Surprised! I mean have you come across this question anytime from anybody at any point-of-time when you are talking to them. What do you feel when somebody tells you why are you telling me this?. I have come across this situation when my friends asked me this question.. for example if tell them something which is not part of the conversation in that case this is the right question. But this is not that situation which you might be thinking. You may be surprise to know why people ask this sort of question because this might into less people experiences. People will not ask when you interrupt them instead they will ask you the question when you tell them 'THE UTMOST TRUTH' which is applicable to all and when they connect the deeper insight of the actual thing you are talking about, then immediately they come across this question/statement. Please answer if someone has similar experiences as I am alone with with this feeling & I feel more answers will get more space... to feel the loneliness in the larger sense.
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Let me see if I understand your question. I imagine the following situation: somebody is telling you something and it inspires you to some answer of your own which seems to you to be the "utmost truth", but then the person doesn't even understand what you are talking about? There's a very simple answer to that: we all live in parallel realities! Therefore, none of us really understand thought by the means of the worlds that arrive to our brain from outer sources. It means that when a person is speaking to you, you don't understand the real meaning of that, but the interpretation your brain gives to it. Your answer is understood by the other person in the same way. Therefore, two people talking to each other may be talking about different issues and not even realize that! Example: this answer may be completely out of synch with which you really asked, for I am answering to my own interpretation of it. Get it? Then you ask: Why are you telling me this? :) @VictoriaRegia my question clearly says it's not actually what you are trying to say it's different
(01 Jun '19, 14:49)

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Begging for few more answers please aahahahaa
@Barry Allen request to cancel my account.
who cares why "they are telling me this"? they can say whatever they want. the UTMOST TRUTH is not within anyone outside of me. this question does not make sense to me. sorry.
@myself your comment make sense to me by not making any sense from my question.