This question seems to have a solution- monitor the weight of someone who is dying, and compare the weights of before and after death. Has anyone tried this? If the soul weighs nothing, what does that mean?

Blessings, Jaianniah

asked 07 Feb '11, 12:38

Jaianniah's gravatar image


jaianniah, by the soul do you mean the life force, the flame at the center of our heart while we are living in this world or are you relating to something ethereal?

(08 Feb '11, 00:21) fred

There are earlier recherchers for discovering an eventualy weight of soul. Within them I present resumative about the 21 grams Theory at: ; And click on "Page 1

and integraly the work of Duncan MacDougal, M. D. at:

Duncan MacDougal did his recherches on 5 humans and 15 dogs. He established lost in the moment of death of 21 grams from the total weigrt of body, on a single man and no any losting of weight at the 15 dogs. His conclusions: the human soul is 21 grams weight and 'animals have not soul'.

Personaly, I don't agree with any from two conclusions of Duncan. A scietific result cannot be based on only one cases, nor just as hypothesis.

I agree with Stingray enounced nonphysical nature of soul, but 'nonphysical' is a too vague term. Maybe Rupert Sheldrake morphic theory is a premise acceptable for the nature os soul; see:

Than, the soul is an morphic energetical field, with an individuality (energetical signature), which intermediates the communication and interactions within spirit and the sensible (percepting and experiencing) body, without mass, therefore without weight.

I think and believe the superior mammals (ex.: elephants, cetaceans, horses, some monkeys, dogs, cats, etc) have a more or less rudimentary soul.


answered 16 Feb '11, 10:32

Gleam's gravatar image


edited 16 Feb '11, 10:52

I would say that if a soul (however you define that) has a measurable weight then it must also be defined as physical because weight is a physical attribute.

But my understanding of other people's definitions of soul is that it represents the non-physical aspect of themselves that "resides" within the physical body...though I would personally use the words "streams" and "projects" instead.

So if a soul is physical then it would no longer be a soul, by those people's definitions, but instead be part of the physical body...if you see what I mean :)

I think the broader viewpoint would be that the body is really the physical representation of the soul on this particular frequency of reality interpretation.

So from that point of view, yes, the soul weighs something and you can just step on one of these devices to figure out how much... :)

alt text


answered 13 Feb '11, 11:41

Stingray's gravatar image


@Stingray. Play with me. What defines non physical?

(14 Feb '11, 06:22) jim 10

What would you like to play Michael? :) I would say that the physical / non-physical thing is an entirely "artificial" and arbitrary separation. It's like trying to determine the difference between a drop of water in the ocean and the ocean itself

(14 Feb '11, 08:14) Stingray

Ethically, such an experiment would not be publicized. However, a fictitious procedure of this description was carried out in Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol. Such an experiment falls under the subject of Noetic Science.

In the book, a dying man is placed in a highly sensitive specifically designed box and body weight is measured before and after death, taking into consideration all variable factors.

The outcome of this experiment is a weight loss of something like 0.0000084kgs- an apparent justification of existence of a measurable soul.
It's nice to think it's true :)


answered 07 Feb '11, 23:18

realityVSimagination's gravatar image


what about radio waves or micro waves, do they have a weight? If I'm not mistaken, there has been moments where the weight of people that just passed have been weighed. and they have found a slight decline in weight.


answered 01 May '11, 20:02

RPuls's gravatar image


i have a friend who heard of this study about the 21gram study. he was a doctor who wanted to find the weight of the human soul, he studied people who were very close to death , he weighed the body before and after death, in EVERY case they loose 21 grams of weight. even with the weight of liquid loss and air decompression, they still cant account 4 this! so this showed him the human body has an energy of the soul that's weight is 21 grams. he repeats the experiment on dogs, NO RESULTS! but why ? did the have a soul? my answer is YES! the difference of energy that one would need to accomplish the different consciousness level between a 2nd and 3rd density being is ALOT! in my information from different and my own personal source is that ALL things (even inanimate objects) have SOME consciousness. All physical life weather we are from a animal , plant or advanced life form, they are ALL come from the same higher self, and this higher self sends small portions of its own consciousness into these existences. By this fact alone and also knowing that consciousness in an animal needs much less of the higher self, then i imagine that the weight of the soul of the animal is so small that when this experiment is done, its weighing tools were not accurate enough.

added in 8/15/2012 from closed question that was duplicate of this.

i have a friend who heard of this study about the 21gram study. he was a doctor who wanted to find the weight of the human soul, he studied people who were very close to death , he weighed the body before and after death, in EVERY case they loose 21 grams of weight. even with the weight of liquid loss and air decompression, they still cant account 4 this! so this showed him the human body has an energy of the soul that's weight is 21 grams. he repeats the experiment on dogs, NO RESULTS! but why ? did the have a soul? my answer is YES! the difference of energy that one would need to accomplish the different consciousness level between a 2nd and 3rd density being is ALOT! in my information from different and my own personal source is that ALL things (even inanimate objects) have SOME consciousness. All physical life weather we are from a animal , plant or advanced life form, they are ALL come from the same higher self, and this higher self sends small portions of its own consciousness into these existences. By this fact alone and also knowing that consciousness in an animal needs much less of the higher self, then i imagine that the weight of the soul of the animal is so small that when this experiment is done, its weighing tools were not accurate enough. If this interests you here is some more info for you ! click here! so what is your thoughts or proof of this?


answered 16 May '11, 09:19

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 15 Aug '12, 15:20

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