I am grateful for the blessing of Wade, who is a great caregiver, and has yet to complain about anything he has to do because I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (sometimes called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or M.E.) and Fibromyalgia. I pray for those who are alone; may they be doubly blessed with good friends and good family! I am grateful when I can take a shower. It feels so good, but wipes me out. I am grateful when I can brush my teeth. I once had a co-worker named Cyndy who was born with multiple handicaps and confined to an electric wheelchair. Her mother was her ever-present caregiver, and took notes for her in class, worked beside her while working, and yes, brushed her teeth for her. Have you ever thought about the fact that there are people who cannot even brush their own teeth? I am grateful for Inward quest. It has taught me much; lately, it has taught me to raise my vibrations above anything that disturbs me. Hooray for that! I am grateful for the good days when I can walk at the Flea Markets instead of ride in my wheelchair. It is wonderful-even if I do pay for it later...:) I am grateful for my comfy bed. I spend a lot of time in it. I am also grateful for the fact that my computer, my TV and my phone are all in reach of my bed. I am grateful to God for our new church, and the strength He has given to Wade and I to go there. I am grateful for the wonderful phone conversation Wade and I had with a fellow IQ memnber who also suffers from CFS. It was terrific to share notes. Thank you, dear lady! I am grateful for Today and to be alive.... Now, what is your list??? Be happy! Jai ♥♥♥
I am glad that you are using the tool of gratitude @Jai. Truly helpful in many ways. I personally have no "list" rather I am grateful for this moment and all that is in it NOW.
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hey darling... first of all very beautiful question. its my favorite subject.., gratitude..!!! in my lists i include following things..
hope you liked this.. .i have one more list ..you may check this also... ...Here are 60 things to be grateful for in our lives:
And last but not least… #60: You. For being who you are and touching the world with your presence. love, light and blessings your way.. supergirl :)) What an excellent list! The pastor on the Attack On Lack video was talking about how he was living in a small trailer. He was cramped and hated it, he had to walk everyday to take a shower. Then one day God showed him a very poor county, he said what would you think of your camper if you lived here? He said it would be a blessing like a mansion compared to this! From that day forward he was praising God for giving him a home (protection from the weather) & a hot shower with clean water everyday.
(15 Feb '14, 12:09)
Wade Casaldi
I was just watching Patrica King's web seminar "Attack On Lack." She basically says that praise and gratitude bring the miracles of providence. So with that I found this gratitude video. I hope this helps many. |
Not sure how to put it because I've been working on avoiding "identifying language" but I've been working with Depression for many years. It can be frustrating because I can wind myself up to Optimism and Positive Expectation and then the next day, my mood crashes and I'm right back down to climbing back up to Anger, etc. (using the Abraham-Hicks emotional scale). It's exhausting. Fortunately, I have a cat who's been with me for years so I start by appreciating her. I also recently acquired a kitten and his boundless energy is somewhat contagious. I also appreciate that no matter how dark my life gets, I can always find evidence that the universe is looking out for me. 2
Excellent! Good for you. The universe is indeed always looking out for you, finding your path of least resistance to all the good that is stored up and waiting for you. I too have always found appreciating my furry friends a perfect starting point. I'm so glad you just keep on trying. Eventually, feeling better just becomes more of a habit than feeling worse, and it gets easier and easier to reach for when you need it. You are doing so very well, congratulations! :)
(16 Aug '14, 02:36)
@Grace, thanks! I've been reading more Stingray answers. Found this one last night: http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/11945/how-do-i-deal-with-something-i-really-dont-want-to-do-until-something-better-comes-along/11954 It makes me wonder if I failed the test to attract a soulmate but whether I did or not, I'm now more aware and ready to keep moving forward. I'm a bit of a novice so she might be months away but it feels inevitable, especially if I focus on gratitude... I think :)
(16 Aug '14, 12:29)
@Concolitanos - You will find yourself bumping into that "test" over and over again until you "pass" it, so don't worry, you'll have plenty more opportunities. ;) I wanted to mention, since you obviously have such a good grasp on the finer points of the vibration you offer, that there is a difference between gratitude and appreciation. Generally speaking, gratitude focuses on the potential or remembered lack of something. Appreciation focuses on the presence of something...
(16 Aug '14, 22:45)
..It seems subtle at first, but I believe there is a huge difference in what you are sending out to the Universe, keeping in mind that the Universe's only answer is yes. Just say the words to yourself quietly, one at a time, and see how each word makes you feel. Different, aren't they? Our @Stingray explains this better than I do in several answers throughout this site...
(16 Aug '14, 22:45)
.. I found one, quoting Abraham, here: http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/5144/is-there-a-difference-between-gratitude-and-appreciation/5146
(16 Aug '14, 22:46)
Thanks again, @Grace! I tried it this morning and I think I picked up on the difference. Now, I have to work on being available (I'm a bit of a hermit). I've gone back to school (art school) so I'm planning on checking out local galleries this week, which is something I should be doing anyway.
(17 Aug '14, 14:18)
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