This question is one to make us think. To elaborate more, how do we know the channeled information is coming to us to help us? I do not say the information on thoughts creating reality is wrong, or other information is wrong. I just know with that knowledge must come maturity and responsibility. Lets be honest, some information and tools provided from these channeled sources and ancient literature can be dangerous in the wrong hands. For instance, I would not teach my three year old how to start a car and shift into gear, nor would I show a young child how to load a gun and where it is kept. So, it makes me wonder sometimes if these "beings" or rediscovered information coming to us really has an sinister motive behind. For instance, if you wanted to wreak havoc on society, you could provide knowledge to an immature audience knowing they will hurt themselves with the information.

So, how do we know if the source of the information is good? In other words, it is not a demon posing as a "Good" E.T. that brings light? Ask them to confess that Jesus Christ is lord (See below). You see in many of the channelers discussions whenever the name Jesus Christ comes up, they cleverly say "The Man YOU CALL Jesus".... Something never sat with me very well in the way they stated it.

Philippians 2:11 New King James Version (NKJV) Unity Through Humility: 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

1 Corinthians 12:1-3 New King James Version (NKJV) Spiritual Gifts: Unity in Diversity: 1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: 2 You know that[a] you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led. 3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

asked 08 Jun '13, 11:28

student's gravatar image


Why would an entity provide information to anyone, even those who are not ready?

From my personal point of view, most of the people who find and come across channeled information are actually doing "the seeking." You could say it is a sort of "vibrational match."

Also, who's to say that the person is or isn't ready to hear something? Everything we experience comes from an individual choice. Another person saying that something is right or wrong is just their own personal judgement (or belief) and has nothing to do with the person who is interested with the information being provided.

Lets be honest, some information and tools provided from these channeled sources and ancient literature can be dangerous in the wrong hands

For instance, if you wanted to wreak havoc on society, you could provide knowledge to an immature audience knowing they will hurt themselves with the information.

I guess if that is a persons personal belief system, then that is what will probably manifest in their reality.

"If you assign a positive meaning to an event , this will produce a positive experience for you."

"If you assign a negative meaning to an event , this will produce a negative experience for you."

We are all in control of our own realities. We give way too much of our power away to these so-called outside forces that control us.

So, how do we know if the source of the information is good? In other words, it is not a demon posing as a "Good" E.T. that brings light?

It's all about where your emotions are on any given piece of information that is to be shared. If the information you are hearing makes you feel bad, worried, anxious, or dis-empowered, then you simply stop listening. If the information makes you feel good, hopeful, relaxed, or empowered, then you continue listening. It really is as simple as that.

You also have to have a belief that a demon exists and can trick you into the darkness in the first place. Some people have this belief system in place and some people don't. If you believe that all information that flows to you is helpful and positive, then that is the reflection you will see in your reality. Same goes for the negative.

You see in many of the channelers discussions whenever the name Jesus Christ comes up, they cleverly say "The Man YOU CALL Jesus".... Something never sat with me very well in the way they stated it.

Well the part that doesn't sit well with you is simply your belief system of the word Jesus. You have a certain emotional attachment to that man/entity/word and you react accordingly to the emotion.

Every name we give something or someone is just a label anyway. It is our way of expressing a certain level of vibrational frequency. Maybe beings or entities on another level of frequency and vibration are just trying to describe a person that we perceive the best way that they can perceive in their unique reality.

I have listened to a lot of various channeled information where things were described as "the person you call..." or "the thing you call..." or "the place you call..." or "the technique you call...etc." It is just a way of expressing different realities similarly to how we communicate with different cultures and languages.

All the information we ever receive at any given time is always an indicator of where we are vibrationally. It's not about being ready or not ready. It's about which frequency you are or aren't matching up with. There is always a choice to be made.


answered 09 Jun '13, 01:52

Cory's gravatar image


edited 09 Jun '13, 01:58


Always clarity and wisdom from you @Cory. I really appreciate your answers, thank you.

(09 Jun '13, 01:57) Grace

@Grace You are welcome. I just share my personal opinion and allow others to decide if it resonates or not. Thank you for the compliment and I appreciate you very much in more ways than one;)

(09 Jun '13, 02:08) Cory

@Cory - I especially like "All the information we ever receive at any given time is always an indicator of where we are vibrationally. It's not about being ready or not ready. It's about which frequency you are or aren't matching up with. There is always a choice to be made."

Love your entire answer!

(09 Jun '13, 09:58) Dollar Bill

Great answer brother

(10 Jun '13, 07:50) TReb Bor yit-NE
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

It is just like getting a drivers licence. If we were not at least SOMEWHAT ready, we would not be n the class. It takes years to understand all the information that these entities help us with BUt it is still something that we can process. The seeds must be planted somewhere. One day we all finally get enuff time behind the wheel to help us drive better, but it is usually the most horrible times (like a crash) that teach us more. It is not so bad that our parents have told us a million times, until we crash we do not know better. BUT once we do, we can use every word they have told us that once we didn't listen to, and FINALLY integrate it into our driving.

also honestly, I know in my heart if they are not REALLY ready, at least somewhat ready, it will not happen at all. I have had many people come to me for sessions, and they try n try n try to do it. Something always comes up, on their end or mine. Eventually, when things are"ok" They get their session. And they ALWAYS know, if they would have had the session a month before, it would not have helped them for one reason or another ( I call it divine timing LOL) . This happens ALLOT. I do not believe anyone is NOT ready for what they experience. Law of attraction will NOT let that happen. hope it helped.

love n light



answered 09 Jun '13, 13:27

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 11 Jun '13, 07:33

A lot of this channeled information is not new information. It may seem new because most outside of the secret societies and mystery schools never heard of it.

It seems these guides come to reveal to the masses in an easier way than to those that seek. The information is and has always been there for those that seek. Now it is more prevalent, not hidden.

There are two verses in the Bible that fit this. One is ASK, Ask, Seek and Knock. The other is all will be reveled.

Matthew 7:7 and Luke 8:17


answered 08 Jun '13, 12:10

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 08 Jun '13, 12:16

Seek and ye shall find, I agree. When my kids ask questions I tell them everything that will not lead to potentially harming situations. If I see the potential for harm, I tell them I will answer them when they are older and ready. I have been provided much information in dreams and deep meditation. Some information may be known already to some but can be extremely dangerous to those not spiritually fit to understand the real purpose of the message.

(08 Jun '13, 12:57) student

Agreed, we only have to turn toward Hitler to see how those not spiritually awake enough can make something very good into something very evil.

Fire can, warm you up, it can cook you a meal. But it can also burn up buildings and people to death.

Knowledge can be used for great things, for the benefit of humanity, or it can as easily be used for the destruction of humanity.

(08 Jun '13, 13:16) Wade Casaldi

I am telling you the truth we speak of what we know and report what we have seen. The choice is yours to trust not trust, to believe or not believe, to learn the truth or stay in lie, to understand or not understand. To better your self or to not better your self. I am not the one that will judge you, the words that I have spoken is what will judge you. Is that not what the man called Jesus told you? That you give Jesus a title lord master to honor him with your lips, is it what is really important? (Who will add to your stature? are you not better then the lily of the fields?) or to follow is words to better your self to make your self a pure heart? To find your salvation be at peace with one another, love each other, do not judge. are that not is words that he as spoken to you? Again I have gave you some of his. Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear? Did Jesus say that he would bring the kingdom on earth? or did he say that he would prepare a place in the kingdom for is disciple? I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but by me. will you ask lord we do not know the way to where you are going?

Let there be light, Be the light that you can be, Experience and enjoy.


answered 09 Jun '13, 12:32

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 09 Jun '13, 12:33

Well, personally I don't believe Jesus would ever teach that he should be praised in any way, nor that he held any divinity not shared with all of God's children. I also don't believe Jesus would ever say he's the only way to achieve salvation or you had to accept him into anywhere to do anything.

So I personally am encouraged and happy whenever I hear someone not speak along those lines as I do not agree with them myself.

To actually address the question regarding trustworthy information and finding validity. I don't believe we can truly know what we can trust or not, both regarding every day 'mundane' life and channeling or any other method of communication. I don't believe we ever will know for sure until perhaps (if we're lucky) when we die we'll know somehow. Instead I believe the only option is to pick what you believe is right for yourself, and let that decide how you choose to live life, and what information you choose to accept as truth or not.


answered 11 Jun '13, 23:08

Snow's gravatar image


Well you can believe what you want snow it is your choice. But Jesus told the truth. and yes in is time on earth he was the only way to get in the kingdom. he was the greatest and he did not need any one to praise him. he was doing only what please him like he said. He even told the Pharisees you like to receive praise from one another. He told is disciple the greatest among you is the one that serve you best. But can you even know who is serving you best? With what measure will you find out?

(12 Jun '13, 01:23) white tiger

Do you believe there is no chance at all he was misquoted? At all? Ever? In any part of the Bible or any other book he happens to make an appearance in? Nor had the meaning of his quote lost or misrepresented as a consequence of repeated (even flawless, but presumably imperfect) translation?

Assuming every word he spoke from birth to death was with perfect intention, clarity and vernacular (I doubt it) do you also believe every person heard it with the same flawless non-human-like perfection?

(12 Jun '13, 01:39) Snow
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