So I manifested the business deal I had been working on mentally since not small period of time, and note that I did manifest it from nowhere, I attracted the conditions, people and the deal as I did imagined in my mind, following up with your advises and Abraham tapes.

Now as everything is set, I just need to buckle up and take the ride to get the fruits.

Now when it materialized, I have to deal with meetings, businessmen, papers, customers, deals and and... and I am happy and satisfied, that was my goal.

But where is my magic anymore?!

Things are continuing to happen but in a way of business world more than universal deliberate creating world, which is 'results will depend on others not us'

If this customer would agree, if I would win that deal, if... and that new belief came unconsciously by involving in their worlds and their theories.

Hey watch your deal! This should be us! Chances are limited! Be aware! Take it!!

That is the business world and that is how they talk. I want to continue in dealing with them but in my way, our way, Abraham way.

'Action does not create, only emotions.' That's how I attract them from my poor place, from my zero conditions and I want to continue to have things working in my way.

I do not want to be fighting their dialogues or create battles in my mind and spend my time on fighting myself.

When I told my brother, he talked same language of 'watch, take care, be aware, competition, competition!!!'

Should I work inwardly as before, and be in a world of business with spiritual techniques?

I believe I can. What you think? What are your suggestions to make that happen with less effort and time? I believe and I shouldn't that would require efforts, which has no need since the huge work is done.

asked 13 May '12, 07:25

r0la's gravatar image


edited 13 May '12, 07:38

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

Should I work inwardly as before, and be in a world of business with spiritual techniques?

Yes, this is the simplest, easiest and fastest. Ask yourself, "What is the easiest way for my deal to manifest?" DON'T ANSWER YOUR QUESTION YOURSELF!! Allow the Universe to complete the deal. If you find yourself struggling with effort and taking massive action, chill out and do something else, you are getting in the way of the Universe bringing your easy answers.

"Spiritual techniques" are the ONLY way that business and/or life actually work.

I believe I can. What you think? What are your suggestions to make that happen with less effort and time? I believe and I shouldn't that would require efforts, which has no need since the huge work is done.

Your part of the equation is to state what you want and why you want it. Allow the Universe to do the rest. You will feel moved to take a very small action, listen for that Voice or Feeling or Vision.

Take the small action. It may be a phone call. It may be going someplace. It will be effortless. If effort is involved, you are fighting the Universe and doing it the hard way.

The Universe will give you what you want through your crack of least resistance. It is all up to you, your focus, your expectations. If you expect to have to fight for completion, you will have to fight. If you expect the Universe to effortlessly give you what you want, it will!

The Universe is always speaking. Always helping. Always wanting your personal happiness. You have to still your old responses where you feel it necessary to struggle. These old responses can otherwise cloud your Vision, make your intuition unavailible for an effortless answer.

The only work you have to do is on yourself.

The Universe has vastly more powerful resources than you have. The Universe is ready, willing and wanting to help make you happy.


answered 13 May '12, 07:57

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

Excellent answer @dollar bill

(13 May '12, 08:41) streetsanto

'Allow the Universe to complete the deal, Allow the Universe to do the rest' That is my belief indeed and that's how I used to get/create things. I admit that when we have the manifestation we quit being source energy and start believe in our physical body/actions more. I believe in my emotions and won't sink in that common mistake which ruin huge effort of mental practiced work. Many helpful points in this answer. It is great. Thank you!

(13 May '12, 14:09) r0la
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