This question is marked "community wiki".

Our senses capture a great amount of detail, similar to our gps satellites surrounding our orbit. In an instant, our senses are able to retrieve a vast amount of detail and store it in our brain. Sounds, movement, odors, taste and last but not least, the body's ability to feel the world around it are all recorded in our minds. To this affect, our senses are programmed to search and detect. The magnetic body is attracted to sensory input. When an environment is Void of sensory input what do you think happens to the body and its senses?

asked 16 Apr '12, 05:53

Constantine's gravatar image


edited 19 Apr '12, 09:39


there may not be such an environment other than in fantasy, but if there were why would one stay

(16 Apr '12, 20:15) fred

My title and tags have been altered. This question has been violated. Inward Quest should have saught my approval of these alterations. Dissapointed

(17 Apr '12, 00:48) Constantine

@Constantine, you did not ask a question in your original title and your tags did not reflect what was in the body of your question. I suggest you read the Inward Quest FAQ for instructions relating to asking questions here:

(17 Apr '12, 01:17) Barry Allen ♦♦

Where in the FAQ's page does it specify that a title must be in the form of a question? Out of the 5 tags I selected you've only comprehended 2 and in return you erased the 3. If You are unsure about another persons contributions to Inward Quest you should ask or suggest an alternative. On the contrary to your actions and suggestion, you should read the FAQ's page titled: Other people can edit my questions and answers?

(17 Apr '12, 10:13) Constantine

Even this is not grammatically a question, but a statement with a question mark on the back end of it. You are unable to edit the FAQ's page and if you wanted to contribute to Inward Quest with your editorial skills, you would have to contact Inward Quest to suggest a grammatically correct way to title a questionable category. In the future, please do not take it upon yourself to edit my writings without suggesting an alternative that you believe to be correct.

(17 Apr '12, 10:13) Constantine

Where in the FAQ's page does it specify that a title must be in the form of a question? Out of the 5 tags I selected you've only comprehended 2 and in return you erased the 3. If You are unsure about another persons contributions to Inward Quest you should ask or suggest an alternative. On the contrary to your actions and suggestion, you should read the FAQ's page titled: Other people can edit my questions and answers? Even this is not grammatically a question, but a statement with a question mark on the back end of it. You are unable to edit the FAQ's page and if you wanted to contribute to Inward Quest with your editorial skills, you would have to contact Inward Quest to suggest a grammatically correct way to title a questionable category. In the future, please do not take it upon yourself to edit my writings without suggesting an alternative that you believe to be correct.

(17 Apr '12, 10:14) Constantine

@Constantine, your postings will be edited as necessary to comply with the guidelines laid down in the FAQ. We do not need your permission to do this.

(17 Apr '12, 14:52) Barry Allen ♦♦

This may be true Mr. Barry Allen “Administrator/Moderator” of this website, but let me offer you a better way of mediation. When you abject a post: 1. Review the post 2. Notate your abjection 3. Formulate a proposal. Two or more if your good. 4. Write your proposal 5. Check your proposal for grammatical errors 6. Send your proposal to the member 7. Wait for correspondence. 24 hours allotted. 8. Act accordingly.

(18 Apr '12, 09:32) Constantine

This is the proper procedure for editing. If the post is sexually explicit, linguistically vulgar or classified information, then immediate attention is to be administered. Actions taken out of sequence will reflect poor management and the disembarkation of members.

(18 Apr '12, 09:32) Constantine

@Constantine - 1. in your original "question" what is "Mid Mapping"? Did you mean "Mind Mapping?" 2. I am also curious about how you feel the intent of your post was changed by the title being a statement and was changed into a question? I am seeking clarity, not IQ policies as to editing.

(19 Apr '12, 06:12) Dollar Bill

Dollar Bill, thank you for pointing out the grammatical error. I've corrected the mistake and will explain the history of this post. Originally, the title of this post was a connecting statement with the body of the post formulating the question. Barry Allen erased my title and placed the question that was in the body of my post as the title. I in turn, reinstated my title and added a question mark.

(19 Apr '12, 10:38) Constantine

My intent was to place the analogous relationship between orbital satellites and humans in the title and show how my mind lead into this question. I impersonalized it for it's universal ability and tagged it with 5 tags that best described it's extent. Barry Allen erased the greatest detail of this question and minimized it to his perception of what I meant for it to be. A universal message.

(19 Apr '12, 10:38) Constantine

Fred 1, I agree, there is no environment void of non existing elements. Void is more or less a figure of speech. It expresses a shortage of particular elements, but where there is shortage there is abundance. I apologize for my tardiness in responding to your post. My attention was gathered elsewhere, but not void.

(19 Apr '12, 10:52) Constantine

@Constantine - All you've achieved with your edit is make it less likely you're going to receive answers because your title makes no sense to someone scanning the questions list :)

(19 Apr '12, 13:21) Stingray

So far, this post has achieved 236 views, 4 answers and 2 votes, including your visitation today April 19, 2012, 3 days after the post was placed. This post has already achieved it's place on Inward Quest. My post does not require anything more. Thank you Stingray, for sharing your thoughts on sense-tiviy and your navigational understanding of Inward Quest.

(19 Apr '12, 13:45) Constantine
showing 3 of 15 show 12 more comments

i have been in a sensory deprivation chamber before and regardless there are always sensors going on and off, but when they shut down to almost off, they become very attune to all non sensory related things, such as focus on thought and energy. these two can be felt regardless because the souls is electromagnetic field and will remain feeling energy, and regardless what senses are shut the mind is always left to wonder in its infinite ability to manifest thought. With these two being the only things that remain you no longer need you body sense so ur conciseness usually leaves it behind. A.K.A. Out of body or astral projections occur if there is no fear.

love n light (wisdom)



answered 16 Apr '12, 17:42

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE


mind the space with in. no fear, father i entrust my spirit in to your hands. well Rob if you know that the only thing to work on is focus,awareness,the window of the mind to make your self pure(it is the window of the house that brings light in). no darkness in you peace with your self and other in truth.

(17 Apr '12, 05:09) white tiger

Yes, I believe I see what you mean Treb and I believe I understand what White Tiger is trying to expressively define. I appreciate both answers and enjoy your meditative contributions. I look forward to observing both of you as we learn to artistically render the complexities of thought. Thank you.

(17 Apr '12, 14:23) Constantine

when there is no noise there is silence. when there is silence there is stillness. when there is stilness. you can amplify your focus and awareness. or fall a sleep and dream. in each case there is a journey to experience and enjoy.


answered 16 Apr '12, 08:33

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 16 Apr '12, 23:14


Thank you White Tiger!

(16 Apr '12, 13:35) Constantine

As you diminish contrast, you diminish your ability to decide, and as you diminish your ability to decide, you diminish your ability to focus, and as you diminish your ability to focus, you do away with your reason for existing.

--- Abraham


answered 17 Apr '12, 08:46

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

Thank you Dollar Bill

(17 Apr '12, 13:51) Constantine

My understanding of sensory deprivation is this: Since we are used to feeling, hearing, tasting, touching, and so on-even before birth- our minds get a little crazy when there is no sensory input at all.

Our brains are indeed wired to receive sensory input 24/7, so to deprive our minds of this input is akin to shutting off the environment in which we are accustomed. Our brains begin to "make up" input to replace the lack of input. We hallucinate. We see things that are not there- we see visions, we hear auditory input that is coming from nowhere.

We are, indeed, made to sense things all our lives. If we do not sense the environment, we lose touch with reality. Our brains try to replace the lack of input with made-up, and even out-of-body experiences (as Rob mentioned).

Hope this helps!




answered 17 Apr '12, 13:42

Jaianniah's gravatar image


Yes Jaianniah. I find your input to be very informative and accurate. Thank you.

(17 Apr '12, 14:07) Constantine

yes jai in dream you might fall in creation of your mind or other level where your spirit is moving a.k.a. out of body experience. the only difference between the 2 is your level of awareness and understanding. if you hallucinate it could be something that is there but that you do not understand yet.

(17 Apr '12, 22:37) white tiger
1 like you could hear the grass hoper but not know what it is. but if you search and find it then you will know about it. that could explain the hallucination and vision. as something that is there but that you do not understand. seek and you will find.

(18 Apr '12, 09:45) white tiger

Peace & blessings White Tiger!

(18 Apr '12, 09:53) Constantine
showing 1 of 4 show 3 more comments

Thanks @Constantine I love this question about mind mapping and the living satellite together with all the answers by @Treb @white tiger @Dollar and @Jai ... it brings to my mind simple energy, and how it can be channeled and modeled to whatever is wanted, it's all about focus and flow, here's a working image in the form of a compass that fits a mind mapping living satellite, a means of communicating

alt text

between the visible and the invisible just as with the bagua, [bague= (w)ring, link of chain, circular group, cycle]

alt text

They are both subtle energy vibration separators based on either:

  • the separation of the planes north/south east/west
  • the putting into best activity of shapes or substances which arouses the north/south magnetic plane and an electrical vibration towards the east.
  • the phenomenon of antenna which when directed north/south acts as a magnet.

The raw (chi)energy in the physical plane manifests itself as an intertwined pushing pulling energy in the case of the cross this energy is named electric and magnetic, in the case of the bagua it's named yin and yang. And it's the pushing pulling phenomenon that hold's energy together in dynamic equilibrium to form matter.

In practical terms it's very easy to experience the phenmenon of subtle energy; holding the cross template horizontally pointing in any direction a pendulum held just above it's center will have a north south momentum movement, turn so that the template is pointing north and the pendulum will take on a clockwise circular movement.

The template acts as an amplifier, emitter and receiver, in short it acts as a practical relay a support to explore the domain of subtle energies.


answered 12 Jan '16, 01:59

jaz's gravatar image


edited 15 Jan '16, 02:09

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