I started a Focus Block yesterday. I felt very low and retired to the bottom of the garden with a clipboard ,pen and pile of A4 paper. I started a sheet and worked my way up the scale. I did get some real relief but after ten or so statements hit a ceiling. Now normally I wait but at the time I "needed" joy and more relief. My next half a dozen statements went sideways,they kept me at exactly the same level. Then "bingo" I found one that allowed me a little better feeling. Then I went thru a few more and again hit a ceiling. I then played around with maybe ten more,again all at the same level.I then finally found one that lead me to the next level. After 64 statements I was happy! Has anyone had this happen? or do most people take the statements as far as they can and then leave them for a while? I have done this but yesterday I needed a result more than ive ever done! The re assuring thing to me is this. I now "know" that any mood can be transformed and moulded.It may take a little time and application.But it can be done for the price of a Bic pen and a few sheets of A4! Ive played with Focus Blocks for a few years now, but yesterday I found myself in a situation that I couldn't find my way out of. Visualisation didn't do it,prayer didn't help, nothing could lift my mood. This did, albeit it took a bit of sliding sideways but it delivered the goods. I wonder if sometimes we already have the materials to improve our lot in life. But we often fail to actually "apply them"..... I have.
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Yes. It happens regularly for me if I am trying to really mold one thought completely at once...which I don't really do much anymore. I think using focus blocks/focus wheels, there is a point of diminishing returns where moving the vibration any further in a session becomes much more difficult - either everything that comes to mind is "sideways" as you say - or nothing even seemingly new is really coming without difficulty. You can stay with it and move it like you did, but in my experience it's just not at all time efficient. The relief gained from sticking to the topic when you get to that kind of place becomes less and you tend to spend a lot of time going sideways or sitting there trying to think of just any new thought at all. When you leave it a day or two and come back to it...you don't have to waste that time trying to find that new thought. Those new thoughts you go "whoah why didn't I think that before" just come easily when you sit down with the topic. Personally also, when I've struggled with a thought like that, it does tend to slide back down a bit afterwards and I have to catch it back up to where it was when I sit with the topic again. When I leave it if I reach that point, I don't typically have that problem. So I think there really is value in giving your vibration some time to settle into where it is. So in my case, when that happens, I either just sit and bask in the relief, going through what I already wrote and letting myself "stew" in it. Or I'll move onto molding another thought entirely (and preferably on a different topic) to provide the extra relief I want. Normally I can get enough relief that I feel good about moving to another topic and leaving it. That said, sometimes you just want to deal with something now and even with the relief it still plays on your mind. If that's the case, I'd normally be able to tell before I even sat down that it will be like that and I'd use the questions such as "how do I know I have a problem?" or "why don't I have what I want yet?" and use those first few initial answers that immediately pop to mind, along with the general problem as focus blocks to work on and switch between those few. Normally I can still move at least one of them while another is being difficult for me. :) "Settle into where it is" yes I normally do that,yesterday was an exception for some reason...not sure why really.
(19 Aug '13, 04:48)
Monty Riviera
Yes, I know what you mean. Some days I am in "stubborn mode" and I want to mould a topic no matter what. So I have a very similar way of dealing with it. Though I usually write much more statements than just 64 :). The way I do it is I open the text editor software on my computer and I start shooting out statements like a madman with a machine gun. This is how it works for me:
Having all that said, I think this can lead to wanting to force things to happen in the long term. One should never forget what deliberate creation is really about. It's about feeling good. And trying too hard doesn't feel good. So it's often easier to just focus on other things that make you feel better in the now. I also agree with @Liam that the emotional setpoint tends to slight back down if you move up the scale too quick in one go. Moving up 1-2 setpoint(s)/day works best for me. Totally get what you mean about he vague statements. Im not going in for the "killer blow" right away with FBs.Like you im sniffing around a bit. Stingrays focus statements re ignited my interest. The financial ones were quite un specific and this fitted quite nicely into my belief system. Some of the statements just nestled into me and were very comfortable. Ive fitted a few very similar ones into my sessions.
(21 Aug '13, 11:55)
Monty Riviera
Im happy to spend a it more time playing around with a few dozen statements and working my way up. Im still at the stage where im quite enjoying the actual process so this is cool with me. Ive tonnes of paper and its far cheaper than seeing a therapist :) Im a paper and pen man and the writing part gives me some relief in itself. Its such a very simple cheap exercise , it can be done anywhere and it sorts me out. I like having some control back .
(21 Aug '13, 11:59)
Monty Riviera
@Monty Riviera I'm glad you're having fun with this. Yes, that's the idea of Focus Statements. You go general/vague and the Universe takes care of the specifics. "cheaper than seeing a therapist" And I guess it's also much faster when you consider that many people spend their whole life going to therapies :).
(21 Aug '13, 15:25)
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I'm so happy I read this question. It reiterates the power of the focus blocks. I haven't done focus blocks consistently for some time. I really fell inspired to begin again. Thanks!
@Monty Riviera - "The re assuring thing to me is this. I now "know" that any mood can be transformed and moulded" - Well said. And I think that the first time someone truly comes to this realization is the first time that they experience what true freedom is. What people actually fear in their lives is the feeling of fear that an experience may give them and when you know you can deliberately transform any negative emotion into something positive, you literally become fear-less :)
Thanks Stingray, Chris2 im glad your beginning them again. Ive spent a lot of my life reading thousands of hours of spiritual/metaphysical literature, but ive fallen down a little in not actually getting down and "doing " what ive learned. Im apt to fly of on another book and then not practice what I already know. If I had spent more time implementing my current skills my lot would be better.But ive learned that now!