I was recently diagnosed with ADHD (hyperactive brain in an adult). My doctor suggested a new medicine, and I tried it. I was amazed at how much better I could focus on everything! It has changed my life, I think. But...

I hate being on medicine. It feels like cheating or something. Is there some other way to make my brain work better? Or am I being too worried about needing the medicine?

Any input would be appreciated.

Blessings and Love, Jaianniah

asked 28 Jun '11, 11:16

Jaianniah's gravatar image


How is this going?

(12 Jul '11, 18:37) Fairy Princess

Jai, if it is creative generative energy in excess of what most of us have, try to channel, focus it for the good of all. that may alleviate some of the need for outside control. but you have to gain some control of your will

(23 May '12, 21:58) fred

haha I definitely have adhd but never went to a doc about it. scared of putting labels on myself. but tips here are really nice. thank you all :) may I know which medicine is it and are you still taking it?

(25 May '12, 11:50) Imperfect

Pick up a creative hobby. Drawing is an easy place to start, even if it begins only with doodling. Exercise your visualization skills while you draw. I suggest this only because everyone can get their hands on a writing utensil and paper. Creative writing or music also work, anything which gets your imagination some exercise. =)

(10 May '13, 02:39) Snow
showing 1 of 4 show 3 more comments

Have goals. Break those goals into tasks, and then break those tasks down into smaller pieces, until you can focus on only one piece at a time. This technique works well for most ADHD'ers. It's how my parents were able to get me to finish my homework. If they put one piece in front of me at a time, I could finish all of my homework in about half the time as anyone else, but looking at the whole pile at once was overwhelming.

Procrastination can be a real problem for ADHD'ers. Push yourself to start your tasks right away. Reward yourself (in a healthy way) when you succeed in completing your tasks.

Keep an eye on the medicine. In my experience, it's only a temporary solution, because your body will adapt to it. But if it continues to work long term, good for you.


answered 28 Jun '11, 14:07

Vesuvius's gravatar image


"Keep an eye on the medicine. In my experience, it's only a temporary solution, because your body will adapt to it."

My experience with Vyvanse agrees.

(26 May '12, 06:01) Dollar Bill

Be informed that I have successfully used this, and the method from the other question on myself. I nearly completed this set of exercises, and removed my 7-8 character vices with the second method. This exercise is designed specifically to sharpen your concentration powers.

  1. Thought Control: discipline of thoughts, & subordination of thoughts ~

Take a seat in a comfortable chair or lie down on a settee. Relax the whole body, close your eyes and observe the train of your thoughts for five minutes, trying to retain it. At first, you will find that there are rushing up to you thoughts concerning everyday affairs, professional worries, and the like. Take the behavior of a silent observer toward these trains of thoughts, freely and independently. According to the mentality and the mental situation you happen to be in at the moment, this exercise will be more or less easy for you. The main point is not to forget yourself, not to lose the train of thoughts, but to pursue it attentively. Beware of falling asleep while doing this exercise. If you begin to feel tired, stop instantly and postpone the exercise to another time, when you intend not to give in to tiredness. The Indians sprinkle cold water on their faces or rub down the face and upper part of their bodies to remain brisk and not waste precious time. Some deep breathing before you begin will also prevent tiredness and sleepiness. As time goes on, each disciple will find out such little tricks by himself. This exercise of controlling thoughts has to be undertaken in the morning and at night. It is to be extended each day by one minute to allow the train of thoughts to be pursued and controlled without the slightest digression for a time of 10 minutes at least after a week’s training.

This space of time is destined to the average man. If it should not suffice, everyone can extend it according to his own apperception. In any event, is advisable to proceed very consciously, because it is of no use to hurry, development being quite individual in men. On no account go further before the preceding exercise is perfectly under control.

The attentive disciple will realize how, at the beginning, thoughts rush on to him, how rapidly they pass before him so that he will have difficulty to recollect the lot of manifold thoughts. But from one exercise to the next, he will state that thoughts come up less chaotic, moderating little by little, until at last only a few thoughts emerge in his consciousness, arriving, as it were, from a far distance.

The keenest attention ought to be given to this work of thought control, as it is very important for magic development, a fact that everyone will realize later on.

Providing that the mentioned exercise has been thoroughly worked through and everyone has a complete command of it in practice, let us pass over to the mental training.

Up to now we have learned to control our thoughts. The next exercise will consist in not giving way in our mind to thoughts obtruding themselves on our mind, unwanted and obstinate. For instance, we must be able not to occupy ourselves any longer with the tasks and worries of our profession when we come home from work and return the family circle and privacy. All thoughts not belonging to our privacy must be set aside, and we ought to manage to become quite a different personality instantly. And just the other way round: in our job, all thoughts have to be concentrated in it exclusively, and we must not allow them to digress or wander home, to private affairs, or elsewhere. This has to be practiced time and again until it has developed into a habit. Above all, one ought to accustom oneself to achieve whatever one does with full consciousness, whether in professional work or in private, regardless whether the point is a big one or a trifle. This exercise should be kept for a lifetime, because it is sharpening the mind and strengthening the consciousness and the memory.

Having obtained a certain skill in this exercise, you may turn to the following one. The purpose will now be to hold onto a single thought or idea for a longer while, and to suppress any other thoughts associating and obtruding with force on the mind. Choose for this purpose any train of thoughts or ideation or a suitable presentation according to your personal taste. Hold onto his presentation with all your strength. Vigorously refuse all the other thoughts that have nothing to do with the thoughts being exercised. At first you probably will succeed only for a few seconds, later on for minutes. You must manage to concentrate on one single thought and follow it for 10 minutes at least.

If you succeed in doing to, you will be fit for a new exercise. Let us then learn how to produce an absolute vacancy of mind. Lie down comfortably on a bed or sofa or sit in an armchair and relax your whole body. Close your eyes. Energetically dismiss any thought coming upon you. Nothing at all is allowed to happen in your mind; an absolute vacancy of mind must reign. Now hold on to this stage of vacancy without digressing or forgetting. At first, you will manage to do so for only a few seconds, but by practicing it more often, you will surely succeed better at it. The purpose of the exercise will be attained if you succeed in remaining in this state for a full 10 minutes without losing your self-control or even falling asleep.

Here is the source:


answered 28 Jun '11, 11:29

Asklepios's gravatar image


I am intrigued and delighted with this suggestion! Thanks so much.>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(28 Jun '11, 11:36) Jaianniah

Very good!

(31 Aug '14, 10:49) einsof

Single Handed or One Hand Tapping from Karen Nauman. Using your thumb, tap or press each fingernail bed of the same hand. You can do this in public without attracting a bunch of attention. Try it any time you feel distracted, anxious, fearful or afraid, stress, emotional distress, obsessive thoughts, while watching or listening to or reading something disturbing or that upsets you. I have taught it to some kids and at least one of them loves it and teaches it to family, friends and her doctor loved it too! (That's exciting to me!)


answered 28 Jun '11, 13:31

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

edited 03 Jul '11, 14:58

Already tapping! I'll post another comment here in a few days to give you some feedback. Thanks, Miss Fairy! Love, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(28 Jun '11, 13:42) Jaianniah

Glad to hear it! I meant to ask for an update if you do this. I work with kids with developmental disabilities and many have ADHD also. So, thanks for the update offer. :) Peace and blessings,

(28 Jun '11, 13:58) Fairy Princess

How is the one handed tapping going with the ADHD?

(11 Jul '11, 13:54) Fairy Princess

So far, the tapping works so-so...I have trouble remembering to tap! LOL! Really, I have been so ill I have not given it a fair shot. Ask me again in a week or so. Thanks! Jai

(12 Jul '11, 22:40) Jaianniah

I call this Two Hands Touching. I made it up after reading The Secret of Instant Healing by Frank Kinslow. Put the palms of your hands together and close your eyes. Feel your hands touching. Ask quietly in your mind, "What do my hands feel like?" Then feel the answer in your hands touching. Don't try to name the feelings, just feel your hands touching. Don't try to think or not think, just feel your hands touching. Do this for at least 30 seconds, and as long as you want and as often as you think of it, especially when you need to focus.

I have already taught it to several students including one who is ADHD and has used it successfully to focus on work.

It also works for sleeping. Position yourself to sleep. Feel your right hand, then feel your left hand, then feel both hands.

(23 May '12, 09:29) Fairy Princess

Has anybody used this for ADHD yet? Thanks

(17 Sep '12, 10:24) Fairy Princess
showing 2 of 6 show 4 more comments

Two years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. I tried Vyvanse and had amazing results in focus and follow-through. But it did not seem to last. Over time it seemed that the results were less effective. I am very careful with drugs, having had an addictive type personality in the past and most ADHD drugs fall in the amphetamine category.

I am still experimenting (under the care of a psychiatrist) with other ADHD drugs. Right now, I am taking Adderol. My wife likes Stratterra.

One of my personal criteria is that if I find myself voraciously "looking for the prescription bottle" I either stop taking it or go for a reduced amount. I stress that my decisions are based on and in conjunction with, advice from a medical professional. I usually research and find the top people in whatever area I am exploring. I do not change anything unless I have their advice and consultation beforehand.

That being said, here are a few things I do,

Coffee may help adults. http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/index.php/caffeine-for-adhd/

Personally I have had good results from this brain entrainment for ADHD and relaxation, self-programming, better focus and achieving very deep states of relaxation. I use NeuroProgrammer 3 software from Transparent Corporation. The forum has a lot of therapists and medical professionals posting.



Take a look around the Community Forum for some very effective ways of using brain entrainment. I find NP3 particularly effective in using binaural beats with Abraham's Vortex Meditations. I can use it to take me to Theta levels where self-programming is most effective.

I was concerned that I might be having memory lapses and took a battery of tests. We found that my memory is quite good. The question was more in "registration." Since this involves being in the now, I feel it is quite appropriate to this discussion.

"Registration" is when I am thinking about something else and not paying attention to the NOW. For instance I may put my car keys down, not thinking about where I am putting them, and then hunt all over the house trying to find them!

It is not a memory problem. It is a problem of not being in the now!

As far as ADHD and focus, to me, I just need to change a few habitual ways of doing things. For instance I may go out into our warehouse looking for a dog leash. On the way out I see some trash that needs dumping, so I take it to the dumpster. As I am doing that, I notice the yard needs trimming, so I go to the lawn mower, but it is low on gasoline, so I get the gas can and put it in the van. I notice the front tire on the van is low and get the air pump. On the way to get the air pump, I notice some tools that need to be put away, Etc, etc, etc ad nauseum!

In some idiotic way, my mind seems to think it is efficient to do these other tasks, but even there I may not finish the distraction and that leads to another (unfinished) distraction.

An hour later my wife may find me repainting the front door! "Where is the dog leash," She asks?

So I have adopted a behavior pattern that when I am going to get the dog leash, I go get the damn leash! I may make notes of other things that need doing, later, but I stay in the NOW of getting the dog leash!

For me, staying in the now is the answer. I have find motivation coupled with habit changing to be the most effective path for me. The brain entrainment seems to help greatly with programming my subconscious and being in the now makes it all work out.


answered 26 May '12, 07:04

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

Have you tried my Two Hands Touching? It is a fast, easy way to connect with the now.

(26 May '12, 07:51) Fairy Princess

Dear Jaianniah,

Yes, ADHD is curable without the use of medication, through a purely mental approach, as was proven by the authors of the following book, Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley:


"Through decades of work treating patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), Schwartz made an extraordinary finding: while following the therapy he developed, his patients were effecting significant and lasting changes in their own neural pathways. It was a scientific first: by actively focusing their attention away from negative behaviors and toward more positive ones, Schwartz's patients were using their minds to reshape their brains–and discovering a thrilling new dimension to the concept of neuroplasticity."

I have read the book, and think you will find it of great value. It also has a lot of overlap with the exercises and concepts we discuss on Inward Quest, so I think it will be very easy for you to digest and assimilate.


answered 17 Sep '12, 12:54

lozenge123's gravatar image


Good info lozenge123 (as usual) - I'm going to check out the book - hope Jai does too.

(09 May '13, 01:27) ele

Hi Jai, Yes you can improve without medication. There are many diets out there for people with ADHD for a lot of them have common food intolorances. Find out what it is you are intolerent to and avoid it. It could be simpe things like bread or milk or sometimes it can even be enviromental.

There are a few good books out there for ADHD and I think Dr. Frank Lawlis who appeared many times on the Dr. Phill show wrote one as well. Do a bit of reaserch and you will be amazed how much information there is about ADHD.

Make sure your daily nutrition intake is good and if you need take supplements. I would strongly suggest a good Vitamin B complax as well as Omega 3 faty acids. Just those two should make a difference but it takes a while.

Dont forget exercise is also important so walk or dance or go to gym.


answered 24 May '12, 11:58

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Paulina 1

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