it is writen:Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'?

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.

more on this.

Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He Created him; male and female He created them.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the Womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Psalm 139:13 for you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb.

Isaiah 49:5 and now the LORD says – He who formed me in the womb to be His servant to bring Jacob back to Him and gather Israel to Himself, for I am honored in the eyes of the LORD and my God has been my strength.

Hosea 1:10 They will be called 'sons of the living God'.

Romans 9:26 They will be called 'sons of the living God'.

Romans 8:19 the creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

Psalm 82:6 I, said, 'you are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.

1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God.

Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba Father.”

Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

Romans 8:14 Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

John 1:12-13 Yet to all who received, to those who believed in His name, He gave them the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. (For God was their Father)

Malachi 2:10 have we not all one Father? Did not God create us?

Matthew 6:9 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name.'

1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all sons of the Light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.

John 12:36 Put your trust in the Light while you have it, so that you may become the sons of Light

asked 01 Jul '11, 02:54

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 19 Aug '11, 02:49

The premise that an attribute of god is omnipresent would infer that god permeates and penatrates through and in all substance and space at the same time. Since we are made of substance, god is through us, god Is everywhere at once. Therefore, is in, a part of, and is all people, places and things. Therefore, is me, and you and all people. I AM God.

In The Spirit Of Harmony, I Am RPuls


answered 01 Jul '11, 03:51

RPuls's gravatar image


yes r puls i am that i am

(01 Jul '11, 04:14) white tiger

i hope no one will feel ofuscated for me to use those words but they apply here. it is all writen in the bible jesus said it. and they have put them on the cross for that and still today. people would not understand and do the same things.

(01 Jul '11, 04:16) white tiger

RPlus-God is everywhere and in everything but IS separate of Everything at the same time.We cannot know what exactly God is.Because HE is GOD not god.We can only check,notice,feel and see His attributes everywhere and in ourselves as well.

(01 Jul '11, 07:14) Zee

when you say i am or think i am is it the body talking is it the mind? who is that i am inside of you is it not your true nature the image of god your counscience your awareness?

(02 Jul '11, 01:35) white tiger

and yet that i am is personnal and not all the other i am around you. or the i am of the all mighty.

(02 Jul '11, 01:37) white tiger
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Yes I am, as are you, the birds and spiders and the trees and the rocks.


answered 01 Jul '11, 04:22

you's gravatar image


well micheal are you afraid that someone will find you guilty and say you think you are jesus or god. when it is written in the bible that we are all gods and that the all mighty the most high is god the father.

(01 Jul '11, 04:26) white tiger

Yes! as above so below , love you.

(01 Jul '11, 04:59) you

I don't believe I am "a god", but if you're referring to God in the context of that omnipotent, omnipresent beingness that drives the universe then I'd say yes I Am God, or part thereof... at least that's the belief that I'm integrating right now.

I think when we step into the full realization of that God within, we'll be living the life we came here to live, and in fact then we won't be saying I Am God but rather We Are God.


answered 01 Jul '11, 11:08

Michaela's gravatar image


I do not have to believe that I am a God, for I know that I am of God. When God created man out of clay, he breathe the breath of life into man giving man life, in fact, giving man his life to live through him, for him. It is said that the proof in the pudding, so how much more proof, we really want to be convinced!

Now for argument sakes, would we even be here if God did not choose to share his breath of life with us. I mean he crated man’s body out of clay, and as you know, clay is clay, and man would have remained a lifeless clay body, if God did not choose to breathe his breath of life into the clay body giving man life to live, and to create like he is living and creating!

In essence, we are all God’s creation, and he lives and dwells in all of us through the breath of life that is in all living thing that is God within, and God without, therefore all things are of God, and nothing is without God, so we are all an extension of God himself created in the flesh, Christians, and Non-Christians alike, for there is only one God, Source, Consciousness, and Universe alike!


answered 03 Jul '11, 23:41

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Jesus came to show us who and what we are. He came to teach us our bodies are the temple of God. We and God are one. Once we accept Jesus as our personal savior we die from the world and are reborn a new creation in Christ one in harmony with the Father. This is the beginning of the wakening up as sons and daughters of God, any son or daughter grows up to be like his or her parents so we have this God gene in our genes that says we are to eventually grow up to be Gods ourselves. There is a very interesting book called the God Code by Gregg Braden. This book actually talks of that gene like it is a real thing we have within us, it is very interesting.

Back to what I was saying, Jesus left us and we never received a step by step "How to grow up into your God ." So here we are millenniums later and we for most humanity are a far way from being anything but toddler Christians. Some are preteens some teens maybe but no adult Christians that have grown to full God realization yet.


answered 01 Jul '11, 05:46

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 07 Aug '11, 12:34

well wade experiance and enjoy. that is the best step by step way. i tell you wade you came here to experiance this world. so enjoy the ride and learn from it. experiance and enjoy.

(18 Jul '11, 02:35) white tiger

Thanks White Tiger yes enjoy the experience of existing. :-)

(18 Jul '11, 22:37) Wade Casaldi

wade clean the temple find the narror gate and enter in it. experience and enjoy.

(07 Aug '11, 12:20) white tiger

wade the temple is the mind and the body.

(25 Sep '11, 02:44) white tiger
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

No.We are not God but deputy of HIM on earth.Everything is also not God but a proof of God.Being a deputy to God ,HE attributed us with some qualities and capabilites of HIM up to some extent.


answered 01 Jul '11, 07:05

Zee's gravatar image


we are gods in the making, it is within the destiny of mankind to be such.
or we can argue over the definition of words or the sources of written scriptures.
i myself have much yet to evolve to control my thoughts, thus expanding my innate spiritual consciousness,
which seems to be a continuous journey


answered 01 Jul '11, 12:01

fred's gravatar image


I am the master creator of my reality


answered 08 Aug '11, 04:48

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

yes you are. experience and enjoy.

(08 Aug '11, 07:20) white tiger

We have untold talents, mysteries and powers that are on loan from God. We have a clock that is ticking all the time. What we learn in that time determines what happens to your essence. We are taught the opposite. We are taught dependency, when we are truly free. Apply in your world, and you will be free to advancement.


answered 03 Jul '11, 15:34

The%20Knights%20Alchemy's gravatar image

The Knights Alchemy

@ Concerned Citizen: Great Answer, you have so much biblical knowledge.

I have been reading your messages on this site and I think you might be able to answer some questions that I have.

If you would be kind enough to do so, let me know by replying to this message, then I will create a question and you can find it on my user page.

I would really appreciate your help. Thanks Concerned Citizen.


answered 22 Sep '11, 06:07

Genesis's gravatar image


edited 19 Oct '11, 17:31

GENESIS: I cannot save ANYBODY! I can only preach and teach the doctrines of the Scriptures in TRUTH. In the end, the choice of believing and obeying God’s Words rests with each individual. I am presently involved in a worship music project. Thus, if you can let me know the exact content of your question, I will be able to judge if I have the appropriate level of Biblical knowledge and available time in order to provide you with my best answer. Please respond below as a ‘Comment’. I will scan this section later in the day.

(23 Sep '11, 13:30) Concerned Citizen

Concerned Citizen: My question is about Neville Goddard's teachings, they seem to be the truth but they could be satanic lies. I just dont know. Nobody has ever said that he is wrong and disproved his teachings. You seem to be familiar with his teachings and you have much more biblical knowledge than me. I dont want to believe his teachings but if they are the truth, what can I do. You are right, you cannot save anybody, but you can help save somebody. Thanks heaps.

(23 Sep '11, 18:48) Genesis

GENESIS: Neville Goddard is one of many DELUDED teachers of the New Age Thought Movement. His specialty was to invent RIDICULOUS private interpretations of Biblical terminology as demonstrated by his so-called ‘The Promise’ from the Book of Daniel. If you wish to examine the NONSENSE of Goddard’s teachings, then ask your questions on Inward Quest, and I will respond. Please be detailed and let each question focus on only ONE specific teaching in order to limit the length of my answer. If you can be patient, I will try my best to make time in my schedule to answer all your questions.

(24 Sep '11, 21:27) Concerned Citizen

Concerned Citizen: I have posted a question. Please examine the nonsense of neville goddard's teachings. Take your time and feel free to post your answer in multiple parts if you are short on time. I appreciate your help. Thanks heaps.

(25 Sep '11, 01:26) Genesis

@CC - did god write the bible or was it written by man? And was the original text kept in tact or was it altered by man? And do many men have HUGE egos and thus choose to embellish original texts with their own distorted ideas? A few good question ideas here :)

(26 Sep '11, 06:52) Eddie

EDDIE: (1) 'god' did NOT write the Bible. 'man' did NOT write the Bible. God wrote the Bible. (2) Since God created languages, He has had no problems keeping the 'original text' intact despite all man-made attempts to corrupt His Words. You should study the history of MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE. (3) Yes, men within the New Age Thought Movement (such as Neville Goddard) do have extremely HUGE egos and foolishly choose to embellish 'original texts' with their own distorted ideas.

(26 Sep '11, 12:10) Concerned Citizen

@Genesis look within for truth.

(05 Oct '11, 17:54) AboveBelow

Kings Mind: Did you mean to say look within myself for truth? Or did you mean to say look within the bible for truth? "For from WITHIN, out of the heart of men, proceed EVIL THOUGHTS, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, WICKEDNESS, DECEIT, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, PRIDE, FOOLISHNESS: All these evil things come from WITHIN, and defile the man." [Mark 7:21-23]. Thanks.

(08 Nov '11, 02:57) Genesis
showing 2 of 8 show 6 more comments

Hello, again...

It appears that the 'Edit Function' did not allow me to post my COMPLETE answer. Therefore, I have posted the continuation of my 'EDIT (PART ONE)' below. If any of the mods knows how to combine both parts, please feel free to do so. If not, please allow this answer to stand 'as is' in order to preserve the totality of my 'EDIT (PART ONE)'. Thank you.

(14) Malachi 2:10 have we not all one Father? Did not God create us?

  • The pronouns ‘we’ and ‘us’ in [Malachi 2:10] refer to the nation of ISRAEL.

  • The CONTEXT of [Malachi 2:10] is a denouncement of the LEVITICAL PRIESTS for corrupting the Covenant of Levi [Malachi 2:8]. Through the prophet Malachi, God is judging the priests for failing in their duties. Malachi is reminding the people that (1) God created the nation of Israel, (2) God is the Father of Israel, and (3) they must stop dealing treacherously every man against his brother by profaning the Covenant of their fathers.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Malachi 2:10] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(15) Matthew 6:9 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name.'

  • The CONTEXT of [Matthew 6:9] is Jesus Christ teaching HIS JEWISH DISCIPLES how to pray. This event took place BEFORE Jesus Christ was nationally rejected as Messiah [Matthew Chapter 11], BEFORE Jesus Christ began speaking in parables [Matthew Chapter 13], and BEFORE Jesus Christ was crucified [Matthew Chapter 27]. Since Jesus Christ had come for the lost sheep of the house of ISRAEL [Matthew 10:6], the words of this prayer were NOT doctrinally meant for any Gentile or Christian. In fact, this prayer in [Matthew Chapter 6] was an exclusively JEWISH PRAYER in relation to the ‘kingdom of heaven’ which was being preached by John the Baptist [Matthew 3:2] and offered to ISRAEL at that time by their Messiah [Matthew 10:7].

  • Nationally, the term ‘Our Father’ is a JEWISH-specific term. God is ‘The Father’ of only one nation on this planet: ISRAEL [Exodus 4:22,23][Deuteronomy 32:6,18][Isaiah 46:3,4]! God is NOT ‘The Father’ of ALL NATIONS or ALL MEN. Because of Israel’s rejection of Messiah, the opportunity of establishing a personal relationship with God as ‘Father’ has been freely offered to the whole world. Today, any man has the privilege to call God his ‘Father’ ONLY AFTER he has been ‘born of God’ through the personal acceptance of the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) for the forgiveness of SINS.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Matthew 6:9] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(16) 1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all sons of the Light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.

  • The pronoun ‘You’ and ‘We’ in [I Thessalonians 5:5] is a direct reference to BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ who have been ‘born of God’ through the ‘Spirit of God’. The pronouns ‘You’ and ‘We’ refer to people who are ‘in Christ Jesus’ as defined in the SAME EPISTLE [I Thessalonians 1:14]! The pronouns ‘You’ and ‘We’ do NOT refer to ALL MEN!

  • The CONTEXT of [I Thessalonians 5:5] is a declaration by the Apostle Paul which absolutely confirms that there is a clear distinction between God’s people (who are ‘born of God’) and the rest of the world (which is NOT ‘born of God’).

  • God and His people are CONTRARY to the world:

Since God is Light, then all men who are ‘born of God’ are ‘sons of the Light’ and belong to God.

Since God is Day, then all men who are ‘born of God’ are ‘sons of the Day’ and belong to God.

Since the world is Darkness, then all men who are NOT ‘born of God’ are ‘sons of the Darkness’ and belong to the world.

Since the world is Night, then all men who are NOT ‘born of God’ are ‘sons of the Night’ and belong to the world.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [I Thessalonians 5:5] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(17) John 12:36 Put your trust in the Light while you have it, so that you may become the sons of Light

  • Since God = Light and Jesus Christ = God, then Jesus Christ = Light! Notice the words of Jesus Christ in [verse 46] of the SAME CHAPTER:

‘I am come a LIGHT into the world, that whosoever BELIEVETH ON ME should not abide in darkness.’

  • The CONTEXT of [John 12:36] is a conversation between Jesus Christ and the people that were in Jerusalem for the Feast wherein Jesus Christ is declaring that (1) He is the Light, (2) He would soon be taken away from them, and (3) the people were to BELIEVE in Him [verse 36] and FOLLOW Him [verse 26] if they desired to be the ‘sons of Light’. Jesus Christ Himself confirms that becoming the ‘sons of Light’ is CONDITIONAL! Anybody who preaches that becoming the ‘sons of Light’ is UNCONDITIONAL for ALL MEN is in GROSS DOCTRINAL ERROR!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [John 12:36] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!


  • There is an alarming trend which can be observed on Inward Quest. Some Inward Quest members love to ‘Copy & Paste’ mountainous volumes of Biblical verses without having the courage to interpret and explain the CONTEXT and DOCTRINE of each Biblical verse for the readers. Do these Inward Quest members have something to hide?? Let it be known that this type of sinister conduct is completely DISHONEST and irreparably detrimental to the QUALITY of Bible-related ‘Questions’, ‘Answers’, and ‘Comments’ found on Inward Quest.

  • Obviously, all Inward Quest members who engage in this fraudulent practice are clearly attempting to establish a semblance of ‘credibility’ for their so-called ‘Biblical’ claims in order to promote their egotistical personal OPINIONS. Unfortunately for them, they only succeed in publicly displaying and confirming that they do NOT possess any Biblical Knowledge, Biblical Wisdom, or Biblical Understanding. In the end, they are not fooling ANYBODY!

  • THE BIBLE does NOT teach the error of PANTHEISM which is featured in Hinduism, certain schools of Buddhism, and the fairy tale dogmas of the New Age Thought Movement. In other words, Man is NOT ‘God’, and Man does NOT possess ‘God-essence’.

  • THE BIBLE will always define its own TERMS, set its own CONTEXTS, and interpret its own DOCTRINES.

  • If YOU ‘mess around’ with God’s Words, God will ‘mess around’ with YOUR MIND!

Thanks for reading.

Concerned Citizen


answered 21 Sep '11, 17:09

Concerned%20Citizen's gravatar image

Concerned Citizen

concerned citizen, and how do you know when that starts to occur?

(21 Sep '11, 23:08) fred

Ephesians 4:24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Colossians 3:10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

(22 Sep '11, 01:53) white tiger

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

(22 Sep '11, 01:55) white tiger

For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

(22 Sep '11, 01:56) white tiger

concerned citizen do you know god?

(22 Sep '11, 01:57) white tiger

just the fact that you judge and talk about the bible the way you do tell me all the answer i need to know.For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

(22 Sep '11, 02:01) white tiger

Psalm 109:17 He loved to pronounce a curse--may it come on him; he found no pleasure in blessing--may it be far from him. who is messing with your mind concerned citizen?

(22 Sep '11, 02:06) white tiger

FRED: It 'starts to occur' immediately after your answer to the following question: "Are YOU a sinner?? YES or NO??"

(23 Sep '11, 13:42) Concerned Citizen

But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt."

(24 Sep '11, 23:28) white tiger

Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for those who do wrong?

(24 Sep '11, 23:29) white tiger

i forgive you sin no more.

(25 Sep '11, 02:45) white tiger

white tiger@ is bible the same book which was introduced by Jesus or it has a lot of version,misinterpreted by ppl according to their own wishes and needs thourout the history?

(27 Sep '11, 08:02) Zee

ZEE to answer you:the bible is one thing writen by men over the years. it is the truth if one is righteous or as the spirit. if one judge other and say he is wise a scholar a philosopher he has the answer from the bible you see right there that this one is not speaking in truth because he is not following the word of god. he is just preaching foolishness of men and i am pleased to save those who believe.

(28 Sep '11, 14:30) white tiger
showing 2 of 13 show 11 more comments


Do the following statements sound familiar??

  • “It’s in the Bible!”

  • “The Bible says it!”

  • “It’s written in the Bible!”

  • “Jesus said it!”

Unfortunately, these are the types of statements which can also come out of the mouths of people who know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Jesus Christ or the Bible. Just because a person confidently utters such proclamations does NOT guarantee that their personal beliefs regarding the Bible are doctrinally correct. Firstly, the Bible must be allowed to DEFINE its own terms. Secondly, the Biblical terms in question must then be evaluated in their specific CONTEXTS. Failure to conform to both these logical rules for proper Bible interpretation will always result in GROSS DOCTRINAL ERROR.

In this case, the QUESTION is the following:

‘Do you think that you are a god?’

In this case, the PROOF TEXTS used in the ludicrous attempt to validate the claim that the Bible teaches that all men are ‘Divine’ or possess ‘Divine-essence’ are the following:

‘Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?’ [John 10:34]

‘I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.’ [Psalm 82:6]

This question is a great example of how a LACK OF BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE will always lead to INCORRECT BIBLE INTERPRETATION. From these two Biblical verses, the lost and blind world would actually believe that the Bible teaches that all men are ‘Divine’ or possess ‘Divine-essence’. For some inexplicable reason, the lost and blind world proudly and fearlessly ASSUMES that, in the Scriptures, the term ‘god’ is the SAME as the term ‘God’. The following analysis will clearly demonstrate how this ignorant ASSUMPTION leads to spiritual INSANITY!

[A] In the Scriptures, what is the difference between the terms ‘god’ and ‘God’??

Any 4-year old child (who has never been dropped on his head and has at least one functioning eyeball) can plainly see that these two terms are written DIFFERENTLY!

  • The term ‘god’ is written ‘g’-‘o’-‘d’.

  • The term ‘God’ is written ‘G’-‘o’-‘d’.

OPEN YOUR EYES! These two terms are NOT the same!

In the Scriptures, the term ‘God’ is the NAME of THE Absolute Distinct Creator of all visible and invisible things. [As seen in Genesis 1:1]

In the Scriptures, the term ‘god’ is used to define THREE different groups depending on the CONTEXT:

(1) Israel’s judges and magistrates are called ‘gods’.

(2) The sons of God of the Heavenly Host are called ‘gods’.

(3) All the FALSE male and female deities of the PAGAN nations are called ‘gods’.

In the Scriptures, the term ‘god’ NEVER means ‘God’!

In the Scriptures, the term ‘god’ NEVER refers to anything that is ‘Divine’ or possesses ‘Divine-essence’!

The Scriptures do NOT teach the error of PANTHEISM which is featured in Hinduism, certain schools of Buddhism, and the fairy tale dogmas of the New Age Thought Movement.

In order to satisfy their all-consuming desire to be ‘God’, the deluded followers of Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies, and the deceived disciples of the New Age Thought Movement will commit the same FATAL ERROR when reading the Scriptures: They ignorantly ASSUME that the term ‘god’ is the SAME as the term ‘God’. This ignorant ASSUMPTION will lead to spiritual SUICIDE!

[B] What is the CONTEXT of [John 10:34]??

‘Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?’ [John 10:31-36]

During the course of this specific conversation, Jesus Christ reminds the Jews that God called them ‘gods’ unto whom ‘the word of God came’. Do YOU know unto whom ‘the word of God came’?? The word of God came unto ISRAEL in the form of the Law under Moses [Romans 3:1,2; 9:1-5]. To assist with the governing of the nation, Moses then selected God-fearing and able men to judge the people at all seasons by the Law of God. The Law stated that the judges were to be respected by the people of Israel. With the Law in their possession, the judges of Israel were able to judge all things from God’s Words. Thus, the judges of Israel were in a position of AUTHORITY within the nation and were called ‘gods’. [As seen in Exodus 18:13-26; 22:28]

Now, Jesus Christ would eventually walk the earth as a Jew in Israel. Jesus Christ was the ‘Word of God’ made Flesh. Jesus Christ referred to Himself as ‘the Son of God’ making Himself EQUAL to God. Thus, Jesus Christ claimed to possess absolute AUTHORITY. For this reason, the Jews called Jesus Christ a ‘blasphemer’ and wanted to stone Him. This specific conversation between Jesus Christ and those Jews who wanted to stone Him was over the question of absolute AUTHORITY.

In the CONTEXT of this specific conversation, Jesus Christ’s response to those Jews who wanted to stone Him may be paraphrased as follows:

“Hey, you Jews who want to stone Me! Since the word of God came unto YOU in the Old Testament and YOUR judges (ie. ‘gods’) had the AUTHORITY to judge all things by the Law of GOD, why do YOU now say that I’m blaspheming regarding the claim of my absolute AUTHORITY seeing that I’m really the Son of God??”

Thus, any HONEST observer can clearly see that quoting [John 10:34] as a PROOF TEXT in order to ‘prove’ the mystical fairy tale that all men are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’ is complete and utter NONSENSE! The CONTEXT of [John 10:34] is a conversation between Jesus Christ and the Jews regarding the absolute AUTHORITY which Jesus Christ was claiming for Himself.

Also, any HONEST observer will notice with great ease that Jesus Christ NEVER told those Jews to ‘tap’ away their stress. Jesus Christ NEVER told those Jews that they were the ‘creators’ of their ‘Now’ moment through the ‘vibrational energies of their thoughts and feelings’. Jesus Christ NEVER told those Jews to write their ‘desires’ on a scrap of paper, put it in a box, and then forget about it so that ‘the Universe’ can eventually ‘mirror’ the ‘manifestation of their desire’ in their ‘Now’ moment. Jesus Christ NEVER told those Jews that they could change their ‘genetic make-up’ by using the ‘power of their minds’. In contrast, Jesus Christ was telling those Jews that ONLY HE WAS GOD! During the course of His ministry, Jesus Christ NEVER once told the Jews that they were ‘God’ or that they had ‘God-essence’.

Anybody who believes that the Scriptures teach the deluded dogmas of the New Age Thought Movement OR the pagan beliefs of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies has been completely BRAIN-WASHED!

[C] What is the CONTEXT of [Psalm 82:6]??

‘God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.’ [Psalm 82]

In relation to [Psalm 82], I now ask YOU:

  • What and where is the ‘congregation of the mighty’??

  • Does the ‘congregation of the mighty’ include mankind??

  • Who are these ‘gods’ which are ALL the ‘children of the most High’??

  • Who are these ‘gods’ which will ‘die like men’??

  • Who is ‘one of the princes’ who shall fall??

  • When will the ‘foundations of the earth’ be ‘out of course’??

  • When will God arise to ‘judge the earth’ and ‘inherit all nations’??

  • What does the musical pause ‘Selah’ imply in the Psalms??

If a person CANNOT answer any of these questions, then that person should NOT be quoting [Psalm 82:6] in a feeble attempt to validate their fairy tale belief that all men are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’. Any HONEST person would immediately swallow their PRIDE, learn how to KEEP QUIET, and start STUDYING the Bible. Precious personal OPINIONS, blind philosophical GUESSWORK, and vain MYSTICAL experiences are completely USELESS!

  • The ‘congregation of the mighty’ is in HEAVEN [I Kings 22:19][Job 1:6; 2:1]. It is NOT on the earth!

  • The ‘congregation of the mighty’ is comprised of the sons of God of the Heavenly Host found within the ranks of the Cherubims, Seraphims, Warrior Angels, Messenger Angels, Ministering Angels, etc. Similar to Israel’s judges and magistrates, the sons of God of the Heavenly Host have their specific levels of AUTHORITY and are called ‘gods’. God judges among these ‘gods’. ALL the sons of God of the Heavenly Host are the ‘children of the most High’. In contrast, the Scriptures NEVER teach that ALL MEN are the ‘children of the most High’. Anybody who declares that ALL MEN are the ‘children of the most High’ is preaching a DOCTRINAL LIE!

  • The Scriptures declare that not all these ‘gods’ will remain loyal to God. Although the sons of God of the Heavenly Host are ALL the ‘children of the most High’, there will be a number within their ranks who will choose to rebel against God. These rebellious sons of God are the ‘gods’ who will suffer the consequences of their choice and ‘die like men’ because they choose to leave their first estate [Jude 6].

  • These rebellious ‘gods’ will not only ‘die like men’, but they are also described as falling ‘like one of the princes’. The ‘prince’ who shall fall is SATAN! In the Scriptures, Satan is called ‘the prince of this world’ [John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11] and ‘the prince of the power of the air’ [Ephesians 2:2]. Thus, those rebellious ‘gods’ will choose to follow Satan, and they will fall like Satan. [Revelation 12:4]

  • The ‘foundations of the earth’ will be ‘out of course’, and God will arise to ‘judge the earth’ and ‘inherit all nations’ at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (which occurs at the END of the 7-Year Tribulation) when He establishes His Government for the kingdom of heaven.

  • As always within the Psalms, the occurrence of the musical pause ‘Selah’ sets the CONTEXT for the reader. Every Biblical verse which contains the musical pause ‘Selah’ has a reference to the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.

Thus, any HONEST observer can clearly see that quoting [Psalm 82:6] as a PROOF TEXT in order to ‘prove’ the mystical fairy tale that all men are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’ is complete and utter NONSENSE! This Psalm has absolutely NOTHING to do with mankind. The CONTEXT of [Psalm 82:6] is a conversation between God and the sons of God of the Heavenly Host which prophetically warns those disobedient ‘gods’ within the ranks of a future judgment because of their rebellion against God and their affiliation with Satan.

Once again, anybody who believes that the Scriptures teach the deluded dogmas of the New Age Thought Movement OR the pagan beliefs of the Eastern religions, philosophies, and mythologies has been completely BRAIN-WASHED!

[D] Conclusion

Beware of ANYBODY who professes to know the ‘real message’ of the Scriptures and then proceeds to conveniently INVENT new definitions for Biblical terminology based on their RIDICULOUS PERSONAL OPINIONS.

For example:

  • ‘The Lord’ = ‘the Christ-within’ (Florence Scovel Shinn)

  • ‘Christ’ = ‘Presence’ (Eckhart Tolle)

  • ‘Jesus Christ’ = ‘the Human Imagination’ (Neville Goddard)

  • ‘Jesus Christ’ = ‘Krishna’ or ‘Krishna-Consciousness’

  • ‘Jesus Christ’ = ‘Buddha’ or ‘Buddha-Nature’

  • ‘god’ = ‘God’ or ‘the Divine’ or ‘the Divine-essence’

  • ‘sin’ = ‘missing the mark’ or ‘negative thoughts’

  • ‘Genesis Chapter 1’ = the so-called ‘Law of Attraction’

  • Jesus Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’ = the so-called ‘Law of Attraction’

  • Jesus Christ’s ‘Apostolic Promises’ = the so-called ‘Law of Attraction’

This type of childish NONSENSE is the standard operating procedure of all DISOBEDIENT UNBELIEVERS who continuously choose to contend with God’s Words because they believe that they are smarter than God. Unfortunately, Inward Quest is splattered with this type of DISHONEST conduct.

Therefore, let this particular question (‘Do you think that you are a god?’) stand as a terrifying lesson for ANYBODY who chooses to corrupt and pervert God’s Words. The Bible will NEVER allow ANYBODY to usurp its absolute AUTHORITY over the DEFINITIONS of its terminology.


WARNING: [Romans 1:28][II Thessalonians 2:11,12]

No man will ever make a LIAR out of God.

If YOU choose to corrupt and pervert God’s Words, God will corrupt and pervert YOUR MIND.

Thanks for reading.

Concerned Citizen


Hello, again…

Let it be known that this particular question originally consisted of [2] misinterpreted Biblical verses. After an orgasmic ‘Copy & Paste’ frenzy, another [17] Biblical verses have been added. In order to preserve the integrity of my original answer, I have once again addressed each new Biblical verse and clearly demonstrated that the Bible does NOT teach that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’.

For the readers who are not familiar with the history of MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE, let it be known that God’s Words are found in THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE. However, for the sake of continuity, I have kept the so-called ‘Bible’ quotations from the corrupt, perverted, modern-day ‘Bible’ version used in this question as the main headings in my analysis below.

Let the BIBLICAL dismantling and destruction of FALSE CLAIMS begin:

(1) Genesis 1:26-27 Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He Created him; male and female He created them.

  • The Bible speaks of TWO ‘images’: the ‘image of God’ and the ‘image of Adam’


Since the ‘image of God’ is in THREE parts (The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost), Adam was also created in THREE parts (soul, body, and spirit). When Adam was first created, he was created in a state of INNOCENCE untouched by SIN and DEATH. In this original state of INNOCENCE, Adam had the ‘image of God’ and was called a ‘son of God’. Adam was NEVER called the ‘Son of God’ or ‘God’. [Genesis 1:26,27][Genesis 2:7][Luke 3:38][I John 5:7][I Thessalonians 5:23]

Since Eve was directly created from Adam, Eve was also in a state of INNOCENCE and had the ‘image of God’. [Genesis 2:21-25]


Adam was clearly forewarned of the consequences, but he freely chose to disobey God’s Commandment. When Adam acquired the Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL, Adam and Eve LOST their INNOCENCE and LOST the ‘image of God’. Adam’s disobedience was SIN. Because of the SIN of Adam, DEATH entered into the world. Thus, because Adam and Eve were touched by SIN and DEATH, they no longer possessed the ‘image of God’. [Genesis 2:16,17] [Genesis 3:6,7][Romans 5:12,14]

Since the Fall of Adam, ALL men and women are born with the ‘image of Adam’. They are NOT born with the ‘image of God’. The ‘image of God’ is a GLORIFIED IMAGE which is NOT touched by SIN and DEATH. In contrast, the ‘image of Adam’ is a CORRUPT IMAGE which is touched by SIN and DEATH. [Genesis 5:3][Romans 5:12-21][Romans 3:9,10,23][I Corinthians 15:53]

Today, in order to re-acquire the LOST ‘image of God’ and become a ‘son of God’, a man or woman must personally accept the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ (God in the Flesh) for the forgiveness of SINS in order to become BORN-AGAIN through the Spirit of God. Thus, only BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ have the ‘image of God’ because they are ‘born of God’ and have the victory over SIN and DEATH. All the people in the world who are NOT BORN-AGAIN have the ‘image of Adam’ because they are NOT ‘born of God’ and do NOT have the victory over SIN and DEATH. [John 1:12,13; 3:3, 5-7][Colossians 2:9-15][I Peter 1:18-23][I Corinthians 15:55-57]

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Genesis 1:26,27] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(2) Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the Womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

  • The CONTEXT of [Jeremiah 1:5] is a conversation between the Lord God of Israel and Jeremiah regarding the prophet’s CALLING. The clause ‘formed you in the womb’ refers to Jeremiah’s gestation period in his mother’s womb. The clause ‘I knew you’ refers to God’s Foreknowledge. Thus, the Lord God of Israel was declaring to the prophet Jeremiah that, even BEFORE he was PHYSICALLY born, the Lord God of Israel had already ordained Jeremiah with a special election that would make Jeremiah a ‘prophet unto the nations’. The prophet Jeremiah was never ‘God’ and never possessed ‘God-essence’. The prophet Jeremiah was a MAN!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Jeremiah 1:5] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(3) Psalm 139:13 for you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb.

  • The CONTEXT of [Psalm 139:13] is King David recognizing and worshiping the Lord God of Israel as his CREATOR. In this Psalm, King David is acknowledging that he is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’. King David is praising the Lord God of Israel’s creative powers and marveling at the beauty, complexity, and precision involved in the creation of MAN from his mother’s womb. King David was never ‘God’ and never possessed ‘God-essence’. King David was a MAN!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Psalm 139:13] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(4) Isaiah 49:5 and now the LORD says – He who formed me in the womb to be His servant to bring Jacob back to Him and gather Israel to Himself, for I am honored in the eyes of the LORD and my God has been my strength.

  • The CONTEXT of [Isaiah 49:5] is an end-time prophecy concerning JESUS CHRIST and the restoration of ISRAEL. Only Jesus Christ was ‘formed in the womb’ to be ‘His servant’ who will (1) save the remnant of the nation of Israel [verse 6], (2) be a ‘light to the Gentiles’ [verse 6], and (3) be God’s ‘salvation unto the end of the earth’ [verse 6].

  • [Isaiah 49:5] does NOT refer to ALL MEN because NO MAN has the ability to ‘bring Jacob back to Him and gather Israel to Himself’! This verse refers to JESUS CHRIST because only HE is the ‘Holy One of Israel’ [verse 7]!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Isaiah 49:5] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(5) Hosea 1:10 They will be called 'sons of the living God'.

  • The pronoun ‘They’ refers to the ‘children of Israel’ mentioned in the SAME VERSE! Observe the COMPLETE VERSE from THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE:

‘Yet the number of the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto THEM, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto THEM, Ye are the sons of the living God.’ [Hosea 1:10]

  • The CONTEXT of [Hosea 1:10] is an end-time prophecy concerning God’s restoration of ISRAEL as depicted through the marriage of Hosea with his adulterous wife Gomer and their three children: Jezreel, Loruhama, and Loammi. The end-time generations of the ‘children of Israel’ become ‘sons of the living God’ at the end of the 7-Year Tribulation when God will purify and sanctify the whole nation.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Hosea 1:10] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(6) Romans 9:26 They will be called 'sons of the living God'.

  • The pronoun ‘They’ refers to the remnant of the children of Israel which remain at the end of the 7-Year Tribulation. These people will also be called ‘sons of the living God’ when God will purify and sanctify the whole nation of Israel.

  • The CONTEXT of [Romans 9:26] is the EXACT SAME as [Hosea 1:10]. The Apostle Paul is quoting [Hosea 1:10] as a direct cross-reference when describing God’s end-time restoration of ISRAEL as defined in the PREVIOUS VERSE [Romans 9:25]!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Romans 9:26] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(7) Romans 8:19 the creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

  • The CONTEXT of [Romans 8:19] is the GLORIFICATION of all the BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ. All the members of the Body of Christ are GLORIFIED at the event commonly known as ‘The Rapture’ [I Thessalonians 4:13-18]. These GLORIFIED ‘sons of God’ will finally be ‘revealed’ at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

  • Presently, ‘the creation’ waits in ‘eager expectation’ for these ‘sons of God’ to be revealed because Jesus Christ will remove part of the ADAMIC CURSE from ‘the creation’ at His Second Coming!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Romans 8:19] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(8) Psalm 82:6 I said, 'you are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.

  • This Biblical verse was already quoted and addressed in the original question. The fact that this Biblical verse is quoted AGAIN(!) is absolute proof that some people could not care less about learning sound Biblical doctrine. Instead, they are totally consumed with their self-importance and the ‘Copy & Paste’ functions on their computers.

  • The CONTEXT of [Psalm 82:6] is a conversation between God and the sons of God of the Heavenly Host which prophetically warns those disobedient ‘gods’ within the ranks of a future judgment because of their rebellion against God and their affiliation with Satan. The verse [Psalm 82:6] does NOT refer to ALL MEN!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Psalm 82:6] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(9) 1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God.

  • The pronouns ‘We’ and ‘we’ in [I John 5:19] refer to people who have been ‘born of God’ as defined in the PREVIOUS VERSE [I John 5:18]! The pronouns ‘We’ and ‘we’ do NOT refer to ALL MEN because ALL MEN are NOT automatically ‘born of God’. A man is ‘born of God’ ONLY through the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ’s finished work at Calvary for the forgiveness of SINS as defined in the SAME EPISTLE [I John 1:7; 5:11-13]!

  • The CONTEXT of [I John 5:19] is a declaration by the Apostle John which absolutely confirms that there is a clear distinction between God’s people (who are ‘born of God’) and the rest of the world (which is NOT ‘born of God’).

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [I John 5:19] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(10) Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba Father.”

  • The clause ‘OUR hearts’ is found only in corrupt, perverted, modern-day ‘Bibles’ such as the version used in this question. This FALSE clause completely butchers the Apostle Paul’s message to the Gentiles in Galatia. The correct reading is ‘YOUR hearts’ and it is flawlessly preserved in THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES 1611 BIBLE. The following passage shows the CONTEXT of [Galatians 4:6] with the proper pronoun definitions listed in the parentheses:

‘Even so WE (the Jews & Gentiles), when WE (the Jews & Gentiles) were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem THEM (the Jews) that were under the law, that WE (the Jews & Gentiles) might receive the adoption of sons. And because YE (the Gentiles) are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into YOUR (the Gentiles’) hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore THOU (a Gentile) art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Howbeit then, when YE (the Gentiles) knew not God, YE (the Gentiles) did service unto them which by nature are no gods. But now, after that YE (the Gentiles) have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn YE (the Gentiles) again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto YE (the Gentiles) desire again to be in bondage?’ [Galatians 4:3-9]

These words of the Apostle Paul to the Gentiles in Galatia may be paraphrased as follows:

‘Hey, all you Gentiles in Galatia! You used to be in bondage to the things of the world. Now, Jesus Christ has shown up and allows you (who were strangers to God) to be known of God, separated from the world, and adopted into God’s family through the Spirit of Christ. Thus, if you now say that you are a son and an heir of God through Christ, then why do you AGAIN choose to be in bondage to the things of the world??’

  • The Apostle Paul was challenging the SINCERITY of their conversion by warning the Galatians that, if they were TRULY converted, they would NOT desire to return to the spiritual pollutions of the world.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Galatians 4:6] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(11) Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

  • The CONTEXT of [Romans 8:16] is established by the Apostle Paul in [Romans 8:9]. The pronouns ‘our’ and ‘we’ in [Romans 8:16] directly refer to BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ who have been ‘born of God’ through the ‘Spirit of God’. The ‘Spirit of God’ which God places within each BORN-AGAIN BELIEVER testifies with the BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS’ spirits that they are ‘God’s children’.

  • The pronouns ‘our’ and ‘we’ do NOT refer to ALL MEN because NO MAN is automatically born with the ‘Spirit of God’. ALL MEN are born ONLY with the ‘spirit of life’. The ‘Spirit of God’ (also called the Holy Spirit) and the ‘spirit of life’ (also called the ‘breath of life’) are TWO DIFFERENT SPIRITS!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Romans 8:16] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(12) Romans 8:14 Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

  • Similar to [Romans 8:16], the CONTEXT of [Romans 8:14] is established by the Apostle Paul in [Romans 8:9]. The pronoun ‘Those’ in [Romans 8:14] directly refers to BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS in the Body of Christ who have been ‘born of God’ through the ‘Spirit of God’. A person can only be ‘led by the Spirit of God’ AFTER they have received the ‘Spirit of God’. A person can receive the ‘Spirit of God’ ONLY through the personal acceptance of the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of SINS. Once a person has received the ‘Spirit of God’, they can then be ‘led by the Spirit of God’ as a ‘son of God’.

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [Romans 8:14] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!

(13) John 1:12-13 Yet to all who received, to those who believed in His name, He gave them the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. (For God was their Father)

  • The fraudulent ADDITION of the clause ‘(For God was their Father)’ at the end of these verses gives the false impression that God is already a personal ‘Father’ to a man PRIOR to that man choosing to be ‘born of God’ and converted. This claim is complete and utter NONSENSE! The Bible is clear about the dangers of ADDING to God’s Words or SUBTRACTING from God’s Words: YOU WILL BE JUDGED, REPROVED, AND FOUND A LIAR [Proverbs 30:5,6][Deuteronomy 4:2][Revelations 22:18,19]! These types of SATANIC HERESIES are found in ALL the corrupt, perverted, modern-day ‘Bible’ translations like the version used in this question.

  • In contrast, the HONEST observer will discern from [John 1:12,13] that ‘the right to become children of God’ is CONDITIONAL! A person becomes a ‘child of God’ only AFTER they have ‘received’ Jesus Christ and ‘believed in His name’. A person becomes a ‘child of God’ only AFTER they are ‘born of God’ through the personal acceptance of the BLOOD-ATONEMENT of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of SINS. Anybody who preaches that the ‘right to become children of God’ is UNCONDITIONAL for ALL MEN is in GROSS DOCTRINAL ERROR!

  • As any HONEST observer can see, the CONTEXT of [John 1:12,13] does NOT teach the fairy tale that ALL MEN are ‘God’ or possess ‘God-essence’!


answered 18 Aug '11, 14:04

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Concerned Citizen

edited 21 Sep '11, 15:59

But the Bible has indeed allowed us to question it and its meaning. I question it all of the time, because God gave me a brain to reason, think and question things with. The Bible has not, I repeat has not come flying and clubbing me over the head. There have been no attacks whatsoever.

(18 Aug '11, 15:52) LeeAnn 1

I suppose the correct way to handle God's word, is to adjust it according to what king you are trying to convert, pray to Mary and make statues of Mary, Jesus and angels, even though the one of the Ten Commandments is not to make graven images of any god, incorporate relious ceremonies that involve pagan rituals in order to convert pagans (like giving tree worshipers the Christmas tree and giving goddess worshipers Mary to pray to), burn people at the stake and other torturous killings on suspicion of witchraft or other herecies (it was Magi that found Jesus), etc... that the church stands for

(18 Aug '11, 19:39) Fairy Princess

concerned citizen stop judging or you will be judge with the same mesure. i do not believe i experience. as for my opinion it is as good as anny one else. and if someone is not happy with that go complain to God.Proverbs 24:12 If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?Revelation 22:5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun,

(19 Aug '11, 03:05) white tiger

for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.

(19 Aug '11, 03:05) white tiger

1 Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? this verse should answer your question. and for me anny one that judge and commit sin did not understand the message of jesus. and usely those kind of people are what this verse refer to.Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

(19 Aug '11, 03:37) white tiger

‘The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. If you walk in the darkness, you do not know where you are going. While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become children of light.’ After Jesus had said this, he departed and hid from them.

(19 Aug '11, 04:11) white tiger

You're right, White Tiger. Your interpretation and use of the Bible is just as good as anyone else's.

(19 Aug '11, 17:56) LeeAnn 1

Belief can liberate or imprison an individual's mind. There are rare cases where the same belief can accomplish both in the same individual.

(19 Aug '11, 20:43) The Traveller

PANTHEISM ‘liberates’ its disciples through the mythological belief that they are ‘God’. However, PANTHEISM also ‘imprisons’ its disciples to the real SIN JUDGMENT of God. The belief in PANTHEISM accomplishes both in the ‘same individual’. Is this what you meant, O Great Traveller?? In contrast, when Jesus Christ sets you FREE, you shall be FREE INDEED! [John 8:36]

(20 Aug '11, 18:26) Concerned Citizen

FP: Are you joking? The HERESIES of ROMAN CATHOLICISM are just as INSANE as the ‘sacred’ dogmas of your New Age Thought Movement. I’ve already exposed the UNGODLINESS of ALL RELIGIONS in the question: ‘What in your opinion was the purpose for the establishment of religions on Earth?’. Man has NO AUTHORITY to ‘adjust’ God’s Word. This repetitive DISHONEST conduct belongs to your New Age teachers. The totality of God's Word has been uniformly preserved for us without ERROR. The ‘correct way’ to handle God's Word is to ‘BELIEVE IT’, ‘RIGHTLY DIVIDE IT’, and ‘OBEY IT’!

(20 Aug '11, 18:36) Concerned Citizen

I believe it the way God has reveiled to me. Some of the teachings you post are examples of how the Church has corrupted the Word of God. I do not follow any New Age Movement. I am examining my relationship with God and allowing Him to guide me rather than the corrupt teachings of the Church today. Do you not think that Jesus would be about turning the tables in the churches today, and calling them a den of theives and call them out for their hypocrocy? I don't agree with everything that everyone here says, but it is all food for thought and has helped me to understand some things more.

(21 Aug '11, 16:33) Fairy Princess

FP: You are INCORRECT. My teachings are from THE BIBLE. My teachings are NOT from a ‘Church’. What is this ‘Church’ that you keep mentioning? What does this ‘Church’ have to do with my BIBLICAL teachings? Which of my BIBLICAL teachings are ‘corrupt’? Why would God ‘reveal’ something to YOU which plainly contradicts THE BIBLE? Sadly, you are a typical, Biblically-illiterate, New Age disciple who loves to make illogical claims and false accusations. Did you learn this type of doctrine from your New Age ‘Bible’: Jesus Taught It Too (The Early Roots Of The Law Of Attraction)?

(21 Aug '11, 22:54) Concerned Citizen

Dear Concerned Citizen. What were you trying to accomplish through your particular approach of discourse. Was it to help us in some way? If so, ask yourself, when was the last time you accepted the help of someone who was angry, judgmental and ridiculed your point of view?

(22 Aug '11, 04:25) The Traveller

Nevertheless, whenever you are here I find myself drawn to your responses because I find your frustration and reaction far more entertaining than reading most of the “respectful” answers. So in a way you are a welcome breath of fresh air and I am glad that you are here.

(22 Aug '11, 04:51) The Traveller

Dear The Traveller. What were you trying to accomplish through your particular approach of discourse. Was it to help me in some way? If so, ask yourself, when was the last time you accepted the help of someone who was completely clueless? Nevertheless, whenever you are here I find myself drawn to your responses because I find your ignorance and confusion far more entertaining than reading most of the “respectful” answers. So in a way you are a welcome breath of fresh air and I also am glad that you are here.

(22 Aug '11, 23:43) Concerned Citizen

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?" (James 4:11,12)

(15 Sep '11, 12:52) white tiger
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