There are five known states of matter, solid, liquid, gas, plasma and superfluid ... the sun is a spherical star and consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields, its core temperature is close to 15.7 million kelvin ... plasmas are by far the most common phase of matter in the universe, all stars are made of plasma... is the hidden half of the sun cold and obscure ?

asked 07 Jan '12, 01:10

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

edited 09 Feb '12, 10:42


The Sun, I mean the star in our galaxy. Is demonstration of so much more than what you get out of it from scientific point of view.

You see how it shines all around, like the Truth, the Source and how everything else is in duality of its light and darkness?

(29 Mar '12, 03:46) CalonLan

@CalonLan - such a beautifully poetic comment, love it :)

(30 Mar '12, 01:05) blubird two

in other words "is the sun part of the physical universe?"

(20 Feb '14, 05:17) jaz

There is no "hidden half of the Sun"- we travel, in a year, all the way around the Sun, and we see all of it during the course of this year.

(21 Feb '14, 00:59) Jaianniah
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Hi Blubird, Our sun is a living star and has no hiden side. The heat and light come from itself on all sides and as our planets revolve around themselves and the sun they all get a chance to bask in its hot, light glory a side at a time.


answered 07 Jan '12, 06:24

Paulina%201's gravatar image

Paulina 1

so true paulina action with out desire.

(07 Jan '12, 20:11) white tiger

The hidden side the inside is where all the nuclear reactions are occurring I know is doesn't seem so when you see pictures of the sun you see a black center and red and orange lines around it but that is because the center in blotted out on purpose or it would be impossible to take a picture of the sun and see the individual explosions and flares.

UPDATE I just searched pictures of the Sun, things have changed a lot since my old days of science class! There are amazing pictures of the sun showing everything nothing blotted out even close up shots I have no idea how they got closeup shots but these are amazing!

alt textalt text


answered 07 Jan '12, 11:13

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 07 Jan '12, 14:22

Yes we can't see the inside so yes it is hidden from us as long as we can't see it. Just like the Earth has a hidden side but thanks to drilling and mining and sonar equeptment we pretty much now know what is inside of Earth.

(07 Jan '12, 13:53) Wade Casaldi

blubird you could say that the inside and outside are the same. like the cup. action with out desire. experience and enjoy.

(07 Jan '12, 20:14) white tiger

know what is in front of you and nothing will be hiden.5. Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.

(08 Jan '12, 15:02) white tiger
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i do not think so blubird. the in and the out are the same. and it produce light and with out light life cannot exist plant would not grow, animal and human would be missing alot of vitamine; and would all die from cold. but you can learn more about the sun:

the sun is like the heart of the solar system. where all the energy radiate from the core to all direction of its system.

the sun also have a life cycle and change along the way:

and when it becomes a white dwarf it start to cool down. it can become a supernova or a black dwarf or from its density it can create a black hole in space.

when it is dark it is pretty cold.

hope it helps you with your question


answered 07 Jan '12, 02:05

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 07 Jan '12, 02:20

yes but you forgot one thing about yin and yang. it can become wuji. To enter the gate of inexhaustibility And to roam in the fields of infinity. I shall mingle my light with that of the sun and moon, And will become eternal with heaven and earth. (11, tr. Mair 1994:97) the sun gives(action) with out desire. experience and enjoy.

(07 Jan '12, 20:09) white tiger

We all know that the sun gives heat ... heat is physical atomic movement,the faster the atom vibrates the hotter it gets. When we feel that an object is hot or cold, it means that our body is sensing the speed of this atomic movement ... so what about all the space between the nuclei of atoms where the electrons roam ? ... it is full of a subtle energy often named dark matter, is flexible and seems unaffected by the speed at which atoms vibrate.
Dark matter permeates all of space including our physical world ... it neither emits nor scatters light and so cannot be directly seen ... moreover it is believed to constitute 83% of matter in the universe and 23% of the mass-energy. So dark matter exists everywhere including the whole of space, within the sphere of the sun, the planet earth and our bodies.

This fits in with the Lakhovsky theory that the density of matter comes from the spacial void between atoms.

Whilst on the subject of matter, here is a quote from Chris Bourne ;

"Do you know that if you removed all the space that's in between all the particles in your body, there wouldn't be enough matter left in you to fit a pinhead. You are mostly space".

Though the idea that dark matter is cold and obscure is an intellectual concept rather than emotional and subjective.

happy hunting :)


answered 08 Jan '12, 08:48

blubird%20two's gravatar image

blubird two

edited 09 Feb '12, 10:42


blue bird what is matter? and what is subtle energy? you will discover something there if you can answer those 2 question. and it will bring you to question 3: what is the process that link matter and energy?

(08 Jan '12, 15:11) white tiger

Matter or energy or whatever it is called all is one for all is life/God. They are just different manifestations of the one.

(08 Jan '12, 16:55) Paulina 1

in truth you know the one in your presence. experience and enjoy.

(08 Jan '12, 16:58) white tiger

well think of it like this, e=mc₂ (cant get the squared thingy) but its like this, matter IS energy it is a physical form of it, not all energy of forces have it but it makes sense right? elecricty is electrons, in a whole screwd up way it works

(09 Jan '12, 10:32) dorain448329

matter: condensed physics, energy (Ancient Greek: ἐνέργεια energeia "activity, operation"[1]) is an indirectly observed quantity. It is often understood as the ability a physical system has to do work on other physical systems.[2][3] Since work is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length.

(10 Jan '12, 23:04) white tiger

The total energy contained in an object is identified with its mass, and energy (like mass), cannot be created or destroyed. so what is the link between matter and energy? if every matter is made from energy. and god is that light energy that created it self.

(10 Jan '12, 23:14) white tiger

blubird you think the the martial artis use imagination to use is chi? what tell you that it is imagination and that it is not something real since it is energy and energy cannot be destroyed? if you use imagination to go plug the light in the electric outlet. is the energy just imagination?

(10 Jan '12, 23:34) white tiger

no problem you are welcome my friend experience and enjoy.

(11 Jan '12, 16:37) white tiger

I heard this one theory from Bashar. Is he a quack? I don't know. But its an interesting theory. If you break down the atoms to the quartz, and keep breaking it down alll the way. You'll get an infinitely small particle moving at an infinite speed. That one particle moves so fast that it'll seem like its in two places at once, or three, or infinite. That one particle is the unit which makes up every single matter in the universe.

(29 Mar '12, 00:35) DiusPius

Hello DiusPlus, thanks for your comment ... here are my most recent thoughts on the question "is the hidden half of the sun cold and obscure" ... dark matter/dark energy can be described as dark fluid and according to the law of attraction if dark fluid exists then it's opposite 'light fluid' must also exist ... so the sun is a hot light emitting fluid ball and is also a cold non-light emitting fluid ball ... this fits in nicely with the yin/yang, have fun :)

(29 Mar '12, 02:26) blubird two

Another theory I heard about is the beginning of the creation of the universe. When the anti-matter and matter finally hit, matter won out just be a tiny bit, thus the sun is matter and lets out heat purely.

If stars consist of dark fluid, I'd assume that it isn't half, but less than half which allows the light fluid to be experienced.

*I've looked into Dark Fluids on wiki, but I don't see any mention of dark matter/energy being cold.

(29 Mar '12, 05:20) DiusPius
showing 2 of 11 show 9 more comments

Examine the different climates in different regions of this planet and how close the sun is to it during certain seasons. The sun is closest to the Earth during January and February. In the U.S.A. these are cold temperature months, in every state. Why is it that during January and February, in the Northern U.S., when there is a cloudless, gorgeous blue sky and the sun shining brightly above, the temperature can be in the 20s Fahrenheit? And explain to me this: why are certain states in the U.S. much warmer than others, despite the closeness of the sun, and the closeness of the states? These states aren't that far away from each other; not as far as the sun. Add to the equation that space is a vacuum, yes, but is extremely cold. The higher the elevation and the further away from Earth, the colder it gets.

There is the theory that the sun generates heat when its rays interact with matter. I understand but do not agree wholly with this theory. For instance, why are higher land elevations always cooler in temperature than lower elevations? I understand wind, shade, and cloud coverage are variable factors, but that does not explain why certain regions of the Earth that are lower in elevation are consistently warmer in temperature than others.

Not all heat generates light, and not all light generates heat.

Compare a human being's mass to the mass of the sun. Compare the energy produced by each. If a human being had the same mass as the sun, the energy produced would be far, far greater than the sun. Therefore, each human being does, in fact, produce more energy than the sun. This energy -- our inner light -- is highly, highly compressed within our mass. Each human being has enough energy compressed within its mass to generate an entire galaxy AND more.

The sun is a converter and a gateway. It is full of holes and is itself an enormous inter-galactic hole. It may appear to us a swirling ball of intense heat waves, but the sun radiates light, NOT heat. As for sides, the sun has no sides.

I suggest researching cold fusion and the production of radiation.

There is still so much we have to re-discover.


answered 20 Feb '14, 05:40

TGunn's gravatar image


edited 21 Feb '14, 17:06

the sun bring light and the opposite of the sun is a black hole that suck light in. as for heat the radiance from the light can produce heat when it make contact with different material of different colors. some material disperse heat faster then other and some colors absorb heat more then other.

(20 Feb '14, 06:45) white tiger

@TGunn- The sun does produce heat. It is created mainly by infrared light and UV light, which needs no "air" to conduct heat. Our atmosphere traps this light, and heats our planet. The reason it is cold in winter, even though in winter we are closer to he sun, is because of the tilt of the earth's axis. The light of the sun is not direct, but oblique.

(21 Feb '14, 00:38) Jaianniah

@TGunn- cont.- There is a bit of a lag between the shortest days of the year and the cooling of the atmosphere- which means that while the rays of the sun are getting stronger through January and fabruary, it takes a while for the Earth to catch up because it is so large.`There is quite a distance between the Northern states and the Southern states- the southern states are actually subtropical, with Florida (and Hawaii) being tropical.

(21 Feb '14, 00:43) Jaianniah

@TGunn-The United States is pretty large- France is about the size of Texas, for example. I have lived both in the North and on the Gulf Coast. I can tell you that the sun is +much higher in the sky both in summer and winter, and its rays are much stronger in the South. ♥

(21 Feb '14, 00:46) Jaianniah

@Jaianniah: thank you so much for your responses. Before reading your responses, I was editing my initial post and edits, which, on review, I now think were pretty damned daft :o)

(21 Feb '14, 01:29) TGunn

@Jaianniah:you may wish to peruse my most recent edit.

(21 Feb '14, 01:32) TGunn

i think what blubird was trying to say is that we live in a world of duality ... light can only exist if there is dark, heat can only exist if there is cold ... in duality there is always the opposite side of the coin ... the power of paradox is when you place yourself in a neutral position and can perceive both the negative and positive at the same time

(21 Feb '14, 10:53) jaz
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