"You can only affect your own world. Your own world!" ~ Dollar Bill "Those who carry hatred in their hearts will experience reflections of that hatred throughout their lives...and it doesn't matter what man-made borders they live within" ~ Stingray These quotes strongly reflect the views of many here, the idea we only experience a reflection of our inner selves. So if you were to find perfect peace and happiness then you would only ever encounter the same in your world. I've always believed the state of the world as it stands is a result of the co-creation of every being inhabiting it, and the cumulative sum of their beliefs. This explains how I can be in a less than ideal mood and have a Stranger offer me words of kindness, completely out of the bounds of my current mindset, which helps jolt me out of my mood. This belief has come as naturally to me as breathing, though then again I have room to improve on my breathing techniques.. So the question is.. Are you alone in your world, a world defined only by yourself and populated only by yourself? Or is there more...?
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I think the answer's both. Since I believe I create everything in my experience then in a sense it's always my world but when I look around this physical reality then we'd both undoubtedly on some level agree that it's our world...we share agreed phenomena. However, we each have our own individual perception on the happenings and because of that no two people can ever have the exact same experience even though there may be similarities. For one person a challenge can be a problem for another that same challenge can be an opportunity. For one the glass is half full...for the other it's half empty. It depends in any given moment what level of awareness we're viewing from. The lens we use will always determine what we see...zoom in,zoom out and the picture's different. Open the mind and the world becomes a much bigger place...as the mind expands so does the world and even those in our experience change accordingly. |
I completely agree with Stingray's quote. When I read Dollar Bills quote it makes me think of world peace, something we will never attain without the mass majority of the people in this world finding inner peace first.
There is absolutely more - no one is an island. I believe our energy does affect the world through the 'ripple effect'. I'm sure you've heard of Good Deeds Day - Transforming the World by Doing Good. The concept is simple - Think Good, Speak Good & Do Good. If you haven't already, you should check out Goodnet.org also. We can't change anyone else. We can only change ourselves & be the change we wish to see in this world. Lead by example. Activate your innate "goodness". Make a conscious choice to be kind & do good deeds. Goodness transforms you on the inside. The energy of goodness (love & compassion) & authentic goodwill has the power to transform the world. Our energy does affect the world; it's called the 'ripple' effect & the first circle of influence is our family & friends. It's like planting seeds - the Seeds of Good Deeds. Goodness is contagious.
Absolutely, we are all connected! Every living soul on this planet is connected to one another. We are all one. Numerous philosophers, humanitarians & leaders believe this too. Personally, I choose to feel this connection to all humanity. I'd love to make the world a better place. We all have a stake in our collective future. I think it's important to give back to your community & to understand you are a vital part of the community. It's up to each individual to do what they can. Our choices affect our families, our communities, the environment & ultimately the planet. Make responsible choices.
Again, I agree. A happy smile, a thoughtful or positive word, a warm hug, a loving gesture or lending an ear are worth more to the recipient than you can imagine. Everyone can do something to change the world. I think you can absolutely accomplish this by choosing to do good. Doing good has the power to transform you & to cause a 'ripple effect' which can be felt around the world. Besides making good business sense, Shari Arison states, "our personal & collective acts of kindness to ourselves & to others will eventually impact all aspects of life, our planet & the whole of humanity." Again, it's like planting seeds - the Seeds of Good Deeds. Goodness is contagious.
This answer is marked "community wiki".
@Snow I have another quote from Shari Arsion I think you will appreciate. "if an aliens attack our planet, we would all band together to save the human race. I certainly hope it doesn't take something like that for us to realize we are in this world together."
(28 Apr '13, 01:17)
I do like that quote greatly. I believe our planet's focus should be on exploration of and expansion in to space, and defense against things that could actually end all life on the planet i.e: meteors and the like. And I do hope we decide to band together as a planet before aliens show up, either A: because if they're hostile it'd be nice to prepared, or B: if they're friendly I'd be embarrassed.
(28 Apr '13, 01:40)
Thanks @Supergirl. Glad you liked it. You & Snow both might enjoy Shari Arsion's books. Check them out some time..
(29 Apr '13, 00:23)
"world peace, something we will never attain without the mass majority of the people in this world being brainwashed first. - There's a shortcut, right there.
(29 Apr '13, 02:35)
@Snow, haha, do you think aliens wouldn't find it offensive if we expanded into their galaxies? Sure, at first we would be just explorers, nice peace loving adventurers. But only until the point the judgmental nature of ours assess the value of newly discovered things. Then we would return back to the animal essence we bear within to command and conquer.
(29 Apr '13, 02:40)
I imagine there are two likely options here. If there is already an established and functioning galactic community, I can throw out some easy guesses at why we haven't been invited to the campfire yet. If there isn't, then all the more reason it is so critical we make sure we start off on the right foot. If we are the first active life forms in our local space (I doubt it) then it is our duty to be a benefit to our environment. This is why taking care of our planet is so important.
(30 Apr '13, 17:21)
And if we aren't the first active life forms in our local space (my guess) then they probably will allow us to continue down our own path until we make the correct choices or it reaches a 'point of no return', and cleanse us before we do more damage to the planet than they can repair. Either we'll grow up as an adolescent race and learn how to play nice, destroy ourselves before we have a chance, or they'd do it if they must.
(30 Apr '13, 17:23)
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Both i would say. We are living in the same general reality as each other, why? because were interacting now. Your reading this, ive written it and were sharing something. So were in this same reality. BUT You could be living on my street, you could have a happy relationship, be physically fit, have a great career,tonnes of money and happy healthy kids. I could live 6 doors away, have no job, a wife whos screwing around,about to get my house and car repossed etc etc. Were in the same "general reality" we share the same world with the same physical laws BUT our "life experience" is totally different. In a strange way we "live in different world" but we live on the same street. Our "life tracks" can be a universe apart but there played out on the same arena or stage. |
I would imagine that living in my own world, and not of the world, would be a little like living like Helen Keller before she found Annie Sullivan or "more". So I guess I would have to say that I live, somewhat reluctantly, in this world. I tend to withdraw into my own world at times: when I am writing, when I meditate, when I try to sleep. This is a very thought-provoking question. I found myself intrigued by it, wondering where I fit in the continuum of the rest of the world. I think I would make a very good hermit. I have a hard time dealing with people, and trying to cope with "every day life" (Whatever that is). Things confound me that seem easy for others: going to church, to school, shopping, whenever I have to interact with others, I guess. I have always had a "large" internal world, and it is only recently that I have tried to expand the outer me to include groups of people. It is hard for me. I am afraid of people. I am afraid of their judgments. I am afraid they will not understand what I have been through. But there is both worlds, and I am learning to enjoy them both. Blessings to you, Jai |

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I voted up this question. I also believe in the cumulative sum of beliefs but I think Stingray has good explanation about it.