As most know, there are people that come and go in life. I have had many. However there are 2 or 3 that linger. These people (although not knowing at the time) all have behavioral or mental issues, and are past aquaintances. When I started reading LOA books and as I became more positive, most negative people had seemed to dissapear. There are however a couple who had witnessed my change from very negative, and miserable to positive, more focused, and happier... that I had to cut loose myself. Although I did so quietly, and being very grateful for the time and learning expieriences they had given me, there is chatter. Not good chatter. They call me names to others, give false negative information about me, and I am constantly being harrased and stalked via social media by them. Everything I have is private and people blocked, however they seem to seep through the cracks. I'm very scared and I don't want to be. I keep quiet and ignore everything. I send love to them... I have tried everything. I am getting to my witts end and am strongly considering moving...far. I have even thought about changing my name.

I am very familiar and sensitive to LOA, and I know if I keep worrying that I bring more of this behavior to me. The past 2 days I have been almost consumed by it, and incidents involving LOA and these people seem to have snowballed within hours. I know it's because of the non stop thinking and worrying about it. For example, I got a text from a very close friend of mine today who saw one of these people. This person said some very hurtful things knowing that my friend would probably tell me. My friend did, I freaked a little and I saw the persons last name in an obscure place, and a relative of this person within a couple of hrs after. Things just went downhill the rest of the day.

I understand that these individuals are not well, and that their behavior towards me really has nothing to do with me. One instance is becoming very stalkerish, and another is getting close to it. Right now I believe it to be hardcore slander. These people are extremely negative and have very strong jealousy issues. They watched me change, and didn't like that my life was no longer chaos like theirs was. I firmly believe they don't want to see me happy, and are trying everything in their power to break me. I want it to go away so much so I can live a life without looking over my shoulder in fear. Is there any techniques for me to use that will help with this? Thank you.

asked 08 Nov '12, 01:47

believer1's gravatar image


edited 08 Nov '12, 03:42

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦


Yes. The best technique ever - Forget it.

(08 Nov '12, 03:09) CalonLan

Tell them you are sorry & act in front of them as such that their opinion about you is completely right & you deserve all the shit they have ever wished for you. You can do it using some service like text chat,etc. & then carry on the conversation with them pretending to accept all their negativity (which I guess will be present) & opinions about you. After the conversation is over, make the chat public to expose their negativity to everyone. This may solve your issue. :)

(10 Feb '13, 08:37) Gumnaam
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"I understand that these individuals are not well, and that their behavior towards me really has nothing to do with me. One instance is becoming very stalkerish, and another is getting close to it. Right now I believe it to be hardcore slander. These people are extremely negative and have very strong jealousy issues. They watched me change, and didn't like that my life was no longer chaos like theirs was. I firmly believe they don't want to see me happy, and are trying everything in their power to break me. I want it to go away so much so I can live a life without looking over my shoulder in fear."

Everything is a vibrational match and it's hard to accept that one is attracting such things , Abraham has spoken of rapists and rapee , having a vibrational match . The attention that you are giving these people and their actions is like throwing fuel on a fire , energising it . Time to turn the tide , don't read the social media stuff,and ignore anything to do with them, focus forward attention on wanted things only ♥♥♥


answered 10 Feb '13, 09:09

Starlight's gravatar image


hi believer1- i would suggest u to completely focuss on ur wants. when u will do that ,u will not attract all such stuffs into ur life. don't add ur energy to those people. simply completely focuss on ur wants. believe me when u l completely focuss on ur wants..all other unwanted things will disappear from ur life. u can also meditate on these issues. it will help u to control ur mind. n when u will control ur mind..,u will think only n only positive n only n only about ur wants n so, Law Of Attraction will definately bring all positive into ur life. u know its "you" who is the controller of ur life through ur thoughts. just do that. n see..the positive changes. hope this answer helps u dear. love,light n blessings to u.


answered 08 Nov '12, 03:44

supergirl's gravatar image



@supergirl - Agreed. The power comes from your attention. It's boring to taunt someone who doesn't even see or feel it. I think its the same with all bullying. What you focus on grows, so starve them of your attention.

(08 Nov '12, 10:08) Grace

Are these people your colleagues? If they are your colleagues you could try placing a small catcus plant on your work desk. Even if they are not your colleagues I think it will still help to some extent.

This is just a feng shui technique which I saw on TV some time ago and it seems to help a bit for some people. I guess it is worth a try if nothing else works for you, but just remember that you should give it up to 3 months to notice any distinct differences.


answered 09 Nov '12, 11:48

kakaboo's gravatar image



"Avoid cacti or sharp looking plants in the office as their small, sharp leaves cause ‘shar chi’. As air passes through the plants it will become fierce and sharp, affecting office harmony"!.obart

(09 Nov '12, 17:44) ursixx

Yes, generally a catcus plant is said to be bad and contains "shar chi" (evil energy). But in this case, it is a way of countering poison with poison. I am not talking about big catcus plants , just something small like this

(09 Nov '12, 20:23) kakaboo

Make a decree and state it to your reality even boldly and out loud if you like. I will from this day forward accept only people who are positive helpful caring and beneficial to me! Anyone that is a detriment in anyway to me I reject from my reality now! I command this from this moment forwards this is my experience of life I now choose! As I command it is done!


answered 09 Nov '12, 11:32

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

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