Hi Everyone- looking for some advice. I've been doing lots of vibrational work lately and I am finding that my current environment- including where I live, the city I live in, my work that I set up(unconsciously as a distraction from my true passion..) all the people I am surrounded by... Is becoming sorely incongruent with my new and always expanding awareness. Its causing alot of "all hell breaks loose scenarios"- I have no idea where to live, how I can transfer over to my passion so quickly to make a living. How to find new people to surround myself with....etc.etc on and on..So I am in limbo! I find my subconscious drawing me back into "safety" but once I got a glimpse into that new energy and awareness I am really struggling with my current reality. Has anyone else gone through this up-leveling? How did you cope? Any testimonials or advice for what to do to make this huge transfer more smooth or quicker would be much appreciated. Thanks! love and light! |
Keep yourself in the Now moment as much as you can. Your point of power lies in this Now moment. Things will improve for you. This excerpt from the book Peace Is Every Breath has good method on how to do this.
Another thing to remember is Outside Circumstances Dont Really Matter Only Your State Of Being Matters. |
Hey Kanda, i tried many things in those situations. it is very difficult to push harder to do something about it. imo it is best to just not resist. there are even techniques you can use to achieve this state. what works best for me in those stages is surrender. i would recommend you try ho oponopono as taught by dr hew len for this. another amazing tool is loving kindness meditation if you are in a all-hell-breaks-loose situation. it gives you so much energy back to see things clearly again and it can stabilize your new beliefs so the old ones just disappear. Edit: Also read Stingray's answer here. he explains why all this happens very well. |
you are a passer by that came to play in this field. so did the field change? did people around you change? did you change? how does all of that relates with each other?did hell realy break loose? or is it some truth and fact that you just now have seen and became aware of? will you enjoy and experience this world? what are the things that using your free will you want to experience in this world? and is it attainable?what do you seek?are you aware of the truth from one extreme to the other ?did you find your balence? are you in harmony? it is the same for all your brother and sister in this world they each have free will and are responsible of it. each of them play in this field have experience use their free will,learn truth and become aware of it, and grow from it. well the choice is yours so let there be light.be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. |
I look for the middle ground in between highs and lows, where I can feel more stable. I do that by breathing, by praying and asking for that 'hell' to be ascended and healed. And then accepting that we can only do so much. And ask God to come in and clarify. Samadohn |

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