Hello everybody Usually desires come from a certain thought, aim or feel,’ I want to have/get it’, but they have nothing to do with our benefit even with our happiness, such when we work hard to get something and by time we recognize that it doesn’t really worth, and here is my first discussion, though it is not the basic question about: Is there a desire that doesn’t really worth? Isn’t the desire is only the desire? And it is our behavior/ reactions later which create the harm and the doesn’t worth, and the ‘it wasn’t of your benefit’ Religion, customs and traditions advise that when the desire doesn’t fulfill from first/second/third try just quit it because ‘it is not of your benefit’ and time will show that and sometimes time show that others not and I will tell you an accident happened with me to set my second discussion with you: When I was kid about eleven years old, I was living with my grandma, suddenly my mother decided that I should live with her and my brothers, and she came and took me, I cried, shouted and refused but my mother insisted then I went on imagine that my grandma will pass and take me to her house again, I used to imagine everyday till became a vibrational match to that, universe respond and my grandma came and get me back with her, a year passed then my mother did it again and said it is final I should live with my brothers and sisters, and my mother get what she wanted, by time I used living with my family and loved it. When I grew up I was grateful that my mother insisted to raise me with her since growing up with old lady and I saw how my aunt personality became as a result of her mother, my grandma I was so much grateful to leave my grandma house which I couldn’t notice as a kid thinking only of my love/desire to stay with my grandma. So when I was a vibrational match to my desire universe had nothing but to obey, then when I quit being that vibrational (I quit imaging and surrender to my mother desire) universe did his work, his plan to me creating my personality as now away form the effect of my old grandma. Now I am working on certain desire and I am doing good, things are manifesting but still not the basic desire, I had some argument that ‘it is not of my benefit’ which I don’t believe even sometimes I became vibrational match to it by unconsciously thinking about it then effect my process of creating. So I don’t believe that the desire, any desire is ‘not of my benefit’ (even I could be vibrational match to that) but I don’t believe it, I believe that our reactions/thoughts are the bliss or harm. So law of attraction is not benefit and happiness anyway, it is a science of creation, creating bad or good, negative or positive it is only respond to the move of thoughts and vibrating with it then create events related to those thoughts. But do you think that universe could fight our desires or let me say doesn’t agree on all our thoughts by postponing it, create something related to it but not the desire completely or it is only our vibrations, allowing and resonating with that universe/ source that stand in the path of the creation process? Sometimes in my mediation I say ‘ I want to see your plans to me universe because I know you love me’ Is that allowing is let universe love your desires as you love them to invoke him to work in manifesting them or just love universe plan? Or they are the same when you are in harmony. Let’s discuss |
When you are standing in a valley looking at the mountain's top, and you wish nothing but to reach it. Then it is what you must do, regardless of what others may tell you or suggest. You'll never know till you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.
And you are right.
That's exactly what it is. You choose your way and the universe will accompany you on it. The universe doesn't ask anything of you.
And by the same token, the universe does not stand in your way. If you were on an auto-pilot going south in a car and suddenly you woke up and thought it would be more beneficial to go west (pet shop boys :-)). Then you have to adjust your course (vibration). And upon creating desire to go west the universe will present your mind with first logical step to do - turn the wheel. But perhaps you're on a straight road and there are no turns - AHA! Initial plan failed. So the universe comes in with an updated version of the plan, or several options of it. Continue driving forwards and take the turn to west at the first cross-road. Or if you were really that desperate/hungry for manifesting going west, you can always stop the car and start walking. In, the famous, Top Gun terminology - You're Maverick and the universe is your co-pilot - Goose. ;-) You fly and shoot, he navigates and provide plans. Consider this - You know that your desire is right to go after, when it makes you emotional in some way, either excitement, or hopefulness or otherwise. If you say you desire something, but don't feel anything about it, then that desire might be a construct of your perception of reality and would change if your perception changed too. For example, I would want to drive a Lamborghini, but as I think of it, it doesn't excite me that much, so I probably won't - it's like an empty/lifeless desire, not really worth pursuing. It might actually lead you astray. Then again I have had a certain health issue with my skin for many years now, to which no doctor knows a cure, because none is known as I was told - (and I believed them), but recently I learned (yea Buddha - believe nobody) there's a place on this planet at Dead Sea in Israel, where it has been reported that tremendous amounts of people who go there will either get rid of it or heavily decrease its effects. I didn't know of such place existed a few months back. When I read more about it, tears where streaming down my face, I cried like a little kid and do almost every time I think of it, as it fills me with so much hope, I cannot hold those tears back. That's a desire full of life right there. That is worth pursuing. And I agree So the emotions we put in this desire lead to its manifestation, like what you say at last empty/lifeless desire, desire full of life. The 'fight' with the universe when the manifestation is not there yet, even you are doing your mental work, could creates doubts of maybe it is not my path anyway, which is not deliberate creation I love your talk about excitement and I already test it
(30 Jul '12, 19:27)
@r0la, yes emotions make all the difference. Their role is important especially in pushing desires into our subconscious. As you may know subconscious mind underlines our conscious mind. Imagine an invisible grid from which all visible (thoughts in consciousness) are created. If you alter the invisible grid (through desires mixed with emotions) you can ultimately alter what kind of conscious thoughts will be popping in your mind on various occasions. If you get into situation, the immediate...
(31 Jul '12, 01:53)
...reaction to it comes from subconscious mind. So it's worth modifying to your needs. Also when desire gets into subconscious mind, it will start to grow. Subconsciously it will ask you to feed it, so consciously you'll search for things to feed the desire with, and as it gets fed, it grows in intensity. And one day you may find yourself living, breathing, sleeping, eating for that desire. It has power to grow bigger than your life if you let it. So when you summon a desire and mix it with...
(31 Jul '12, 01:56)
emotion it gets into your subconsciousness.From there the 'Higher Self' has access to it and can provide a plan for achieving it. So your subconscious will return to you with an action plan. Now, you ask for a specific desire, it will be always in your subconsciousness, unless you alter it again. Which means you can consciously focus on each single step, or the 'fight' as you say. Which is really just a walking the distance. As for DOUBTS, they are only created if the desire is not strong...
(31 Jul '12, 02:00)
...enough. So if you have doubts, you may wish to strengthen your desire by feeding it. Just remember, if you let your desire grow to be larger than life, it will change your perception on life usually. Ultimately, it will seen as 'always right' desire. What I want to say, there are NO desires which are 'Not Right'. Either your reality matches with the desire or not. If not, you may want to change either the desire or your reality to match. Either way all desires are always right for you.
(31 Jul '12, 02:04)
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The universe doesn't judge. Free will is the name of this game, which is why aliens which are supposed to exist do not wish to contact us yet. For most of us are not yet open to the concept of aliens, and this is one example of free will coming into play. Other more practical examples would be accidents, and deeds which might be considered by "evil" in society. Some people tend to get into accidents more frequently than others, and that is something which most people would definitely would not want. If you feel happy all the time, then you would manifest mostly happy things, but if you are always feeling negative, then you would have a higher chance to manifest negative things. @kakaboo,haha :-) So aliens are victims of infamous mistake we know as 'waiting for the right time'.Apart from the fact that the time is right every single moment.The equation seem to lack element of adaptation.People might not be ready,but they are always ready to adapt to ever changing situation. Imo, nothing hard to change my schedule for tomorrow from going to work to flying away to a planet thousand galaxies from here to chill with some alien fellas. If they would decide to show up today.
(31 Jul '12, 03:31)

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