If you could go back to yourself as a young adult and have a conversation with yourself what would you tell that younger person about life. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by IQ Moderator 31 Dec '13, 01:43
Its better to be happy than right 3
Now that's a big one. If the mass of humanity learned this, the world would transform overnight
(06 Mar '10, 07:19)
very similar: focus on a feel good solution rather than a solution you want in your particular way.
(31 May '13, 08:53)
You touched a lot of sore spots there @ursixx... judging from your up votes
(31 May '13, 19:31)
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Do the things you want to do more that make you feel good and care less about what others think. Perfect pink diamond
(31 May '13, 08:51)
My angels and spiritual guides are here to help. All I have to do is ask. |
i would tell my self to trust my feeling more and to stop trying to help people that are not ready to be help!each things happen when it is the time for it ot happen! 3
Yes. "stop trying to help people that are not ready to be helped." That's a big one.
(31 May '13, 08:50)
Live, Love and make the most of everything that comes your way. And most important of all... whatever it is you want out of life, you must give it first. The Universe is generous to generous people. 2
I really resonate with "take a big breath when the going gets tough." Ive adopted this into my mind and i find that if i take big deep breaths when im feeling terrible, solutions come to my mind very rapidly.
(31 May '13, 08:49)
I have gotten so much out of life through following these principals. It has helped me feel more confident. It creates better, stronger and more positive relationships with everyone and transformed my entire life around.
I can't think of anything else but I feel Ive got my most worthy points across. I thought this was a good "express yourself" style question. |
That my family sucks and especially that my Mother was never, ever going to "see" me. I have wasted a lot of time trying to get these people to acknowledge me, and they never will. There are and have been so many other people who have deserved my complete love and attention. I am sorry that I did not focus on the positive people in my life, but chose to live in the negative. The moral: Learn to appreciate what you do have, and let go of what you do not have. Love, Jai @ele- whenever I finally have processed the extreme damage these people have inflicted on me...ele, you just have no idea...It is not living in the past. Rather, it is having to rebuild your own psyche from the ground up. I have 29 personalities and despite years of good treatment, when stressed, they do pop out...I "know" what to do, but I cannot always do it. I have tried to let go etc., and the truth is--I think that perhaps my soul is beyond repair. Go easy, okay? Thanks, Jai :)
(31 May '13, 22:23)
@ele- Look for my new question ...Thanks for inspiring it- Perhaps I will get some answers there.
(31 May '13, 22:25)
@Jai If you realize one of your alters wrote this answer, why don't you edit it? You are a great teacher, a very wise woman w/a huge heart & I KNOW you "know"; hence the conundrum. You have suffered damage to your psyche & heart; but your soul is NOT damaged. Isn't your spirit stronger?
(01 Jun '13, 00:30)
@ele...I see you and I think if Jai is willing to truly look, she will too :-)
(01 Jun '13, 00:52)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AaUaKHjxYy4 This has been your story for too long @Jai
(01 Jun '13, 04:51)
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