Did you know that there are some scientists who are starting to believe that the Universe might be dodecahedral (twelve sided)?

Is it possible that the Twelve Tribes of Israel might refer to all of creation?

Is it possible that the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac might refer to all divisions?

Is it possible that the Twelve Labours of Hercules might refer to all experiences in creation?

Is it possible that if all the above is true then the 144,000 that are saved is the totality of all that is in the created world?


Fill yourself with wonder at this site... look for a sacred heart.

asked 17 Feb '10, 22:52

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

edited 28 Dec '10, 18:27

Stingray's gravatar image


[sigh]...Where do I start? Just because someone throws a bunch of data and meaningless graphs on a web page doesn't make it real. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_thinking

(18 Feb '10, 00:10) Vesuvius

All of them are meaningless? You sure are a quick reader and researcher.

(18 Feb '10, 04:23) Inactive User ♦♦

Do you require all concepts on a website to be meaningless for the website to be considered an unreliable source? I doubt that you would accept Wikipedia as a reliable source if half (or even 10%) of the articles were wrong.

(18 Feb '10, 17:36) Vesuvius
showing 1 of 3 show 2 more comments

I'm not really a fan of numerology, but if you want to learn more about fractals (a part of chaos science), you can pick up a book called Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleik. Fractals are fascinating creatures; it turns out that much of nature is based on fractals.

This fern is an example of a fractal:

alt text

In addition to the science of fractals, the book will teach you about something called a strange attractor, and how it helps your body coordinate its electrical signals to beat your heart (among other things).

The book explains the nature of chaotic systems like the weather and the financial system, and how it is essentially impossible to make any kind of meaningful long-term predictions in these systems.

And it is all based on actual science.

I have friends who have read the book, who say that it changed the way they see the world.


answered 18 Feb '10, 15:04

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 18 Feb '10, 17:31

In case anyone is wondering why I'm talking about fractals: the website that Lorraine references has fractals as its main theme.

(18 Feb '10, 17:58) Vesuvius

I went to the website from the link provided. I didn't get any of it. But then again I am not exactly proficient in the sciences or mathematics. I am not willing to put the effort to comprehend what is there.

However I saw something that caught my attention. I am no sure if this website is suggesting the same thing. Maybe those who are fairly proficient in physics can see if there is a connection to what's on this web site and what I am about to say.

For quite a few years I have been getting the idea "from within consciousness" that gravity is actually a product of left over charges from the spinning of electrons at a molecular level. I am not explaining this correctly, because the words I am using don't exactly capture the concept that I am picking up.

A more apt "vision" of the concept is to imagine the forces that attract the atoms and molecules to each other to hold matter together. It seems these attractive forces at an atomic and molecular level have some sort of a tiny left over effect that, though insignificant at a molecular level, become obvious at a planetary mass.

So the left over charges holding the atoms together add up to create gravity. Now I have absolutely no idea if this is true. But this idea has been opening up within my consciousness for many years.

If what this guy is saying is similar to what I have been getting, then that is the first confirmation for me that this concept has occurred to someone else. But is that what he is saying?

Maybe a scientific mind here can figure that out!


answered 18 Feb '10, 05:48

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

This is a very interesting hypothesis, I once studied the golden mean and the fibonichie spiral but after a while grew tired of it because I really can't relate to it.

Being a high level initiate I know you would expect me to be up on this and understand it fully but really it has a lot of math I don't know, and associations I don't recognize. This does not make them wrong or bad, it just means I don't understand it enough to be impressed or make any kind of valid evaluation to give my opinion on the matter.

It has to be more in layman terms like Gregg Braden does in his books, easier for everyone to grasp. I am glad you can grasp it though, it is interesting all these things fit into this puzzle as that site said and you said.


answered 18 Feb '10, 06:03

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

Gregg Braden and Zero Point... he has a talent which I enjoy.

(18 Feb '10, 22:07) Inactive User ♦♦

Absolutely, his books are very clear and easy to understand, like the God Code fascinating.

(19 Feb '10, 06:49) Wade Casaldi
  1. 144,000 isn't one harmonic qf light. An harmonic MUST BE a perfect whole number multiple or subdivision of the basic frequence. 300,000,000 / 144,000 = 2083.333.333... Nor even if we are rapporting to the many values of light' speed( within 298,000,000 - 300,000,000 m/sec), the result isn't an whole number.

  2. Not being fascinated by the beautiful number 144,000 , it isn't the square nor of 120, neither of 1,200 numbers. The square of a numbar ended with one or more "0", have at end one or more couple of zero.

  3. In the site mentioned by asker, it is word about a stellated dodecahedron. In benefits of a "few" other significance. But stellated or not, I think they are too simple for be the form of Universe. The God created a perfect uyniverse, other the Universe don't might survive billions years. The perfect geometrical form for, is the sphere. But it is true that both the dodecahedrons can be cirsumscribed by sphera.

  4. The eite mentioned in the ask is very appreciated by an important part of world. Into other part of it (http://WWW,goldenmean.info/) is posted a very precious earned badge as "Illuminated". In the center of badge is presented the triangle with one eye, known by anybody from the dollar (paper), but not every body know that it costitute the peak of pyramid from emblem of Bilderberg group. On the dollar this symbol represent the financial domination of world. But what is the significance in the site, I cannot tell you. For more information read the book "Don't touch this book" by Jan van Helsing. (The book cannot be obtained from Amazon US, the author was forbidden a time on US, but it could be got from Amazon.uk, insisting).


answered 18 Feb '10, 17:46

Gleam's gravatar image


The link from the answer doesn't work. But I believe the badge is interesting (if you want see it). Then I tell how can it be finded: in the site from the ask's link, on right, is the EVENT CALENDAR 2010; in the third oaragraph, the end of fourth line, under FILM LIBRARY and Main Index is a red link "goldenmean.info; click it and see.---- I'm sorry for inconvenience.

(19 Feb '10, 00:48) Gleam

The idea of a finite universe shaped like a dodecahedron is based on observations and analysis of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

alt text

I have always wondered, if the universe is finite, then what lies outside of it? Spheres leave empty spaces between them, when they are pressed together. If the universe is spherical, and there are other spherical universes surrounding it, then what is in the spaces between the universes?

The discovery that the universe has a 12-sided shape suggests a new possibility: that there are other universes next to ours, that share the sides of the dodecahedron, with no empty space in between!

alt text


answered 18 Feb '10, 19:22

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 18 Feb '10, 21:46

I have heard the word Multiverse used...which kind of makes the word Universe a bit of a misnomer. I am more inclined to think that a dodecahedral universe might be just the densest, or visual, part of an immense Universe.

(18 Feb '10, 22:26) Inactive User ♦♦

If the Universe is a simple (non stellated) dodecahedron, than according to the concept of holographic Universe and the fractal theory, the planets, the stars, our cells, all must being dodecahedrons. But they aren't. (Some cells are). If the Universe is an expanding sfere and also are other Universes, then between them could be what is between stars and planets of our Universe: the time-space for infinity, for the continuum of Creation, for new nebulae, for the circulation and interacting of energies, for vacuum . If the Universes are "fence near fence", where could they expanding?

(19 Feb '10, 00:05) Gleam

"If the Universe is a simple (non stellated) dodecahedron, than according to the concept of holographic Universe and the fractal theory, the planets, the stars, our cells, all must being dodecahedrons" -- That's like saying you should look like a cell because your body is made up of cells, or you should look like a molecule because your body is made up of molecules. Not everything is a fractal; fractals are interesting because nature uses them, just not everywhere.

(19 Feb '10, 00:13) Vesuvius

"If the Universe is an expanding sfere[sic] and also are other Universes, then between them could be what is between stars and planets of our Universe: the time-space for infinity, for the continuum of Creation, for new nebulae, for the circulation and interacting of energies, for vacuum." Could be, but then why bother to draw a boundary for the universe at all?

(19 Feb '10, 00:17) Vesuvius

"If the Universes are "fence near fence", where could they expanding?" I don't know. Collectively outward, maybe? Anything outside of our own physical universe is going to be speculation anyway. I just find it interesting that science describes a shape that suggests that there might actually be something on the other side of the boundary.

(19 Feb '10, 00:24) Vesuvius
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

Do you require all concepts on a website to be meaningless for the website to be considered an unreliable source? I doubt that you would accept Wikipedia as a reliable source if half (or even 10%) of the articles were wrong. – Vesuvius 4 hours ago

For me it matters not the source of something that makes me think and wonder. And that is a real plus !!! What if ... (imagine the statue of The Thinker here)... What if... MARVELLOUS WORDS. AMAZING WORDS. REJUVENATING WORDS. I can almost imagine God saying "What if... hmnn. Let there be Light! Let us chase away the primary darkness of chaos and see what if.. "

We think too little and we wonder not most of the time. Understandable with all the intrusions upon our time and energy in a normal day.

Did you know that with a certain amount of discovered knowledge you will be able to decode and look in wonder at our age old fairy tales... maybe that is a topic for a later time.

This question turned out a lot more interesting than I thought, I feel rejuvenated, enthused - even though I still have no answer to the question I wondered about. Life is good.


answered 18 Feb '10, 22:49

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Thanks for the very thought-provoking question! Jai (I am glad you feel good for asking it!)

(18 Feb '10, 23:15) Jaianniah

This is another example of how humans need to classify everything. If we never counted how many times a little white leather ball ended up on the other side of a high wall, there would be no such thing as baseball home run records. Why can't we just be?


answered 18 Feb '10, 23:16

NP74's gravatar image


Because if we did that, there would be no such thing as home run records. Where's the fun in that?

(19 Feb '10, 00:20) Vesuvius

earth's distance to moon and sun 1:400 ratio, size (face) also 1:400 ratio, perfect circle 360 original year 360 days 360x400= 144,000


answered 28 Dec '10, 05:46

matt's gravatar image


The Zodiac in the Bible is referred to as the Mazzaroth..

and here is another way to look at the zodiac, the twelve tribes and the great Work..

The Incarnate Son (Virgo - Virgin)...Isaiah 7:14

The Redeemer (Libra - Scales)...1 Corinthians 6:20

The Sufferer (Scorpio - Scorpion)...1 Corinthians 15:55-56

The Conqueror (Sagittarius - Archer)...Revelations 6:2

The Sacrifice (Capricorn - Goat)...Romans 3:25

The Living Water (Aquarius - Water-Bearer)...John 7:38

The Liberator (Pisces - Fishes)...Genesis 48:19; Mark 1:17

The Crowned Lamb (Aries - Ram)...Revelations 5:6

The Judge (Taurus - Bull)...John 5:22

The King (Gemini - Twins)...Romans 1:3

The Protector (Cancer - Crab)...Isaiah 4:5-6

The Victor (Leo - Lion)...Revelations 5:5

Zodiac comes from a Greek work meaning Path or Way...

There is also mention in the Bible of the 'sweet influence of the Pleiades" and loosing the bands of Orion ??



answered 18 Feb '10, 04:44

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Please note... I love Jesus as much as any of you do, but I do wonder about the secrets and mysteries he shared with His disciples... Seek and ye shall find. I take Him at His Word. If you have eyes that see.. etc

(18 Feb '10, 04:47) Inactive User ♦♦

Mebb, you are entitled to your opinion and the voting system on Inward Quest entitles others to express their opinions also. Please refrain from name-calling and bad language - I've removed some of the more offensive comments from your comment below. Thanks.

(18 Feb '10, 06:59) Barry Allen ♦♦

yea i am shocked to see that some people have voted this question downwards...why?? its a GREAT question and is VERY VERY facsanting if you ask me. im SURPRISED to see that inward quest DOES have some ignorant people on its site, how sad. like i said earlier, this whole site is based on OPINIONS. so there really is no right or wrong in that aspect. peace (Written by Mebb, Edited to remove offensive comments by Barry Allen)

(18 Feb '10, 07:00) Barry Allen ♦♦

Hi Mebb... it's ok to vote a question or an answer down if one really passionately disagrees with it (I've done it myself, but don't tell anyone :) and thank you kind knight - hug.

Here is something else about the 144000 that you might enjoy. It follows up on the previous posting .. from the Gnostic point of view. I love the Gnostics..

Of the tribe of Judah (Leo: Faith) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Reuben (Pisces: Perception) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Gad (Scorpio: Memory) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Aser (Virgo: Willpower) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Nepthalim (Aquarius: Altruism) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Manasses (Libra: Judgment) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Simeon (Capricorn: Knowledge) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Levi (Gemini: Association) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Issachar (Taurus: Love) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Zabulon (Cancer: Fecundity) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Joseph (Sagittarius: Sympathy) were sealed twelve thousand.

Of the tribe of Benjamin (Aries: Power of Penance) were sealed twelve thousand.


I would love to hear of what other readers might have collected in their travels about this number.


answered 18 Feb '10, 05:59

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

hmm i am having a hard time trying to grasp this information, why i dont know?? but basically your implying that the universe being dodecahedral (twelve sided) has limits?? or an ending if you may??


answered 18 Feb '10, 06:05

Mebb's gravatar image


Hi Mebb... see answer to Vesuvius above.. about maybe it is only our visual universe which might 'seem' to have limits.

(18 Feb '10, 22:30) Inactive User ♦♦

Tried to add a comment to Vesuvius Fractal answer but wouldn't accept it... so here tis here.

I am a huge fan of fractals. The fractal with produced the image of the Mandelbrot Set was a real eye opener for me. I saw it on an interactive site, where one could zoom in indefinitely and at any point on the image. It explained to me visually of how everything can be the same but different and eternal. It also illustrated for me the idea of the In-Breathing and Out-Breathing of God. And if one thinks of God as the Architect of the Image, the Son as the Image Itself and the Holy Ghost as the interactive field between the Creator, the Created we also have a possible visual metaphor for the Trinity. ?


answered 18 Feb '10, 22:32

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

No, I do not know of this information, but I enjoyed reading your question, and learning from it, and the various answers, and links posted. It is a lot to think about, and the possibilities are perhaps endless, but I guess we will just have to wait and see how it will all materialize, and what will happen!


answered 30 Dec '10, 02:12

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

I some how thought this was about the GOLDEN RATIO or THE FIBONACCI numbers. alt text

These numbers seem to have a divine meaning.


answered 30 Dec '10, 02:29

jim%2010's gravatar image

jim 10

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