I have gone from ecstasy to utter emptiness.. God is gone, and I am sad. He seemed so real before...I remember when I saw His Mind, His Love..... And now, nothing. Nada. I feel the Dark Night of the Soul. I feel the pain, the loss, of my spirituality. There is no one to blame, no one to scream at, no one to cry out to and help me through this, because I always used to turn towards God. But when I do, I feel just a black space. It feels like a bomb went off in my spiritual life.
Can you help me? Jaianniah (Leah)
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God is all things and is in all things, God is everywhere. To find the connection with God, we must simply look in our hearts. Our body is a temple of The Living God, and our heart is the Holie of Holies, to put it in Biblical terms. God is Love. Love is felt in the heart. Live from your heart and not your brain. When the negative thoughts come, replace them with possitive thoughts. Most of our negative thoughts are not our own anyway. One of the 'voices in my head,' or 'demons' is what I did wrong, after almost every interaction I have. I recognize this voice as being a recording of my mom being replayed in my mind. So I decided that when that nagging voice replays in my head, I will replace it with thoughts of what I did right. So, I want to start listing at the end of each day five things that I did right, well or good that day. I also want to set an intention to be a blessing to others each day. If we create our reality by what we focus on, we can change our reality if we change our focus. Focus on the good, the lovely, what you desire. If negative thoughts come into your mind, don't add to it by beating yourself up or anything like that, just change your focus to what is good. Love yourself, as the temple of the Living God. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and veggies, especially green leafy veggies, and a range of colors of veggies. If you are not getting enough sunlight, because of being indoors, or using sunscreen, then you may have Vit. D deficiency. Love and blessings 1
Kind, simple, and from the heart! TY, FP!!! I will take your advice. Love to you, Jai
(16 Mar '13, 17:11)
Thank you. Love to you
(16 Mar '13, 19:35)
Fairy Princess
Simple answer to this one. Youve lost your old concept of God. Your waking up now, you will soon realise who you are. The old evangelical christian god is dissapearing from you. He never really existed. You will soon find HIM.....as YOU. You will soon have and maybe are already having the revelation "OF" Christ. When He gets revealed you will realise that there really isnt anything else. Your ideas learned from bible college will become irrelevant. When i say revelation OF Christ i dont mean this as the saved,redeemed,sanctified nonsense the churches of this world preach. You will soon physically see Christ. Your entering the most exciting time of your life. You can take this or leave it, it makes no difference. |
You feel emptiness? then you are well on the road to finding him, or whatever you choose to name it ... "A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet"- Nisargadatta Maharaj. Here is one way of quieting the mind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9SCrpXN3EE and here is a practical vibrational device that can open the passage to multidimentiality, it's the symbol of a 9 petal flower representing the 9 energy bodies ff reinforced with the 4 essential forces; thought, conscience, life and light. The graph should be placed flat on a table and put in line with the earth's magnetic field by orienting the top of the graph towards the north pole, then place a photo of yourself on the center of the graph for the duration period of meditation. This way your energy body enters into perfect resonance with the earth's energy. @ru bis- amazing..., can u pls tel me ..what are the results of using this graph?
(17 Mar '13, 07:25)
@supergirl it's entirely subjective, each person is different and therefore you can only know by experience
(17 Mar '13, 09:05)
ru bis
thanks for editing whoever it was
(17 Mar '13, 09:14)
ru bis
@ ru bis- still,can u share ur experience? n one more thing i wanna knw , are u from india?
(17 Mar '13, 13:05)
@supergirl i live in france, as for sharing experience i don't know how :)
(17 Mar '13, 14:39)
ru bis
@supergirl my way of sharing experience is largely through my postings on inward quest ... thanks again @simon :)
(19 Mar '13, 06:07)
ru bis
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I was reading some texts by J. Krishnamurti on this site, Jai when I saw you question.(many tabs open today)
You say you cannot find God but do you really know what you are looking for?
Only you know this answer. 1
Love this...long but entertaining and really makes you think! Thanks!
(16 Mar '13, 08:45)
Please explain here why you downvoted
(16 Mar '13, 09:56)
I goofed up- I forgot I already up voted the question.
(16 Mar '13, 09:57)
@ursixx - This is wonderful, thank you for sharing. All of the ways humans have been trying to describe/identify/label the god thing... It's like nailing Jello to a wall.
(16 Mar '13, 11:37)
@Jaianniah - I've done that soooo many times! Thought it was just me. :) Sometimes it just doesn't seem to "take" right away. Sometimes, my fingers just slip on my tablet.
(16 Mar '13, 11:40)
I do too & I'm not even blond.
(23 Mar '13, 05:23)
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There is no abandonment with God. This is like a fish saying it doesn't know what water feels like. We can feel ourselves like God is not there but that is do to what we are choosing to place our attention at. Remember all the blessings God has given us. We received lots of free furniture, top quality stuff too that looked as good as new. God stopped blessing us because we haven't need of furniture. We were blessed with an entire house of our own! We have so much to thank God about! Look at our blessings and know that God is here. I know we have bills and no money, things are being shut off from us. Your health really hasn't been too good. We can't give up on God, that is like drowning and you see a life preserver but reject it. God is our life preserver. |
Jai , Last night I was rereading an old book by Genevieve Behrend , called Your Invisible Power , I know you can find it free online , it may even be in http://www.psitek.net/index2.html a brilliant resource place In her book Chapter 2 ...how to attract to yourself the things you desire , there's this line "The Great Architect of the Universe contemplated Himself as manifesting through his POLAR opposite -MATTER - and the idea expanded and projected itself until we have not only a world , but many worlds ." Once you get it that you are a thought of God/Universe , made from essence of GOD , you'll realise you are never ever disconnected , you CAN't be ,it's impossible Everything there ever was or will be is God , solidified into matter . I want to THANK YOU so much , because you triggered me to go back and look at this book , some how ;-) , I didn't SEE this the first time I read this book , but I SO DO GET IT NOW. Appreciation for any "thing" in my life is telling God I appreciate Him , for the thing is Him in hard form , WOW , what a revelation ! As you can see I am on top of the world now :-) 1
Thank you for the reference! Thanks also for the encouragement! Love always, Jai
(17 Mar '13, 02:22)
Most Welcome :-)
(17 Mar '13, 03:05)
I just had this as an answer, It is from this previous question. As for god. For me I do not see God as a driving force more than the force of creation and consistent gift of love and light, this would make me believe that he has no biases on what we do or do not do. It was once explained to me that love and light is a constant, that it is great gift. But also understanding that we may take or deny this gift. The only true test of us giving or receiving it is through using the love for ourselves. It sounds selfish to some when I say use it for urself, but it is the truth. We have to be able to make this gift useful. If we attempt to love those around us, but not ourselves first, well it will not work. It is a reality of manifesting from the inside to the outside. It is only the caliber of how we are able to perceive ourselves of being worthy of that love and light(wisdom). He will not step in and do anything for us, and this includes preventing us form doing it for ourselves. This is the law of free will. To add to this, i must explain that the lack of god is not true, It is only a reiteration of our own insides. I have had many many people feel so so disconnected lately. I assure you god has gone no where. In fact he IS a part of all things u experience and do not. God is not external whatsoever. He is not an outward driving force. This is the best explanation I have ever heard. God is more than the sum of all the probable systems of reality he has created, and yet he is within each one of these, without exception. He is therefore within each man and woman. He is also within each spider, shadow, and frog, and this is what man does not like to admit. God can only be experienced, and you experience him whether or not you realize it, through your own existence. He is not male or female, however, and I use the terms only for convenience’s sake. In the most inescapable truth, he is not human in your terms at all, nor in your terms is he a personality. Your ideas of personality are too limited to contain the multitudinous facets of his multidimensional existence. ~Seth Speaks.- Jane Roberts. |
I just had to post some reflections of my own. The first is that the answers here are all very good, and it will be very hard to award Best Answer..so maybe I won't. But thank you for all your work and care. The second thing I'd like to say is that it is not unusual for someone to lose their connection to God for a time. Many people have written about it. Quoting from Wikipedia:
I do not claim to be a St. Therese, but I am sometimes very spiritual, and at other times hit spells of dryness, as described above. I think it is all part of the spiritual journey, and I am glad I cried out, for your answers buttressed me as nothing else could. I thank you for them. Jai 2
Everyday is a winding road @Jai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F_TYXjx-Sk
(23 Mar '13, 02:53)
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God is always in the kingdom of light being aware of everything from the beguinning to the end eternal.Why do you say where did God go? You are made in is image,Be aware know your self,know the truth and the truth will set you free.Jesus was telling the truth I also told you the truth.I know where i come from and i know where i am going. Jesus answered, "Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R5VwxvUUvI When you lift up the son of man that you are,above by being born of water and the spirit,then you will enter the kingdom(blessed are the peacemakers they will be called the sons of God.),With a pure heart you will see God.(blessed are the pure of heart they will see God.) Jesus add teach all this can you not understand is word? The word is truth,seek the truth and the truth will set you free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQrsvmDNG1c The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man. Στέφανος So let there be light,Be the light that you can be ,experience and enjoy. |
It is always darkest before dawn, have peace for this ecpilplse well pass and the light of your soul will surely return. For the those who are tested are those who will find greater reward to, so be strong, you're a warrior of God do not let the darkness dismay you. |
I see you have been troubled lately. Your power is in your choice. All levels are represented. We choose by our feelings of which level we want to communicate. Feelings can be extended beyond ourselves, that is when we lose our sense of control. If you are depressed, the communication is cut off. The power of yourself has been given to a person, place or thing. When you realize that You are the creator of your life, your power returns. Don't blame. Do not make comparisons. You run the show. You always have, you just did not believe it. |
God is with you no matter what, it may feel like he's not listening to your prayers but he is. He beside you any where you go. Pray do not lose your faith the devil is testing you stay strong and keep on praying. |

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I've found all external conceptions of God to be delusions. Not to say the internal conceptions went much better. Who is this God you cannot find? It is probably an idol and therefore it fades in and out of existence based on your attention. The real God is a rock, it is always with you because you cannot exist without him. Maybe the real God is clearing out the idols to remove that barrier in your relationship with him.
I often doubt God's love, resent him, even hate him. My relationship with him sometimes involves fear and sadness. I never doubt God's existence. Neither should you. There is nowhere to go to find God, he is not an object, he is the substance of objects. You can only try to understand him by looking at what he creates in your world, because that is him speaking. It helps sometimes to admit that I don't understand God. I don't know if that is helpful to you but it's the best I can do right now.
@flowsurfer- Great answer- you should convert it to an answer! I like the idea of God cleaning out all the idols...Thanks! <#
@Jai strange, last night, that is, about 12 hours ago, i dreamed or had the clear impression of a bomb exploding in my head
@ru- Sorry about the bad dream, but it is neat- like the picture I made- you think?
@Jai rather a good dream, i wasn't frightened by the explosion just surprised, there and gone in a flash ... seems to me your picture is a photo of the "bang" in my head ... possible definition of a bomb= destructuration by violent energy using a timing device-seems good to me :)
@Jai does the large hadron collider ring a bell? :)
well @Jai, the large hadron collider certainly rings a bell for me, let me explain. Your picture and the picture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CMS_Higgs-event.jpg representing the CERN atomic smasher look very similar ... your question "where did god go?" and the publication the 14th march 2013 that the god particle had been found are in sync. ... further more when we name something we destroy it, we absorb it's power; i feel sure that you feel at this time that god has gone simply because
@Jai it can now be scientifically considered that god has been "captured" by human science and thus his power over us has been destroyed and absorbed by humans.
@ru- How cool...and how prophetic! (Ahem, meet Jai, the Prophet) Only kidding...but everything is synchronous, everything matters. Neat.
i bow to you great prophet @Jai
it is interesting that God does not need us to know Him in order for Him to exist, yet creation flows from Him so that we find Him
@ru- tee hee!!!
@Jai ... :)
@ru bis don't fear the explosion. It's either your brain firing up or shutting down for the night. That's the story I tell myself anyway.
@ru bis Was the impression of an explosion in your head an image or a sensory perception either visual or auditory. I have the sound of the gun going off on occasion. If auditory, perhaps this will link will be helpful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome
@ursixx what do you think? Past life? Vibrations from a parent? or perfectly logical scientific explanation?
I don't know about @ru bis but it's not really scary. A sensation of shock for a moment or two is all. I understand or know I'm not dead. It's a weird sensation/experience. Also, mine happens in the back of the head - like I'm being shot from behind. All this info contradicts the info in the link . . . FWIW @ursixx
He's hiding in my closet, says he didn't want to hang out with people who bother him all the time anymore, so he came to my place knowing that I won't beg for anything or put him on the pedestal and stuff. I guess you'll find him in his usual place once he's refreshed his batteries and will be ready to return to his position of being worshiped, begged and followed around by millions of people who don't give him a break.