I ask this question because I have wondered all my life what my destiny truly is, and whether i have already fulfilled it, or have yet to fulfill it. I have a number of questions about destiny:
I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts about destiny. Thanks, Jaianniah |
Hello Jaianniah, Let me share my thoughts on destiny. You, me, in fact every one around here i:e every souls have same destiny for which we are coming to this wonderful place again and again. Our prime destiny is to evolve as a supreme soul, helping other beings to achieve their destiny and so on. Sooner or later, In this form or in other we will realize this, and once realized, we will be moving in our path to transformation. Our supreme GOD has created us to enjoy this amazing creation, while knowing our true potentials and to realize that we are the creator, we are the master of our own life. Now coming to your questions Does having a destiny negate free will? We are free to choose, and make our path here. Our destiny is same to connect with the Supreme soul, and paths are different. Do we all have more than one destiny, or is destiny confined to just one accomplishment? All the souls are running here for their prime target, They are growing, their surrounding is growing, and they will eventually realize their destiny. Materialistic achievements are only means of giving self pleasure. Dont forget we are the creator, and every moment we are creating a world with our vibration Is our destiny ever-changing, based on our actions each day? Can we change our destiny? We can not run from it, in some place, and in some time we will realise it. Our daily action, our daily thoughts change/attracts and make our path in this universe. A path where we are the director of our life. Does destiny tie in with the idea of parallel universes? Is destiny a real thing, or man-made? Where does God fit in with destiny? GOD, he is our father, the master mind behind all these creation. And we are his children, enjoying our life, creating things, and paving our way to transformations. But we forget this little secret once we come to this place, and start living with the negetivity, forgetting our true potential, true value. Lets work together, create a better future, Or better I will say lets create a better person than we were a second before. With Love, Dave |
The following answer assumes that the word "destiny" is meant in the common or classic sense of the word, i.e., a sort of "set fate", or "The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future." Many times, I have experienced a very strong string of synchronicities apparently foreshadowing an event (maybe some would call these omens?), and then the thing actually happened. Focusing on this exclusively, one might think that this supports the notion of fate or destiny. However, other times I have experienced a strong string of synchronicities apparently foreshadowing an event, and then the thing didn't happen, or just missed happening, or was narrowly averted, etc.. Looking at both these sets of experiences together, I believe that this proves that certain strong synchronicites indicate a strong possibility that something might happen...but nothing more. If the Universe is indicating possibilities here, then that means that there is no such thing as an absolute "fate" or "destiny" in the macrocosmic sense. So, in conclusion, my own experience has proven to me that there is no such thing as destiny, unless you believe so strongly in a certain fate or outcome that it manifests because of your own belief. I believe that this is what happened to the ancient Greeks, Romans, Norse, etc., who seemed to experience omens and predictions that often came true. They believed in fate and destiny to such a strong degree, that when they saw a certain omen, or received a certain prediction from an oracle, their immensely strong belief that it would happen (in keeping with their belief system) made it virtually certain that it would happen. The ideas in this post were most succinctly summed up, not by any real-life scientist or metaphysician, but in the following conversation between "Doc" Emmett Brown and Jennifer in the movie Back to the Future III: @lozenge123 I like that answer. Thanks! Don't you think that it could be possible that however your higher self could give you a very broad and general direction or destiny to experience some things that you've missed in past lives? So for instance maybe your higher self could give you a general direction by programming you before you were born with the following:
(29 Jan '13, 18:42)
"helping people will give you joy. Now go have fun with this the way you want using your free will. " or "Your general programing is to like music and to be gifted in this area. I don't care what you do with that. Be a rockstar, violinist, street musician or whatever. Use your free will!". I would like to go back in time to see what my higher self said to me. But my flux capacitor currently doesn't work :D
(29 Jan '13, 18:42)
@releaser99 - Thanks! "Don't you think that it could be possible that however your higher self could give you a very broad and general direction or destiny to experience some things that you've missed in past lives?" - I had never thought about it this way...could be true! A very interesting way to think about the concept of destiny. Thanks for sharing. My flux capacitor is also down, but I'm working on it. :)
(30 Jan '13, 11:24)
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