As i was studying the Hindu religion in comparative religion, i found many similar creed articles that have been adopted later in christianity, which indeed are traced to pagan beliefs.

Here are some similar points in christianity and hinduism:

In the Hindu religion they believe in a trinity concept Trimurti; The Hindu trinity is of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. They are respectively the creator, sustainer and reckoner of the universe. There are saints in christianity and are given authority similarly to hinduism. Other similarities to highlight are sacred bread, known in hinduism as (prasadam), and the use of the sign of the cross (anganyasa).

So can we draw a conclusion that indeed, many christian aspects have deviated from the original message which Christ was sent with, and have apodted pagan beliefs which in the long term shaped current christianity?

asked 20 Jun '12, 04:11

springflower's gravatar image


edited 21 Jun '12, 03:17

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

So can we draw a conclusion that indeed, many Christian aspects have deviated from the original message which Christ was sent with, and have adopted pagan beliefs which in the long term shaped current Christianity?

No, the other way around. Pagan belief systems were modified and overlaid with Christian beliefs, or interpretations.

Since all religions basically follow the same principles, we can deduce that we, as human beings are hardwired with certain common belief systems. That we understand that these belief systems must have come from Source. These deep seated beliefs were created in us when we were individually created. Our interpretations of these belief systems lead to an apparent diversity of surface opinions.

It seems to me that we are hardwired with belief systems that we consider important, but we do not live by them! Nobody really does. When questioned, we have an arms length of excuses as to why we fail to live up to our own belief systems.

But we are very quick to point out that someone else is not living by their standards, or our standards, or Universal Law, indicating that they are wrong and we are right.

As a Muslim, do you feel that you are absolutely perfect in your living by Islamic Law? As a Christian, I know that I do not.

If you wish to draw the same analogies about Pagan and Christian, you can also draw the exact same conclusions about Islam. Note Indonesia 17,000 islands, 238 million people, 87% Islam. Indonesia has the highest concentration of Muslims in the world.

Yet even a casual glance clearly shows that Islam was successful because it overlaid the existing Hindu and Pagan religions. This continues until today. The underlying pagan systems are still observed, but in an "Islamic" way.

If I may paraphrase your original question,

*So can we draw a conclusion that indeed, many Islamic aspects have deviated from the original message which Mohammad was sent with, and have adopted pagan beliefs which in the long term shaped current Islam? *

I would say, "No," here as well.

In conclusion, all religions are, when studied deeply, the same. Source/God hardwired us with certain beliefs, yearnings, a desire to be One with our Source. We are all alike in this sense.

God does not take sides. God has no theology. God has no "chosen people." God does not punish, or make laws. God is the same whether you want to approach Him as a Christian, a Muslim, a Vodun priest, Hindu, Wiccan, or any of the other religion.

God is Source. God is unconditional Love.

Do we have the right, the mission, the intelligence to oppose God's Love for all humanity by saying "our way is the ONLY WAY?"* To impose conditions on the unconditional?

Can we, in any intelligent, respectful to God, way say to others, "Your way is filled with incongruities, paradoxes and illogical ideas? That the rest of you that don't believe as we do are on the wrong path, AND WE NEED TO POINT THAT OUT TO YOU?"

You can see the mote in your brothers eye, the beam in your own, or maybe you can ignore both and focus on the Beauty and Love and Perfection of God in however way you want to approach Him.


answered 21 Jun '12, 08:03

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

edited 21 Jun '12, 21:35


@Dollar Bill thank you I feel you have clarified some things I was trying to say that I missed. Good points. :-)

(21 Jun '12, 08:23) Wade Casaldi

Thank you Wade.

(21 Jun '12, 08:31) Dollar Bill

@Dollar Bill - this is a fantastic answer, I feel it's an answer that could stop wars... if only they were willing to listen. Your second to last paragraph hits the nail on its head.

(07 Mar '13, 09:54) MoonWillow

good one!!

(15 Mar '13, 05:35) abrahamloa
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

There is a legend that Jesus in the lost years went to India or even Tibet. They do have records of a Saint Issa that could be Jesus. I have read of this in "The Lost Teachings of Jesus" many years ago.

I also remember finding a you tube video of a very similar concept plus a link called was Jesus a Yogi? Here you may find this link very interesting.

Here is another interesting link the You Tube one.

I have a book called Jesus and Buddha the parallel sayings. It is very interesting indeed. With trade back then there could have been influence. I read about the Essenes being very Buddhist like so there could have been an influence. But as well there is undeniably Judaism as a main influence or so because his people understood Judaism and Jesus had come to reveal and fulfill the law.

It is interesting to ponder, as the story of all the world originating as one where the four oceans meet the original garden of Eden. If we think of that we all come from that same source and thus everything we know and understand is an off-shoot from that same knowledge and understanding.


answered 21 Jun '12, 00:24

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 21 Jun '12, 07:25

There is a religion that thinks Hinduism and Christianity came from the same God just with the message we needed for that time in our world.


answered 07 Mar '13, 06:30

vm1992's gravatar image



vm1992, it is not the rligion, per say, that is important but the word that was put into motion. it is there for all to uncover, if not born with.

(13 Mar '13, 18:18) fred

i will answer this question like this. verily verily i tell you,do not be surprise at my saying. if a tree have branches that grow on it do they share the same root?Then who will say this doctrine or religion was first?You see all those branches want to represent the true essance of the root of the tree.but when they create division they are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.But if those branches work in unity,harmony and truth from a pure heart of peace and respect they are strong help each other and do not fall,because in this they represent the true essance of the root.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.


answered 14 Mar '13, 08:40

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

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