Has anyone considered a "prevention" mindset and the balance of being in the vortex? Here's what I mean: I was handed a project to do. I caught myself in fear of making mistakes and looking bad. I realized this was my brain avoiding pain and focusing on what could go wrong in order to prevent mistakes. It's like a call to action to prevent failing and experiencing pain.
I know you are suppose to get in the vortex, then work from there. But is there a way to do that and look out for what could go wrong? To prepare for possible problems so they do not occur, yet be in the vortex and feel good? I hope the answer isn't just go do the project and if you experience contrast, you will do better next time. My job, reputation, and self-esteem cannot handle that kind of experience. Can you prepare for contingencies yet still work from the vortex? How do I address possible problems to prevent them, yet feel good doing it? I feel that when I try and prevent future errors I kick myself out of the vortex and am focusing on what I don't want. But it seems like a necessary step.

asked 24 Mar '19, 15:31

Dman7's gravatar image


Can you prepare for contingencies yet still work from the vortex?

I don't see how you can, from a Law of Attraction point of view.

As you prepare for an out-of-the-Vortex Plan B, you are (because of where your focus is going) making Plan B more likely to manifest i.e. you are decreasing the purity of the vibration of Plan A.

The only way in which the preparation of a Plan B would help Plan A is if it made you feel better about Plan A...but that's something you have to feel carefully emotionally within yourself on a case-by-case basis, not a hard and fast rule.

How do I address possible problems to prevent them, yet feel good doing it?

I think the ideal approach would be to focus entirely on Plan A and clean up how you feel about things that you believe might get in the way of it.


answered 24 Mar '19, 15:53

Stingray's gravatar image


" But is there a way to do that and look out for what could go wrong? To prepare for possible problems so they do not occur, yet be in the vortex and feel good?"

as stingray said - no.

because in the vortex there are no problems at all (to prepare to).

but if it feels like a must you can try change the words: "wrong" into--- "interesting"

and "fear" into --- excitement

failing ---- i never fail no matter what

cannot handle that...- i can handle that, there are no mistakes, just experience.



answered 24 Mar '19, 17:52

myself's gravatar image


edited 24 Mar '19, 17:53

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