This question is marked "community wiki".

Hello to all. If you are new here, I am one of the old school channelers from this community and built my way up to being a real life professional channeler :-).

We used to do open forums from here, and only take questions from Inward quest for special editions. I have not been here regularly for quite some time, but I do definitely pop in from time to time. I wanted to make it feel like the old days so I wanted to share some news here.

We do not have the open forum like we used to were we collected a bunch of questions from here and others, but we just released a vid so we can restart the process. If you want to join all you have to do is have a YouTube account, and post your comments on the video comment section.

The format for the questions should be as follows.

  1. You should label who you wish to ask the question to. TReb and Aridif are both going to be taking questions. IE "This is for Aridif"
  2. You should add your name so that we know who the question is coming from, even if it is a nickname. IE "This is for Aridif, my name is Rob G." If we do not get a name, and it is a personal question, we can not accept it, and if it is a collective question, it will be asked anonymously.
  3. You should ask your questions clearly and precisely so that there is no confusion. IE " This is for Aridif, my name is Rob G. I wanted to know if the election in the US in 2016 was a manifestation of my own desire for change in the way I want to live. Does this mean I have taken the steps to be more free. " The way not to ask that same question is " Is the election making me more free ? "
  4. Only one question per person. If there are two parts to the same question, that can be acceptable but it must be about the same thing. i.e. " This is for Aridif, my name is Rob G. I wanted to know if the election in the US in 2016 was a manifestation of my own desire for change in the way I want to live. Does this mean I have taken the steps to be more free ?" What would not be accepted is "This is for Aridif, my name is Rob G. I wanted to know if the election in the US in 2016 was a manifestation of my own desire for change in the way I want to live. Does this mean I have taken the steps to be more free ? Does this mean I can make changes in the other parts of my life, also does this mean I can take this new freedom and learn to channel, also do I have the right to share this freedom with others, also.... etc etc etc .. Lol. we can not do that.

We are very excited to do this for everyone here, and the next one we do will be exclusive to InwardQuest for sure ! I love u guys, and miss you guys !

Here is the video that explains how you can write your questions !

Click here to go to the video on YouTube and ask your question

asked 14 Nov '16, 08:32

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 14 Nov '16, 10:04

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦


This is just wonderful @TReb. Thank you! :)

(14 Nov '16, 12:00) Grace

@grace I LOVE YOU !

(15 Nov '16, 17:16) TReb Bor yit-NE

@TReb Lol! I love you too! :D

(15 Nov '16, 19:17) Grace
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