And how does it play a part in manifesting your desire?

asked 21 Jan '10, 00:30

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

edited 24 May '11, 09:26

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

What makes you think it plays a part in manifesting desires? Is there some process you have in mind that involves Sacred Geometry? I would be interested in knowing what you are referring to.

(21 Jan '10, 09:44) Stingray

well some people has used this magical proportion on mathematics systems and algorithms to predict lottery games, horse racing, even on stock market.

(21 Apr '10, 23:04) Robert
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Sacred Geometry has much to do with the number Phi, or the Golden Ratio, 1:1.618. This ratio can bee seen in the architetcure of the Parthenon. The dimensions are thought to be aestheticly appealing in art and architecture.

In nature, Phi can be seen in the arrangement of branches along stems and leaves of plants. Phi shows up in the anatomy of the human body a number of times. Leonardo da Vinci displays the proportions of the human body in his "Vitruvian Man". The number can also be seen in various plants. The ratio of florets in each spiral in the daisy and sunflower all grow in this ratio.

Phi can be derived from the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144) in which each number is the sum of the two numbers before it ex. 8=3+5, 13=5+8. If you divide each number by its preceding number the result is approximately 1.618. The results are alternately higher and lower than 1.618 and slowly converging on Phi as the Fibonacci numbers increase.

Phi is considered a central part of sacred geometry because of its repeated appearance in nature and human anatomy. Because of this it has been called the Divine Proportion, Golden Ratio, and the God ratio. Because of its appearance in nature, ancients have thought it to be sacred and have used it in architecture such as the alignment of the pyramids at Giza along a logrithmic spiral. The Golden Number has continued to be a source of curiosity and mystery up to this day.


answered 22 Jan '10, 02:22

Michael%201's gravatar image

Michael 1

I very agree this response; it is not only well documented but also beautiful. In addition, I thank you Michael: you risen me yje ball to the net for my ansver.

(23 Jan '10, 08:52) Gleam

Sacred geometry is geometry used in the design of sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, and cosmology. This value system has been found even in human prehistory and is considered by some to be a cultural universal of the human condition.

Sacred geometry is foundational to the building of sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using "divine" proportions.

Sacred geometry-based arts may also be ephemeral, such as found in visualization, sandpainting and medicine wheels.


answered 21 Jan '10, 02:52

Vesuvius's gravatar image


I am and have been quite connected to Sacred Geometry through my Art .

During the connection in the painting i feel the understanding lies in spirit be it God or any other deity the geometry is the tool given to understand the connection and the existence of creation itself.

Each one of my Visionary paintings speaks directly to the individuals soul and Karma connecting that particular soul to this physical life through colour vision and sensory imagination

The geometry in the paintings are like sensory connectors to our souls existence

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 21 Apr '10, 21:42

SHAMAN23's gravatar image


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