what if you would see something new today and think something new and you are deciding to tell that to someone but you already know what they are going to say. so what do you do? i do not know if some of you have experience this in this life time.

example if i would ask this question and before i ask it i know what barry will answer and i write it down to show that i know.

asked 03 Nov '11, 02:42

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 03 Nov '11, 21:34

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

writen:I have read this several times and it is not clear to mewhat you are asking. please can you make it clearer? Provide examples if necessary.

(03 Nov '11, 11:16) white tiger

Yes this is true, there is so much we may want to share our experiences and tell the world the good news. But we at the same time know from how those loved one are that they wouldn't accept or understand it. Galileo is a perfect example, "The world is round, I must tell everyone this exciting news!" The next thing he knew he was branded a heretic and thrown in prison! Thank God you at least in the USA can't be thrown in prison for an accepted idea! You see this with people afraid to say that they saw a spaceship in the sky, they know they will be put down and made fun of.

(03 Nov '11, 14:24) Wade Casaldi
showing 1 of 2 show 1 more comments

Speak your truth my friend. Some will be ready and some will not, but you will have done your "job" by shining your light. If the people are ready, you will have a nice conversation. If the people are not ready they will always remember what you said and you will have planted a seed in them that will grow. Either way, whoever you are with, you have attracted each other for a reason.

Light and Love


answered 04 Nov '11, 10:40

Brian's gravatar image


Beautiful answer Brian.

(04 Nov '11, 11:53) Paulina 1

Yes this is true, there is so much we may want to share our experiences and tell the world the good news. But we at the same time know from how those loved one are that they wouldn't accept or understand it. Galileo is a perfect example, "The world is round, I must tell everyone this exciting news!" The next thing he knew he was branded a heretic and thrown in prison! Thank God you at least in the USA can't be thrown in prison for an accepted idea! You see this with people afraid to say that they saw a spaceship in the sky, they know they will be put down and made fun of.

The easiest way for things to stay hidden (even terrible atrocities to humanity) is the fear that people would never believe you. It is the brave ones that push forwards with the truth even when most would never believe, these are the people that get things done and change the world eventually.

Many years from now people may look back in time and say White Tiger was the first to discover this! But in his time no one believed him and everyone thought he was crazy. Now we have him in our history books as the hero that changed the world!

It was bold people like scientists such as Nicola Tesla, Galileo, Copernicus, DaVinci, and people like Martin Luther King and Martin Luther that went against the popular beliefs, people that dared to be called wrong or crazy that have changed and shaped our world.

Even common people that see people hurt or starving, see children being harmed and used and that have the courage to do something can make things better even when they fear no one would believe them.


answered 04 Nov '11, 16:27

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

It takes a lot of courage to speak the truth as you see it. I only wish the Pope during WWII could have spoken about the Jewish Holocaust. They say the Church knew it was going on, but did nothing. I have often wondered about this, and wondered how the world might have changed had the Church spoken. Good job, Wade! Love you, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(04 Nov '11, 16:42) Jaianniah

White Tiger I would say you are psychic. You already know what someone is going to say before they say it which means you are picking up on their thoughts. Yes that has and still does happen to me sometimes. The trick is to know when certain thoughts and feelings are yours and when they come from another for sometimes this can happen days and weeks in advance.

It is pleasent whan they are good thoughts and feelings but when you pick up on someones problems, moods and pain only you dont know they are someone elses problems this can be very unpleasent so be on the lookout for this and ask yourself who does this belong to. If it isn't yours simply tell yourself I refuse to carry someone elses stuff and tell it to leave. Sometimes it will and sometimes it wont. In my case it wont leave till I find out who it belongs to but the moment I do it leaves.

This is real proof that we all truly are interconected and are all one.


answered 03 Nov '11, 09:33

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

well paulina its even before they think it. because they do not know what i am going to tell them and i allready know the answer. and i agree with you on picking up other people bad stuff.

(03 Nov '11, 11:12) white tiger

"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve."

(03 Nov '11, 20:01) white tiger

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

(03 Nov '11, 20:02) white tiger


(03 Nov '11, 20:02) white tiger

Thanks White Tiger.

(04 Nov '11, 11:51) Paulina 1
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White Tiger, I also get "feelings' about people- I agree with what people have been saying: you are psychic, or something close to it. The trick is to trust in your feelings. Let me tell you a story.

Wade lost an important diploma. He has many, many papers in his room, and he looked through them all- but no luck. He gave up on it. Weeks and months went by us. Last Sunday, I was talking to him. Suddenly, my eyes fastened on a stack of notebooks on his desk. I felt and experienced a "push" from what I think was an angel. I am not sure. I said to him, "God just told me to tell you to look in that stack of notebooks for something important that you are seeking." Wade said, "What? I have nothing there," or something like that. I insisted. So he went over to the stack of notebooks, and began looking through them.

He found the diploma.

So I understand you very well! People might think you are nuts, but you are not. All you need is the courage to speak.

Try it!

Blessings, Jaianniah


answered 04 Nov '11, 16:15

Jaianniah's gravatar image


this is very interesting finding things when you have look every where for it. it make me think when i was looking for something and my father told me to use my mind to find it. and i have found it and it was not somewhere i add left it.

(04 Nov '11, 19:44) white tiger
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