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No matter how good you think you are in your knowledge and practice of LOA, you are, like everyone else in the planet, a mere pawn to the hidden puppet masters. You have exactly the same fate as the person in a faraway land who knows absolutely nothing about LOA and thinks mostly negative thoughts – you can’t get into shops without wearing a face mask, you can’t board an airplane to most destinations in the world, and if you were in a freelance profession or had your own brick-and-mortar business, you can kiss it goodbye.

Very soon, like everyone else on the planet, you'll have to wear a face mask EVERY TIME you step outside of your home. You will be injected with a microchip, sorry a vaccine, and not just that, but since this phantom virus allegedly will keep mutating, you’ll need to be microchipped - I mean vaccinated - again and again. Good luck using LOA to wriggle out of that one.

If you are a student, you’ll have to sit in the classroom wearing face masks the whole day. Good luck using LOA and positive thinking to try and change that.

In short, with all your LOA prowess, you can’t change even the tiniest bit of the impending one-world dictatorship with a Chinese-style social credit system where you get a basic state benefit if you are a good boy or girl (all other private property having been abolished), and every aspect of your life is controlled by giant technology corporations on behalf of the puppet masters.

Now would be a good time to wake up and realise that you’ve all been fed a lie. LOA won’t save you from anything - it’s just another mind control mechanism - very much part of the overall conspiracy. Of course if you stop believing in LOA, that won't change your fate (nothing will), but at least you won't be living a lie any more.

But knowing LOA fanatics, who have taken self-delusion and hypocrisy to a whole different level, they’ll come up with arguments like:

  • "I always loved face masks. Now I have an opportunity to wear them. In fact I think I’ll start wearing them in the shower."
  • "I never liked crowds anyway, so this social distancing is great. I'm going to petition the government to increase it to 10 metres. Did I mention I love the government?"
  • "There were too many people with independent businesses – we don’t need them. And a Chinese-style dictatorship isn’t all that bad. Happy happy happy."

Well, in 2 year’s time one day when you have been queuing for hours to pick up your meagre social credit - only to be told that this week you won't get any because you put garbage in the wrong bin and the cameras caught you, remember that I told you so.

asked 03 Aug '20, 03:33

cod2's gravatar image


edited 05 Aug '20, 01:44

I really appreciate you giving your no-sugarcoated feelings here.

Id like to discuss with you cod2 if you'd like. Can you distill what you're saying into one or two sentences?

(11 Aug '20, 14:20) Jacksontysonjordan

Well, it's going to be 2 years soon. Should raise the stakes of how long covid is going to last to 5 years or more :)

(14 Aug '21, 13:36) kakaboo

As for comments you think are ridiculous or scoff at in regards to masks.

I like my tastes in masks. I think I look hot :D. (but it could be my distorted looking glass or my rose colored lenses. I'm sticking with hot!

(04 Sep '21, 13:57) ele

I wear a mask because I care about other people. Simple as that. Why are people afraid to say that?

(07 Sep '21, 10:19) ele

I also fail to see the correlation between LOA teachers and anti covid rhetoric.

Are you intentionally spreading misinformation?

AH is also not telling anyone not to get the vaccine. Esther got vaccinated. I think it may even be a requirement if you want to go on one of their cruises.

(07 Sep '21, 10:57) ele

And another good reason to wear a mask - whitecoats , :)

That and those cool shades should keep @Stingray safe :)

(02 Oct '21, 11:51) ele
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Actually, many many people are thriving during these times. These are some of the most self-empowering times ever if you choose to see it.

That's not the narrative that the mainstream media would like you to know, of course, which is why giving up news has many benefits :)

You may choose to sit in the dark on a sunny day...but, outside, it's still a sunny day :)

Q: My question is simple: Why is it that it took a pandemic for me to thrive?

We’ll give you the answer that we give to Esther when Esther says, “Why do I shine in a crisis?” And we say, because the crisis causes you to focus.

And so the pandemic has helped you in so many ways. It’s helping you to identify what matters to you. It’s helping you to realize that you have been in a long time of time shortage consciousness.

It caused much of the world to slow down a bit, so that you gave yourself the luxury of more time. But it has been a condition to which you’re having a response that won’t last for very long.

It’s given you that insight. But we want you to find your ability to experience the luxury of time, because you are connecting to source energy where you are leveraged, rather than because you have so much less to do.

Abraham Now broadcast - July 7, 2020


answered 05 Aug '20, 03:41

Stingray's gravatar image


"outside, it's still a sunny day :)"... is it the same outside where everyone has to wear a mask?

Of course some people will thrive. If nothing else there will be people even in the dictatorship who will snitch on their neighbours to get social credit, and they'll call it thriving.

I cannot fail to notice that you have carefully sidestepped the fundamental question. For decades LOA practiotioners told us that there is no "law of assertion", there is only "law of attraction"...

(05 Aug '20, 05:59) cod2

(contd)... and here we are, with the puppet masters in one stroke rubbing the faces of 8 billion people against an asserted reality.

Those puppet masters have the real power - not the LOA practitioners, and they have just shown you the scale of their power. When they say "get vaccinated", you WILL get vaccinated (i.e. microchipped), because not getting chipped would make your life impossible - by design...

(05 Aug '20, 06:01) cod2

(contd)... I'm pretty sure though, that LOA practitioners will even then come out in force and explain to us why getting chipped is a great thing, and how they themselves still create their own realities.

(05 Aug '20, 06:13) cod2

@cod2 - I think you'll find that the guy you're quoting from...David Icke (who I've been listening to for a considerable number of years, and still enjoy listening to) says that the ultimate solution is to be who you are and have "love in your heart" because that makes you invincible. Why does that make you invincible? ...Law of Attraction. That which is not a vibrational match to you can't enter your reality. Oh, and I've never worn a face mask - they are irrelevant in my reality :)

(05 Aug '20, 07:48) Stingray

You can get away with not wearing a mask, at least for now. All you have to do is to get someone else to do all your shopping and you yourself have to avoid going anywhere that requires a mask.

Or you have to get one of those "exempted" cards, even though you have no illness.

That's not however the point. All one is doing is delaying the inevitable, trying to wriggle through the system.

(05 Aug '20, 12:56) cod2

There are many areas of the world, where masks are considered irrelevant by the vast majority of residents even when told they were mandatory. They still go where they want and that includes shopping. The exception would be medical facilties, care facilities and the like. My comment applies to the date you made your comment and continues today.

(04 Sep '21, 14:16) ele
showing 2 of 6 show 4 more comments

Hi cod2!

Several months ago I read a quote from Abraham describing the pandemic as a very large co-created clattering event. I'm sorry that I don't remember where I read that quote. I will come back with a link if I find it.

Abraham say, in effect, that a great many people have been strongly desiring great change for a long time, and well... here it is. As soon as I read that, it seemed obvious. When you think about it, in our own experience big change can cause some major clattering. This was bound to get messy. :)

I'm not perfect. Whenever the extraordinary circumstances we are living through start to get to me, I just guide my thoughts away from what I don't want, and back to what I do want, reminding myself that I have been there, done that. Omelette/eggs. :) Clattering is clattering, regardless of the scale.

But cod2, do stop watching the news. Remember that it is a show, like any other, and there is a lot of competition for ratings (your attention). "Hey what a nice, sunny day!" does not get your attention.


Grace :)


answered 10 Oct '20, 19:58

Grace's gravatar image


Of course "Abraham" would say that. They are selling LOA, what else would you expect them to say? Funny thing is, everyone is an expert AFTER the event. These all-knowing all-seeing infinite beings didn't predict anything like this before the event, did they?

In fact when these "channeled" entities attempted to predict anything, they got it horribly wrong. Remember 2012, when all sorts of strange, wonderful and cosmic things were going to happen? The internet, including this site was on fire.

(11 Oct '20, 17:39) cod2

And when nothing happened, everyone went very quiet, and the channeled all-knowers simply glibly said "Yeah, well, things can change".

(11 Oct '20, 17:40) cod2

Finally, I don't follow the news, but whether you follow it or not, you still need to wear face muzzles when entering shops.

(11 Oct '20, 17:43) cod2

@cod2 -"they got it horribly wrong. Remember 2012, when all sorts of strange, wonderful and cosmic things were going to happen?" - You mean answers like this one? ;) Will it be easier to maintain a high vibration after 21st December 2012?

(12 Oct '20, 06:04) Stingray

@cod2 - "you still need to wear face muzzles when entering shops" - I've never worn a facemask and I've been in lots of shops - don't even own one. I think what you mean to say is...if you are fearful of authority/virus/your own shadow etc then you need to wear one.

(12 Oct '20, 06:08) Stingray

@Grace- AMEN!!!! I agree wholeheartedly, especially in regards to news reporting. Eight media conglomerates own practically all of our news, and the focus of these companies is to turn a profit.

As for Covid-19.... watch the movie "Contagion". The movie demonstrates how viral infections become pandemics. The big question behind everything, and what we try to avoid thinking about, is why it is happening. Stay tuned...

(18 Oct '20, 01:58) Jaianniah

@cod2 - There is a misconception a want to clear up. Abraham Hicks hasn't "sold" me anything. They have not asked me for a dime in the 8 years since I bought their lovely guided meditations. I have bought these type of recordings from many different people, just because I have always enjoyed them. I still listen to theirs from time to time, they are very grounding and refreshing, so I think I got a bargain! :) ...

(22 Oct '20, 14:39) Grace

...In the years since that purchase, I get all things Abraham from their hundreds, maybe thousands now, of free videos on line. Like you, I spent many years and countless hours asking questions and learning about life, friendship, and kindness has well as the LOA on this site (which costs the same - nothing, not a dime)...

(22 Oct '20, 14:39) Grace

...I long ago requested the email quotes from Abraham that come from time to time which are very encouraging and informative - also free. So the idea that anyone other than myself has profited in any way from my being gently taught a healthier, happier way of looking at my life, is absolutely untrue. I don't know where that idea comes from, it's weird...

(22 Oct '20, 14:40) Grace

...Lastly,and I have always wondered this; why would anyone go to a web site where people learn and exchange ideas about the LOA, and try to talk people out of the happiness they enjoy? If you don't like it here anymore, why do you come? I remember you. Have you been having a hard time, are you ok? I have found that getting back to meditation always puts me back on track,calms me down and stops fears ruling my life, have you tried that? I'm sorry you are unhappy. I hope you feel better soon <3

(22 Oct '20, 14:43) Grace
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I spoke to a Christian today who informed me she "used to be New Age" but "came to the faith a few years ago."

I referred her to the book freely available at Psi-Tek: "Jesus Taught It Too (The Early Roots Of The Law Of Attraction)"

Excerpt from Chapter Four:

A “judgment” is a final decision. There is much confusion regarding the following quote as many have interpreted the lines in terms of the passing of a verdict or a condemnation. On the contrary, this saying is at the heart of the Law of Attraction.

“JUDGE not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

Let’s rephrase the saying with the concept of a final decision in mind. Do not make a final decision so that a final decision is not made about your life. Whatever you make a final decision about is the course your life will take. Whatever you decide about the world, that is the way your world will be.


answered 19 Aug '21, 19:11

Delphine's gravatar image



More from Chapter Four:

Look adversity in the face and say “no,” you no longer control the way I perceive life. I will not decide if what is happening is positive or negative. I lack complete information and what may appear to be negative may be the best thing that could happen to me. Gradually, day-by-day, old thought habits will diminish and a new paradigm, a new outlook on life, will bring more positive events into your life.

(19 Aug '21, 19:17) Delphine

So it is not Jesus OR the Law of Attraction. Not this or that, but this AND that~per Bashar's teaching!

(19 Aug '21, 19:22) Delphine

I imagine Jesus would do the loving thing. He would be an example of good hygeine, wear a mask, social distance, use social media, and would get the vaccine.

There are christian religions or leaders and members of which who believe in Jesus as well as other religions who dont, that do not support either/or masks, social distancing or Covid vaccines.

(04 Sep '21, 14:42) ele

Yes, Jesus loves everyone. Wasn't it Jesus who said 'love your neighbor like thyself'?

(05 Sep '21, 20:35) ele

Since you mentioned Bashar. Basher has always advised people to follow the recommendations of the world health org. He is all for masks, social distancing, covid vaccines and following the law.

Basher wants us to practice kindness and approach each interaction with love and understanding.

You can read Bashar's message

(05 Sep '21, 20:43) ele
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perhaps, if other than psychotics
wishing to control and mine all
resources of earth so passively
accepted change for the world

did we all mutate around the same
time to all be here now,
is it rebuilt for all or
so called elite, make a wish


answered 04 Aug '20, 21:07

fred's gravatar image


Nope. I just want them to give me a heads-up the next time they throw a pandemic--best financial year for me and the family -- new jobs, promotions, property value through the roof ... all good.

Being 40 years pharma free I am passing on the Vaccine but I want those who want it to have it and have it abundantly.

And an opportunity to confirm my worth and values ... all good.


answered 02 Nov '21, 02:12

Audrey%20Reese%20Johnson's gravatar image

Audrey Reese Johnson

Watch Steven Bancarz's expose on the great deception that is the Law of Attraction. It's on Youtube, and it's truly excellent.

Here's a rough summary of his points:

  1. People can get "successes" from LOA practice due to a combination of coincidence and selective awareness -- not LOA itself. They were already going to get a certain blessing by chance, and they falsely attribute it to LOA practice.

  2. The things they wanted naturally came their way due to effort, hope, and increased confidence, and had nothing to do with LOA.

  3. Worst case scenario – they practiced accidental witchcraft.

Just to clarify, there is no supernatural power in rocks, crystals, trees, your own human self, or “the universe” – all supernatural power comes from a spirit that is either from God or from Satan. If you’re not praying to God or Jesus, then it’s highly likely that a spirit not from God will answer your call; a sign of this happening, at least from my experience, is when you start seeing repeating digits everywhere. Witchcraft is employing supernatural power that is not of God to get your will done, and it is highly spiritually dangerous, and you risk coming under a curse if you don't stop and change direction.


answered 14 Oct '20, 02:54

Willamette%20Valley's gravatar image

Willamette Valley

edited 14 Oct '20, 02:58


Watch George Carlin's expose on the Bible. It's on Youtube, and it's truly excellent.

Here's a rough summary of his points

People can get "successes" from Christian practice due to a combination of coincidence and selective awareness -- not Jesus himself. They were already going to get a certain blessing by chance, and they falsely attribute it to Christian practice.

The things they wanted naturally came their way due to effort, hope and increased confidence, and had nothing to do with Jesus.

(14 Oct '20, 03:10) Jacksontysonjordan

This game is easy! 666

(14 Oct '20, 03:10) Jacksontysonjordan

My mom taught me through living her life that you can focus your attention on ANYTHING and make it happen. Maybe attention is our power or connect to god or witchcraft or ... any of the other labels. I live my life by it and I'm glad I do.

(02 Nov '21, 02:05) Audrey Reese Johnson
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