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I am a channeler and I do sessions for free and release them on youtube. I wnat to make a very special forum for this group alone. I will call it " TReb Bor yit-NE channeling - Open Forum # 12 ( or 13 lol depending on how long iot takes u all) Inward Quest special edition. I want you to leave ur nicknme or name and any iinfo you wnat to leave for him or any spicifics you wnat to know. Id like ot have this done in a week or so . For those of you who do not believ in channeling, even questions from sceptics are welcome, prefeerred in most cases :-)

If you wnat to know a little biut bout him as a race -

If you wnat to see a littlie more about the general forum, here is teh newest-

also if u are afraid u will repeat a question, go to this link, click on each forum then highlight to the right of the vid and u will see most questions listed , JUST the forum questions, not inclduing all of teh regular personal sessions ,,,

any questions feel free to leave them here or on my youtube channel

after doing the session on the evening of the 19th of Dec. 2011, i now give you the session

TReb Bor yit-NE channeling - Open Forum # 12 edition


my websight here where i share all sessions ( spicific session )

I wanted to thank u all for ur questions and you all have anymore to ask Treb send them here!/pages/TReb-Bor-yit-Ne-The-Worlds-First-Free-Open-Forum-Channeler/134825569943279

or u can send them here

love n light, rob

asked 15 Dec '11, 02:08

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 11 Oct '12, 10:29

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦


Rob I would like to thank you, George, Treb, and anyone else involved in this session. I very much enjoyed the answer to my question and all the others as well.

(21 Dec '11, 06:12) Cory

ty my freind, it was a plesure to have done for u all and i am very glad that teh information shared with u all was great info, i did notice treb connected well to me that night and the info came through very well, love n light

(21 Dec '11, 12:06) TReb Bor yit-NE

Thank you so much I enjoyed all the answeres. Thanks to you Rob and to George for your time and generosity and a special thanks to Treb for being kind enough to answer all I asked.

(23 Dec '11, 09:40) Paulina 1

@ paulina ty paulina 4 asking ,, it is only questions from others that make great information to be lerned by us all,, if u EVER have anym,otre questions, send them here!/pages/TReb-Bor-yit-Ne-The-Worlds-First-Free-Open-Forum-Channeler/134825569943279

or u can send them here

(23 Dec '11, 17:39) TReb Bor yit-NE
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The question has been closed for the following reason "No longer relevant" by Barry Allen 20 Jun '13, 09:52

after doing the session on the evening of the 19th of Dec. 2011, i now give you the session

TReb Bor yit-NE channeling - Open Forum # 12 edition

please send you input and please accept my, georges and Trebs love and gratitude for co-creating this session.

love n light


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answered 20 Dec '11, 18:41

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

Many thanks to you, Treb and George for this session. Fascinating answer from Treb to my own question. Am going to have to relisten to it a few times but there seems to be plenty of information to contemplate and research further, which is what I was after. Thanks again, Rob :)

(21 Dec '11, 08:52) Stingray

ur welcome my friend,, love n light and i will pass teh thanks to Treb n George too,

(21 Dec '11, 12:00) TReb Bor yit-NE

Thank you for providing this opportunity, Rob.

My question for Treb is this:

Some geometrical patterns, when focused upon with a deliberate intent, appear to amplify the energies that are sent to them and so can be used, for example, in conjunction with creating physical manifestations, bringing about healings or spiritual attunement.

For example:

alt text

Which are the most effective shapes or patterns to visualize for this kind of energy amplification and how are they best practically applied in our daily lives?

I would also appreciate any suggestions for further study in understanding and applying this field of knowledge.

If Treb feels it is appropriate, I would like to hear from whatever consciousness he can connect with that has the most "specialist" knowledge in this subject area.

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answered 16 Dec '11, 12:34

Stingray's gravatar image


Thanks for asking this question ... i feel sure the reply will be most interesting :)

(16 Dec '11, 12:46) blubird two

thank you my freind, i will get this session done tonight i hope, but my son is sick. i will let you know

(17 Dec '11, 16:32) TReb Bor yit-NE

I am very confused at much of what you say, Stingray. A quote of yours from one of my own questions: "I view rituals as just "excuses" you give to yourself to get into specific mindsets...physically symbolic ways to communicate your intention for a deeper connection to "Self"" Yet here you reference the use of "geometrical patterns" to "bring about healings" etc, etc... Is this not a "ritual"? If not, what word or short phrase do you use to define what you are describing?

(19 Dec '11, 16:47) Snow

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:06) TReb Bor yit-NE

@ Black Dragon - plenty of geometric patterns useful for healing can be found in the Servranx book ref.

(22 Dec '11, 16:43) blubird two
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Hi Rob,

I would like to ask:

Which is the quickest, most effective, simplest (to understand, explain and practice), shortest, absolutely permanent and the best process to identify and let go of limiting / negative beliefs and build positive beliefs around the same subject.

And whether practicing this process will bring immediate results (manifestations) to those who who shall practice.

Thanks so much for this opportunity.

Look forward to hearing from Treb!

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 16 Dec '11, 15:40

Sourabh's gravatar image


All of us would love an answer to this question.

(17 Dec '11, 05:47) Paulina 1

thank you my freind, i will get this session done tonight i hope, but my son is sick. i will let you know

(17 Dec '11, 16:32) TReb Bor yit-NE

Hey Rob, hope your son is doing better now. I wish him speedy recovery and good health. Tc.

(19 Dec '11, 02:27) Sourabh

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:06) TReb Bor yit-NE

Thanks Rob, George and Treb! I got a very important clue that the best process for each one would be different. However I was expecting more clarity regarding the general process. May be Treb will give that sometime soon :) Thanks once again

(22 Dec '11, 05:31) Sourabh
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I clean forgot to ask this and it is important. My 90 year old mother sees lights and haloes around all reflective surfaces. She will spend half her day by the window watching these lights and colours which she discribes as very beautiful. At night she says she is bothered by what she calls evil spirits that wont give her a moments peace and actualy physicaly hurt her. Is it posible for you to tell us what this is. Of course we in the family think she is ill but would love your oppinion as to if it a illness or is she realy seeng and feeling this. The most important is how does she stop this torture at night. Is there anything we can do to help her get rid of this.

Thank you

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answered 17 Dec '11, 06:48

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob –

(20 Dec '11, 18:32) TReb Bor yit-NE

I have no basis for offering any assistance on this matter except my own issues that I feel are similar. I have a very severe fear of the dark, which generally stems from a very strong "weight" that falls upon me when I feel fear. I have found that objects or trinkets of a positive nature can serve as a 'shield' of sorts to protect from negative sources. When meditating if I am afraid of being drawn to negativity I will utilize the use of more totems to 'protect' myself, even if it is only inside my head. So in your particular situation, I would advise surrounding her with things that make [..

(20 Dec '11, 21:55) Snow

..] her feel safer, specifically trinkets and gifts from loved ones are particularly powerful against negative forces. Also, the more importance you put on this object the more power the gesture of 'gifting' it to someone has. For example, when friends of mine are having particularly difficult times I will offer them a gift of mine to help them. It doesn't matter what it is, nor how much it costs monetarily speaking, only that it holds value to me. The more value, the more power the gesture seems to hold. If she is religious then I suggest looking into protective charms that relate to [...

(20 Dec '11, 21:57) Snow

..] her beliefs. For example, a Christian may find solace from pictures of angels, preferably the 'powerful' or 'masculine' benevolent ones, or crosses. Other examples of course being things like a Jewish Star, an Ankh, or whatever suits the person most. An exercise that may help is gathering trinkets of different sources and seeing which one helps more or less, or if at all.

(20 Dec '11, 22:00) Snow

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob

(20 Dec '11, 23:08) TReb Bor yit-NE

Again: I have no basis for saying my opinion will in any way help this situation, just offering in case you are interested: It may be interesting to you to read my response to TReb asking if I was a channeler and regarding my experiences with it. The conversation took place in the "comments" on TReb's answer to my question you can find here: . These are an example of the problems I refer to, and I feel they are similar to what your grandmother faces, so perhaps my solutions will also work for her. [..

(23 Dec '11, 12:28) Snow

..] the solutions I reference here, of course, being protecting her with "positive energy" from her loved ones.

(23 Dec '11, 12:28) Snow

Something else I learned recently that you may find to be interesting: Another AMAZING source of positive energy is good calming music. A great example would be Phil Collins or Genesis, or any sort of light toned music with soft / smooth vocals. Playing them at an extremely low volume during sleep makes a WORLD of difference for me, and I hope perhaps it could do the same for others.

(29 Dec '11, 10:49) Snow
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I would like to ask that since TReb Bor yit-NE resides in the 5th density and from what I know beings in the 5th density have the ability to manifest what they want instantly, then what is the point of their continuing living in life? If you knew that you were able to get anything you want in an instant, wouldn't life end up pretty boring actually?

I have asked this question before here on IQ but would just like to hear from a being from the 5th density who experiences this himself...

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answered 15 Dec '11, 02:44

kakaboo's gravatar image


What you say sounds like heaven. Isn't that the goal of most religions?

(15 Dec '11, 03:36) Fairy Princess

heaven?? I have heard that Earth is actually a much better place than heaven lol.. I don't believe heaven exists but from reading Treb's book it seems like species from other planets have the ability to manifest almost anything they want instantly

(16 Dec '11, 12:43) kakaboo

thank you my freind, i will get this session done tonight i hope, but my son is sick. i will let you know

(17 Dec '11, 16:32) TReb Bor yit-NE

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:06) TReb Bor yit-NE
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Hiya, Treb. Welcome to Earth.

I would like to ask if space is made up of infinite dimensions, or just a set number--with Heaven being of the Highest Levels, hell being of the lowest (if it exists at all), and all of us somewhere in between...What do you think about this idea? Then Death would become just a transition between levels, right? Nothing to fear, right?

I also would like to ask if your world ever had a Savior like Christ...I am truly interested in this! Thanks!


Jai (rhymes with "Thai")


answered 15 Dec '11, 03:05

Jaianniah's gravatar image


Good questions, Jai. I will be interested in the answers you receive!

(15 Dec '11, 03:47) LeeAnn 1

Excelent question Jai.

(15 Dec '11, 16:45) Paulina 1

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:06) TReb Bor yit-NE
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I hope you do well with this Rob. I know Treb already answered a question of mine about "Space People" good and bad. So if I any more come to me I'll see. I know my ill-advised earth trip question was well inspired by my curiosity of how harsh and dangerous earth could be to visit.

I do believe this may get closed because it is trying to turn this little part into a Treb-Or-Nit-Ye only part. Best of luck and I hope you get many good questions! :-)


answered 15 Dec '11, 03:07

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

thank u my friend, i appreciate ur love and concern me too ( hope it stays on) i offer this o the general public but i do want it to fly

(15 Dec '11, 04:02) TReb Bor yit-NE

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:06) TReb Bor yit-NE

Rob, Thank you so much and thanks to TReb Bor Yit NE for the messages. Finding out that the Kepler 22 planet has lower life forms like animals gives hope that it could one day be made to be habitable by human kind. Also when TReb said how our thoughts affect what we experience after death that was like a confirmation to me that we do indeed take it with us because it is experience of our thoughts. I enjoyed the session very much plus hearing our questions answered instead of just random questions made it more personal and enjoyable than other sessions! :-)

(21 Dec '11, 03:49) Wade Casaldi

great wade,, i noticed that there is so much great info and when people send in teh questions,, there are so many perspectives being joined in with Trebs knowlege and his very unique perspective and it makes great infoprmation, so ty too for helping. love n light

(21 Dec '11, 12:02) TReb Bor yit-NE
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I would like to be cheeky and ask weather the particle we know as the 'Higgs Boson' actually exists! :D But could I ask about how science progressed in Treb's society over the years and do the models we use to explain physical phenomena today bare any resemblance to the ones you used in your 3rd density experience?

Oh and could a human stand on your planet? and how long are your days and nights? :)

Also I've heard you don't need to eat or sleep when you are in 5th Density, but I really enjoy the experience of eating food that's delicious... so do you still eat and sleep for fun on your planet?


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answered 15 Dec '11, 04:02

RFextra's gravatar image


session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:09) TReb Bor yit-NE
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Hi Rob! All the best for you channelling!!

"What is the purpose of dreams, and is it worth controlling them (lucid dreaming)?"

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answered 15 Dec '11, 13:37

Nikulas's gravatar image


i will ask this top him if u wnat ,, but , if u wnat an answer now, chek this out ,,,

(15 Dec '11, 14:00) TReb Bor yit-NE

this was a part of th el;ast forum that was odn befor last night,. if u wnat an ide of questions that have been asked already look into teh old forums.

(15 Dec '11, 14:02) TReb Bor yit-NE

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


(20 Dec '11, 18:32) TReb Bor yit-NE
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answered 15 Dec '11, 17:20

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob –

(20 Dec '11, 18:32) TReb Bor yit-NE
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I have always wanted to ask a question about paranormal type creatures.

My question for treb is...

Do the creatures we know as Bigfoot and The Mothman actually exist here on earth? If so, why are they so good at staying hidden and why is there never any evidence of bodies after death? Are they what we would consider animals, or are they beings from another planet or dimension?

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answered 17 Dec '11, 06:26

Cory's gravatar image


session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob –

(20 Dec '11, 18:32) TReb Bor yit-NE

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob –

(20 Dec '11, 18:32) TReb Bor yit-NE
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Hmm. Hopefully since a post was just made regarding it, this question might still get addressed.

How does your source feel about the following words or phrases, using whatever premise that comes to mind first as a basis for context.

Lucifer; Gabriel; Michael; Jesus; Satan; "The Holy Spirit"; "Hell"; "Heaven".

It can be as simple of a response as you like, or as complex. A simple example would be "Hell is a place where the wicked are punished for eternity," or "Gabriel and Michael are / were archangels given the duty of protecting / communicating with mankind."

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answered 19 Dec '11, 16:45

Snow's gravatar image


yes it will it will be a few hrs, and as long as it is b4 teh session, it willm, george will be reading teh questions straight form this page, lnl rob

(19 Dec '11, 16:54) TReb Bor yit-NE

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob –

(20 Dec '11, 18:38) TReb Bor yit-NE
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also i want to add this is the brand newest forum last night it was done.

love n light ,


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answered 15 Dec '11, 12:52

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

I was pleasently suprised. Thanks TReb.

(17 Dec '11, 06:39) Paulina 1

thank you my freind, i will get this session done tonight i hope, but my son is sick. i will let you know

(17 Dec '11, 16:32) TReb Bor yit-NE

Hi Rob, It is very kind of you to offer this service and I'm sure that most will enjoy it. The dimention that interests me right now is the one we are living in right now on planet earth. For how long will our earth survive and which planet in which solar system will become the new earth when this one is no more....Well thats all unless TReb Bor yit-NE is kind enough to tell me when my book will be published I would be most

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answered 15 Dec '11, 16:57

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr. hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much love n light rob –

(20 Dec '11, 18:35) TReb Bor yit-NE
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answered 15 Dec '11, 21:38

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 19 Dec '11, 16:42

ursixx's gravatar image


I Hope your session goes all well Rob! :-)

(16 Dec '11, 16:12) Wade Casaldi

Thank you kind sir.

(17 Dec '11, 05:48) Paulina 1

ty both,, it will, it always dopes lol,, love n light

(17 Dec '11, 21:43) TReb Bor yit-NE
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thank you all my freinds, i will get this session done tonight i hope, but my son is sick. i will let you know

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answered 17 Dec '11, 16:33

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

No worries, Rob. Take your time. I'm sure all of us here can wait until your son is better.

(17 Dec '11, 18:30) Stingray

TODAY IS MON 12/19/11




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answered 19 Dec '11, 16:41

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 19 Dec '11, 16:45

ursixx's gravatar image


hope the little guys doin better bro

(19 Dec '11, 16:45) ursixx

yes, he is , not grea yet,, but bettre ,, ty so much my dear friend, i miss chatin w u,, love n light

(19 Dec '11, 16:53) TReb Bor yit-NE

IT is done, i am prossesing and getting ready to upload soon

love n light


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answered 20 Dec '11, 16:58

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

Just a possible suggestion for you regarding your videos. From what I've watched thus far they seem to be very insightful, but they are always very..long.

I cannot speak for everyone of course, and others may prefer the one compiled video that includes everything, but for me personally it would be more easy if they were in separate files. Perhaps separated by topics or questions, or whatever you would feel appropriate.

This would allow me to put them on my phone and listen to them individually, resume playback on the topic I left off on, and re-listen to specific topics as I felt the need to clarify points I did not remember clearly enough. Either way, much appreciation for sharing.

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answered 20 Dec '11, 21:18

Snow's gravatar image


yes,, in fact io am swotching over from old files that where all broken up ,, and as for tweh forums,, ui keep then same as they are ,, but there re a few that are only subject apropriate and shorter,, i do thopugh need to takle more smaller parts for thios and re do thise into smaller,, more subject related sessions,, ty very much and i will work on that sooon,, unfortunatkly i havent had much time to work on that lnl rob

(20 Dec '11, 22:00) TReb Bor yit-NE

Yes of course. I imagine that the process probably puts more work on you. I'm very glad that you released the full file before the separated ones. Your answer to my question in particular is extremely engaging, though they all entice me greatly.

(20 Dec '11, 22:02) Snow

Thank you very much for what you do. I appreciate it, and don't think you are thanked quite often enough.

(20 Dec '11, 22:03) Snow

u r welcome and ty 4 ur love and light

(21 Dec '11, 12:03) TReb Bor yit-NE
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Thanks for the profound wisdom on your video Rob ... i particularly enjoy the replies you give to Stingrays questions on geometric patterns ... especially the part about pure sound vibrations that produce geometric shapes in water ... happy channeling

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answered 21 Dec '11, 04:33

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

edited 22 Dec '11, 13:57

session is done and being uploaded now, it will be ready in less than an hr.

hope this helps u all and i want to get any input from u and ty very much

love n light


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answered 20 Dec '11, 18:06

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

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