The other night I had a dream of someone that I knew that recently passed away. In my dream he was standing upon a rooftop, his arms stretched out to his sides and he was looking up with a big radiant smile on his face. Then he turned into a gun. It was more like a cartoonish picture of a gun then almost instantly as the gun appeared in his place, it turned into a big red number 7 outlined in yellow. I cannot imagine what this dream could mean. Just the day before I had this dream he crossed my mind. That’s when it first hit me hard that he was actually gone.
I also had a dream awhile back the day after my mother’s funeral. In the dream she sat up in her coffin as I was standing over it and she shouted “I’m Alive! Debbie, I’m ALIVE!” I was in awe and shouted back to everyone at the funeral that Mom is alive. Everyone just looked at me as if I’ve gone stark raving mad. I obviously was the only one that could hear her. I wonder if these two dreams could possibly have any significance..

asked 22 Feb '20, 03:34

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edited 22 Feb '20, 03:35

hi Litteldebbbie, i can try to interpret both of the dreams, but i will do only the first one. the second - i belive you'll have to know in your heart the interpertation.

this person ( your consciousness/you/guides) was showing you how things can change instantly and how life is not that serious. its all up to you.

"he was standing upon a rooftop, his arms stretched out to his sides and he was looking up with a big radiant smile on his face" - very positive, life.

"Then he turned into a gun" - changing thought into negative, deth.

"It was more like a cartoonish picture of a gun" - its all about choice, like a game, nothing serious here, deth isn't real, life isn't real.

"then almost instantly as the gun appeared in his place, it turned into a big red number 7 outlined" - you are in touch with inner wisdom. (you can go learn about number 7 but i would think it a waste of time)

"red" - pay attention, or pay attention to your thoughts, or root chakra- grounding.

"in yellow" - solar plexus, self-esteem and willpower. so maybe check your solar plexus balance. can also mean other things like the sun, wormth...

***this is one interpretation. i'm sure there are others.


answered 26 Feb '20, 06:38

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