This question is marked "community wiki".

My official question is this: Do you think the following interpretation of dimensions and reality is valid or invalid, and why?

Of course this means that this question is of a philosophical nature, and so if that is not your cup of tea then this is not a good question for you. ^_^

[Also: Should this question be marked community wiki? I was unsure, so if so please correct it.]

First, a few premises that explain what I understand most people to believe to be true.

1: We live in the third dimension.

2: There are other dimensions.

3: One can 'ascend' or 'descend' dimensions.

A question often posed to children to stimulate thought: "How do you explain to a two dimensional being what it means to be three dimensional?" This question of course was portrayed by use of a stick figure, because kids don't grasp "dimensions" very well.

This question, which many people can answer reasonably, created another question for me. How would you explain to a third dimensional creature the ideas of the fourth, fifth, or so on.

That is enough back story for now I think, to pose my thoughts on an alternative to these beliefs:

Let us examine the definition of dimension: "An aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing." And note a few synonyms: "measure" and "measurement". I'm sure some of you may already have identified where I am going with this.. (But I'm going to spend the next thousand words explaining myself just because I love to hear myself talk AND because I hate when people misunderstand what I'm trying to explain. ^_^ And of course the real reason which is not everybody will grasp my point as quickly as others. )

It is my belief that a dimension is a method by which one can measure relativity. As all things in life are relevant, even the concepts of time and space, then the only thing that separates one thing from another is its relativity to at least two other points. Without a minimum of 3 points you cannot identify distance or direction, you can only acknowledge the separation of the two points, or the lack of separation in one point.

And so, what dimension do humans live in? Well, we can use our eyes to see things. This gives us a minimum of three points of relativity. We have ourselves (our sense of self, the inexplicable sensation of being who you are. Impossible to prove via scientific method, but a known truth for anyone who is who they think they are. The fact that we are seeing outwards from 'behind' our eyes.) and we have the two pictures perceived by each of our eyes. Our brain automatically processes these two pictures and combines them to give us depth perception, and that is why when we rely on our eyesight alone we see in "3D".

So assuming our only perception was sight, we already have 3 'methods' or 'measurements' with which we can observe the world around us. Well, what about animals who do not use their eyes and instead see with 'sonar' (such as bats, using high pitched sounds bouncing off of objects to see in the dark). Since sound bounces in waves it is very difficult to say exactly how many points of reference this gives us. In a situation where there is large amounts of reverb (echo) then it could be quite considerable, whereas in a situation where there is little then it could be very slight.

So lets say that sound adds a minimum of one more form of measurement we can use to perceive life around us. That'd put us into the 4th dimension, or at least give us 4 forms of measurement at our disposal. Well, as I'm sure you can imagine I would continue this logic path all the way through each of the senses.

So if I were to explain the dimensions in this alternative method of understanding, it would look VERY different from most charts listing which dimension is which. My personal interpretation would be along these lines:

0: Zero does not exist. Zero is an 'idea', not a 'number' nor a 'dimension'. You cannot add/subtract zero, you cannot multiply or divide by zero. In advanced mathematics 0 can be used but only by breaking the rules, such as exponentials. There is a reason exponentials can be used to prove that 0 = 1, and it isn't because there is no such thing as 1, it is because 0 doesn't exist.

1: Self. You. The number one, a single entity.

2: 1 + 1, two "Selves". Independent of one another, but when standing close enough together they can be observed as one entity. Together, an "I" and a "You", or a "We".

3: The "Other". The "Stranger". In the case of three 1's coming together then it is three "others". In the case of one 'two' and one 'one', the two is an "us" or "we" and the one is still just the "other".

From here where can we go? Well, anywhere, we have 3 points of reference. All you need is the first 3 points, and from there you can build any shape in existence. Even a circle is comprised of two points and the line between, which is a 'point', 'dimension', or 'measurement' in and of itself.

So is the universe a duality, with a dark side and a light side? Yes, I think so, but I think there is also another universe out there that serves as the 'other'. [or perhaps, the space that separates the two universes is an entity of its own, such as the lines drawn in a yinyang that separate the light and dark sides, as well as the circle which encompasses it. Otherwise, why wouldn't it just be white and black with no borders in between?] This is why I do not believe in the concept that there is only one universe, because it contradicts my logical paths of thinking.

So from this basis I believe that each of our senses provides us at the very minimum of an extra 1 dimension, as far as "where we are" is concerned. Of course I also believe that each and every sense has a physical, spiritual, and mental side, and the cumulation of every spiritual and mental sense is what normal humans describe as a "sixth sense".

So with our 5 senses and our sense of "self", that'd put us at the 6th dimension at least. Since we have two eyes that work together to form one sense, I'd personally call that 7. And since we have two ears that work together to form another, I'd personally call that 8. We also have multiple limbs with which to touch, but I think that is actually a sense of what is you or what is not you, and so there is only ever a binary response, and so that I would consider a single sense.

If we were to go with my personal idea that each sense had a triality or trinity between body, soul, and mind/brain (the combination of body and soul), then we would be somewhere in the vicinity of the 24th dimension, at least.

So which dimension are we at specifically? Well, I believe that answer is whatever one we want to be on. I say "here" in "life" and "the present" this is in fact the "third" dimension in one particular perception, however I believe every dimension above the third dimension is built upon the foundation that IS the third dimension, and so without a solid starting point no higher dimension could exist.

This is why I believe the story in the Bible referring to the Tower of Babel is not meant to be taken literally, but instead is a reference to a process that happened over the course of eons. A process wherein life in this universe (the universe being the '1' here) started looking roughly the same, but as it grew outwards it began to 'jump dimensions', or rather use different methods of communication. And this is why we have some animals today who can communicate across great distances, such as elephants, whales, and snakes. And the manner in which all three of these communicate is extremely similar, coincidentally enough. =)

And so, thoughts on the idea that a 'universe' is an impossible and paradoxical concept [when left by itself], and we at least live in a triverse at an absolute minimum, if not more all the way up to infinity, a polyverse or omniverse?

asked 21 Dec '11, 16:08

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edited 23 Dec '11, 11:46

black dragon, what if each of it's kind has it's individualistic destiny, yet being interconnectedly woven by the same fire of life, that makes it all happen, a reason why each may have it's signature specific space in time.

(22 Dec '11, 00:13) fred

Yes, that is another interpretation of a very similar belief to the one that I express. I do believe there are different densities between each "kind", but also those of the same "kind". No two humans are perfectly alike, even twins. Likewise, I believe that no two of any other species are perfectly alike. Like the knowledge we have that every snowflake is unique and 'special', I believe that life in EVERY POSSIBLE MANIFESTATION is also unique and special, different from every other manifestation of life in one way or another, but always 'the same' in that life is powered by light, or 'God'.

(22 Dec '11, 00:34) Snow

agreed, my term was signature specific or what is said as individuality

(24 Dec '11, 01:40) fred
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As above so below, as below so above, as within so without, as without so within. Based on this, I reasoned that the unit of the atom looks like the unit of the solar system. Groups of atoms make up cells, groups of solar systems make up galaxies. Groups of cells make up organs, groups of galaxies make up the cosmos.

Also, people have a magnetic field as does the earth, the sun, therefore also the solar system and galaxy and cosmos and God.

I watched a video that talked about how our planet is not just moving around the sun, but the whole system is moving forward through space. So, I put all this together and got a picture and here is the best I can find of it. I thought that our system is flowing along the magnetic field of God/the Universe. We started at the heart and went down and then turned and came back up. We are about to turn back down towards the heart. That is why we have had and will have a change in the direction of the magnetic field. At the same time, there are infinite parallel cosmoses flowing along the other paths in the magnetic field. These are the alternate realities that we could have chosen at different times in our lives. According to the Bible, there is nothing new under the sun, yet we have free will, so I decided that there must be parallel realities for all of our free will choices to be expressed. We move our conscious awareness from one to the other by the choices we make. Like a choose your own adventure book. Because we are in a level of consciousness where we experience time as linear as people on earth, we only move to realities close to each other.

I suppose if we can accept the fact that we can live in a reality in which we did not experience the events leading up to that moment in existance, then we can take bigger jumps. These realities all exist, we just have to focus our conscious awareness on the reality that we want to experience. I guess these would be quantum jumps.

As we move along the magnetic field down and then turn and go up, from the perspective of moving down, it seems that the universe is expanding. When we go down after coming up and around, it seems as though the universe is contracting. Also, it gives curves to the universe.

Now, there are layers also, like an onion. We don't keep following the same path each time we leave the heart to make another rotation. Last time around, it took up space and is still there and always was there.

12/23/11 I am in the middle of watching Gregg Braden - Awakening to Zero Point and he was saying back in 1996 that the sun has lost magnetic field and the earth is slowing in rotation and losing magnetics. He shows on a chart that this has happened several times in history where the Earth changes the direction of spin. He mentioned a time period between July 1992 and Dec. 2012 that is referred to by the ancients as a period of 'no time'. This makes me think that this period would be while we are in the heart of God. When we move out of the heart of God to continue on a path that will loop back around and eventually back to the heart of God, Earth will begin to rotate in the oposite direction.

I also thought that there might be shorter loops like in this picture. (I haven't read the article yet) That would explain why there are some short periods on the Gregg Braden-Awaken to Zero Point video.

So, what does that mean for us? Well, as we leave the heart of God, we as a people are 'driving' this planet earth with our vibration. It is the collective vibration of the people on the planet that will determine the path we take on this next loop. It is a 'turning point' so to speak, where we must come to a decision as to which direction we want to go. Of course Earth will go in all possible directions to accomodate each one of us. Which version of Earth do you choose?


answered 21 Dec '11, 17:32

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Fairy Princess

edited 23 Dec '11, 16:11

Ahh. You spoiled my last point! =) It's very uncanny that I keep hearing my own conclusions from the people here before I say them. Similarly to how Jai left out part of her story regarding her experience with hell, I left out my ultimate conclusion here. The conclusion that if you go deep enough, "quarks" and below the atomic level, we are comprised of galaxies and universes filled with living creatures just like we occupy this universe as living creatures. And the opposite of course being true, if you 'zoom out' far enough we are just a part of a giant living creature, and so on for infinity

(21 Dec '11, 17:39) Snow

An excellent response. ^_^ Much appreciation for sharing. =)

(21 Dec '11, 17:41) Snow

Oh, I forgot that part. I wanted to add that we are also a universe to living creatures as well.

(21 Dec '11, 17:47) Fairy Princess

A very interesting point that you added. It led me to a search ending a website filled with VERY interesting information regarding the ancient buildings such as the pyramids having an effect on the magnetic shifts in 2012. Thanks for sharing, lots of reading to do on this subject... Here is the site I found if you're interested.

(23 Dec '11, 15:34) Snow

I have a theory about the pyramids and the bermuda and other triangles. I think I posted a question about that on here.

(23 Dec '11, 15:46) Fairy Princess

Intriguing. I will go searching for it soon, because that topic in particular has always fascinated me. If you happen to come across it yourself please do share the link here, I'm interested in reading it. ^_^

(23 Dec '11, 22:02) Snow
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ha ha , if you wnat to understnd that, I cna help, this is my channeled source

prt 1

prt 2

Be ready for a long read, this is an exerpt from my book, it was not from Treb but from a great friend from 6th densitie called Aridif.

Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans

Aridif: I will start by saying my name is Aridif. In your spelling perhaps it is “A-R-I-D-I-F” And this is it spelled. And as you know we do not necessarily need names in our type of environment, because we are all together. This is a name I give you for representation of Earth. I am from a race that Originates in the Pleiades. So some have called us the ancient Pleiadians, although we do not remain in that area of Pleiades at that of the present time. We moved because there is more room in the star that is called Deneb. And we now take this name as the Denebians, or the Deneb race, after the star your planet knows as Deneb. Treb bor Yit-NE has spoke of Deneb Cygnus, before in some of the sessions. And because of the specific region that we reside in now, this is the name that we take. We now reside in the area that you would see as the Deneb Star. The star is a hundred times the diameter of your Sun. It is very large. And it is approximately slightly more than seventeen hundred light years away from your area. I am a density of fourth but to what Treb Bor yit-NE sees, well he would call this the sixth density. We do not have the same density levels in consideration as Treb Bor Yit-NE's race. But I use this for a purposeful sake, so that there is no miscommunications or no misunderstandings. We live and exist in the time that you do, and we lend much love and support to your race, and the races that support you as well. We are a peaceful race. One that is close to the graduation of physical existence all together. The insight we have for you, is very great for you to pass on. We passed this on, as we do to many other races that are at the point of your spiritual existence. For the simple reason that it is easier to move through this, with more knowledge. Even Treb’s people, or Treb Bor Yit- NE, we give them many supports and information as well. As we pass it on, you might think of us to be highly advanced in technology, and spiritually, or intellect. But I beg of you, please do not do this! Please see us as your equals. The only difference we have is the existence of time that we have been put in. We have lived through physical existence much longer and the only difference is experience. And besides this, the harmonic level that we exist at. And please realize that you are only a portion of a much greater existence. An existence that is so vast and so different from not only planet to planet, but also galaxy to galaxy, system to system, dimensions upon dimensions... and so many different levels, that u can consider it to be quite infinite! Quite... forever... is a word you might see better fit and what do is you think that word means foreverness and foreverness. So think of this word. Think of this word greatly! And try to picture what it is to be infinite... I will tell you, that even in our race, a race that has several fold of consciousness, the word infinite... is truly extraordinary, TRULY extraordinary! It is greater than any mathematical problem that you have. Even if an existence of one single life would have you having billions and billions of years to explore, and and to go to every planet instantly in the way that we do, with no time in between, stopping at one planet every second, you will l NEVER ever be able come close to experiencing all that is in the system of our own universe. Even if you take this time, and put billions of years, you will not be able to experience that is in our our own galaxy. And then you think... This is one galaxy upon billions, upon trillions. The observable universe that you have, is only a small portion of what is there. Understand this when you think of the word infinite! And it is because these differences and these vast amounts of realities, that we know can come together. Now through my great reptilian friend, through two men from Earth, on a small blue planet, quite frankly in the middle of nowhere, in a very small galaxy, we all make this connection. We can start to have a small understanding of what infinity really means. If we take a minute,or a fraction of a percentage of the realities, and the levels of existence, just in your ideas of the observable universe, It is still hard to comprehend this level. Now especially at your level of growth, you seem to be disappointed, disheartended, or still believe that you are so small and so insignificant. But this is what I am here to explain. You think of everything as much bigger than you. But what I want you to see, is that you are at the same level as we all are. That YOU are one with all! Even with the parts that you cannot observe, even with parts that seem to allude you constantly, without you that existence can not be who and what it needs to be! Because you are a very important part to this whole existence, you have to be there for the rest of us to exist! I am one that is indistinguishable from you. That means I can walk and talk and be among your race as one in spirit! And I know that this does not truly matter when you are going through this level any possible way. But if want to send you the message, that we are so greatly connected, that without you, the rest of everything that you see bigger, means nothing! And as i finish that thought, then I want to turn to a non-physical reality. I know that Treb Bor Yit-NE has spoke to you all about the different densities and different levels, but i feel that if it is not explained to a higher extent that the understanding of your place within the universe and being a part of all of this will allude you. Let's explore the non-physical realm because this is the way, that the physical existence works. It works from the top, to the bottom. From non-physical existence, to a physical existence. This is the best for you all to see and understand. If it comes from top to the bottom. Now because I explained that there are infinite amount of realities and levels. I will explain for the first level. The top level of God, Creator, or whatever name have given to this deity. This is where all consciousness exist. This is from where we all come. Let me tell you now, it is widely believed, among some higher density races, or what you see as higher density races, that the creator of all, is one of many creators. That there is a level of creators among creators. This is not a personal belief of ours, but it is one that I will share with you, so you might see that even the biggest levels can go and extend. The Creator is a great consciousness, and as I have said nothing more than what He is. Because He is, not only everything of physical reality and outside of physical reality exist within Him, He IS All That Is, physical (and non-physical) reality. He is living and non living material that makes it up. His is not only all or parts of closeness, he is also in parts of relationships, and love, every joy, every tear. Everything that IS… with in all. And I know that sometimes this is hard for the human race to comprehend; but everything that you can imagine, and everything that you can not imagine, is what the Creatoris. The reason He made physical reality is so that he could understand and experience everything that there is to experience for Himself. The best experiences to the worst, and everything in between. He is a part of all, and he is all, experience, energy, feeling and emotion, and every part of physical and non-physical existence. Now as he breaks himself down, in the way you might see it to be understandable, the next level down, would be considered the brain, or the connectivity center. All other entities that connect to the Creator must go through this next level of existence. Some have called this the God Brain, some call this a direct connection to the Creator. Treb bor yit-ne refers to as the twelveth density. The ONE where all smaller consciousnesses feed experience directly into the Creator. And as I say, I refer to these densities as Treb Bor Yit-NE does to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. I assure you that no differences of wordings or differences in levels that everyone must say, is a difference in the truth. The truth remains as it is, and we all have a different view of this. This deity that is considered twelfth density is the deity that has no true density. It is just what it is. It is a collection of thought and experience for all smaller levels of consciousness. So they feed this energy directly into the Creator. And as we go from there, we will go down to the next level. And the next level is harder to explain, but I will try and explain it in terms that you might understand. What I mean is that there are systems that are set up and that carry their own laws and dictates their own ideas of existence. There are infinite in number and kinds. But to give you a better idea, I will give you small examples. As I do, close your eyes and imagine all that distracts you from this and think of different forms than ours. Do not think of the universe in physical nature as we have, but think in a general sense, This is a GREAT way to show you the dimensions or densities that we consider as eleventh. There are more levels than can be explained and the examples I give you will be these... examples will include systems that are so vastly different from one, that they are made only with love and only with light, and only with sound waves. So this whole density is only made of these three basic elements. That is one example. Another example is that there is very high gravity, love, perhaps negative charged particles, and light. This is another system. This is another universe. This is another sewerage eleventh density entity. And yet another example that I will give you, is that one system only has love, and only has light. And the reason that I repeat love and light in example, is because all of this is part of the Creator. This is something that he hands all densities as a gift. The love and light is physical light, but it also is wisdom. And He hands this into every level of consciousness that He produces from himself as a gift. There are no exceptions to this rule. Every system has love and light. The difference is, that some consciousnesses that are in each one, accept this gift or do not accept this gift. This is the difference. Now theist being said, include in, love and light in all new examples I give you. And I will give you a few more (examples) just for the understanding. In some systems, consciousness exists in structures that appear to be material to you in some form: rock, metal, fire, electricity, certain ones of these elements. And the last example I will give you so that it might make more sense, is that there are many systems that are similar to yours. Only slightly different with rules (planetary agreements). Perhaps gravity is a dominant force, unlike it is here in this universe. Slightly different rules, slightly different consciousness, there might only be small differences but there can be great differences as well. Now understand that as well with every system of consciousness, there is one separate from another. They all have the different laws, different makeup’s, different amounts of consciousness, and they are all different sorts of consciousness form each other. They all have different laws and dictations for this. The preference of each entity that creates them. As I explained before because there are an infinite amount of these, it is impossible to traverse some of these. Some systems are similar in the rules they have and some are not. Some you cannot travel to, because consciousness will not fit in to the laws that are made there. I understand that this is complex and hard to comprehend, so I will try to move on as quickly as I can in these matters. But the eleventh density is what you might consider to be an entire universe, entire cycle and the time that exist within itself of consciousness, it evolves, much as we do in our densities and evolutions here. Now I will explain to you the decrease to the next level of consciousness, because these are the most relevant to your existences, at least in a physical non-physical existence for that matter of this universe. It is more prevalent and important to you. the next level down is one that Treb Bor Yit-NE explains to be the tenth density. And this entity of the tenth density is a collective group of consciousnesses, a large amount of consciousnesses that are grouped together. They manifest their selves into what you see in physical reality as complete and entire galaxies. These are billions of stars with many multi billions or trillions of planets depending on the size of the galaxy. This is very self explanatory. This is what you see as complete galaxies. Under this level is one that you consider to be the ninth density. Each of these galaxies or part of the galaxies, from the previous or higher density, but is made form densities that are collective from, a lower density from below this. And these are the ones that manifest their selves as the galactic center. The one that gives this energy out. Much as the energy that is connecting to you as you make an ascensional move to the higher density. This part of your physical and non-physical evolution for your consciousness, one that you will go through in your cycle, that this part is one that is very, very small senses of individualism. It is more of group consciousness connecting together. They still are separate, but you have a few of high connection into these. And that must be explained here. Now we move to the next. The next level is entities that are definitely nonphysical still. And they are a density that is known to Treb Bor Yit-NE as the eighth density. They manifest their self in a physical way, as you see stars. Every star that has planets around them, that we live on in physical reality. These are where these consciousnesses come from. This is one of the TRUE last points of individualism in the area of consciousness, that has started as smaller groups of collective consciousnesses from planets. The one consciousness that makes the planets, which is the next level. It leads us to the seventh density. This represents a density for collective consciousnesses that are made up of all entities that create the planets to physical reality, that manifest themselves in that way. And they group up together to make up planets or solar systems. So as they connect their consciousnesses, they help manifest the next level upward. There is a buffer area or a buffer time too, that is between graduation in physical and nonphysical existence in this way. There is connecting of these consciousnesses that form your planet at the end of the incarnation cycles of each race. When the incarnation cycle, of your planet Earth will end of physical existence, all the consciousness collect, as the collective consciousness of the higher seventh density and then moves upwards. And this is the level that is in the lower seventh. Some split this into two different densities, but we are not going to do this here. I believe that Treb Bor Yit-NE has explained all of the densities bellow this very well, but we will do a quick description as well. It is important to know this because this gives you the proof of how great the systems are, of great reality, the physical and nonphysical existence, and how your consciousness plays a part of this. The sixth density is where I am now. There is no boundaries that are within the system. We can move from one direct part (of space) to another,with no space ship or craft needed. And even though you can do the direct traveling in fifth and parts of the fourth density, it is not done with a ship as you must need for these. We are more of a level of semi-physical. One that you would not recognize to be physical from the density you are. Now we go down to the fifth the density. And this where Treb Bor Yit-NE exists. It is a level of learning of physical existence. It is a great period of connection and action. And there are two different ways, two different parts of this. One that learns for their self, and the other one that learns for a greater aspect, for a greater cause, for the need of all and not one. There are only two sides to this density, as there is the sixth and the fourth. And the fourth is dealing with love. And once again, it can be, either for yourself or for others. The third density I do not need to explain because this is where you are now. This is what you are feeling now. This is how you are and what you are doing at this time. The second density has been explained. It is any consciousness or alive being, as you would see alive. And everything below that, is what you do not consider to be alive, that makes up the physical existence. I am sorry that I must go through this but again in is a part that must be explained so you understand. And now that we have spoke of the ideas of densities we will go into the part of the universal structure. Because the densities are not all of levels of existences that you have; I will have to explain to a different level of consciousness. This is an evolution of vibrational, and harmonic differences; but now I will explain the differences within the physical structure. Where in each universe you as you might see as the tenth density entities, or an amount of densities that are considered quality universes, have different ones. But in this one there are twelve different levels, matrices if you will, that have different realities. So when you hear terms as parallel realities, parallel existences, or parallel universes, some of these terms explain this. Because this is a twelve different levels of existence within one universe. This is where there are twelve different versions of yourself in higher or lower form. And within these twelve there are still all of the six physical and the multiple non-physical. They have the same rules and the same laws, but there are twelve different ones. They can be traversed through higher density existences or higher density entities. And those can be traveled very easily, and that is what you consider to be parallel existences, or parallel universes. And this is what some mean by referring to dimensions. This can be one explanation of the word. As Treb Bor Yit-NE has spoken to you of before; there can be many different meanings for the similar words. This is one separate perspective. And now that all this complex stuff is over; I want to explain to you that one more element exists within your reality. And this is a consideration of time. And it is a separate dimension, a separate part of your existence. At the level that you are at now, yourselves, you experience it in a different way. But in the densities that are higher than yours, time is experienced in a much, much different way. The future and passed can be traversed, but this is the way you see the future as fluid. And when you see the future as being fluid, this means that there are different amounts of possibilities or infinite amounts of possibilities. And so they are able to be experienced, not always permanently or solidly in reality, but there is more, many different experiences, and many different outcomes. When you travel through these, none of theme are put solidly. But there are mostly guarantee that they have been manifested in one of the twelve separate parallel levels, or they would not exist for us to travel through. And now that this is the end of the evolution lessons that I wanted to speak to you of... and if you take this, and you read this over and over and over, and you look; you will see that all of these thoughts, all of your perceptions of who you are, the way that you see itself at the bottom of the list, of such a long list of various make ups, universes consciousnesses... sometimes humanity tends to be very upset, or maybe you feel like you are intimidated. But I want you to understand, but I want the complete opposite from this. This is the way that it is meant to be experienced. This is the way that I want you to feel this excitement! But when you feel the way of loneliness... it does not benefit you in this growth. I did not want only to show you the greatness of the universe, how the show is set up and that this truly exists, but also so that you feel a way that you see yourselves to be TRULY a part of all that is. It is the best way to see this. If you know that you are one part and that part is not full without you... this way can ease all of those feelings. I know that humanity has these feelings in a great way. It is from the top down, and you see that that’s the reason I started there. When you look at consciousness from the top, down, you realize that it goes from the bottom to the top as well. So you do not only become a part of something larger, you have a chance to be a part of everything above you, or “larger than” you, as you might see this. I want you all to understand the great significance in all of this. When you look at yourselves you might see yourselves to be small or insignificant as you might look at a rock. Then you say to yourself, " IN this rock, how is this important? How is this significant?" But when you think about it, it is what makes the planets that all of life stands on. So I want you to understand, even if you feel that you are this rock, You are more brilliant and more beautiful than anything you EVER could imagine! You are a part of ALL That Is! And sometimes when you see yourself, in this way, then you understand your true nature and role in this reality. You understand the transitions and explanations of all of this into a greater picture. And I would love for you all to truly feel a part of this! Now I understand that I spoke many of the great existence and your place in it, but now I want to speak to you of your world and things that are going on now and the way that you might be able to be helped within this system. For this is truly important to you. You have levels that you see as financial levels where money is being made by a very few. And they are not giving things to the others. And I understand that this frustration is from all of these things but when you focus on this negative you bring down to a vibration that fits this life style. So when you can see past all of these things that are bad, or that are not good in your eye, then you live in your best way, to your greatest happiness and greatest vibration, you come above and beyond all the things that you see as pushing you down. You see that you, yourself, have a chance to make a difference among the world. All of the wars, all of the diseases, all of these things are very negative and bad things. But when you focus on them, you manifest them to a greater degree. The best way to get through this, to the next level, so that you can all feel in a better way, and to progress in a higher vibration or higher level of consciousness, is to love, to accept, to open your hearts and minds, and to open yourself up to all possibilities of all of the greater things that we have spoken of. The way that it is best done for humanity is through meditation. Some times when you do this meditation you connect to the energies in the chakra lines of your planet. This consciousness is fed into all other higher consciousnesses. So when you learn to do this, you are able to go into the depths of space, you are able to go to visit different races, in a soul or astral projective way as some might see it. And if you do this, I invite you to come. I invite you to come to my planet and to feel us. That is very easy to find! When you go on the planet that is next to yours, it is called Mars, go to very top of the planet and look directly up. Sit there for a while until you see the starts moving around. Look into the sky... And when you use two stars that are at the very top, that only move slightly, that only move around each other, go to the brightest one. And when our people feel you, and we feel that come in love, and we feel that you come with an open heart, and ready for experiences, we will be there to greedy you. Thank you for listening to me and I do appreciate all the time and consideration that you all have given. And I want to express our true love and our true want for your betterment and our support there. And we will always be there for your support.

This Graph will show you in better detail

love n light


alt text


answered 22 Dec '11, 22:30

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TReb Bor yit-NE

That was one hell of a read, much appreciation for sharing. ^_^ The way I interpreted what you said is much akin to how I shape my own beliefs, and it is very intriguing to me. Thanks again, as always.

(23 Dec '11, 05:08) Snow

ty my freind, and this is not what i said, it is coming from a source that Treb links to called aridif, he si a 6th densty entity

(23 Dec '11, 17:30) TReb Bor yit-NE

But you were the person who shared this information. Whether you are reiterating a conversation you had with someone or something else entirely, you managed to share with me something that helped me learn a lot about myself and my beliefs, and so I thank YOU for doing that. If I ever come across this individual you or he refer to and they identify themselves by that name (and of course my memory doesn't fail me and I remember) I will thank them at that point in time. Or perhaps you can thank them for me. But my thanks here were definitely [and intentionally] aimed at you.

(24 Dec '11, 05:47) Snow

well ty,, i do know what u menaq,, it is an automatic trigger to do that bacause so many thank me for trebs work, and even though i know i am a co creatior,, i would never have known anything abut anything without his help,, i appoloigise for being so trigger shy and i do thank u very nmuch for ur thanks and love, i have to stop seperating teh line between me and eevryone else, i do know treb is me, and aridif is also me and u are me as well , ty 4 reminding em to kep that mindset up,, love n light

(24 Dec '11, 14:15) TReb Bor yit-NE
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

This is marked as community wiki as it is not my own answer, just Robs with a few formatting changes and typo corrections. [I do not feel comfortable with editing other people's answers personally.]

I often take writing and format it whilst reading it, as a practice I use making it easier to process and remember, and 'actively involves' me in the reading process. I am an individual who acts on impulse and my impulse told me to share this, though I usually do not.

ha ha , if you want to understand that, I can help, this is my channeled source:

prt 1

prt 2

Be ready for a long read, this is an exerpt from my book, it was not from Treb but from a great friend from 6th densitie called Aridif.

Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans

Aridif: I will start by saying my name is Aridif. In your spelling perhaps it is “A-R-I-D-I-F” And this is it spelled. And as you know we do not necessarily need names in our type of environment, because we are all together. This is a name I give you for representation of Earth.

I am from a race that Originates in the Pleiades. So some have called us the ancient Pleiadians, although we do not remain in that area of Pleiades at that of the present time. We moved because there is more room in the star that is called Deneb. And we now take this name as the Denebians, or the Deneb race, after the star your planet knows as Deneb.

Treb bor Yit-NE has spoke of Deneb Cygnus, before in some of the sessions. And because of the specific region that we reside in now, this is the name that we take. We now reside in the area that you would see as the Deneb Star. The star is a hundred times the diameter of your Sun. It is very large. And it is approximately slightly more than seventeen hundred light years away from your area.

I am a density of fourth but to what Treb Bor yit-NE sees, well he would call this the sixth density. We do not have the same density levels in consideration as Treb Bor Yit-NE's race. But I use this for a purposeful sake, so that there is no miscommunications or no misunderstandings. We live and exist in the time that you do, and we lend much love and support to your race, and the races that support you as well. We are a peaceful race. One that is close to the graduation of physical existence all together.

The insight we have for you, is very great for you to pass on. We passed this on, as we do to many other races that are at the point of your spiritual existence. For the simple reason that it is easier to move through this, with more knowledge. Even Treb’s people, or Treb Bor Yit- NE, we give them many supports and information as well.

As we pass it on, you might think of us to be highly advanced in technology, and spiritually, or intellect. But I beg of you, please do not do this! Please see us as your equals. The only difference we have is the existence of time that we have been put in. We have lived through physical existence much longer and the only difference is experience. And besides this, the harmonic level that we exist at.

And please realize that you are only a portion of a much greater existence. An existence that is so vast and so different from not only planet to planet, but also galaxy to galaxy, system to system, dimensions upon dimensions... and so many different levels, that u can consider it to be quite infinite! Quite... forever... is a word you might see better fit and what do is you think that word means foreverness and foreverness. So think of this word. Think of this word greatly! And try to picture what it is to be infinite... I will tell you, that even in our race, a race that has several fold of consciousness, the word infinite... is truly extraordinary, TRULY extraordinary! It is greater than any mathematical problem that you have.

Even if an existence of one single life would have you having billions and billions of years to explore, and and to go to every planet instantly in the way that we do, with no time in between, stopping at one planet every second, you will NEVER ever be able come close to experiencing all that is in the system of our own universe. Even if you take this time, and put billions of years, you will not be able to experience that is in our our own galaxy. And then you think... This is one galaxy upon billions, upon trillions.

The observable universe that you have, is only a small portion of what is there. Understand this when you think of the word infinite! And it is because these differences and these vast amounts of realities, that we know can come together. Now through my great reptilian friend, through two men from Earth, on a small blue planet, quite frankly in the middle of nowhere, in a very small galaxy, we all make this connection. We can start to have a small understanding of what infinity really means. If we take a minute,or a fraction of a percentage of the realities, and the levels of existence, just in your ideas of the observable universe, It is still hard to comprehend this level.

Now especially at your level of growth, you seem to be disappointed, disheartended, or still believe that you are so small and so insignificant. But this is what I am here to explain. You think of everything as much bigger than you. But what I want you to see, is that you are at the same level as we all are. That YOU are one with all! Even with the parts that you cannot observe, even with parts that seem to allude you constantly, without you that existence can not be who and what it needs to be! Because you are a very important part to this whole existence, you have to be there for the rest of us to exist!

I am one that is indistinguishable from you. That means I can walk and talk and be among your race as one in spirit! And I know that this does not truly matter when you are going through this level any possible way. But if want to send you the message, that we are so greatly connected, that without you, the rest of everything that you see bigger, means nothing! And as I finish that thought, then I want to turn to a non-physical reality. I know that Treb Bor Yit-NE has spoke to you all about the different densities and different levels, but I feel that if it is not explained to a higher extent that the understanding of your place within the universe and being a part of all of this will allude you.

Let's explore the non-physical realm because this is the way, that the physical existence works. It works from the top, to the bottom. From non-physical existence, to a physical existence. This is the best for you all to see and understand. If it comes from top to the bottom. Now because I explained that there are infinite amount of realities and levels.

I will explain for the first level. The top level of God, Creator, or whatever name have given to this deity. This is where all consciousness exist. This is from where we all come. Let me tell you now, it is widely believed, among some higher density races, or what you see as higher density races, that the creator of all, is one of many creators. That there is a level of creators among creators. This is not a personal belief of ours, but it is one that I will share with you, so you might see that even the biggest levels can go and extend.

The Creator is a great consciousness, and as I have said nothing more than what He is. Because He is, not only everything of physical reality and outside of physical reality exist within Him, He IS All That Is, physical (and non-physical) reality. He is living and non living material that makes it up. His is not only all or parts of closeness, he is also in parts of relationships, and love, every joy, every tear. Everything that IS… with in all. And I know that sometimes this is hard for the human race to comprehend; but everything that you can imagine, and everything that you can not imagine, is what the Creator is.

The reason He made physical reality is so that He could understand and experience everything that there is to experience for Himself. The best experiences to the worst, and everything in between. He is a part of all, and he is all, experience, energy, feeling and emotion, and every part of physical and non-physical existence.

Now as he breaks himself down, in the way you might see it to be understandable, the next level down, would be considered the brain, or the connectivity center. All other entities that connect to the Creator must go through this next level of existence. Some have called this the God Brain, some call this a direct connection to the Creator. Treb bor yit-ne refers to as the twelveth density. The ONE where all smaller consciousnesses feed experience directly into the Creator.

And as I say, I refer to these densities as Treb Bor Yit-NE does to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. I assure you that no differences of wordings or differences in levels that everyone must say, is a difference in the truth. The truth remains as it is, and we all have a different view of this. This deity that is considered twelfth density is the deity that has no true density. It is just what it is. It is a collection of thought and experience for all smaller levels of consciousness. So they feed this energy directly into the Creator.

And as we go from there, we will go down to the next level. And the next level is harder to explain, but I will try and explain it in terms that you might understand. What I mean is that there are systems that are set up and that carry their own laws and dictates their own ideas of existence. There are infinite in number and kinds. But to give you a better idea, I will give you small examples. As I do, close your eyes and imagine all that distracts you from this and think of different forms than ours. Do not think of the universe in physical nature as we have, but think in a general sense, This is a GREAT way to show you the dimensions or densities that we consider as eleventh.

There are more levels than can be explained and the examples I give you will be these... examples will include systems that are so vastly different from one, that they are made only with love and only with light, and only with sound waves. So this whole density is only made of these three basic elements. That is one example.

Another example is that there is very high gravity, love, perhaps negative charged particles, and light. This is another system. This is another universe. This is another sewerage eleventh density entity.

And yet another example that I will give you, is that one system only has love, and only has light. And the reason that I repeat love and light in example, is because all of this is part of the Creator. This is something that he hands all densities as a gift. The love and light is physical light, but it also is wisdom. And He hands this into every level of consciousness that He produces from himself as a gift. There are no exceptions to this rule. Every system has love and light. The difference is, that some consciousnesses that are in each one, accept this gift or do not accept this gift. This is the difference.

Now theist being said, include in, love and light in all new examples I give you. And I will give you a few more (examples) just for the understanding. In some systems, consciousness exists in structures that appear to be material to you in some form: rock, metal, fire, electricity, certain ones of these elements. And the last example I will give you so that it might make more sense, is that there are many systems that are similar to yours. Only slightly different with rules (planetary agreements). Perhaps gravity is a dominant force, unlike it is here in this universe. Slightly different rules, slightly different consciousness, there might only be small differences but there can be great differences as well.

Now understand that as well with every system of consciousness, there is one separate from another. They all have the different laws, different makeup’s, different amounts of consciousness, and they are all different sorts of consciousness form each other. They all have different laws and dictations for this. The preference of each entity that creates them. As I explained before because there are an infinite amount of these, it is impossible to traverse some of these.

Some systems are similar in the rules they have and some are not. Some you cannot travel to, because consciousness will not fit in to the laws that are made there. I understand that this is complex and hard to comprehend, so I will try to move on as quickly as I can in these matters. But the eleventh density is what you might consider to be an entire universe, entire cycle and the time that exist within itself of consciousness, it evolves, much as we do in our densities and evolutions here.

Now I will explain to you the decrease to the next level of consciousness, because these are the most relevant to your existences, at least in a physical non-physical existence for that matter of this universe. It is more prevalent and important to you. the next level down is one that Treb Bor Yit-NE explains to be the tenth density. And this entity of the tenth density is a collective group of consciousnesses, a large amount of consciousnesses that are grouped together.

They manifest their selves into what you see in physical reality as complete and entire galaxies. These are billions of stars with many multi billions or trillions of planets depending on the size of the galaxy. This is very self explanatory. This is what you see as complete galaxies. Under this level is one that you consider to be the ninth density. Each of these galaxies or part of the galaxies, from the previous or higher density, but is made form densities that are collective from, a lower density from below this. And these are the ones that manifest their selves as the galactic center. The one that gives this energy out.

Much as the energy that is connecting to you as you make an ascensional move to the higher density. This part of your physical and non-physical evolution for your consciousness, one that you will go through in your cycle, that this part is one that is very, very small senses of individualism. It is more of group consciousness connecting together. They still are separate, but you have a few of high connection into these. And that must be explained here.

Now we move to the next. The next level is entities that are definitely nonphysical still. And they are a density that is known to Treb Bor Yit-NE as the eighth density. They manifest their self in a physical way, as you see stars. Every star that has planets around them, that we live on in physical reality. These are where these consciousnesses come from. This is one of the TRUE last points of individualism in the area of consciousness, that has started as smaller groups of collective consciousnesses from planets. The one consciousness that makes the planets, which is the next level.

It leads us to the seventh density. This represents a density for collective consciousnesses that are made up of all entities that create the planets to physical reality, that manifest themselves in that way. And they group up together to make up planets or solar systems. So as they connect their consciousnesses, they help manifest the next level upward. There is a buffer area or a buffer time too, that is between graduation in physical and nonphysical existence in this way. There is connecting of these consciousnesses that form your planet at the end of the incarnation cycles of each race. When the incarnation cycle, of your planet Earth will end of physical existence, all the consciousness collect, as the collective consciousness of the higher seventh density and then moves upwards.

And this is the level that is in the lower seventh. Some split this into two different densities, but we are not going to do this here. I believe that Treb Bor Yit-NE has explained all of the densities bellow this very well, but we will do a quick description as well. It is important to know this because this gives you the proof of how great the systems are, of great reality, the physical and nonphysical existence, and how your consciousness plays a part of this.

The sixth density is where I am now. There is no boundaries that are within the system. We can move from one direct part (of space) to another,with no space ship or craft needed. And even though you can do the direct traveling in fifth and parts of the fourth density, it is not done with a ship as you must need for these. We are more of a level of semi-physical. One that you would not recognize to be physical from the density you are.

Now we go down to the fifth the density. And this where Treb Bor Yit-NE exists. It is a level of learning of physical existence. It is a great period of connection and action. And there are two different ways, two different parts of this. One that learns for their self, and the other one that learns for a greater aspect, for a greater cause, for the need of all and not one. There are only two sides to this density, as there is the sixth and the fourth. And the fourth is dealing with love. And once again, it can be, either for yourself or for others.

The third density I do not need to explain because this is where you are now. This is what you are feeling now. This is how you are and what you are doing at this time. The second density has been explained. It is any consciousness or alive being, as you would see alive. And everything below that, is what you do not consider to be alive, that makes up the physical existence. I am sorry that I must go through this but again in is a part that must be explained so you understand.

And now that we have spoke of the ideas of densities we will go into the part of the universal structure. Because the densities are not all of levels of existences that you have; I will have to explain to a different level of consciousness. This is an evolution of vibrational, and harmonic differences; but now I will explain the differences within the physical structure. Where in each universe you as you might see as the tenth density entities, or an amount of densities that are considered quality universes, have different ones.

But in this one there are twelve different levels, matrices if you will, that have different realities. So when you hear terms as parallel realities, parallel existences, or parallel universes, some of these terms explain this. Because this is a twelve different levels of existence within one universe. This is where there are twelve different versions of yourself in higher or lower form. And within these twelve there are still all of the six physical and the multiple non-physical. They have the same rules and the same laws, but there are twelve different ones.

They can be traversed through higher density existences or higher density entities. And those can be traveled very easily, and that is what you consider to be parallel existences, or parallel universes. And this is what some mean by referring to dimensions. This can be one explanation of the word. As Treb Bor Yit-NE has spoken to you of before; there can be many different meanings for the similar words. This is one separate perspective.

And now that all this complex stuff is over; I want to explain to you that one more element exists within your reality. And this is a consideration of time. And it is a separate dimension, a separate part of your existence. At the level that you are at now, yourselves, you experience it in a different way.

But in the densities that are higher than yours, time is experienced in a much, much different way. The future and passed can be traversed, but this is the way you see the future as fluid. And when you see the future as being fluid, this means that there are different amounts of possibilities or infinite amounts of possibilities. And so they are able to be experienced, not always permanently or solidly in reality, but there is more, many different experiences, and many different outcomes. When you travel through these, none of theme are put solidly. But there are mostly guarantee that they have been manifested in one of the twelve separate parallel levels, or they would not exist for us to travel through.

And now that this is the end of the evolution lessons that I wanted to speak to you of... and if you take this, and you read this over and over and over, and you look; you will see that all of these thoughts, all of your perceptions of who you are, the way that you see itself at the bottom of the list, of such a long list of various make ups, universes consciousnesses... sometimes humanity tends to be very upset, or maybe you feel like you are intimidated. But I want you to understand, but I want the complete opposite from this.

This is the way that it is meant to be experienced. This is the way that I want you to feel this excitement! But when you feel the way of loneliness... it does not benefit you in this growth. I did not want only to show you the greatness of the universe, how the show is set up and that this truly exists, but also so that you feel a way that you see yourselves to be TRULY a part of all that is. It is the best way to see this. If you know that you are one part and that part is not full without you... this way can ease all of those feelings. I know that humanity has these feelings in a great way.

It is from the top down, and you see that that’s the reason I started there. When you look at consciousness from the top, down, you realize that it goes from the bottom to the top as well. So you do not only become a part of something larger, you have a chance to be a part of everything above you, or “larger than” you, as you might see this.

I want you all to understand the great significance in all of this. When you look at yourselves you might see yourselves to be small or insignificant as you might look at a rock. Then you say to yourself, " IN this rock, how is this important? How is this significant?" But when you think about it, it is what makes the planets that all of life stands on. So I want you to understand, even if you feel that you are this rock, You are more brilliant and more beautiful than anything you EVER could imagine! You are a part of ALL That Is! And sometimes when you see yourself, in this way, then you understand your true nature and role in this reality. You understand the transitions and explanations of all of this into a greater picture. And I would love for you all to truly feel a part of this!

Now I understand that I spoke many of the great existence and your place in it, but now I want to speak to you of your world and things that are going on now and the way that you might be able to be helped within this system. For this is truly important to you. You have levels that you see as financial levels where money is being made by a very few. And they are not giving things to the others. And I understand that this frustration is from all of these things but when you focus on this negative you bring down to a vibration that fits this life style.

So when you can see past all of these things that are bad, or that are not good in your eye, then you live in your best way, to your greatest happiness and greatest vibration, you come above and beyond all the things that you see as pushing you down. You see that you, yourself, have a chance to make a difference among the world. All of the wars, all of the diseases, all of these things are very negative and bad things. But when you focus on them, you manifest them to a greater degree. The best way to get through this, to the next level, so that you can all feel in a better way, and to progress in a higher vibration or higher level of consciousness, is to love, to accept, to open your hearts and minds, and to open yourself up to all possibilities of all of the greater things that we have spoken of.

The way that it is best done for humanity is through meditation. Some times when you do this meditation you connect to the energies in the chakra lines of your planet. This consciousness is fed into all other higher consciousnesses. So when you learn to do this, you are able to go into the depths of space, you are able to go to visit different races, in a soul or astral projective way as some might see it. And if you do this, I invite you to come. I invite you to come to my planet and to feel us. That is very easy to find!

When you go on the planet that is next to yours, it is called Mars, go to very top of the planet and look directly up. Sit there for a while until you see the starts moving around. Look into the sky... And when you use two stars that are at the very top, that only move slightly, that only move around each other, go to the brightest one. And when our people feel you, and we feel that come in love, and we feel that you come with an open heart, and ready for experiences, we will be there to greedy you. Thank you for listening to me and I do appreciate all the time and consideration that you all have given. And I want to express our true love and our true want for your betterment and our support there. And we will always be there for your support.

In case anyone missed my header, here is a footer repeating the same: This is merely a reformatted version of Rob's answer that made it easier for me to read, and I shared in case anyone else found it useful.

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 23 Dec '11, 05:05

Snow's gravatar image


edited 23 Dec '11, 08:39

Am I where I think I am? Sure I am, where else could I be? lol

Densities, dimensions, 3rd dimension ... you may find the following video interesting


answered 10 May '15, 10:46

jaz's gravatar image


you say that zero does not exist. but in fact it does. easy example is :1-1=0 I could also put this(-1,0,1) so you see it is in the middle of -1 and 1 between a negative and a positive number. what about the universe beginning the big bang a small 0 that created this universe the big zero that keep expending it self for ever and ever. like a wave that goes in every direction or a drop of water falling in a pool of water.


after this we can talk about the eyes each eyes capture a image and only because you can calculate the distance and difference between each image it gives you a depth giving you 3d.

that is why that a 3d movie gives you 2 superpose image and that you need to use polarize glass to look at it to foul your brain as seeing this flat image as image that as depth. then your brain calculate the difference between each image and gives you the depth of it making you see in 3d.

if you would make two point on a paper A for the left eye and b for the right eye and trace a line in between you would not see any depth to it. if you would pull the middle of the line up toward you that would be the depth but since you are on top of it unless you are able to see it from angle of sight to see is depth you would not notice it or you would see it from the top when the middle of the line appear bigger to you then the 2 extremity.

3 point of reference is also use in mapping it is called triangulation. using compass you take 3 point of reference that you can see around you find 3 similar point of reference trace those degree on the map it will give you a triangle and you are in the middle of the triangle.

gps use the same thing to give you your position. it is mathematic from 3 point of reference.

is the number of dimension important? only to calculate and understand how they all integrate together. you see if you would have only one eye you could not see in 3d or know the depth only because you have two eyes and they work as one that you can see the difference from the left and right perspective and know the depth. what about someone that is blind not having eyes he as no dimension?

you will say but he as other sense touch, earing, smell, taste. and yes he can get better with those sense then you since he will have to use them more then you since he is missing sight.

is it the number of sense that determinate the number of dimension we live in?

example a blind can listen to tv and as no image only sound. some one can listen to tv and have sound and image. another one with 3d tv and 3d glass can look at it in 3d. with sound image and the 3d depth.

are they not all in the same dimension only perceiving it differently?

as for the tower of babel every one understand them self before it then when man created that tower and though them self as high as god it crashed and every man could not understand them self any more and where confuse in their thong.

what if their evolution for their own pride was to fast and they lost them self in it. each dividing them self and talking new language. look at today people thong there is a lot more then one and even some people that speak the same thong can have some difference between them.


answered 10 May '15, 17:20

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 10 May '15, 18:13

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