Sometimes I just want to talk to like minded people, not ask any specific questions per se - just connect. I have often thought that it would be nice if one could chat with IQ members keeping our anonymous identities intact. Would other members like somthing like that and more importantly Simon can you do something like that at this site? asked 28 Jun '11, 19:43 I Think Therefore I Am Kathleen Kelly ♦♦ |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by Kathleen Kelly 30 Dec '11, 11:43
This has been up before and Simon says:
This answer is marked "community wiki".
answered 28 Jun '11, 20:58 ursixx ...and also this comment is relevant in that we don't have any control over the features in the current website software and it isn't being developed any further. Considering the changes that have happened to StackExchange, we are "lucky" Inward Quest is still here
(28 Jun '11, 21:55)
Simon Templeton ♦♦
Is there a risk that we could loose the site :O?
(29 Jun '11, 06:49)
When StackExchange switched over from being privately run (like Inward Quest) to being community-operated only, all the less successful sites were gradually shut down, and the others were given a year. That deadline passed a few months ago and we are still here. There was also an assurance at the switchover time that "successful" sites (no criteria given) would not be shut down. IQ's popularity has been increasing steadily for months and we've recently started a major SEO campaign to push it further. I've tried contacting the owners but they have not responded. So we'll have to wait and see.
(29 Jun '11, 15:55)
Simon Templeton ♦♦
If you are seeing this message then the Inward Quest system has noticed that your web browser is behaving in an unusual way and is now blocking your active participation in this site for security reasons. As a result, among other things, you may find that you are unable to answer any questions or leave any comments. Unusual browser behavior is often caused by add-ons (ad-blocking, privacy etc) that interfere with the operation of our website. If you have installed these kinds of add-ons, we suggest you disable them for this website
The StackExchange 2.0 platform supports chat, and a number of other enhancements. InwardQuest runs on StackExchange 1.0. Unfortunately, I don't think InwardQuest would be welcome on StackExchange 2.0; the way new sites are proposed and vetted has changed dramatically, and I don't think InwardQuest would survive the new vetting process.
Perfectly stated, Vesuvius