems to me that consciousness operates on a constant state of un-sureness. Yet in this state of not being "right" great leaps of inspiration suddenly show up. Who thought that? Did we think it or ask it? Did we think or did we listen? It seems to me that we listen 90% of the time and describe it as thinking. So maybe the great adventure that awaits mankind is self observation. Not to be guided from any book or philosophy. But from each and every individual just the way we are without any pre conceived expectations.

(05 May '10, 16:30) The Traveller

As with Michaela, I'm glad to see you back here too Traveller. You have some unique perspectives.

(05 May '10, 18:15) Stingray

Hi again Traveller - I think we've all questioned our motivation for participating here - that's what prompted this question from me a while back. Since then I've realized that much more important than the points or badges is the realization that my answers sometimes help others - I feel good when someone acknowledges that the answer has helped them and it doesn't even matter if they vote it up or not. ( The ironic thing since realizing this is that the answers seem to come easier and the points are flying up anyway.)

(05 May '10, 19:18) Michaela

It also helps with the "Work on Self" part too because I am continually learning and growing both in the asking and answering:-)

(05 May '10, 19:20) Michaela

@Michaela: A lot of things in life are like that. It's what Jesus meant in Matthew 16:25 when he said: For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

(05 May '10, 20:19) Vesuvius

Hi Stingray! Thanks for your kind words as well. there are long gaps between the moments when I get to type up my comments here. So pleas don't misunderstand if it seems like I'm ignoring you guys. I have to say that I do have tremendous respect for all of you and your dedication to this site. In a way, Vesuvius's question stirred great reactions within me. I enjoy the process of asking myself such questions and see the reaction of the mind trying to find it's reference point of reason and logic. So Thanks Vesuvius! Love your questions.

(06 May '10, 02:31) The Traveller

Vesuvius, I know that I didn't exactly give the answer you were asking. because it's a hard question to answer that way. to me it's not "doing this creates that result". but rather "doing this is that result" or to translate, believing is reality. and so is not believing. We tend to look at believing as an activity that we do. But to me believing is like looking. except you are looking into consciousness or pure unlimited potential with your mind and what you "see" as a result is the reality that unfolds.

(06 May '10, 02:38) The Traveller

@The Traveller: No worries. In fact, I had considered the "Everyone else is you" point of view before you had voiced it.

(06 May '10, 05:35) Vesuvius
showing 2 of 14 show 12 more comments

In regard to Law of Attraction

“You experience what you believe, unless you believe you won’t, in which case you don’t, which means you did.”

~Harry Palmer


answered 05 May '10, 06:20

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 05 May '10, 06:31

the truth is not relative, one can make an interpretation on what we believe to be a truth even when it is not the truth. this is probably where the relativety question arises. there is truth in the laws of nature on earth and truth out in the laws of the universe, yet one can choose to see what one wants to see, especially when so many others agree that they see it the same way. Is it relative to believe the earth is flat and the center of the universe?


answered 14 May '10, 01:26

fred's gravatar image


I like your answer fred.

(14 May '10, 22:53) Frank 1

One's culture determines one's truth. Idealism is the world's oldest philosophy; Realism was spun by Artistotle; Pragmatism is the philosophy of Hitler, Sophists and any other group whose ideologies marginalize human kind; Existentialists are often hypocritical liberals who pretend to embrace everyone when in fact only Idealists truly can.

For a Realist, existence must precede essence which means every idea was latent--already in your brain. For the Idealist, essence precedes existence which means that "the truth" is "out there." The Pragmatist's truth is temporary in nature, it is "right for right now." The Existentialist rejects conventional definition unless experienced personally.

What is truth then, well it is what Latka Gravis meant when he talked about Christianity not being the end all--truths are those universal values threaded through each religion. No matter your God, G-d, truths are perennial: honesty, integrity, kindness, generosity, helpfulness AND let's never forget that we sin when we FAIL to act.

America has a tendency to glorify those citizens who have fallen and gotten up.

Truth mandates we honor those who have never fallen.

See the difference?


answered 26 Mar '11, 02:08

jmw's gravatar image


claims of knowledge rest on the axiom of belief.


answered 06 Dec '11, 00:13

heidi1's gravatar image


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