I am dealing with a small but frustrating situation, and I continually consider what to do about it, think on it, find no answer, and end up doing nothing.

I finally caught what I was doing in my thinking, and realized that somewhere along the way, I was actually just "giving up". I then looked more closely at my thinking process, and saw that I was surrendering my power and my choices in the matter...Thus my "giving up".

But not everyone can do this- not everyone's troubles are so easily figured out.

What causes people to quit and give up?



asked 21 Jan '12, 13:36

Jaianniah's gravatar image


I like to go back to the old fashioned fundamentals that have a proven track record.

May I recommend just one book for you? If you already have it, I recommend that you take it out and read it again.


Here is the link to the book from the Amazon site. There are 98 Customer reviews on this site & through them you can get an idea of how powerful this book has been in so many lives.


But here is the catch!

YOU have to read it before you ask other's opinions on this book. Because other people's opinions are irrelevant with regards to your own experience.

Get into a habit of reading positive books of this nature on a regular basis.

Eventually a daily diet of this type of information will start to push out your existing self talk.

Perhaps the others here can also recommend some really powerful positive & uplifting books.

But, PLEASE! Start with THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG, I promise you that you won't be disappointed!


answered 21 Jan '12, 15:10

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

Again, it is nice to have your wisdom and encouragement back here on IQ...thank you...I will look into this book for my Kindle! Love, Jai

(21 Jan '12, 15:19) Jaianniah

YOU have to read it before you ask other's opinions on this book. Because other people's opinions are irrelevant with regards to your own experience. Perhaps the others here can also recommend some really powerful positive & uplifting books. why bother other people opinion are irrelevant and book are writen by other people also. so it defeat its own perpace.

(21 Jan '12, 16:14) white tiger

Hi White tiger. Thanks for your comment because it gives me a chance to clarify exactly what I meant by other people's opinions being irrelevant.

Here is the WRONG way to ask: What do you think I should do? Why?....because they are not you, and they don't understand what you have been through or where you are at.

Here is the RIGHT way to ask: What did you do? Now you can choose to apply that advice IF is applies to you.

It was easier to say don't ask others rather than explain this way.

(21 Jan '12, 16:29) The Traveller

so basically you are saying to jai to read and understand the book fully before asking other their opinion. because she does not notice her own experience and does not understand that she has free will and is responsible of it. then if that is the case no matter the number of book she reads it will not help her. yes it was easier to tell her like that. was it easier for me to tell it to you the way i did?

(21 Jan '12, 16:40) white tiger

Hi white tiger. There is a difference between what I said and what you just said. I allowed the reader to understand what they wanted the way they want. What you did was to put words into my mouth that did not originate from me.

(21 Jan '12, 16:58) The Traveller

i have only told the truth. read what you have said your self. that is the catch.Because other people's opinions are irrelevant with regards to your own experience.because they are not you, and they don't understand what you have been through or where you are at.Here is the WRONG way to ask: What do you think I should do?(free will) Why?....It was easier to say don't ask others(look in you) rather than explain this way.

(21 Jan '12, 17:46) white tiger
  1. Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. [And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.]"

Jesus said, "Don't lie, and don't do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed."


(21 Jan '12, 18:44) white tiger

Dear White Tiger. I'm sure Jai is very capable of understanding an answer without the both of us debating over what she is supposed to have got from it. Besides, we are, in a way, being disrespectful towards Jai by doing it. So I'm going to leave it at that.

(21 Jan '12, 19:12) The Traveller

dear traveller i do not disrecpect no one i tell only the truth. yes she might have got more then she bargain for and you also. i did not blame you in anny way i just show the truth about the catch. that you have put words around it so it would not show or that you did not notice it consciously is a whole other matter. so yes if it can help you to know your self or other use it. and lets leave it at that. experience and enjoy.

(21 Jan '12, 20:53) white tiger
showing 2 of 9 show 7 more comments

you really want the answer? ego, lack of harmony and balence, lack of faith. or sometime when it is depending on the free will of someone else since there is nothing more to be done then you give up or hope that the person will make the right responsible choice. it should have answer your question. experience and enjoy.


answered 21 Jan '12, 14:24

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white tiger

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